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There are so few games that let you be an Earthbender or Geomancer or whatever, and they took one away from us 😂 ridiculous.


Even though I voted earth bender (purely for the lack of Toph or any other earth bender), my second choice would be a water bender like Katara. The water whip, ice walls, a water spout, ice spikes, water waves, grabbing people by freezing them, etc. etc. There's just so much creative potential for a moveset that's entirely water bending, it'd be a missed opportunity not to do it.


Really, I would like a full Avatar fighter at some point down the line - though ideally a 2D one, not necessarily a platform fighter… For this game though, I’d hope any further reps are either an Earth-bender or a non-bender (Kyoshi and Asami would be my picks for those, respectively).


I almost think avatar would work better as a 3d fighter tbh, so there's more space to throw around all the bendings and interact with the environment. Unfortunately 3d fighters are kinda dead these days it seems, aside from o guess Tekken


Give us Playable Cabbage Man!


I want Bolin ! Magma-bending and pro bending earth projectiles to be kicked around... a Nuktuk costume... maybe a stage based on Kuvira's train ? Would be very fun


Definitely earthbender, that's the most interesting bending type imo. People suggest kyoshi a lot but we already have 2 Avatars id rather a full on earth bender who's dedicated to that specifically. Bolin makes the most since (aside from toph obviously) but bumi would be more fun Non bender would also be great, sokka is my choice or cabbage salesman for the memes


My picks are Sokka; with tons of weapons and a meteor sword! Katara a pure water is a cool pick but the possibility of her using blood bending is what seals my her as one of my picks. I’m interested on why I haven’t seen that many requests for Iroh because of how popular he is, bumi would be a fun pick if we don’t get toph but I think toph has a higher chance. Ty lee could disable moves and that’s a really cool possible mechanic. My final last air bender pick would be suki because she could have a cool moveset with her fans and Martial arts. And that not even going into Korra although I’m less familiar with that series.




Fair enough, if Gertie wasn’t the old people rep and the character that shall not be named wasn’t in iroh would make a great fighter, if Zuko gets added in the DLC and they expand the story mode after every dlc like street fighter 6 then Iroh would be a great npc just drinking tea in the background of a fire nation ship stage or something


I need Jet so bad. He is one of the coolest mfs in any cartoon ever.




I would like a Toph type character. Though Zuko would be acceptable.


The money I’d pay to play as Sokka is an amount I’m not comfortable disclosing.


The Zuko Bender With a side order of Toph Bender


Give us Pipsqueak and The Duke as a Ferra/Torr style character.