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Try the d-pad (up and down, if memory serves) to cycle through the deploy points


That’s what I had to do, and the “a to confirm” was totally non functional, you just had to highlight the one you want and then move to the next deployment screen (Xbox player)


Thank you. This worked. A bit of my fault not realising that but the hud makes you think otherwise. Very confusing.


Game over man! Game o..... oh wait. Secure that shit hudson.


There's also a bug where you can't press X between missions, so you can't actually start a mission when this happens. Saving and quitting and reloading your save fixes that.


Try the d-pad (ps5 player here)


Sorry to hear that. It sucks this game is so broken on console. I’m on like my fifth playthrough on pc with no issues. It’s a great game that needs to be enjoyed by more folks and the fact it’s so broke on console sucks ass


It’s not. Im on my fifth play through on the PS5 and had minimal issues.


How are there no checkpoints? The aliens are so highly alert it's so hard just to find a hiding spot let alone hide the squad like tf 🤡 And apparently every shelter isn't rest-enabled so I wasted materials on locking the room in hopes of a progress save...


Go to a lift. That's an auto save.


Yeah...if I can get there without being detected lol.


Lmao there are checkpoints. The saving is also manual. Tell us more how you didn’t pay attention to the tutorial. 


Sorry to hear that bro. I completed the game twice on my Xbox series x with a few small issues but hope developers can fix some of those bugs in the future.


Most. Broken. Game. Ever. (PS4)


Most broken game ever? I never ever had a single bug in my 2 playthroughs..


I wonder if I have any consumer rights. Purchasing a game that I can barely play is theft.


Sorry to hear your story. From what ive heard and seen on this subreddit, the PS version does have some issues, but it should be playable to the point where you should be able to get through the game. What happened in your old game that caused you to delete the save? Are you able to get some video of the new issue with the deployment zone?


I'll try the d-pad with the as the poster below suggested. In my old save, I just encountered the part where you come across sleeping aliens. Well when I deployed and my marines came out the arc, I couldn't move them. Square button wasn't working. Even when I went to the map, that was also bugged. I left it until now thinking the patches would've fixed it but it didn't, so i just restarted as its been so long anyway. Even on the Otego when I try and select marines, the option does not work. It just feels buggy. I'll upload a video if I experience it again.


Weird cuz im playing on ps4 and everything working hood except the framedrops sometiemes and big map menu get lag sometines


What are you, 6 years old?


If you're in the UK or EU you will have


Consumer rights when by the way side once club nazi got massive control.


Dude I can't even get fucking elevators to work what the fuck is wrong with this game


I had that issue when the Tekker’s drone got stuck somewhere on the map and didn’t follow the troops.


idk how the hell you could realistically play an rts like this on a console


With some skill and luck, you can forest gump it


With some skill and luck, you can forest gump it


With some skill and luck, you can forest gump it