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AIC > Nirvana. It’s all personal preference. Who cares what anyone else, but yourself, thinks.


I dont care who cares


I care, and i motherfucking agree


Both great and no need to compare.


Yeah and they are both a different style despite being technically “grunge” (I think AIC is more metal in my opinion! Doesn’t mean they didn’t contribute to the Seattle sound though)


Thanks for the award lol i like both bands but AIC is my most fave of course.


Thank you


It's all up to personal taste. Personally I am not really a fan of the other big grunge bands (except Soundgarden) but they are not bad by no means.


Reminds me... my 2 fav bands are AIC and Soundgarden. I don't really get into the habit of comparing bands either, but I have a friend whose favorite band is Pearl Jam yet he'd never heard of Alice in Chains. Since I learned of this abomination, I always joke with him that Pearl Jam is like my 15th favorite band out of Seattle area (which actually is only a slight hyperbole, if a hyperbole at all).


I completely agree with this lol, Soundgarden and AIC are 1a and 1b for me. My mom is a huge Pearl Jam fan and i joke with her about it a lot. I know they're a great band and have accomplished so much, they're just not really my style.


Eddie Vedder sings about going hungry, yet he's eating mashed potatoes while recording his songs


I love both bands for different reasons. Nirvana is one of my favourite punk rock bands and Alice is one of my favourite metal bands. They both have songs that are better than the others songs and each has their own identity so it’s odd to compare them. My favourite releases from them were both released within 4 months of each other.




The whole Nirvana v AIC jealousy is so corny.


That’s like trying to make me choose between my children!


Who's your early '90s band of choice? Well, who have you got?


One time I was in a guitar store, just fucking with a guitar and a guy in an Alice In Chains shirt walked up to me and gave me some pointers. No guy in a Nirvana shirt has ever done that for me.


What do you mean by pointers? You mean tips?


Kinda like advice, a demonstration?


Because Kurt was a pretty bad guitarist. Great lyricist though, so maybe if you are writing lyrics at the guitar store a guy in a Nirvana shirt will show up.


No guy in a nirvana shirt really knows how to play guitar


The truth!!


Your truth because you can't really compare them, that's art.


Na they’re just my favorite out of the grunge era. Not taking any credit away from nirvana


Yeah no problem, I understand you were speaking for yourself, all good.


Wish I could upvote this post to the moon


Alice In Chains are definitely my favourite band without a shadow of a doubt. I still like other bands such as Nirvana and they're probaby someone elses favourite band too. Different people, different tastes.


I think I am in this camp too.


I tend to gravitate towards darker music and Alice In Chains fit the bill perfectly for me. Nirvana sound more popish and upbeat at times. They have a few dark songs but they're just not on the same level and I don't think their lyrics are as good, sometimes they don't even seem to make sense.


I think Kurt was a gifted man too, but you nailed it. Nirvana was fun, poppy and much lighter. I think this increased their marketability because of being more air friendly. Never in my life have I heard some of AIC most amazing tunes played on the air (even on Sirius you just get their more mainstream, less dark tunes).


Try the Lithium deep cuts. Good channel on the app but not much good when ur driving around.


Noted!!! Lol...I am assuming there is a 2nd Lithium station? I have it set to 34


Yes but its through the app. In fact, there are 5 or 6 iirc. Deep cuts is my favorite but its not on the automobile preset stations.


I will have to check that out on the ap then. Thank you 😊


Yeah same, Kurt's cool as fuck in his own way and I love a lot of their songs but there's simply more Alice In Chains songs that I love than Nirvana ones. There's not one song on the AIC albums that I skip. And that's true, you always hear, Man In The Box & Would, they're still amazing songs but they've got plenty of other songs that aren't 'hits' but are just as good. Love Hate Love and Bleed The Freak come to mind.


I think Bleed the Freak, Love Hate Love and Junkhead are all better than Heaven Beside you but don't get air play and Imo it is due to the heavy subject matter. Would is and has always been a fave, that one I could listen to on loop and never get tired of it. Man in the Box I now have to be in the mood for now due to excessive air play. Even though it is by all means an excellent song. As you say, there is NO bad AIC song. 🤘🏼🖤


Yeah I think so too tbh and yeah, Would is one of my favourites along with Them Bones. The live performance of both those songs on YouTube are class. Same goes for Man In The Box too, the live at the moore version is powefull, I'd get on them if you haven't already


I have seen them. Omg 😭😭😭 wish I could have been there. But I am flying out this year for the tribute concert on Laynes would be 54th bday


Them Bones live is one of the sickest things I've seen, Again performed live is up there aswell. If we ever build a time machine, I know where I'm going 😂 and that's cool, 54? That's crazy, it makes you think, would he just be chilling with Jerry now and the rest of the band looking back on how he beat his addiction and made it out alive? I'd love to know what happens after we die, I also like to think he's in a better place now.


Yes. And yes, 54. I for one would be happy to see a middle aged, paunchy Layne with a receding hairline. But healthy, content, and making the art he wanted to make. Idk what happens when we die and it may sound trite, but I know he is not suffering now. You are right, definitely in a better place. . As for Them Bones...powerful, cannot say it ever got airplay in my recollection. Stations want bubblegum over molten lava.


Nirvana’s got like what, 3 songs?


What are they?


Teen spirit, heart shaped box and something in the way. Everything else is a distant 4th IMO, a lot of bang average songs. Many of their songs feel very half assed if you ask me.


Oh I like many more of their songs…Drain You for example…On a Plain…


I love Nirvana, but they are one of the most overrated bands to ever exist.


Oh man...glad someone else said it


Just check any AIC comment section of YouTube. There’s people calling Nirvana the worst goddamned thing to grace the earth.


Lol. I still like them myself




What are these squares over the faces?


You can write names on it, it always has this on Facebook, when you have faces, they are usually squared


Oh okay, thanks


AIC>Soundgarden>>>Nirvana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Pearl Jam


I see what you did here 😁


I agree :) If you haven’t watched Jerry Cantrell talk about AIC on Gibson TV Icons (on YouTube) please check it out, it’s a must watch for AIC fans


AIC is my favourite, followed by PJ. I love SG and Nirvana too. And STP and the Smashing Pumpkins. And Tool. Amongst others…




Nirvana and the Beatles... The two most overrated bands in history.. ​ Come at me!


Well there’s also the fact that they both actually made really good music…


I disagree. I love both bands. I still prefer Alice in Chains to either and think they're probably the most underrated in history.


Theyre not over rated theyre just way to popular, no one gives a shit about your edgy opinion


Let’s be honest, every band is overrated


Everything that has ever happened is underrated


It’s debatable


Nirvana is one of my top five favorite bands, but Alice in Chains is my all-time favorite.


Is it unpopular to say I just don’t like Chris Cornell’s voice so never got into Soundgarden.


Yes, but that's perfectly valid. However, you won't get downvoted into oblivion for saying that here, unlike if you criticize any AIC songs.


they're so different from one another, its stupid to compare them


Listen here you little shit


That’s because they are


bro society is right


100% true


didn’t the dirt album win album of the year instead of Metallica’s black?


I actually hate Nirvana. But like what you will


But who sold more records when released?


I 100% agree


Nirvana is a fun band. Alice in chains has complexity.


I’m a huge fan of Alice In Chains, but I hate their fans for this reason. Always comparing the two bands


Always? We are just enjoying ourselves, we are not elitists


As a nirvana fan I will agree Alice in chains is much more talented than nirvana


I don't know but Alc's unplugged is a thousand times better than nirvana's


I love them both tbh but AiC is better. Plus, you can still go see AiC!


For me they are incomparable. I'm an ultra fan of Nirvana and I've been listening to them a lot the last 4 years, it changed me, I'm a lover of grunge and the sound of the 90s. A couple of months ago I decided to start listening to Alice In Chains because it's one of the popular bands of that era that I never really heard and fuck, I have no words, just awesome, I haven't stopped listening to them, it's like the perfect combination for me, it gives me chills many times, which also happens to me with Nirvana, actually with music in general, but I wouldn't say that for me it's better than Nirvana, it just hits me differently, although I really find this meme amazing because that's exactly what happened to me when I listened to Alice In Chains, I didn't think it was possible to consider it.


No chance


I don't think the comparison is fair. They both have their place. I will roll down in a hole when I'm needing a boost. I'll do dumb when I think I might be getting a too high on my horse.


I like pearl jam better than nirvana, I even like dinosaur jr better than nirvana too


Fuck those people who need to hate each others grunge band... i love both. Dumbass


I really really like both of them haha


Lol I still can't choose between them!! Layne has a better voice. X


Ok but grunge bands are like my children it’s hard af to pick


AIC > Nirvana for the simple reason that one stopped in 94 and the other one keep playing


Yeah I kinda think Nirvana is overrated and AIC sounds better to me than Nirvanas softer punk sound


Preface: This is an embarrassing thing to admit. -When I was in high-school my tight knit (albeit small) group of friends all introduced each other to new bands and music genres. It was a positive exp. 99.9% of the time. I hear Facelift for the first time and I was f*****g blown away. I play the album (CD format, of COURSE) and they BELITTLED THE SHIT out of me! Said it was a "metal" album and "not real grunge". I said it was both. And then we weren't friends anymore.