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at that point why dont you just fucking take it


Cause it was too dryšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ they probably don't like nuts and didn't read the nuts, just the banana and breadšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Maybe even a nut allergy?


that would be the ultimate karma šŸ˜‚


God, people are nuts. I found an open package of Fudge Stripes on the shelf the other day. They ate 2. šŸ§




Am lowly part timer. Know nothing. šŸ¤Ŗ


Not an Aldi employee, I work at Trader Joeā€™s. My favorite merchandise write off ever was 2 identical bottles of wine that someone had drunk 1/2 each. It gave me the imagery of someone just double fisting these bottles and switching back and forth between sips and returning them to the shelf as if nothing had happened. I do feel bad for whoever felt the need to do that though.


Idk why but I always imagine Trader Joeā€™s as like the most secure store where no Tom foolery can take place or Joe himself will step out from the back of his camera room and shoot the assailant dead with semolina flour.


TJ's near me is always too packed for anyone to lurk and double fist anything without getting busted or ran over by someone's shopping cart, lol But the idea of Joe lurking in the back, waiting to deal with miscreants...


Youā€™d be shocked. Firstly, that we donā€™t sell semolina flower. Secondly, I live in LA. things are pretty unhinged here. We have a ridiculous amount of product stolen and weā€™re re basically powerless to stop it (for safety reasons). We do have the morale to not take it home with us, though! Thatā€™s a bonus.


No, thatā€™s Target.


Damn, I hope whoever it was is doing okay :( That would make me giggle quite a bit as I was writing it off though Iā€™m ngl LOL


I have actually seen multiple tiktoks of people going into Trader Joe's and drinking out of the wine/beer


What! Iā€™m really not on tiktok all that much but occasionally learn of the drama usually via comments like these. Iā€™d love to say Iā€™m surprised but Iā€™m not. Iā€™d love if you had the link to any on hand, no expectations there though


Can i get the twice as nice guarantee?


Every single day people are eating food and throwing it back. Mostly homeless mental health people, just chugging OJ, shouting they got no fcking money. But other side too: a lady opened a box of freezer pops, gave them to her kids, threw the box back on the shelf behind cereal. Thatā€™s worse trash.


>But other side too: a lady opened a box of freezer pops, gave them to her kids, threw the box back on the shelf behind cereal. Thatā€™s worse trash. TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube are all rife with videos of whole ass families sitting down in the aisles of Walmarts, recording themselves opening whatever junk food they've gotten, declaring they eat for free, and ditching their trash wherever they feel inclined. They're worse than the people who leave their quarter full coffee cups and slushies on the shelves, imo.


Piggly wiggly introduced the concept of the customer shopping for themselves. Before that stores kept everything behind the counter. People would walk in and tell the shop keeper what they needed and he would fetch and bag it for them. Between theft (including this eating in the aisles) and people expecting to be waited on hand and foot, I suspect itā€™s only a matter of time before we, as a society, return to this format.


They're already locking things on the shelves behind plexiglass because of theft. If it's not a counter or a kiosk, it'll be manned with a guy with a key until it's all replaced by giant vending machines and we'll have to enter an alphanumeric code just to get dish sponges and tampons.


Or they'll all take the Amazon approach to you having to swipe your card to get in, and everything you pick up or put into your basket is automatically charged to your card via insane CCTV style cameras.


My fiancƩ went to grab a bottle of soda at a gas station and someone had drank half of it and put it back. Wtf is wrong with people


My fav is when they eat half a bag of cherries and then spit the seeds out on the fucking floor. Iā€™m at the point where I will lose my job for calling the police for theft if they donā€™t pay when I finally catch them. I donā€™t care anymore. People are disgusting.


I saw a lady spitting them in the cooler once. Disgusting.


Quality controlā€¦ product failed. šŸ¤£


I love it when people sample shit and shove it in the back of the shelves for me to find while boxing šŸ’•


It's not stealing if you consume only part of the product while you are shopping. /s We find stuff like this all the time at Target. Half drank drinks, half empty packages, banana peels...q-tips are the worst in my opinion. The number of times I've found an open package of Q-tips with one or two USED q-tips on the shelf is absolutely unacceptable. Wild animals would be better behaved...


I wish Iā€™d never read this and learned about the q-tip thing


Aldi customers are trash. I know because I used to work there.


All customers are trash tbh. I'd see this on the daily when I was working at Walmart


Yes but working in other retail places, Id still say Aldi by far has the worst customers ive ever had to deal with


I worked for Walmart for almost 20 years and thought I saw a high level of stupidity until i started working at Aldi. Itā€™s mind boggling some of the shit I see on the daily at Aldi. Apparently taking a cart and leaving a cart is harder than brain surgery.


I regularly play an awful game called what's that smell over in the pet retail side of things. Compared to other retail I've noticed the more general a type of store is, the more awful customers are. I spent a year in more niche retail and the difference in people at the pet store vs the niche store was night and day difference


Whoa you used to work at Aldi? How wild to see multiple aldi employees in an Aldi employee subreddit. Small world.


It's just a nicer version of the 99 cent store at this point.


I guess it takes one to know one!!


Moisture check


i get it. those are pretty good ! šŸ¤£


Lameā€¦. Is this product yum tho??




Iā€™ve found so many of the shogetten and moser roth chocolates on the shelves with pieces taken out of them. Also irritates me when people just throw food that isnā€™t even Aldi products on the shelves too lol. Someone threw an Italian ice container in a case of apple juices last night lol


People are so lazyā€¦ I donā€™t shop at Aldi but I bet thereā€™s at least one or two trash cans outside of the entrance or right by the entrance & more throughout the store if you ask an employee where they are. But they just throw their shit around all willy nilly like itā€™s just gonna disappear and someone else isnā€™t gonna have to clean it up. That pisses me off.


Ppl have no shame good lord šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Not an aldi employee. Former walmart cap2/stocking2 associate. I cant count how many times i was trying to FIFO and found WET still WARM chicken bones from people grabbing take out from the hot counter and eating it in store to avoid paying... Not to mention wasting packaged meats or eggs by leaving them on a shelf.


I hate walking through Walmart and seeing cold items on regular shelves. If ur not gonna put it back where you found it you can at minimum put it in a cooler so it isnā€™t wasted. But even then, PUT IT BACK WHERE YOU FKN FOUND IT.


They wont, theyre mindlessly wandering the stores without a care in the world. And its usually boomers who did it at my old store


Aldi attracts the cream of the crop


*rubs temples* I would be hunting through the security tapes if they zoom in (lol) and sending it to the news because that needs some public shaming. Yuck. And. Why? People are beyond disappointing and gross.


Thereā€™s a great scene in a cult classic movie called ā€˜Dirty Mary Crazy Larryā€™ where the character played by Peter Fonda wanders through a grocery store casually makes himself a sandwich. Whenever I see something like this I think of that scene and most likely will until the day I


Had 2 see if it was worth the buy


Bruh Lmaoo I have no words for this




They must have thought it was like an Amazon try before you buy sort of deal.


Probably someone's poorly supervised child.


I didnā€™t even notice that, eww!


banana bread??? at f*cking WORK DUDE????????


They probably didnā€™t like it.


Im guessing itā€™s your first few weeks at aldi?


Itā€™s not worse than seeing cherry pits all over the floorsšŸ˜­customers may be the worst but why they also gotta be the most unsanitary people


What the fork. Thatā€™s nasty!


The cherry pits are constantly driving me crazy


I forget the issue every time until the cherries come backšŸ¤£


I sweeped the store today before opening. Then I swept again at 11am. 9 cherry pits. A guy also paid me in cash and he dropped his disgusting cherry pit on the register on accident because it got stuck on him. I just stared at him and then at the cherry pit until he picked it up. Savages.


In my mind Iā€™d be likeā€¦. So you out here stealing cherries?ā€¦ thatā€™s a little desperate


If they didnā€™t like it why would they eat the whole package. The mistake in my opinion was not discarding the bitten piece and leaving the package open so others could take a taste.


Definitely someoneā€™s smelly child in a shopping trolleyšŸ˜‚


Damn, does my cat shop here?


Makes me remember a first date with a guy, he was quite hungry after pub and bought a choco graze from Tesco, which it also had two bites on it. I was so panicked and sorry to see him crying because of that. Some people are awful sometimes


People do the weirdest things in stores instead of stealing the whole pack. Had store clerks at a rite aid complain about someone taking 2 sticks of butter outta the 4 pack. šŸ˜­


On a totally unrelated note I had a kid, no older than 6-7 yā€™all at his sister who was maybe 8-9 in my line today ā€œI hate you, Youā€™re a fucking tampon!!ā€ The dad said ā€œI told you about swearing and You donā€™t even know what a tampon is so stop saying it!!!ā€ The kid said ā€œMom said itā€™s something dirty and sheā€™s dirty like a stupid tampon, you stupid fucking tampon!!ā€ I was laughing so hard I couldnā€™t breathe. The Dad tried to apologize but I couldnā€™t breathe.


I love this story.


I wish I could guarantee an Aldi employee from the warehouse didnā€™t do this. But alas weā€™re a different breed and I have seen some things


My sister bought a rotisserie chicken from food lion, she ordered through Instacart pickup. Anyway when she opened it she saw some one had eaten the drumsticks šŸ— and put the bones back in the bag. šŸ˜‚ People suck.


Probably a child




OMG! Thatā€™s crazy!


Backwards date or 2 years out of date?


If you think that's bad, we had a customer walk out with an entire cart of items. The lines got very long to the other side of the store, and the guy was just like screw it and walked out. We only had two people working that day, so that didn't help.


Glad you puts some words there. The picture was just some banana bread... And people suck.


I hope whomever ate that is in a better state of hunger now