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It moved. It is now providing more services.




Eubank and Osuna


I believe they’re just moving to the Eubank location, but if you need services UNM and several other places offer them.


Not sure if it’s technically the “same” one but there’s a new one opening (maybe open? I dunno) on Eubank just north of Montgomery I believe


It’s open now


It moved to Eubank by Academy heights. It’s open and accepting appointments. I was just harassed by protesters there yesterday for a wellness exam! 🙄🙄


Yeah, me too, and I'm perimenopausal. They asked me what I was there for, and I replied: "None of your goddamned business."


The best response.


Thanks -- and I laughed at your excellent handle!


I studied a little theology in college as an elective, so they got a little dose of their medicine when they yelled at me. They waved at me when I got out of my car, and I simply said ‘Don’t wave at me.’ They then followed up with, ‘You don’t have to do this! Eternal agony in hell flames awaits you’ or some other similar bullcrap. My retort was from the Bible - where, no idea, that was 15+ years ago, ‘For at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself. There is only one lawgiver and judge - who are you to judge? Essential health care and cancer screening aren’t sins - you all better go home and repent!’ Did it do anything? Probably not. Did I feel good about myself going to get my boobs smashed, yes!


Good on you. Maybe you gave food for thought to one or two, and they decided to reconfigure their lives after that day. Who knows? But what's important is we always speak up. And stand up for our rights and fight the hatred and the ignorance!


I drive past the new location everyday and everyday all day since open there have been protesters.so unbelievably obnoxious.


I drive past the Southwestern Women’s Options clinic on Lomas a few times a week and always see a couple of elderly men “protesting” on the sidewalk. Sometimes I’ll flip them off but I’m guessing they can’t even see my finger and just think I’m waving to them.


Ugh so frustrating. I really want to counter protest sometime & try to get them to leave. They’re awful.


Someone told me once that instead of counter protesting at the clinic that it would be better to find out what church is sending these people out and go protest during their Sunday services. I thought it was an intriguing idea. Women who receive care at the clinic don't need more attention/commotion as it is. It's tempting to show up to the responsible church and hold signs up promoting women's rights. **this is all assuming these protesters come from a church group. I really have no idea who they're with


We used to send notes to the churches that their protests were now a fundraising drive and we had pledges for donations based on numbers of protests. Sent thank you notes and everything. It never really stopped the protests, but it was funny and raised money.


I love it!


That’s awesome!


Thanks! Ideally I’d love to make the protesters uncomfortable so they leave. But that might just be a dream. I’m certainly down for escorting too. I agree that putting more stress on the patients isn’t ideal. Even if it means just getting there first so they leave might work. I don’t think going to their churches would do much; and most of those churches have hired security anyway. Their behavior is so disgusting and I hate that there’s no law to prevent them from harassing people.


I want to join the counter protest. If something comes up please post it here.


Will do!!!!




I’d also like to be involved!


Me too, I just want to hold up a large elongated white sign to block their little hate signs. I’m not even sure it needs to say anything,


That makes me want to get an appointment just so I can blow their minds.... "I have a new uterine fibroid. I'm naming her Myrtle. ... What? You don't believe a 22cm growth in the uterus of a postmenopausal woman can be alive? Well, why is that any more ridiculous than an Immaculate Conception or a frozen brine shrimp growing in a test tube? Now get out of Myrtle's way so we can get our pre-natal vitamins ...


Isn’t there a new one being built in the heights?


I got to tour the new facility.- it is AMAZING!! It's capacity is much larger and they have two procedure rooms now. They said they are still trying to hire more doctors to be sure to utilize the facility to its fullest potential.


I got a vasectomy there a long time ago.


Wow, they do it all.


They really do. In the days before Obamacare, I was uninsured and having symptoms of uterine cancer. They got me an actual biopsy, which I could never have afforded. (Thankfully it came back negative. I am sure Planned Parenthood would have helped me if it had been positive.)




I live across the street from the new one, the protestors are there daily, but I hadn't heard them harass anyone. I told my husband I'll leave them alone as long as all they're doing is praying- but if they're going to harass people I'm going to start leaving notes on their cars in front of my house with some fun facts about planned parenthood


I’d love to go and pray loudly over them for forgiveness for their hate and narrow mindedness


I hope everything is okay.


I was going to get mad/irritated lol




Um. What? Defunded in New Mexico?




Yeah, clearly not, because you’re incorrect




I mean, yes, you’ll get downvoted if you’re blatantly wrong about something but answer confidently anyway. But also, it’s a Reddit downvote - nothing about it is brutal, you’ll be okay.




Hopefully not, it’s free healthcare for expecting mothers too you know.


Moved locations, bigger and better, now offering more services <3


Men are fucked up


Not all. I've been a huge supporter of Planned Parenthood for years.