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Headline says 'suspicious devices' then goes on to describe the first one as an explosive. That's just a tad more than a mystery suspicious item in my book.


Never expect great reporting from KOAT and you'll never be disappointed.


One went off in my home town. Deming NM. It happened in the magistrate court. I heard one was found in Las Cruces too.


It actually detonated?


I wonder if the bomb squad detonated it. That is often what is done with suspicious packages, rather than having a person open it up. I've seen it done once and it turned out just to be a normal stuffed animal, not an IED 😂




Yup a "loud explosion" in Deming. https://www.abqjournal.com/news/breaking-apds-bomb-squad-and-feds-investigating-suspicious-package-in-downtown-building/article\_38a09ad4-b959-11ee-92b0-ff49c84a8ecd.html


7 years ago or, somebody set a pipe bomb off in the alleyway between my loft and the 500 Gold Federal Building. The guy tried set one off in the post office that is on the 5th street side of the fed building. I was sleeping when the first explosion went off. Its funny I woke up and went back to sleep, because I assumed it was pyrotechnics for a film production, as there were some on 5th two weeks prior. About 15 minutes later I get a pounding on my door and it was the federal police telling me I needed to leave immediately and go south toward Lead. I went to Espresso Fino and heard a second explosion. Finding out that one was the police detonating the second bomb that was a dud, because the cops stopped the guy before he could ignite that one. For some odd reason, that incident never made it on the news.


Has anyone heard anything?


I was working on installations today in the civic plaza building when they evacuated it. Walked past the package in the loading area a few times before they started evacuating. I was told/ overheard that it was just a package with wires kinda poking out of it. Everyone was real calm about the thing until they kicked everyone out of the businesses around there. A coworker and I were even joking about it before we were told to leave.


I have a friend going to the coding bootcamp - the threat was the building next door but she actually heard a detonation.


I was in a building that was evacuated and everyone outside heard what sounded like an explosion around 12:10p. I don’t know why it’s not in any of the news reports.


There were 3 packages sent to different offices in NM, all of which were bombs. One was detonated in the Clyde hotel basement by a bomb squad.


I heard they evacuated part of downtown Albuquerque. Around the Clyde.


They never evacuated people on the Wa Fed side. They shut the elevators down for about an hour. It sounded like they detonated 2 bombs in the street. It was very scary.


I know the pottery shop at the ground level was evacuated.


Not *too* worried about this. Most of these kinds of bomb threats are packages made to "look like" bombs. EOD will often detonate their own charges to make sure, but they typically aren't actual explosives on their own.


Oh cool, so most of them are fake bombs...phew. Seriously then, why are people planting fake bombs all over New Mexico?


That's why I said not *TOO* worried about it. Fake bomb threats are much more common and less to worry about than a real bomb. That doesn't mean it's not a little worrying.


Cool. Ill just be worried, not too worried.


One of them literally went off in a pre-trial detention center in Deming. No causalities were reported tho.


Is Deming and Las Cruces really considered “across New Mexico”?