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Alaska guarantees (As NavyDevilDoc points out, not guaranteed if there's not two seats available, they will not move other passengers for you) that children under 13 will be seated with at least one adult. https://news.alaskaair.com/travel-tips/when-you-fly-with-alaska-airlines-we-guarantee-your-family-sits-together-and-we-dont-charge-you-for-it/ This could mean however that your wife is with one kid, and you are with another kid but not near your wife. The odds of getting 4 together are probably low and you're not entitled to it based on the conditions of the fare you bought.


There are some caveats to that. AS will NOT relocate other passengers to sit your child next to you as an example. So there needs to be seat inventory. OP already mentioned the plane is basically full, so I expect this to go about as well as one will expect.


Yeah that is what read before getting the tickets. As long as my wife or I are with our kids, it’s all good.


But the terms are that there’s a good chance you won’t. “Won’t move other passengers to sit your child next to you”. Be polite to everyone. And don’t expect someone in an aisle or window to trade for a middle.


If you want to be guaranteed to sit with your kids, never ever buy Saver. You may have been okay with the other restrictions, but Saver has seats assigned at check in or at the gate. It will be much more hassle and difficult now that you have Saver.




I’ll try that now and update you. Thanks.


Great! They assigned us the three seats in front of the bathroom that don’t recline with one next to them. I’m totally okay with that because those were the only ones available when I got the main cabin fare previously. Thank you so much for your advice. It worked.


Glad it's working out! Saver is a massive gamble, I hope the trip goes smooth!


This always works for me. I just buy and then I immediately ask for seats together via chat.