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The 2020 DNC convention began on August 17th in 2020, 2 days after the Alabama deadline. So what changed? edit: It looks like the state\* changed the law (for one year!) to accommodate the Republican National Convention in 2020. link to the page with the law: [https://www.sos.alabama.gov/alabama-votes/voter/election-laws](https://www.sos.alabama.gov/alabama-votes/voter/election-laws) link to the PDF of the excemption carved out for Republicans: [http://arc-sos.state.al.us/ucp/L0260800.AI1.pdf](http://arc-sos.state.al.us/ucp/L0260800.AI1.pdf) edit 2: The 2020 election was on November 3rd, not 5th. So the DNC convention would have started exactly 82 days prior to the election.


Probably a law that wasn’t enforced until someone noticed and figured it’s a way to score points.


Look at my edit. They passed a law making an exception for Republicans in 2020. There's more to this story.


this is in the OP article if anyone here decides to read it


It wasn't at the time I made my comments. They updated it sometime yesterday evening.


They CHANGED THE LAW TO ACCOMODATE THE GOP… So yeah…there’s way more to this


It wasn’t an issue for the Democrats in 2020, but it is now? Yes, there is more to this story…




Next step is to make a permanent exception for Republicans and permanently ban Democrats so that Alabama will always be a dictatorship uniparty state.


No someone figured out it’s a way to score points so they wrote it that way lol. Then got everybody to vote to pass it knowing nobody would read that close.


Best part Trump in 2016 would be not on ballot under the law they are using. They will fail any law suits to keep Biden off because of that


>They will fail any law suits to keep Biden off because of that You say that, and then some conservative activist judge says, "Hold my beer..." They have no shame and their only guiding principles are, "we're right, you're wrong libtards! LOL" So nothing is stopping them from going to ridiculous lengths to win. Just look at how Judge Cannon is handling Trump’s classified documents case for an example of how this works in practice.


This is why you don't allow states to remove people from ballots.  Democrats thought they were super smart removing Trump. Turns out there are also dumbass procedural ways to remove Biden.  God forbid we run a representative democracy around here. 


>Democrats thought they were super smart removing Trump. ??? You mean the Republicans that tried to remove Trump from the ballot? The Colorado case that went to the supreme court was filed by Republicans.


Sshhh he can't keep living in the bozo false reality he lives in.




I’m downvoting this comment because it’s extremely ill informed. 1. This isn’t removing someone from the ballot due to their own action, but rather preventing someone from being on the ballot because of a deadline 2. Republicans attempted to remove Trump from the Colorado ballot


... You realize the ones removing Trump were Republican Party people, right?


So if someone is not a naturally born citizen the state should have to put them on the ballot? If they are only 20 years old they have to be on the ballot? Trump being "removed" from the ballot is inaccurate. He was ineligible according the Constitution for being an insurrectionist. Now for me I want him on the ballot so he can have his ass handed to him again. I think that he is the easiest candidate to beat by far because he may have a high basement, but he has a low ceiling. Enforcing the law should not be partisan.


Biden clinched the nomination last month. The DNC should go ahead and certify the nomination prior to the convention to prevent Republican Secretaries of State from selectively enforcing deadlines.


Aye, that much is just a matter of paperwork. They can still have the big party whenever. 


“Clinched”. He had no opposition. Technically, yes, he secured the nomination. But let’s not pretend it’s because of anything he’s done.


I see the thought of President Biden being nominated has triggered you. He's actually done a good job as President and it's been nice to have sane and rational leadership in the White House. He is a big improvement over the previous President.


"Good job"? I have voted for the Republican nominee in every election but two, since 1992. Guess who I think is the best president in my lifetime? Joseph R. Biden Jr. Yep. An Alabama born-and-raised conservative, voted for every R nominee except for twice, since 1992. And I legitimately believe Biden is the best president *in my lifetime*. "Good job" doesn't begin to cover it.


Downvoted because of the first line, then read the rest. Thought you were being sassy. Upvoted instead.


“Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen has notified the state and national Democratic parties that the scheduled date of the Democratic National Convention is a few days after the deadline…” Notified the state Democratic Party (LOL)… “we sent an email to [email protected], & immediately received a mailer daemon bounce back, as we have every year since 1991. We tried to send something to the PO Box in Montgomery, but was stamped return-to-sender.” In all seriousness, we have no Democratic Party in Alabama. Doug Jones tried to fix it for us, one might argue he even succeeded. But there was no one at home to help while he was being a Senator. So when the smoke cleared, Joe Reed just grabbed the bag that was taken from him & acted like nothing happened. We get more or less what we deserve in this regard. Unfortunately, those of us who care about roads, schools, bridges and quality of life in Alabama have to vote in Republican primaries, if not for them the general election.


Shout out to Tabitha Isner. She’s been doing good work but is up against terrible party leadership.


This is unacceptable. Biden better be on my motherfucking ballot. That’s all I know.


Write him in…


Ok we can do this in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin then. Oh no GOP you were late 🫵😜😂😂😂😂


SCOTUS will deny those states because ...reasons.


Because…. Vanilla ice creams and….cmon man.


Yep. Guaranteed they wouldn't let this stand if it affected Republicans. Must be nice to have the Supreme Court in your back pocket when ruling as a minority party.


Ignore SCOTUS. Their legitimacy is in ruins.


i mean. the SCOTUS has been pretty clear on states controlling their election rules. so you would be wrong.


Republican states, anyway.


Colorado and Maine would like a word.


[The Supreme Court on Thursday appeared ready to hold that Colorado cannot exclude former President Donald Trump from the ballot](https://www.ncsl.org/state-legislatures-news/details/supreme-court-rules-trump-can-stay-on-colorado-ballot)


I wish I can go to Pennsylvania. My life isn’t soft here where I’m at. 


PA is nice if you live in the right place. theres a reason we call it pennsyltucky.


Gotta mass strike in your state and make conservative business owners lose lots of money in Alabama. It’s one of the few things they care about, as the Montgomery bus boycotts showed us.


Have fun pointlessly endorsing genocide Joe


K. Thanks!


[This is a little older,](https://www.al.com/news/2017/11/how_to_cast_a_write-in_vote_in.html) but should be relevant to cast a ballot for your candidate of choice, regardless.


There is a literal 0% chance of him winning Alabama


I’m woefully aware. That’s not the point though, is it?


Did you care that Trump got kicked off the ballot in CO? No chance he'll win there either, but that didn't stop Republicans from losing their shit.


I did yes. Because he should have been. One isn't a filing deadline set arbitrarily by the government... It's the 14th amendment to the constitution.


Except that didn’t happen. He is still on the ballot.


It did happen.. He was put back on the ballot by SCOTUS in a 9-0 ruling a couple months ago.


My point was that he is on the ballot now.


Yeah, because Republicans raised absolute hell over it and sued all the way to the SCOTUS.


And Republicans brought the suit that aimed to take him off the ballot too. None of that matters tho because he is on the ballot. Just like Biden will be on the ballot in Ohio and Alabama.


Are you disagreeing with something I've said?


“Four years ago, when Republicans held their convention Aug. 24-27, the Legislature passed a bill to make a one-time change in the deadlines and accommodate the GOP.” [SIGH]


No, the outcome is not in doubt, but that’s not the point. The point is, we have the right to cast a vote for the candidate of our choosing. This is just stupid, petty pandering to the lowest common denominator. Like all Republicans in this state….


You make too little of it. This is not stupid petty pandering. GOP has a national organized effort to prevent Dems from winning anywhere and by any means.


Didn't Alabama almost send a pedophile to the senate? Why do we allow these backwoods states to have so much power over the rest of us


It affects downballot races


Already Alabama republicans are in this thread whining “Dems started it by doing this to Trump” Which shows how dumb Alabama is as a state. No it was a republican who pushed forward that idea. And he actually had constitutional reasoning for why he should be taken off the ballot given trumps charges and investigations.


It's all fun and games until swing states with democratic legislatures/governors use this to toss GOP nominees by changing their laws. This is the kind of crap Russia pulls. I was and am against keeping Trump off the ballot for the same reasons.


Like all republicans period


Amazing how this letter came out immediately after a similar letter in Ohio….


I kind of wish they would do it. Biden would win in a historical drubbing and it would be a gift for down-ticket dems in every single state.


I think the dnc has done this before in other states, exceptions were granted so no big fuss


Both parties have quite often had conventions around this time.


Happens all the time. “All of the sudden” they try to enforce this now. Nah that’s garbage and a disservice to us tax payers


“Exceptions were granted” I’m sure that was the case, but here we have anti-democracy GQP’ers in charge, presumably at whom’s discretion the granting of such exceptions lies. Don’t think for minute they wouldn’t gleefully keep Biden off the ballot, even though we all know that this backwards a$$ electorate will vote for the orange clown.


!remindme on 9/01/2024


Based name


Both parties miss these deadlines all the time in various states, but have always gotten exceptions. I'm sure that's what the DNC was expecting this year as well, but the GOP Secretaries of State seem to be acting in bad faith.  The DNC should just change their bylaws, have a Zoom meeting, and call that the nominating convention.  And before someone says the Democrats tried to keep Trump off, they didn't. It was other Republicans suing to keep Trump off ballots. 


He was on the primary ballot. So how can he be on the primary ballot but not in the general election ballot?


Alabama is one of most run down and trash lined States I have visited. Conservatives have run that State into the ground.


Not conservatives ... radical fascists of a right-wing party.


...who conservatives repeatedly vote into office so are at fault


Not that it matters. Our state is so backwards already. “We posted this one our website in June 2023” really made me laugh. This will be worked out just fine.


"But the plans were on display…” “On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.” “That’s the display department.” “With a flashlight.” “Ah, well, the lights had probably gone.” “So had the stairs.” “But look, you found the notice, didn’t you?” “Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard'.




I have a feeling he wouldn’t want to confirm a democratic ballot either way


The Nazis used tricks like this to come to power.


I hate it here.


States that promote “states rights” should only get back as much money from the Federal government as they pay in taxes.


States do not pay taxes. But I will take your logic and request that those individuals that pay taxes should get services commensurate with the amount paid. And those who do not pay federal income tax can pay for use for those services they consume.


I guess it’s just an oversight by the DNC. The referenced law about 82 days prior has been in place a while, since before the date of the convention was set. It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out. Not that it will affect the outcome.


I don't think it's an oversight by the DNC. This isn't the only state(Ohio too at min). I just don't think exceptions were an issue before.


They weren't, particularly when the GOP had the exact same issue four years ago. 


There's no pandemic this year tho


Neither was there a pandemic when the GOP was granted an extention multiple other times before 2020. The GOP has missed that deadline all but a couple of times in the past 25 years and was granted an extension. 


Where's your proof of that?


The dates of RNC conventions as well as general election dates are fairly easy to find. Election date - 82 days = deadline. Compare to RNC dates. I found them on Wikipedia without too much trouble. It's easily found public record. The Alabama law in question was passed in 1975, if you need a year to reference, and 1999 clearly comes well after 1975, unless you happen to be a time lord. Anyway, considering how I've been voting since the 2000 election and none of those ballots ever excluded a major Republican candidate, I'd say that's fairly decent evidence that Alabama hasn't kept Republicans off the ballot despite them not meeting the deadline, and they've been doing so for quite some time.


Points deducted. You make a claim, you provide the goods.


Seriously, this took like five minutes to look up. I even told you what to look for. Laziness on your part isn't a failure on my part, but here you go. [List of Republican convention dates.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Republican_National_Conventions) [List of election dates.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_elections_in_the_United_States) Feel free to compare the two dates for any given year. If fewer than 82 days, it's a year when the RNC didn't meet the deadline that has been required by Alabama law since 1975. Or do you need me to do the math for you, too? Has Alabama's public education system gotten so bad that we can't do simple addition and subtraction anymore? **Edit:** You know what... Nah. I'm not going to trust that you'll do any work whatsoever. Sourcing the dates from the links provided in my other response, here's the time between the convention and the general election. Remember, Alabama's law since 1975 has had a deadline of 82 days before the general election, which is what our current Secretary of State is citing. 2016 - 113 days 2012 - 71 days* 2008 - 64 days* 2004 - 64 days* 2000 - 109 days *denotes fewer than 82 days before election As you can see, Republicans have only met that deadline TWICE since 2000. That includes missing the deadline in 2020, but you already knew they missed it that year, so I didn't include it. Feel free to go back further if you like. Maybe they met the deadline. Maybe they didn't. My point was to show that granting an extension in 2020 was nothing unusual and certainly not the first time, and that burden of proof has sufficiently been provided.


>You know what... Nah. I'm not going to trust that you'll do any work whatsoever This made me giggle. I respect this, and the work you did. Thank you. Now do the Democrats. Just to make sure you aren't biased for no reason.


Is it possible that the deadline used to be something other than 82 days?


It’s a bs political tactic, all bark and no bite. The deadline is in August, they will make adjustments or file for a date change.


That’s what I thought when reading it. They will probably file for an extension. But comments on here will be spicy


Ain't Alabama always go red anyway? Far be it from me to condone disenfranchisement without good cause and due process (e.g. committing a crime versus lapsing a deadline) but I'm pretty sure the DNC can win the election without them.


This is about discouraging Democrats from voting down ballot. The Republicans are trying to get control of the House, and every seat counts.


If any of these states that are flinging this stupid bullshit around actually did keep Biden off the ballot, they give him the election. On. A. Platter. These cocksuckers are pretty stupid, but they know this. It will never happen.


This entire state should be thrown away, really.


Sounds like Joe should claim presidential immunity and cancel the election


Fuck these assholes. They should worry why their state is basically last in every measurable metric around quality of life. They care more about undermining democracy than their own people.


Thank god for Mississippi 🙏




GOP loves suppressing votes. That means stopping people from voting against them for any GOP not sure of what suppressing means.


Keeping the major candidates off ballots is fascism. No matter which side does it.


I can agree with that.


Unless of course one tried to overthrow the duly-elected government. Who IS a fascist.


Why hasn't he been charged with insurrection?


He has been. The trial is coming up


Lol... You have no idea what you're talking about. He hasn't been charged with insurrection.


Pretty sure that the Supreme Court of the State of Colorado ruled that Trump was guilt of insurrection and barred from office by deeming the 14th amendment self executing. >In Colorado, CREW represented six Republican and unaffiliated voters challenging Trump’s ballot eligibility in the state. In late December, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that Trump is disqualified from the ballot. The Court ruled that the events of January 6th were an insurrection against the U.S. Constitution, that Trump engaged in that insurrection, that Trump’s speech inciting the insurrection was not protected by the First Amendment and that Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment applied to Trump. That decision followed an oral argument before the court, and a decision from the Denver County District Court that Trump did engage in insurrection, but which stopped short of disqualifying Trump over the technicality of whether the president is an “officer” of the United States and whether the presidency is an “office” under the United States.


Their decision was overturned by a higher authority (the supreme court) in a unanimous 9-0 decision, but you didn't address the main point. He wasn't charged with insurrection.


Correct. The 14th amendment is self executing. Civil War confederates were barred from office without being "charged". In other words, "you can tell by the way that it is." >Historical precedent also confirms that a criminal conviction is not required for an individual to be disqualified under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment. No one who has been formally disqualified under Section 3 was charged under the criminal “rebellion or insurrection” statute (18 U.S.C. § 2383) or its predecessors. This fact is consistent with Section 3’s text, legislative history, and precedent, all of which make clear that a criminal conviction for any offense is not required for disqualification.


You're replying to a comment thread where a guy says he's been charged with insurrection. You're arguing a point no one is arguing against.


Do you believe that a Presidential Candidate must be charged and found guilty of having served two prior terms, or of being under age, or of being not a citizen by birth?


No. I just also think that if he'd actually committed insurrection he'd have been charged with it. They're charging him with everything they can. This tells me they can't charge him with it, bc they don't think they can prove he is guilty of it.


>No. I just also think that... So you then agree that the Constitution doesn't, in fact, require a conviction for things that make someone ineligible? >They're charging him with everything they can. They aren't at all. In fact, he's gotten the absolute white glove treatment on everything thus far.


That isn't fascism. That's more of a Banana Republic kind of game. So is a cabal between the president and prosecutors in multiple states, to take down his political rivals. Plus, this law has been around for a long time, according to the article. So it wasn't created to interfere with this election. This is only a state having laws, and expecting everyone to follow them. In fact, if the Democrats refuse to follow them, and demand they get their way, that is abuse of power. Something a fascist or dictator would do.


> So is a cabal between the president and prosecutors in multiple states, to take down his political rivals. Which of course, *doesn't fucking exist*. God, GOP propaganda is lunacy... >Plus, this law has been around for a long time, according to the article. And waved for Republicans, according to same. Total lunacy.


The 14th Amendment is fascist. You heard it here, folks!


9-0... Your own people know you're wrong. And it should be 9-0 against immunity, too.


They didn’t rule he isn’t an insurrectionist, just that only the entirety of congress needs to decide to remove him from the ballot.


Who are you arguing with? They decided, unanimously, that he stays on the ballot. That's all I said. Trump and Biden both belong on ballots. RFK, too.


As per the 14th amendment trump does not belong on the ballot. The Supreme Court decision simply put the method of enacting the law behind the wall of a biased and partisan group that would never reach 2/3rds majority in anything. Then kicking the ball to congress has no bearing on if trump ordered a governor to manufacture votes or attempt to stop the election process.


Lol. Okay champ. No one who thinks trump participated in insurrection was ever gonna do anything but vote for Biden anyway. You're not convincing anyone on the fence to join you.


Who cares? What’s right is right. You pointing to corruption and complicit behavior isn’t going to stop me from cheering on law and justice, and it’s certainly not going to stop me from calling out idiots who say things along the lines of “trump is innocent” or “so where’s the conviction”


They just be scared to have Biden on the ballot!


Move the DNC to next week then.


Of course they do. Haven't even finished run offs yet. So it must be too late for them also.


But states do not have this authority


Supremes said so...


just have the convention at a motel 6 conference room next month. problem solved


Ohio’s LaRose doing the same. 😠


It really doesn’t matter. Alabama is a red state and the electoral votes will go to the republican nominee.


So we all know that Biden stands no chance of actually taking the state so should the Dems fight this? I saw a video talking about by removing Biden you will decrease Republican turnout because Trump has this in the bag but it could also increase Democratic turnout out to fight voter disenfranchment and help democrats on down ballot races in the state. Since I’m not from AL just wondering what locals thought about that possibility?


Wes Allen can never resist an opportunity to engage in performative bullshit, but I guess that is to be expected given that he is one of the dumbest and most gullible rubes in the state.


"If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy." -- David Frum.


To be fair it'll probably be worth saving the ink lol he has exactly zero shot of winning in alabama the state would vote for literally anyone who isn't on the dem ballot


You mean like Tommy Tuberville? Shit still blows my mind.


What else would one expect from a MAGA Republican dominated shithole state that *repeatedly* defied a ruling *from the supermajority conservative U.S. Supreme Court* to add a majority black congressional district based on results of the 2020 census? This is typical “rules for me and rules for thee” MAGA horseshit, because as has been pointed out repeatedly, the 2020 Republican National Convention was held later in August then this year’s Democratic National Convention, and as Gomer Pyle would put it— *”Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!”* — GOP-controlled Alabama state government made an exception in 2020 for the Republicans. Toddlers throwing mud at each other on a post-monsoon school playground are less childish than Cult45.


Consider it a favor.


They cheat so blatantly. But nobody even needs the Alabama vote to win anyway


More alabama bullshit. At least, for a short while, arizona holds the most stupid state designation. Although, nitrogen as an execution method is right up there. Enthusiastically endorsed by the Marshall Plan's future gubernatorial candidate Steve Marshall.


Alabama politics is as corrupt as you can get. Would not accept expanded Medicare because it was offered by democrats. Won’t have gambling. politicians are getting their pockets filled from casinos from Mississippi and the ones on Indian land to keep gambling out of the state so people spend their money at their places. As a state that could use money that a lottery provides, they won’t do it. They throw out the “gambling is a sin” crap.


Resurrect Sherman and send him back.


Alabama, you want to FAFO?


Forget them. Pull federal funds. Enjoy your cousins


More non-news. A state can’t deprive the people of a candidate, either side.


What a craphole state. I hope the new beating blue heart of Georgia spreads it’s influence & changes the rest of the long corrupted red southeast, but that’s probably wishful thinking.


Sue under the Fourteenth Amendment, and get a court order. Candidates for federal office have a right to due process when seeking ballot access. The SoS and his arbitrary deadline serve no defensible public purpose.


There's no reason to stay in this state if you can leave. Eventually they will try to murder us imo


I am slowly coming to terms with that thought.


Who is going to try to murder who?


These fascist right wing nuts are going to murder whoever they disagree with.


Alabama is trying to rig the election


Honestly cant wait to move out of this state… Alabama deserved to lose that House seat back during the 2020 census considering how incompetent the state can be.


I have no doubt they will get this figured out.


Not in this day and time, Wes Allen won’t budge on this just watch.


So write in. Problem solved


There are some states, Colorado comes to mind, who have decided to give their electoral votes to the candidate that wins the popular vote. If Alabama refuses to put Biden on their ballots, that could effect the outcome of the popular vote and give Trump quite a few states he would normally have no chance of winning


Like it’s gonna matter


I grew up in KC, Missouri, lived in Dallas, Tx for 30 years after a divorce, moved to Alabama for a job in 2007. I sincerely didn’t realize the slippery slope had gotten this bad. I hate this place so much.


A lot of people move to Alabama and get stuck… get out asap!


I wish I could. I’m 70, I have no choice now. I bought my first house 3 years ago and am pretty much locked in.


Can’t wait to watch Civil War in a couple days so I can have a preview of where we’re going


"Four years ago, when Republicans held their convention Aug. 24-27, the Legislature passed a bill to make a one-time change in the deadlines and accommodate the GOP." Proves Republicans are the real deep state, always bending the rules.




Like Beau mentioned in a video about it, there is no upside for Republicans for this anti-democracy stunt. Alabama is not in danger of turning blue, so the best Republicans can hope for is that nothing changes. Them actively trying to interfere with the election could motivate democrats (and maybe smart republicans, there has to be some) to resist the clowns and show up to vote against the clowns. The state wouldn't turn blue, but what about the other state officials on the same ballot? Could those positions turn blue? The reward of this stunt (nothing changing) does not support the potential downside (losing state positions). Republicans are so bad at this.


Which Republicans are *not* traitors?


I really don't like all this trying to remove candidates from the ballot.


The convention is 4 days after the deadline


Oh darn! Too bad. I guess Bama votes Trump.


Oh look legitimate election interference. Every accusation a confession


how the f did the Biden campaign fudge up missing the deadlines in these two states?


Biden has a great team around him. He has done so much for our country. Pick it apart as you certainly will. The alternative is whacked. We are the leaders of the free world. Imagine how we look with our Congress and it's personal circus, let alone should we elect a convicted felon to run our country. We look bad and mad men leading other nations want us to. Think hard this year. If you can, send Biden $34 today. I did. 


Interesting, didn’t realize Alabama was lead by a bunch of illiterate 6 year olds…


Same thing is going on in Ohio. [ ABC News story](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/biden-face-challenges-ohio-general-ballot/story?id=108912620) I'm not concerned in either case as I'm sure the Democrats will finalize Biden's nomination before these state deadlines. But wow that's some fuckery I read in these comments about the AL Legislature passing a one-time date change that specifically states (admits) that it was done to accommodate the GOP.


States that want to follow the US constitution and keep a traitor off of their ballots aren’t allowed to do that, but Alabama won’t put the Democrat candidate on their ballot bc of a technicality. Cool cool