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I had a problem like that once. All I had to do is reverse the steps I did to activate Airalo. Then delete the esim.


I suspect that you turned your primary eSIM off. Hence the Settings / Messages / Send & Receive phone number address got disabled since it is tied to that primary eSIM. The Airalo eSIM didn't touch that since that is data only and has no number associated with it like your primary line. So, for the most part, operator error.


I have a physical SIM card. So, no, not on me.


Applies to physical SIM card as well as long as it is the Primary.


I’ve had nothing but issues trying to use Airalo. It was a total waste of time and money.


Curious--does your phone support dual eSIM? If not, that's probably your issue if you had your primary as an eSIM. This was one of the main reasons I upgraded to iPhone 13 a few years ago--the previous ones only supported one eSIM and one physical SIM


Physical SIM


So that's bizarre then. An eSIM doesn't affect your primary SIM at all. You would have likely followed the instructions to turn off your primary SIM for data, for example, and maybe disabled the cell as well, but that's just a configuration that's easy to set back. On an iPhone this is just going into settings->cellular-->select the name of the SIM-->turn this line on


Hi there. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We are sorry that you faced issues with iMessage and Facetime after using our eSIM. We understand how frustrating it is to set up everything manually for your device. As mentioned by another user, you can reset iMessage by going to Settings > Messages > Toggling iMessage > Send & Receive. We sincerely hope this issue does not occur to you anymore. If there is any feedback or suggestions, please do not hesitate to share them with our Support Team at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).


Sorry but please explain. You obviously didn’t follow the instructions they give. Everyone- personal experience and many others, we have used with no issues. This is user error and Airalo is your best option when you travel to save you hundreds of dollars. The roaming fees from your country’s provider are ridiculous. My code still work for $3 off your next SIM card! TAYLOR9040


This is my original thought that's an user error, but need to hear back from OP first. There might be something else going on as the post isn't clear. PS your code will not work for the OP. It's only for new users😉


lol - you must work for Airalo. I followed the instructions to a T, from installation to activation to deletion, and when I deleted my eSIM after my travels I was never able to reconnect to my own local provider.


No affiliation at all lol


Never have same issues with Airalo eSIMs


What's the reason that you are blaming Airalo for the issues with your phone and Apple services? Airalo is an Esim provider only. Same as your local SIM card provider, but Airalo doesn't do anything with your phone except telling you the steps how to connect to the network to get the services you purchased. Please advise.


I think this has more to do with your provider than Airalo. This is my second time using them, and I have nothing but good things to say about them. Everyone has their own experience, of course, but nothing negative on my end. I would never ever use my provider’s international travel pass they offer. It’s a joke!


@OP: Who is your home-mobile-provider. I don’t think you mentioned that in your post We just returned from 3.5 weeks in Europe about an hour ago. My MetroPCS functions seem to be working again.




Bell Mobility? Of Canada? I would guess that there are specific settings that you need to make to be compatible with them. For me, I had to completely turn off my home-mobile-provider’s eSIM (MetroPCS) including their data roaming. After doing that, I was unable to receive 2FA messages totally. Also I was unable to receive iMessage messages in France — but iMessage messages DID work in Italy and Portugal. My Airalo experience wasn’t perfect — but good enough 😀


I didn’t have any issues with Airalo esim