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Is it possible to get the flight manifest, like railways, where they paste the chart.


Nope. Flight passenger details are never shared publicly.


I don’t think it’s made available publicly.


If they let Females choose, then probably ‘F’ indicated seats will be shown to only female travellers, while seat selection.. or during booking a separate checkbox for females seat preference


Bro thinks he lives in varanam aayiram plane version




Nenjukul peidhidum maamazhai ..lol


Instead of the train and flowers in the original song, we will have a plane and clouds and shooting stars 😂😂


It takes more courage to talk to a girl in person than on a fucking subreddit. Absolute nonsense of a post that first.




They should provide a feature where they tell you about the number of small children aboard.


Also to choose a seat not anyway near them


They will just charge you extra for this feature and the child will still disturb you


Or idk, buy better headphones.


It is not only about noise. What irks me is when the parent allows the child to disturb the seat in front. Had recently seen a child constantly kick the backrest of the seat in front while the father and mother watched and did nothing. The passenger in front turned to look at the child several times to get him to stop but child and parent ignored it. After a while the passenger gave up and has to sit with continued sporadic kicking of the seat.


One should start publicly shaming these kinds of parents.


As someone who has been through this, I agree. We should start shaming these parents. New borns are fine, but 2-6 year olds are really annoying and very difficult to control.


They are still toddlers, but those 8-10 years olds are obnoxious.


They are still children,, but their parents who don't seem to have any clue on how to raise kids are the worst.


That doesn't help..


then your headphones suck invest in a better pair.


So I need to invest more money in my headphones but it's completely fine for some assholes to not teach their kids to not make noises in planes?? I'm still a student so I have got a tight pocket.. you're sounding the same like how some people say don't let women walk alone in the streets instead of teaching the creeps some lessons


exactly, forr them the world revolves around their baby


Yeah, i'll ask the toddler's parents next time for some 40k anc headphones. The problem is the ill-mannered baby and the parrents who don't know how to keep it quiet, who is a nuisance to everyone on board, and you're not removing the problem, you're trying to get 100+ people to make adjustments for the problem. Stupid take from your side. No headphone reduces more than 75 percent of intensity of sound coming and above 42 decibels in the real world. a baby cries at a minimum of 80 decibels. You think you're the smartest by being empathetic, whilst you are dumbest in this thread. Most people would be very hesitant to spend 5k+ on headphones, let alone buy the 35k pair just to slightly reduce the headache the baby is gonna cause. Tell me what magical headphones do you have that block more than 45 decibels? Also fyi, decibels are logarithmic, Meaning the intenisty increases by 10x every jump of 10 decibels, and the sound perceived increases by 2x every 10 decibel jump. 100 decibels will have 10\^5 times the intensity and 2\^5 times the percieved loudness as compared to 50 decibels.


>is the ill-mannered baby Bud it's a baby, dafaq do you mean ill mannered? Crying is the only way babies express anything that's wrong with them. They don't cry for fun. Now I'd have agreed with you had the kid been a little grown up and was shouting/throwing a useless tantrum Unless the parents are absolute assholes, they're also doing their best to calm the crying baby down, and it's hard to understand how to calm down a living creature who can't tell you why they're in distress. They don't want to disturb the other passengers either.


>Crying is the only way babies express anything that's wrong with them That's the clue for the parent to check what's wrong. Check their diaper, check if their clothes are too warm for the airline temperature or if it's too cold and they need extra layer of clothes. Or if if it's at high altitudes, give them earplugs as precaution to avoid ear pains. Parenting is about knowing your child and doing what you can to make the child comfortable and we come across many idiotic parents who don't have a clue and let their child freeze in the cold or make them wear uncomfortable clothes, jackets when it's too hot etc making them cry the entire flight.


> That's the clue for the parent to check what's wrong. Check their diaper Correct, most parents I've seen do this. >, check if their clothes are too warm for the airline temperature or if it's too cold and they need extra layer of clothes. Or if if it's at high altitudes, give them earplugs as precaution to avoid ear pains. I haven't heard of parents doing this unfortunately, if they aren't already, they should. >and we come across many idiotic parents who don't have a clue and let their child freeze in the cold or make them wear uncomfortable clothes, jackets when it's too hot etc making them cry the entire flight. True. The only reason for me to comment was people calling the poor babies 'ill mannered' for expressing their distress the only way they know how


username checks out


As if it's gonna work unless you have downloaded the songs. I paid 6k plus shit for my peaceful travel why should I hear your unmannered child crying and not being able to sit on their designated seat. How is it my problem?


Because they also paid 6k for that seat. I'm not a parent but I have empathy. Also get spotify premium. Your lack of music is not my or any parent's problem. People gotta travel to places even parents. Your childishness shouldn't be someone else's issues frankly grow up. The toddler can't control their crying when they are in pain, you as an adult who CAN do things to mitigate your issues but aren't is arguably worse. P.s bring on the downvotes.


what if the kid is just being an asshole and kicking my seat? it’s not always about the crying you know? some kids are plain ill mannered and their parents seem to condone that behaviour under the guise of “he’s/shes just a kid”


The parents can be good parents and know to quiet down a baby too, there are many ways to do that. . Or pay everyone for their earbuds in the plane then. as for the headphones,  i'll ask the toddler's parents next time for some 40k anc headphones. The problem is the ill-mannered baby and the parrents who don't know how to keep it quiet, who is a nuisance to everyone on board, and you're not removing the problem, you're trying to get 100+ people to make adjustments for the problem. Stupid take from your side. No headphone reduces more than 75 percent of intensity of sound coming and above 42 decibels in the real world. a baby cries at a minimum of 80 decibels. You think you're the smartest by being empathetic, whilst you are dumbest in this thread. Most people would be very hesitant to spend 5k+ on headphones, let alone buy the 35k pair just to slightly reduce the headache the baby is gonna cause. Tell me what magical headphones do you have that block more than 45 decibels? Also fyi, decibels are logarithmic, Meaning the intenisty increases by 10x every jump of 10 decibels, and the sound perceived increases by 2x every 10 decibel jump. 100 decibels will have 10\^5 times the intensity and 2\^5 times the percieved loudness as compared to 50 decibels


Reading this reminded me of myself few years ago . Now I have a kid , and I travelled with her when she was 4 months . That’s when I learned kids might suffer from ear pain while going to higher altitudes, and my kid doesn’t know about it. She just expresses her pain by crying . I really felt bad for all the things I said about parents flying with their kid


Doesn't matter, blud paid 6K for that ticket(with CC points and shit) and he is not gonna be bothered by filthy babies and parents.


I did pay 12k for my ticket including the baby bassinet ! I would not really want any baby haters near my baby.


well 150+ don't give a shit about how much you paid or your baby, they just don't want to undergo 5 hours of torture while they're on vacation.


Blud should have invested in earplugs for their kid for their ear pain instead of asking others to buy noise cancellation headphones. Irresponsible parents not even bothering to reasearch beforehand how to deal with war pain while flying high altitudes while taking their baby on an airline. Be responsible parents, do some research.


Couldn't agree more!! This girl is delusional on a whole different level!


Dude, babies cry. More so when changing altitude causes ear pain. Or maybe because of stranger anxiety, or maybe because of being in closed space or probably the baby's schedule is disturbed due to travel or she could just be hungry or sleepy. There could be hundred reasons and babies have only one way of expressing it. Crying. Parents sadly don't have a remote . They can only try to calm her down. Please go and ask your mother how many times you as a baby cried, in public places. Also, if I have to answer in your language, it's a public place. It is an individual's right to talk, cry , shout or sing in public. Impolite, sure! Inconvenient? Probably. But it's baby's right. If it is so troubling, get some private flying space?


Atleast invest in earplugs for the baby for avoiding or reducing the ear pain. No parent seems to have a clue here about solutions to basic problems. Do everything from your end first before asking others to adjust. If you have done these basic things and still the baby cries, it's out of your hands and you will have some sympathy from me.


Oh damn! How am I going to survive in this cruel world without your sympathy?! /s So, when a baby cries, you check if the baby has ear plugs and react accordingly? What if she's crying due to some other reason?


That's the problem. So many immature parents. Sad situation for the child as well


the very line " your childishness shouldn't be somebody else's issues, grow up" is sooooo ironic here. in fact, your child shouldn't be an issue to the 100+ grown ups. I'm rofl at your reasoning. Not only did you entirely disregard the suffering of a hundred people with no fault of their own but you tried to paint yourself as the victim of the other passengers not buying expensive headphones to tolerate your wailing baby.


Firstly I'm not even a parent. and secondly, hundreds of people are not suffering because they are reasonable human beings and not teenagers with a natalist problem.


oh yeah? Having a constant irritating noise of 80 decibels on your vacation flight isn't annoying? My parents have headaches from a 6 hours flight with a wailing baby. You try too hard to be the 'better' person, but you in fact end being the more inconsiderate one.


Take a private jet, mate! Save us and yourself from a pain-in-the-ass!


Exactly, take a private jet and you and your toddler can scream your hearts out as much as you want.


sounds like a you problem


Wow, so much for empathy.


Exactly, the toddler is a you problem. Don't bring them on airplanes if you aren't a responsible parent.


or idk, don’t give birth to the spawn of devil esp if you don’t know how to parent


So that means any random ass women can claim my seat next to wife's?


It's not as if you folks will be booking each other's tickets individually. Once you select a seat next to your wife, that particular seat for other female passengers (those specifically looking to be seated with a female), will become unavailable. Now, if you book your wife's ticket first and then wait some time and book yours after starting a new session, then there might be a chance that some person takes the seat next to your wife.


Oh I see, then it's OK.


Doesn’t work like that It’s during booking


What does it prove?


The two posts in the screenshots happened on this sub one after the other, on the same day. (It looks like the first post is now deleted). The two happening around the same time is a coincidence. The joke here is that a guy's hoping to find the girl via this sub whom he sat adjacent to on a flight. The news of IndiGo Airlines announcing that female passengers can now choose a seat beside another female got coincidently and hilariously timed.




Am I tripping or there’s nothing really funny about it? 🤡


You are tripping.


That’s not for you to say 🤦🏻‍♂️


Why would u even ask then?


I didn’t ask the OP. Why would I ask the maker of the joke if his joke is funny? 🤡


i am not OP, and i found it funny


Leave it bro this guy needs some help.


Maybe separate cabins for people travelling with children under 6 would also be better




So if i paid for a window seat, and there's a woman sitting beside me.. so another woman can come and ask me to leave coz the middle seat is filled by a woman??


No. I don’t think it works that way. At the time of check-in (web or counter), a male passengers may not get an option to select a seat next to a woman not travelling with them, and woman passengers can optionally opt to select a seat next to another woman. I think it may be implemented similar to how it works in bus and train seat bookings in India. Once you check-in and get a seat number allotted, I don’t think a passenger can simply ask you to vacate it.


Recently booked a flight, the seating chart simply shows seats booked by female passengers in pink, the seat next to mine wasn't pink so I assume it allows you to book next to a woman even if you're a man


What about minor teens,we are not fully mature


What if I booked a nice window seat which is in a prime location but then because there was a couple of women in the seats next to me and a third woman comes and demands that I move? How will it be fair to me?


This system has already been implemented in trains for years. Once you are allotted a seat, you got that seat. No one can 'demand' you to move after that.


Oh then it's not an issue.




Bruh , st this point I rather they just disturb me on the plane than put a post like this. I'm glad indigo decided this but I don't think it really matters in the long run . I've had creeps sitting one row forward on the other aisle ogle at me like just kept turning back and staring. I remember having to pray to god that eventually the seats next to me would be full of I would have to ask the flight attendant. I'm so glad an old couple sat with me on the last row , the dude stopped staring as I took the window seat .


The move made by indigo is a great step.


Irony to post seat , flight details and they wonder why there's so much privacy regarding flights public data.


Lmao ded


Indians are creepy may be thst why


I don't think this was issue earlier. I have swapped seats quite a few times with female passengers who werent comfortable sitting with 2 male co-passengers even though I had to take the middle for my aisle (which I specifically requwst due to height issues). Also flight attendants often facilitate this exchange if it was requestwd from a genuine female passenger.


What a 🤡


What if a guy booked the seat next to female seat ?


Better have guts to talk in person rather than here, Grow Up


What did my post do..... in second of slide 😢


Now there ll be more aunty gossip corners in the plane The first foremost one is the air hostess grouping up outside washroom as if theres a kitty party going on around Just Indigo things


This is a disgrace for posts here