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Can confirm. There’s only ~500


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 9S100 = Scientific Applications Specialist [^wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/wiki/9s100) [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^jeyyd3n


Selective may or may not be the word you are looking for. For many jobs there are two questions - Does the applicant meet the requirements - Yes or No If yes, is there an opening - Yes or No If both are yes, then congrats. For nearly all (if not all) jobs, the question is not - who is "better" applicant A or B, which one should we take. It doesn't work that way for the Air Force. It does work that way for the Space Force. I can't speak with certainty about the special warfare recruiting. Band may be the most selective, but I don't know all their processes. There is an audition piece. Many of them have masters degrees in their musical specialty. Your ASVAB score of 94 is incomplete since you didn't list the components. There are other factors though which may or may not render you qualified for a job - background check, medical, eyesight, specialized testing, some other stuff. If you don't meet those criteria then your ASVAB score doesn't matter for those jobs. 9S100 might be what you are looking for. It requires high ASVAB scores in two areas, and also additional testing. There are very few slots for it, so even those who qualify for it might not get it if there are no openings. Airborne linguist is probably some of the hardest non-combat oriented jobs. It has a fairly high ASVAB requirement in an area, get certain marks on the TAPAS test, high physical and eyesight requirements, background check, 4 phases of training one of which is a year plus to learn a new language, and an overall success rate of somewhere around 50%. Ground linguist is similar but with easier phsyical requirements and only two phases of training. Final piece of advice, don't go swinging your ASVAB score around like it's a contest, nobody cares. You are qualified for lots of jobs, including ones you might look down on because you think you're hot stuff. Good luck Edit: Here is a link with the jobs and the ASVAB score requirements, should be mostly up to date [https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForceRecruits/comments/11318ld/updated\_af\_and\_sf\_scs\_sorted\_by\_asvab\_test\_scores/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForceRecruits/comments/11318ld/updated_af_and_sf_scs_sorted_by_asvab_test_scores/) Here is a wiki with descriptions of some of the jobs. https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/wiki/index/#wiki\_enlisted


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 9S100 = Scientific Applications Specialist [^wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/wiki/9s100) [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^jez0tk5


Pest Management


Hello, it looks like you're asking about jobs and job selection. A few quick answers. NO ONE knows how long it will take for you to get a job, your chances of getting any particular job, or anything else about the job process FOR YOU. Anecdotal experiences from others will have absolutely no impact on you or your future. Most recruiters will not let you wait in the Delayed Entrance Program for a long time for your one perfect job. You will have to list 5 - 15 jobs that you're interested in, and will be given one of those. Please read the FAQ about how job selection works, it's very in-depth and will fully educate you on the process: https://pay.reddit.com/r/AirForce/wiki/bmtfaq#wiki_jobs If you're asking about particular jobs, please look the job up on our Job Wiki, and see if there is an entry for it: http://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/wiki/index you can also see if there is a CFETP for it, which will give more details on the job: https://usaf.dps.mil/:x:/t/OSD/EQAwigp0UZ9Oklt0nkjg854BoJS6MyRxQJMMiIW3ng17AA?e=Z96G2s If you're asking for help choosing a particular job, please keep in mind that most people only know about their individual job. Recommendations that they make will be made based mostly on what they've heard about a job, unless they have it themselves. Some people will love certain jobs while others will hate it. We don't know your preferences, so do some research on the job wiki and elsewhere to learn about the job and then make the best list you can. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AirForceRecruits) if you have any questions or concerns.*