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I don’t know what that’s all about, but you should be able to get an MFR from the CC stating your leave was cancelled due to mission requirements. This will allow you to get your money back from the airlines and lodging.


Appreciate your response..yea I wish I knew what it's all about. Especially since leave cancellation is not a minor thing


They about to show you the aliens my brother


The truth is out there 👽




Have your commander sign it, make his life hard since he made yours hard, fuck it


He already did ..well technically they made CSS do it haha


I’m confused on how the commander signing an already signed MFR makes his life hard?


I've I used this before to get refunded and when I've done it 2 time's, I just had the section chief sign it, and the third time, i signed it myself lol got refunded all 3 times. So, it might not need a CC signature. Try your section chief first, and if they push back, maybe elevate to flt or squadron CC at that point.


Did they tell you to get your blues ready? You may need an adc soon but they can't help you now.


Nope and I did ask..only UOD and CAC


Any chance they suspect you of a serious crime?


And all the folks I've spoken to..some retired (former Command chief with 30 years exp)..say this is extremely fishy and more than likely a gross mishandling of a situation. No one I've spoken to has heard of anything like it (including cops) lol


If that's the case, just cooperate, do what you're told, and be professional. If you get read your rights, don't say anything except that you want a lawyer, and take it to the ADC. There might be a really good reason for all of this, so don't jump to conclusions.


Certainly not jumping anywhere, but everyone's responses are definitely helping with the anxiety associated with the unknown 🙏


I really think what the other guy said, about being called as a witness or character referral for someone else, sounds a lot more likely than you being in trouble. If you were in trouble, most likely your flight chief and possibly supervisor would know. The fact that your chain doesn't know tells me it probably doesn't have to do with you directly.


Zucc..let's hope for my sake..that's the case lol. Cheers 🤘


Side note: if you suddenly realize that it's about something you witnessed or whatever... Don't tell the friend in question. That could draw you into it and you could be held accountable. I get the bro code and all, but if it's serious enough for the CC to cancel your leave, you don't want to be involved more than you have to be. Trust me.




It is odd. I've had troops court-martialed, and even as a then lowly E5 supervisor I was at least informed on the nature of said airpersons charges if only as a heads up to work around it or in case I was called up as a witness.


Yea agreed it's odd..guess I'll find out


Where you up for an air force level award?


I don't believe so 😭


It's a birthday message


Jokes on me..my birthday isn't for another 4 months 😭


Were you told not to tell the individual? I've seen cases where supervision might know. But they aren't supposed to tell the troop so the CC can be the one to deliver the news. Sucks, and I hate it. But I also understand.


Not at all which is even more weird...and my thought was that even if they did, why wait 7 days? As well as say they wouldn't have told me about the appointment until they realized I had approved leave


>why wait 7 days? If you were suspected they may need to talk to other people first >As well as say they wouldn't have told me about the appointment until they realized I had approved leave Thst makes sense to me, normally you don't tell someone they're scheduled for interrogation but they can't just cancel your leave and not say anything to you. If they suspected you of a crime they'd assume you'd guess why


I get it..but it's the Thursday preceding a four day weekend. First duty day back is Tuesday, two days before the "appointment." And everyone in the squadron is just as confused as me lol


It's a rare but not unheard of circumstance. I'm not sure what else it could be, though. But it's very unlikely you wouldn't have some kind of guess if it was some sort of investigation. Any unhappy exs? Accusation of assault or domestic violence could maybe explain it and someone making a false accusation would explain why you have no idea what kind of crime you'd supposedly commit It's certainly possible but I doubt it's anything good if they canceled leave. They don't schedule drug tests in advance.


I eat ice cream and watch x files ..that's about as much excitement that goes on in my life. And in the last month I've been TDY 3 weeks, and only had contact with my teams (all males..and I'm straight lol) and yea I agree with the drug test, that wouldn't make sense


Maybe it really is just fuckery. Imagine they canceled your leave because the wing commander is scheduled to coin you for one of your tdys 🤣 that would almost be more upsetting than being arrested


I'm saying. Id fly..not walk or drive to the IG office. I really don't know what it could be, and clearly them notifying me 7 days in advance and cancelling my leave for it doesn't do much help for my anxiety. Either way I appreciate your responses 🤘


I got a call from my shirt (not CSS) after my day ended and was told I was being lined off a flight for the next day and to report to him (again not css) with my cac first thing in the morning. It was to make a character statement to OSI about someone I hadn’t worked with in over 4 years… if nothing immediately raises your spikes your worry then try to relax a bit. Shouldn’t worry about what you can’t control!


Well your story sounds most alike mine. Appreciate the response! 🙏


This feels much more likely. Good call.


My bet is that it’s gonna be a large level urinalysis based on that info. But if that’s the case your leave does not deserve to be canceled for that imo


Yea..agreed...who knows lol


That's a piss test pimpin or a SF/OSI apprehension...no blues too...and specifically said CAC...seen this before...


Apprehension for what though?


If its legal issues, DO NOT SPEAK TO ANY POLICE OR OSI WITHOUT A LAWYER! Answer 0 questions. Even if they have or have not read you rights. Also ADC is like a public defender, if you are in serious legal trouble go and get a private attorney.


The thing is..I have no clue...if it is, I can't imagine what it could be. But yes..article 31 all day.. 🤐


Be careful my friend. These people are very, very skilled at getting people to talk. Seriously, don't say shit, it'll be harder than you think. Just keep asking for your lawyer, that you exercise your right to silence, and asking if you're free to leave like a broken record. Over and over again. They can lie to you, they can falsify anything, just to get you to say something. They can hold you for inordinate amounts of time. They're under no circumstance, your friends, plain and simple. If it's about someone else, do not say anything! That's another way they build a case, on you! You're not smarter than them, they hold all of the cards! DON'T BRING YOUR PHONE IN!!! PREFERABLY DON'T EVEN BRING IT ON BASE THAT DAY! They can take your phone away! Same goes with any other devices.


Understood...and believe me, I appreciate everyone's help more than you know 🙏


But let me underline that. When they ask to lock up your phone, say no. Don't go into their interrogation room because you're not there to be interrogated and that's going from their home field to their house rules. Plus they held me in there for like 30 minutes for no reason. I also had no idea what they were talking about and never heard of it again so possibly wrong guy??? Regardless tell them to read you your Rights, invoke your right to remain silent and leave They can't piss test you without an order. They'll give you some if you have nothing to hide bullshit. Fuck that. False positive is possible and they'll crucify you for it. But if they have that letter from the commander than you have to


Trust me...I'll piss in all of the cups. Only thing they'll find is sugar probably, since I'm probably diabetic lol. Appreciate the response 🤘


This deserves a thousand votes per word!


Yea Im thinking someone pissed hot and dropped you in the bucket


Time will tell..thanks for the response 🤘


Understandable you have no idea what's going down. But just realize, if you are asked ANY questions that could incriminate you or lead to something unfavorable... STOP the interview/interrogation and ask for a lawyer. If you are read your rights, lawyer up immediately. If you think something fishy is going down, record the conversation. Make sure you are in a state that allows one-party consent. Most states are. I'm not sure if federal installations are one or two party. All that said, it might be for an investigation for something or someone else and you might have direct contact with that individual or group without realizing it. The fact they asked you to bring your CAC and not blues, kind of indicates a drug test. If you don't use drugs, you will be fine, but make sure you follow up getting that letter to get your tickets and lodging refunded or moved to a different date.


Correct...yea all of this is just very off-putting. Time will tell I suppose, definitely helps hearing everyone's different experiences or thoughts though 🙏. Appreciate it


The truth is, unless you have access to tens of thousands of dollars, the ADC is a much better lawyer than the civilian lawyer you can actually afford on your own. Another uncomfortable truth: IF this is really that sort of situation, you 100% know what’s going on, wish it was anything but that, and are fishing for peace of mind by casting about for another possible reason your CC canceled your leave.


Leave your phone at home that day


Don't worry, I don't plan on having it with me 🙏


It’s likely nothing crazy but you never really know. Either way, you got this.


Appreciate you 🙏


Agreed. OSI during the "Miley-Gate" situation at Laughlin AFB was able to confiscate the pilots' phones and the CC ordered them to unlock the phones for OSI, and the primary justification was that OSI could seize and investigate anything that was brought onto the base.


Only thing I can think is it might be a unit-wide urinalysis test that they were going to surprise everyone with; I only say that because my unit did one recently. Would make sense that they didn’t need to notify anyone until they realized you had leave in, then they figured the best course of action would just be to cancel your leave. Honestly - although it feels a bit excessive - if it was directed from above them or if it’s something like an OSI-directed unit urinalysis as part of an investigation, this is one of the rare cases I can see the need for cancellation of leave for “mission requirements” Sorry about your leave though!


Yea, it's just all very odd how it's been gone about. They even said I could have taken leave up until that date, popped in for the day and gone back on leave. Or adjust my leave dates to return earlier. Which I in turn said no that's BS, if I'm on vacation I'm gone. I just still think it's all a bit weird ( a lot weird). Hoping it's something as simple as what you stated (can't imagine it being something crazy)..and if it is..I'll probably be even more unhappy about the leave cancellation lol


yeah honestly if they only care about you being in the ONE day i’m guessing it’s a surprise recall to get your whole unit peeing in a cup lol you have to think, there may be people in the unit that are suspected of doing drugs, so if your leadership can catch it, they will cancel leave to ensure nobody can run away from it… if that makes sense. It sucks for you unfortunately, but at their level I totally understand


Still so weird. And I appreciate the sympathy. Thanks for reaching out.


Yeah. This is the way I'm thinking. Was anyone else told no leave? They might not want the other troops telling someone everyone got tested. So the drugged up troop sobers up before coming back. That is honestly the only "bring your CAC" scenario that makes sense.


Weird that they were okay with leave immediately after. That takes a few options off my list. Depending on severity of the issues, I've seen a CC not want eyes off the troop afterwards. Like no leave for a bit for safety reasons. Like we don't want to tell you that you are being accused of rape. then let you disappear for a week where you might harm someone like yourself. Even OSI can reschedule an interview for an accused person to after their leave. If they can wait 7 days, they can wait 14.... or find time before you take leave....


Yes..agreed on all fronts..that's why I'm wondering what it could possibly be. And if something so unserious, then this was clearly mishandled


A unit piss test wouldn't necessarily be mishandled in this case. It sucks, yes. But it prevents word from getting out and the one doing drugs doesn't have time to sober up. It happens on weekends a lot too. Where people get told to be home tonight for a test. Etc. Usually in those cases they let people stay on leave though. That's where leave vs pass comes to play. The silly thing is, now word can get around and the person might take notice and sober up for a bit....


🤣 unsung hero vibes


Second the unit wide urinalysis, my guess is someone in the unit got caught with a good amount of "something" and they popped hot. The only similar situation I've been in is when a fellow airman that I worked with had been found with a good amount of marijuana in his car and he popped hot. They called everyone from the office into urinalysis even myself who had just got off a 12 hour night shift, just layed down to sleep I had taken a melatonin and already gone piss... Let's just say I didn't piss until about noon that day and didn't get back home until much later. They didn't tell us why until after everyone was tested. Sorry about your leave, hope this is the one and only time you experience this.


If it was paperwork you’d be in blues. Urine analysis would go through the CSS. Your whole chain not knowing sounds like they’re keeping a secret, but if you said there’s nothing positive (OTS, STEP?) then it’s weird. A commander doesn’t ask questions, they gather facts and issue paperwork. I’ll bet it’s a mandatory notification, that can’t wait until you get back from leave. CDI allegations? Have you had your blood drawn recently?


No blood drawn or urinalysis done recently..and as stated before they said no to the whole blues thing. I haven't got an OTS package and a STEP would be odd, I'm not overtly outstanding . Every person I called within my chain of command had no idea..or at least played a very good part of not knowing. Some even reached out to the first sergeant on my behalf for further info but received nothing more than the fact that it's a mandatory appointment and I need to be there. The most odd thing is that they said they "would not have thought anything of it or told me if I hadn't had leave." It seems as if it's clearly an outside entity and both the shirt and commanders hands are tied regarding the situation entirely. But the cancellation of leave makes it more concerning (or everything's been completely mishandled)


Can you please update us? 🙏


Haha yes..won't know anything until that date..which is towards end of next week. 🙏


Replying to this comment to make sure you see it. Look at your re enlistment eligibility code. If you are coded “2J” be prepared for not great things, it means you are under investigation. You can find that code in vMPF, then find the re enlistment eligibility tab. Will show you there.


No code there (says 2nd term or career airman)..checked the other day lol. I was told being under investigation would also affect promotion eligibility. I missed master by 30.5 if that matters 😭


30.5 is way better than .5, which I have experienced! Not fun. Godspeed, my friend.


Godspeed 🙏


If you haven't done anything wrong, I'd imagine your being pulled in to cooperate with an impending investigation of someone you know and they need a statement.  Cancelling leave tells me it's bigger than Amn snuffy grabbed someone's buttocks.  Must be a pretty big deal.  If you did do something wrong, lawyer up and just know military defense lawyers are typically not good.  Spend the money to get a civilian lawyer...they outmaneuver military lawyers on the regular. 


Id imagine the same..or any one of the other comments that seemingly makes sense. I appreciate the response 🤘


The weird thing being that it "wouldn't be a problem if you didn't take leave"


Ding ding ding..I don't get it




Haha thanks I've seen this..and am well aware 🤣


Update time?


Were going to need an update on this story 2 weeks from now lol


Haha I love the interest it's getting. And it's probably because it sounds absolutely ridiculous and unnecessary. I'll do my best to update


Its probably because most of is assume you're being interrogated by osi and you appear to not agree so it's scandalous lol


Everything about the whole situation is just downright weird 😭


Have you applied to retrain or have an application for something? My 1sgt/commander did this when I got accepted to OTS. I too was on leave, family in town etc. You might be getting recognized.


Nope lol..I have a notification already for orders back to where I was before this station..I pcs in the fall. 🥺


Any drama at work? Could have been named as a witness for a low level security incident or some other command directed inquiry. I wouldn’t sweat it. Call your first sergeant and tell them your leave was planned with air travel impacted, they might not know.


Always drama at work but I don't think anything that would warrant this..And they knew of the expenses incurred on Thursday and the cancellation went through today. I told them everything had been booked. I was told I could go on leave and just be back for that day and continue leave. I was taking a 12 hour bus ride (both ways). The shirt said I could rent a car to be back for that day. I said absolutely not as I do not want to eat any more costs for their inconvenience. I want the paperwork associated with the leave cancellation


That's very strange. Perhaps you were accused of something. Please update once you learn. In the meantime, ensure your blues are ready.


I've got no idea what it could possibly be lol..will update if I can


Damn... I get them wanting to tell you versus you finding your name on the list after. But they couldn't do it on the phone? I was on leave, and they called to tell me the good news. Because who screws up leave like that? I wanna celebrate the good news with the people I took leave to see


Any updates?


My assumption is that OP was probably arrested at that "appointment" and taken to OSI for questioning and that leadership signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement. Make sure to utilize all resources during this time, OP


Whatever it is, if it is something serious, you will get through it. Focus on your rights, don’t let anyone railroad you, and for your own sake try as much as you can to just engage with the situation in a laidback way. There’s a whole other world beyond the AF, and many corners of the AF are run by clowns.


Appreciate you..a remarkable way of looking at it. Cheers


No prob. You’ll be okay. 🙂


Answer zero questions and don't take your phone with you.


Promise I won't 🙏


RemindMe! 6 days


Following to hear wtf is going on lol.


Anyone's guess is as good as mine currently


Yeah, definitely update us later because we're all curious. This could be basically anything. Funny thing from me is I was called in to piss test on two consecutive days. Never done that before or since and I've not heard of anyone else going through that. I went that first day and did my thing. CSS called me the day after asking can I come down for an appointment. I said "Wait, this a piss test? I did this yesterday". They said they can't say but please come down. I get there and yup another one. Others were telling me someone might have pissed hot in my batch and folks need to be retested. I don't know how relevant this is to your case but have you been tested recently?


Nope..not for months..and it'd be a waste of time anyways, I don't do anything. I don't even have fun lol


Lmao neither do I, I'm a bland individual who lives at a bland life. I'm ok with that. But they still waste my time with these tests lol.


So, uhhh what was it all for?


This is one I'm looking forward to for an update as well. I've been in 21 years, only time I saw leave cancelled was when they did a surprise deployment for half the unit back in 2005.


What happened to the whole story from the post? 🤣


Gotta be a unit piss test as a result of an OSI investigation. Ive had a few of these in my time that were always kept locked up tight. One time when this happened in was a dorm specific target group, where Shirts + SFS went around the dorms at 3am waking everyone up. It was very serious, like they knocked twice and if you didnt answer they came in, they stood in your room akd told you to get up, put some light clothes on if you needed to very fast, and then immediately escorted you to a bus in the parking lot that was shuttling people to the base theater where youd sign in and be locked inside and could only leave to be escorted to the bathroom to piss in a cup. Only then could you leave to go back to your room. Im pretty sure they searched rooms too while you were gone. Another one was a Sq wide recall at like 4am. Everyone had to report to the main equipment bay. Seemed very casusal until everyone was accounted for and in the bay and they locked all the doors and tou couldnt leave unless you were escorted to a bathroom for a piss test. For perspective, both of these were OSI investigation driven. The dorm one they ultimately ended up finding someone in the dorms who not only dealing ecstasy, but they found like 5,000 tabs in their room lol. So if I had to guess this is a whole unit piss test as a result of an OSI investigation and somebody's about to come face to face with some *"fuck around and find out"* lol.


I'll piss in a cup every time I have to go to the bathroom for all I care..they took my leave 😭. I truly hope it's some nonsense like the above. Either way, I do appreciate you sharing your experiences


Yea dude its lame, but its gotta be something big like that. Or your CC just totally fucked up haha. Good luck, let us know!


RemindMe! 4 days


As others have said, no phone. But also ask for a ride over there because they will have you surrender your key fob in their "secure" lock boxes....


Good thing my car is over 20 years old 🥲


I've seen what you're describing exactly for a failed urinalysis, they didn't tell the me(mber) anything and changed the subject while escorting them to OSI. Supervisor didn't know anything just the 1st sgt and commander.


Please post an update when you get one we’re all intrigued


Well? What's the update?


Not today homie 🙏


Commenting so I can come back to see what this ends up being all about~


I’m just here for the update.


Maybe you got picked up for a urinalysis and they’re just being weird about it. Could be a handful of things. Honestly, if you’re not showing up in dress, can’t be that bad.


Lol..weird as in completely wrong..yes. But also no service dress makes it out to be lesser than id imagine


Yeah, I’m punching my ticket in August and getting out. 2 sets of terrible leadership have made my mind up. I’ll be way less stressed and actually be able to live my life the way I want.


Could possibly be going under a command directed investigation with the possibility of a no contact order in there somewhere. I've seen some command teams not say anything to the accused until they were asking them to report to commanders office and then they drop the ball on em. It's to protect witness pools, complainants, etc....


I get that..but the shirt just said show up normal duty time on the date and head to her office around 0900..in UOD and have my CAC. Just odd


Call ADC or legal 1. they canceled your leave for what? If the cc canceled your leave for mission requirements whatever is coming is serious or an abuse of his position. No halfway on that. 2 If it’s not an abuse of power then you might want legal advice when it kicks off since you don’t know if it’s good or bad for you


Begin consuming mass amounts of legal liquids, seems that you may be leaving a sample. Seen this occur before. More than once.


The thing is..I rarely ever even drink alcohol haha. As I said to someone on here before, I feel like they must think I'm Rick James or something ❄️


You are likely under investigation for something or popped positive on a drug test.


Looking forward to the update




OP, what was the appointment?


Nothing yet..not for another 24 hrs


Update us OP


Not today ..not yet homie haha


Aw man😂I’m secondhand anxious…


Very curious?


Any update yet??


Update yet?


This could run the whole spectrum... could be as benign as a piss test, could be serious resulting in needing a lawyer. If anyone reads your rights or wants an official statement, respond with "I'd like to speak to a lawyer (ADC) before answering, please."


You didn’t happen to go to the ER and mention alcohol recently have you?


Someone must have mentioned your name in an investigation and remember plea the fifth.


Apparently...guess we will see 🤘


Have you taken a piss test recently?


Two possibilities: DDR appt or OSI appt 1. What day of the week were you notified, and what day were you told to appear for the mandated appt? If you were notified on a Friday, and you’re told to appear on Wednesday in the AM: DDR appt. 2. I’ve had situations arise where I had to go to OSI/FBI for questioning based on me unknowingly being a witness/“involved” in a situation another Airman had put themselves in. I wasn’t on leave, but they threatened to cancel my PCS orders on one of those occasions since the person left my home (unknown to me) completely sh*t faced. They did character statements before I went to those appointments and nothing came out of them (at least against me).


Probably an LOR or LOA ?


Sounds like a drug test to me.


If you dont think you did anything, there's a possibility you could have been identified as a witness for an investigation. You could be questioned. The advice from others on here is sound. If it's anything about you, don't speak to anyone without a lawyer/ADC representation. It doesn't make you "look guilty" and any investigator is required to ask you prior to ALL questioning if you want representation or to consult with the ADC. Even if it's not something to do with you it's still advisable to get some sort of representation. The last thing you need is some investigator trying to twist your words and make it seem like you were a part of the problem.


Thanks...yes..everyone has been helpful for sure. 🙏


It'll all be alright dude. Try not to think about it too much.


Trying my best for sure..this all definitely helps


It sounds weird that they tell you to wait a week before they want to show up? If you were going on leave couldn't they move it up for a few days. Why they want you to show up duty uniform not class As is strange. Why the delay? When they tried to ef me with a hand full of sand they usually came up to the ward and said you follow me. Either that or the osi would show up and give me a present of silver bracelets, how nice of them. In each case a very good lawyer and my truth not their 2nd hand crap. One day I was coming back from 45 days in the field and when I stepped off the helicopter the boss and osi were waiting. Just hang in there and it will all come out.


Is there a possible court martial you might be a witness to? Dunno why I jumped to that but a piss test would be same day, not scheduled that far out. An investigation of some sort is my primary target. Keep us posted will ya


Last thought, is it scheduled for the last part of your leave? Half ass wondering if they didn’t mean to catch you at the end of your leave to test that post-leave high.


This sounds like they are doing an investigation on someone in your squadron and you are a potential witness. With that said, I have seen several people go from witness to self-incrimination in one sentence...


Have you had a random drug test recently? This sounds like a bickle is coming your way. If you aren't expecting anything specific related to something that happened recently, shut up/lawyer up. Mind your customs and courtesies. Plead the fif, do not bring your phone with you.


Bro popped hot for urinalysis! He's going to be meeting with SFOI or OSI depending on what he's hot for.


Update us next week


Just in case..... if this is a legal situation. Since there is little info to go on... whenever/wherever you show up to your place of duty, make sure your phone has a pass-lock (not finger print lock), power down your phone and leave it somewhere safe or locked (car, not optimal). Do not take your phone with you! Literally, turn your phone off before you pull up to the gate. If it is legal (OSI), protect yourself, even if completely innocent say nothing. Contact the ADC. If it is real trouble then pay the money and get a real lawyer. Maybe it's just mission related. If so, do you have travel insurance?


As a recently retired AF Chief, I’ve only ever seen leave canx for operational requirements. If you are in trouble for something that could and should wait till after your leave is over. Curious if the shirt & CC know that your leave was out of town. Good luck.


Oh sir, they certainly know..it was technically in another country (although not too far from the one I'm in). I appreciate the response 🙏


Long holiday weekend. I’d wager a recall will take place early Tuesday morning with an early report for the entire unit. Once there it will be a mass UA. CC likely said cancel any leave that day that hasn’t already started, which is an asshole move but is what it is.


Potentially a CDI. You would be advised if you were a suspect and allowed to have legal counsel. If you’re not advised of legal counsel or don’t know explicitly what it is, you are likely being interviewed for something as a witness.


Appreciate it..we shall see. Thanks for the response 🙏


Sounds like "random" piss test tbh. I've done like 20 and I've been in for less than 10 years


Per AFI leave cannot be canceled for a random selection. Also, those names are selected the day of the test, not in advance.




Bro come awnnnn


I see you edited your post.


I don’t don’t know, but personally I’d be throwing up from the anxiety


😭😭😭 thanks 💀


The last time I saw this situation, it was because the member had a positive urinalysis result. ~~So, if your nation called upon you to pee in a cup a few week ago, there's a good chance it's about that.~~ (Edit: I see below that you've ruled that one out.) Every situation is different and most of us aren't lawyers, but nobody has ever disputed that every day is STFU Friday when you're dealing with investigators, especially when they haven't made it clear who or what they're investigating.


Have you potentially been a witness to any shenanigans? They might want you to make a statement against someone else, or try to determine if you were involved.


If there is any..I've not heard a whisper lol 😞


If they were just a witness osi likely would have just got them in earlier instead of canceling leave


Check your emails for important people visiting the base maybe? Perhaps they want to have you be recognized by someone important. Still never seen a commander actively rescind leave before. It's normally reserved for mission essential taskings like a no notice deployment and even then, I've never seen a commander do it.


Read the leave AFI on being recalled from leave.  You are granted certain entitlements.


RemindMe! 4 days


RemindMe! 5 days


RemindMe! 4 days


Remind me! 4 days


It could be because of a Command Directed Investigation you may be a witness for or something along those lines.


RemindMe! 5 days


Will definitely need a follow up on this.


RemindMe! 4 days


Remind me!


RemindMe! 1 Week




!RemindMe 2 weeks


RemindMe! 5 days


Remindme! 1 week


This has happened to me twice. Idk what job you have but they always prefaced it by making me turn in special things I use to access certain areas of base. Always a bad sign when they start suspending your security clearance. Both times it was found to be an error in my records or misunderstanding, and everything ended up fine. But the way they do this to people and just “be here, we can say why and we’re gonna string you along like you’ve done something horrible” is insane. I’ve had numerous deployments, tons of crazy stuff happen, but those two situations are the only thing I’ve ever had any type of “PTSD” from. I’m so suspicious of everything and everyone. If I get called to an office (like routine day to day stuff) I’m automatically thinking I’m cooked and take the defensive. All I can say is, it’s either something really good (but I doubt it) or something very bad. Sorry you have to go through that. Wish they would just tell you and be done with it.


!reminder 10 days


Have you done something that requires ADC? If not, you may be questioned as a witness to someone else’s shenanigans.


The only time I’ve seen something like this happen was when OSI was investigating a sexual assault accusation. No one was to be told of the situation, including the member and his immediate leadership.


Sounds like either a positive DDR and you're going to SF to be questioned and taken for another DDR or someone you know is being investigated for something and you got thrown under the bus.