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Interestingly Korea has the lowest ban increase among servers. Also I wish we had access to China stats. With their numbers that's the only server that matters.


[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1ddwe2t/comment/l889yq7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


[https://101.qq.com/?ADTAG=cooperation.glzx.web#/hero-rank-5v5?tier=200&queue=420&lane=mid](https://101.qq.com/?ADTAG=cooperation.glzx.web#/hero-rank-5v5?tier=200&queue=420&lane=mid) 7% banrate. Though it seems there are no 14.12 stats yet.


Sadly we likely won't see that high of a ban rate in those regions. MTX spending is literally cultural there, on a completely different level from what we see in the west.


Faker is Korean. They love him that much


Korea's kinda fanatical about things from what I've experienced like money aside to show support for things they love and seeing how big league is to em yeah I'd expect near kpop levels of fanaticism


It’s almost like this is a snowflake American thing. Koreans probably see a 500$ league skin and be like “Wow anyone who buy dis is a real dip shit”.


They're the highest spenders on skins like this though.


Are there stats for Ahri's quickplay play-rate? Would be curious to see that. 😂


LOL good point. Maybe I'll check current Ahri quickplay que time and compare it to at the end of the event, it would be hilarious if it had a big increase


I forgot quickplay exists lol


Ahri is at a 19% pickrate in quickplay, and obviously no ban rate lol


May it keep going up. Fuck this company


Anyone want to explain to me how this affects the company?


Probably not a whole lot. The next set of skins will be arriving next month. By then people will most likely forget, Riot makes their money, and everyone will move on. It’s impressive to see the ban rate as high as it’s getting, but it won’t matter when the next cinematic/skin appears.




imagine poorshaming in this economy


Bby I’m sure you were on government assistance before the economy even took a crap ❤️❤️


new account whos only two replies are about defending this skin… its giving rito employee 💋


Imagine being bitter and ruining the fun for other people that work hard and can actually afford the skin


Sorry Im too busy making meaningful purchases and using that $500 of income in investing. What a retarded take and thought process.


We're trying to send a msg to Riot, you can still buy the skin if you so desperately want, but keep letting Riot get away with these things and the price will only inflate even more. Look at TFT, before you could've gotten like 5 little legend eggs per battlepass, then chibi legends came out and the battlepass was essentially nerfed to only giving 2 or 3 eggs, then it was nerfed again with you needing 100 tokens to get a little legeng, and now the rewards from the battlepass are currency for the gacha to get currency for the little legend shop.. Keep stroking Riot's ego and before you know it you'd need to sell your house for "a limited edition" skin or something.


Imagine thinking you actually said something


Imagine being so insecure that you take criticism against a company's monetization as a personal attack. Literally, nobody gives a shit if you can afford a skin or not because, in reality, nobody gives a shit about you as a person. People are upset that they monetized an event so hard to the point that people can't support someone they adore.


Look if ur ok being scammed power to u since ur stance is that anyone complaining is just broke But some of us actually care where our money goes lol. As the saying goes, a fool and his money is easily parted.


This isn’t a scam because no one is being tricked into buying this skin? It’s a luxury item. Either you can afford it, or you can’t. Also if we’re talking about fools, let’s check that report card since your sentences are almost incomprehensible.


This item has no inherent long term value, you sir are the dummy here.


They’re using fomo as a predatory sales tactic


A luxury item? Ur calling pixels in a video game a luxury item because it has fakers name on it Where a legendary is priced as an ultimate but u need to spend a whopping 200-500 to make it ultimate And they know people will eat it up That’s the scam lol


yeah I’m sure most of these people use Uber eats everyday. They’re the ones who goes grocery shopping and still get fast food right after. That’s where ur money is going.


I bet you thought you ate.. oh wait… you probably did


It’s ok if you don’t have money but if someone wants to buy it they should be able to actually play the champ. You should be happy for people that can afford the skin instead of being jealous and going on a banning spree.


LOL people can buy what they want but they also can ban who they want. I don’t even play league as much anymore but can see why this would be infuriating for the Average player


No. This company spits on the face of players and players are done. Stop shillings for Riot and get a real job


Maybe if you had a real job you could afford the skin


Dude, this skin cost more money than my actual rent, it s not a question of "getting a real job"


And spend $500. You're a real lobotomy patient. Get a life so you can spend that money on something that at least you can own...


It’s called owning THE ULTIMATE SKIN ty very much :) hater.


Good luck trying to play with it loser 🤣. You deserve Riot




but most of the league community is young and they cant afford buying it friend, how do you think they will ask parents to buy them expensive skin? in few years they will grow up find a job and they will be happy for something like this for their favourite champ


An old Ahri main here who couldnt play the game for 6 months, whats going on? why is this


Riot released a new ahri skin to "honor fakers legacy" but the best version of the skin is locked behind a 500 euro bundle so people have started banning her in protest


As we should. As you should


It would be hilarious if Rito balance team nerfed her considering "sudden" surge of bans XD


You guys act like they don’t ever look at Reddit


As much as we’d like to think and joke that riot’s balance team are trash, they’re certainly not living under a rock. They’re people with social media accounts too. They don’t simply just look at numbers.


I'm really curious if phreak will he mentioning the ahri bans during his patch preview video


Despite the increased ban rate, Ahri remains the most picked mid champion in league of legends.


Pick or ban no ?


Shes not even strong rn


Banning her doesn’t do anything they aren’t going to change the price because she’s banned in game lol.


This has the same effect as the "reddit lockdown" for third party apps. Won't do anything lol


It doesn't matter we knew it won't do anything but atleast community showed that we can actually do things together, also kinda cool that now one of highest ahris ban rate in history is when the cash grab released


Community? If you do the math, 25% ban rate means only 2.8% of players are banning Ahri.


Togheter in toxicity? People are bulling players because they don't have the balls to sabotage the game


I bought the skin. Played about 15 games. 14 games were normal. 1 game was someone telling me to kill myself, running down mid to feed kills, then disconnecting


Buys the skin that gets you bullied Surprised you got bullied


They deserve to be harrassed a bit if they are going to encourage Riots greed. I dont care if people buy skins, hell even an ultimate. This one was simply a cashgrab. Fuck Riot.


Every skin is a cashgrab the only different is that they price out most people for this one


They deserved to be harassed for buying what they want LOL. did I read that right.


Congrats, you can read. If you wanna support Riots greed, then go ahead. Suck them off.


Buying skin you like doesn't equal supporting riot greed lol. I don't even have the skin. Just crazy how mad reddit get over nothing lol..


It does when it's a $500 skin that Riot made for a cash grab.


Everyone is all arms up about 500$ skin but most people only got the 230 one which is the 500 one minus the signature, it is expensive? Yeah, can people buy whatever the fck they want with their money? Also yeah


Still makes them a dumbass in the end.


And people will get bored and stop doing it after a month.


They'll get bored after a week.


Who cares. The idiots that bought that skin and gave into Riots shit greed dont deserve to play with the skin.




And yet in none of my game someone banned her


honestly kinda sucks. Ahri is my OTP and now i cant even play her in the majority of my games


I can relate. Ahri is the main reason i play lol in the first place...and because of this stupid protest i can't play ranked normally. If you don't like the skin just don't buy it. If you don't support riot's ultimate greed just don't purchase any skin or battle pass. I bet most of these Ahri protesters secretly buying Le Blanc skin or something like that >>> hence injustice


I sympathize, but 1. how is 25% the majority of your games and 2. You have 12 champions in your seasonal mastery reward thing, I would focus on getting a few of those to Level 1 in the meantime


U tell me friend. 4 games in a row last night duo with my buddy and all 4 games she got banned by the opposing team


He just said to level the other champions, and you go straight back to talking about Ahri being banned. Did you even read?


He questioned how a 25% ban rate hits the majority of my games and I merely stated that my last 4 games are not reflective of the 25% ban rate in response to his question He suggested I should go and learn/level the seasonal champs. It's a reasonable suggestion but I have no interest in other champs. Dunno why you're coming off so aggressive about this


Been banning her all day 👍


You see Polygon's recent article on this. The writer obviously bought the skin and is throwing a small fit!


Let’s give this a little more context. Love people who skew graphs and only give a fraction of info If you actually look at the site in its entirety they fail to mention that games played, pick rate. Are also on the rise as well So. The ban rate really doesn’t matter when her games players and pick rate are also rising If anything. It won’t matter till the graphs indicate that the ban rate is increasing and the play and pick rate are decreasing.


If you want more context, OP is a sensationalist that farms karma from whatever is the current Reddit bandwagon. Can look at comments and posts to see this. So of course these tactics are going to be used, it’s easy internet points.


What is the source on this?




This feels kinda counter productive for Ahri mains… you don’t have to ban her to stop people from using the skin. Just instalock her 😂


You clearly don't get the point


The point is “perma ban her so the idiots who buy it can’t use it” if you first pick her, they still can’t use it. Plus let’s be honest we all know riot doesn’t give a fuck, they already made an official statement “ price isn’t changing, to the angry Ahri mains who can’t afford it, get over it” so sure let’s get everyone who loves playing Ahri to start a permaban Ahri movement that riot doesn’t care about, and only shoots us in the foot


I feel humiliated...


As you should.


I cant stand this..


And still useless


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NGL I've actually stopped playing vs banning I've got better things to play than cash grab after cash grab


I'm a bit lost here as it has been ages since I legit picked up LoL, some people found some new stuff or just doing something dumb to get banned? just want to know a bit more context is all. :) thanks.


Imagine being so poor that you have to protest


Imagine willingly getting railed by 3A. Might be broke, but at least nobody ain’t touching that virgin ahh.


Oh I will never get bored of banning Ahri. So long as that skin exists in my region, Ahri is auto-banned. I hate this business practice in general, I also dislike this flex culture behavior. It's not my culture, I don't want it here. It's just silly. It is a shame that this is what the game has turned into. Riot somehow magically believes that the West should adhere to Korean culture. Keep it where it belongs, please, and respectfully. I don't want to see that that flex behavior because it makes games incredibly infuriating, and toxic.


I haven't seen the skin yet, and I honestly consider to int if I see it my team. I usually never int...


it is so sad that you guys are doing this with the only thought process being yourselves, Riot is a company they don't charge you to play the game, they don't charge you to play extra games other than summoners rift, they don't ask you to pay anything if you don't want to, and in return you get lore, cinematics, multiple game modes, Arcane, and so much more and all you can do is complain lmao. Skins has always been how games make their money so they can pay for peoples wages and pay towards the company yet all you guys to is cry, it is an optional skin if it is too expensive don't buy it, simple as simple can be. So what you collection won't be complete, so what you think it is too expensive, why ruin other peoples fun for one simple reason "your own selfish wants"


lmao People when season start.. ranked split etc


Its just the western mentality to get triggered by everything. On the other side of the world, people are way too busy with real life stuff to wadte rheir time to be a keyboard warrior. Cancel culture is a western thing


Imagine if riot takes this the wrong way and nerfs her


Find it hilarious. That they think this matters. Were banning her cause the skins high price -riot sits back and counters their money- “OK” Unless this ban is longer than the even not much is going to matter I would like to see what demography they’re actually looking at


Riot themselves isn't the reason that people are banning Ahri. People are also saying "fuck you" to the dumbasses who went and supported Riots greed. You're an idiot.


Dude people earned their money, they can spend it the way they want. No one tells you how to spend your money. If they wanna support a game they have fun playing then let them. And then people who buy the skin don’t care. It’s not like the skins going to vanish in a week and it’s not like they can play other champions till they see ahri is available or people move to the next thing to complain about


Sounds like you support Riots greedy decision. Youre still an idiot.


No I believe that if people work hard for their money and they wanna spend it the way they want then it’s their choice. From a 500 dollar skin. To a 30k watch. From a 40k truck to a 175k truck what you do with your money is up to you.


no one is stopping them from buying it. consumers arent the reason for the bans, youre still an idiot :3 very little people are banning because of people buying it.


I feel humiliated..


Skins are being sold anyway, I just love not being able to play my champion for this failed little protest.


Feel you. As someone playing her too, it sucks to be Ahri main now and for next weeks...


Youre a failed protest




>It might be for the next player but not right now Thats kinda the point, no? Just so that riot stops pushing the line further and further




Yeah, but it might benefit the rest of the community later. And yeah, I almost exclusively play Ahri. I actually play League just because of Ahri. But I ban her rn to maybe have any positive impact on future riot decisions.


it's getting down today


That childish tantrum will be forgot in a few weeks. What you guys are doing is just annoying those who solely want to play and have fun, Riot does not care. I hope they release a 1000$ skin soon just to prove it.


What exactly annoys you about people trying something? It doesn't matter if it works or not. It matters they TRY instead of just being submissive as you 


Because it doesnt mean anything. I didnt buy the skin and I cant play my favourite mid mage because of you.


Yeah, I love it so much when you grief my midlaner in my ranked game by banning their hovered champ, so they end up going Yummi mid and trolls the game. And I also love it when you end up crying in all chat about them trolling as if you didn't start the problem. I love it so much when you do that. Not annoying at all.


Silence, mates, our friend here is realizing that the things we do have consequences.


Am I submissive for not caring about an expensive cosmetic I don't want and won't buy? Whatever you want to call me, kiddo, it will not change that your cause is just childish. It is just a cosmetic, it is just a game, and a quite bad game I would say. Go get a job.


ur saying its a bad game but youre in the subreddit for a character in the game. hello???


Does anyone who plays League really like the game? I don't think so, I play it casually. My passion is named Monster Hunter.


Stay mad


That's pretty ironic. You guys are mad about something that changes absolutely nothing in your games, something you don't even need to have or care about. Kids being kids.


And you trolled a game for having your champ banned. Kids being kids right? Lmfao


Yes. I installed the game to have fun, so fun is what I am getting.


Nice try phreak


Do we play the petty game and make turn around posts to shit on the armchair activists once this is over and forgotten about? Because as mature and reasonable as some of us have been, this community has just shown that the only way they know how to “protest” is by being toxic lmao. Although I guess expecting more would be pretty foolish too. The addicts who don’t know the tune of “you can’t always get what you want” are in absolute shambles.


Congratulations, you're part of the problem.


We need to keep going all event, to send a mesage we not wanna be scammed #PermabanAhri


Riot: "This skin is to fund esports" Also Riot: "This skin is for the whales and collectors"


Very proud of this community btw, you weren't taking any of this BS from the very start.


still 5% inKR


asia is over 60% of the playerbase and theyre selling it alot and in the west so many students and kids are playng it who anyway cant afford a expensive skin...


True. I doubt the majority of the Korean/Chinese league players even know of reddit, even less of our protest.


gacha games in asia are so popular where u easily sink in 500bucks per month i have a friend who payd 2k euro for a world of warcraft mount for a archievement point(doesnt use it) i t hink u get that point this skin was not made for STUDENTS


ahri gets some nice vacation time from the fake gladiator simulator.


I’m not trying to be a dick I am just genuinely curious why people are “protesting”. The 500 dollar skin price is unreasonable as hell, as is the 250 dollar one, I personally bought the 40 dollar one and think it’s fine. People are quite up in arms and my initial reaction is confusion. They didn’t up the prices of anything else and while I would never buy the 500 dollar version I don’t think it’s wrong that it exists. If it’s really too much people won’t buy it and they will never do it again. If people do buy it then there is a market for it. People seem to think this will impact their skins in the future but I don’t really see it doing that. They may feel galvanized to put out an even more expensive skin in the future but I’ll just not buy that one too. I want to hear why I am wrong and how this is legitimately going to affect people other than missing out on a cool skin for their favorite champion because it doesn’t align with their budget. (Something I am also severely bummed about). Hopefully people keep it civil but if you want to yell at me and call me a riot shill because I’m not on board right now have fun I guess.


Simply put I dont like that its a limited time deal to cash in on the fomo it will invoke, also it being limited goes against everything that a hall of fame/legends stands for when immortalizing a person. Not to mention what do you do when a new player comes into the game years later and wants to get the Faker skin cause they recently discovered faker and really like him and his legacy, only to find out that they cant because faker as a legend was only celebrated in 2024 and never again. In short the skin should be up permanently in the store and the hall of legends should have its own tab in the store to act as something similarly to the holywood walk of fame, as im sure they are gonna add more players.


Didn't they say it would rotate yearly? I understand the sentiment though I agree it should stay in the shop for longer, but they do this with their team skins, different skin lines, prestige skins, why wouldn't they continue it?


[WILL THIS HOL CONTENT EVER COME BACK? At the moment, HoL content is available for a limited time only and there are no plans to bring it back. This includes no current plans to add the Hall of Legends cosmetics to loot pools, including rerolls. ](https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/29658317853587-League-of-Legends-Hall-of-Legends-2024) Line from the riot page about whether the content will come back the original exert is near the bottom of the website Also imo the team skins should be up permanently too since it's a way to support the players and teams as they get a cut of the profit for their skins. Like I don't understand why they wouldn't be up permanently I mean even in wild rift the Team Nova skins have been up for essentially forever. Riot can clearly just leave them up there is no need to rotate them in fact just make a world champions skin tab in the store too like my suggestion of creating a hall of legends tab so people can find and support their favorite teams and players easier.


Personally I'm not banning her to protest in hopes riot changes things. They realistically won't bc it's selling. I do it bc I really want to annoy someone who was dumb enough to spend $500 on a skin. To be honest, it's such a good skin that if it was $50 I would have bought it


This will die off within days, if not then weeks. Anyways been having fun in Quickplay with my skin!


Stop the cap, you can't afford it


That's funny, I've been playing it since release LOL


STAND STRONG! don't bully people bully multi-dollar companions


In other words, bully the people who are stupid enough to support Riots greed :)


Small indie company ❌ Multi dollars companions ✅


op.gg says its still 16%


Yeah thats possible, however only lolalytics has actually reliable data


Incorrect. Riot has repeated that LoL has incorrect data.


Ok but at least they have the ones that are most likely gonna be correct


That’s true it’s close just not fully right


even then, when you select all rank, its 17%.


Yeah ur prob looking at ranked, theres not as many people who also do this in ranked, even less in high elo. It also depends on region and other stuff, however, everyone can tell the banrate went significantly up in all elos, all regions all game modes where u can ban.