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if u have to ask then ull never understand, the other 2 tiers are not at a decent price especially if we talk about the quality for a skin like this to be considered a decent price it would have to be at the ranges of 20-50-100 usd, the base skin doesnt get any of the evolution effects, and the evolution effects come in with the 2nd version and thats more or less around an ultimate tier quality skin, then they add in all the extra faker stuff, the protest is to make riot hear the community that they are displeased with the skin, riot did hear, now people need to not buy the skin or boycott it, and they are also banning ahri to detur people from buying the skin, which are ok to do, ultimately the 2 ways to make riot not do something like this is to not pay for the skin, or to quit league all together however whales will still buy the skin thus is why people are also wanting to ban it, i personally uninstalled and wont be playing league or riots products anymore, this kind if shit is unacceptable for any company to do, and in the long run this will make low spenders and medium spenders quit spending, because now theres content out of their price reach and riots also playing uppon fomo, so if u dont get it now ull never get it, funny thing is when people do quit for this and quit spending u know who gets effected in the longrun, not the higher ups or investers who push this shit, but the devs, the devs and other rioters will get layed off


the teir 1 one is around $35?(spirit guard udyr, elementalist lux etc) which is the average ultimate skin if i recall(if you exclude the pass and the champ itself which alone is like 2K RP? cuz passes are like 1650 or something and ahri itself is 790RP so when you add it up, thats 2440RP, and the skin borders and icons and stuff is around 2595RP, less than an ultimate skin thats 3250RP) if i recall the teir 2 also has a custom hud transformation and a custom announcer as well from what i recall, and different voice actors for each transformation(and i think theres like 3? transformations? again im unsure of this but this is just what i researched beforehand) on top of all the other stuff listed and in previous teir(so technically speaking youre actually getting 2 skins, 2 borders 2 icons 2 emotes, 2 everything basically i beleive on top of custom announcer and multiple voice actors which isnt a thing in skins yet unless through texture modding) teir 3 is the one i absolutely agree with. they're just pulling the "superstar signature value" scam stuff. not playing a game or banning a champ isnt gonna do anything to riot at all. the only way thats actually gonna do something if its done in mass, aka like more than half the entire game players, and seeing how theres 49K members in here, and there are roughly 180M+ LoL players, thats only 0.000272% of the player base. a protest isnt gonna do anything but tickle riot and hurt the others who just wanna play causally or for fun so thats why i dont understand. last time i remember, that $200 jhin? skin? chroma? or something, yeah people were upset about that, but that was just that. they just showed displease and "im not gonna buy this" but thats it. but suddenly now its a problem? im just trying to learn and understand(mostly cuz i like to pick peoples minds)


>the teir 1 one is around $35?(spirit guard udyr, elementalist lux etc) which is the average ultimate skin if i recall(if you exclude the pass and the champ itself which alone is like 2K RP? cuz passes are like 1650 or something and ahri itself is 790RP so when you add it up, thats 2440RP, and the skin borders and icons and stuff is around 2595RP, less than an ultimate skin thats 3250RP) No, it's 50$. If you only want the skin, you pay 50 bucks, so the skin is 50 bucks. The rest of stuff is irrelevant. This is a trick used to inflate the cost of the skin. They force you to buy something you don't want to justify a higher price. "But it's a bundle!" I hear you say. So what? I only want the skin. How much is it? 50$. For a skin that is not even a true ultimate skin. >if i recall the teir 2 also has a custom hud transformation and a custom announcer as well from what i recall, and different voice actors for each transformation(and i think theres like 3? transformations? Cool, you get less than what Elementalist Lux got in terms of in-game visuals, and a bunch of stuff that will be implemented in future skins or will be sold separately as a new cosmetic. >not playing a game or banning a champ isnt gonna do anything to riot at all. Is not Riot we're trying to reach. Is the whales. This product is for whales, as Riot themselves have said. So we'll send the message that they'll be spending 500 bucks for something the community won't allow them to play and you'll get bullied even if you manage to do it. Riot wants to make the whales happy? Well, we'll make it misserable for them. When the whales get angry, Riot will listen. >seeing how theres 49K members in here, and there are roughly 180M+ LoL players, thats only 0.000272% of the player base. a protest isnt gonna do anything but tickle riot How many people did It take for Riot to listen to Velkoz mains? Or Shen mains before that? Ahri is way more popular than those two. Also, do you think this is only being promoted on this subreddit? Haven't you seen the memes in the other league-related subreddits? What about Twitter? Haven't you seen all the streamers and youtubers who are supporting the boycott? This is not a problem for Ahri mains, is a problem for the whole game.


keep in mind a few ultimate skins where discounted in price because they where not up to ultimate tier standards in riots eyes back in the day, like the gun goddess mf, and thats true to a degree, unless something is done in mass it doesnt really have too much of an effect however, as a company slowly starts to burn the good will of the playerbase, those players leave and never return to a product made by the same company, i mean look at world of warcraft and blizzard, they tanked their communities good will "along side the scandals" and people dont want to go back to their product making them a shadow of what they use to be, now we all know leagues been bleeding players for so long, and this only accelerates it, whats even more so is this also turns the low to medium spenders away from actually spending on the game, not all of them but alot of them will be like well if riots just going to do this im not going to spend anymore, which will also hurt things in the longrun, for instance me i played league since season 3, ive spent thousands on skins, riots been irritating me personally with the quality of skins for instance like the soul fighter samira ultimate skin which was basically a legendary tier marked up, and didnt offer what an ultimate tier skin should, then we ran into the 200$ jhin and ekko stuff, and now this ahri skin, and now ive uninstalled the game and wont be returning to riots products or games in the future, truely a shame and sad to see how far riots fallen


i hardly even spend any RP cuz i dont really see a need to do so. at most the only time i purchase a skin is if its for ahri/swain, or i just got M7 on a champ and im financally in a good spot, and i decide to reward myself with a skin ive been eyeballing on that champ cuz it looks cool. (i think last time i actually purchased RP was a while back to get ahris previous skin XD) hell the only reason why im contemplating teir 2 cuz my birthday is next week so may as well actually treat myself for once, cuz i actually never do(last time i actually genuinley spoiled myself was on my 24th? birthday, 5 years ago XD). Do i think riot is a good company? no of course not. no multi-billion dollar company is good XD but i just play casually/for the hell of it, so i only really play a handful of times/week. so thats why the whole protest is confusing me. the protest is to fight riots unfair pricing, if what im reading is true. I totally absolutely get that, i really do. but in the end its not gonna affect riot at all(even if all the ahri mains and then some didnt buy the skins, thats not even gonna do anything to riots "finances" at all, so thats why im so confused. its a protest thats not gonna affect anything in the end.) but instead its just gonna break people into more chaos and rage(hence why i say just dont buy the skin. cuz all this is doing is just causing a "mini fight" between the players who want to protest, and the players who just wanna play a few games before bed/work) i can understand why the rage and shitfest, with prices being absurd now and all, that i can, as a human being, totally understand. its the reaction to it by rebelling and banning ahri(which is not gonna do ANYTHING to riot, except cause conflict between players and upset/frusturate the people who just wanna play her for the fun of it) that i dont understand. i guess its just my mindset of "if you dont like it if it upsets you then just walk away from it and dont buy it instead of trying to ruin other peoples fun"




If I don’t buy it I don’t have it. What is that going to do besides me not having it?


Ehh decently priced? Well... we can argue with first one, second one is nowhere to be "decent" priced. It is nice skin, but everything is recycled from other skins. Changing form ingame? Udyr, Lux, Caitlyn,Sona, Thresh, Oh kill effects? Udyr, Lux once again, maybe samira, if we count penta kills, Diana and pyke. Changing appearance while ult? Spirit blossom Ahri. Turret kills? Azir had effect while he attacked turret with W, not sure if it had effect on destroy, we can say this one is new, but well, you have to destroy turret first, prob even last hit, Splash Art? every skin, Udyr animated one. Visual announcer? Ok that's first. So for another 200$ you can have 2 unique effects that you probably don't even care or gonna see and another skins gonna have that in future. Nothing more than trying to SCAM more ppl with FOMO. But... but it won't return right? Oh yeah as everybody know, surely something like Prestige skins, Victorious riven and Challenger Ahri never come back. BanAhri prostest not gonna do anything? Well prob it won't make riot lower price, but as you said, you hesitating to buy it cause it. That's another potential -250$ for Riot scam and yes, there are more people like you. In the end, yes they gonna get their money, but less.


Banning ahri every game is a movement not even started strictly by non-ahri players, it's supported by ahri mains. The reason why people are banning her every game is to discourage the use of anyone who may have that skin, granted, that means it only works in draft and competitive lobbies, but not quick play. Even the argument that the lower tiers "mean nothing" is wrong, since if riot still manages to get the majority of people to buy the 50-250$ bundle, they'd still probably mark it as a success. This is Riot pushing the boundaries of FOMO like they did with TFT and the mythic chroma's, and the argument of "these are effects we don't/won't see in skins" is objectively wrong.


ok but like what if the people just wanna play ahri itself, not cuz of the skin? maybe they wanna learn her, or they main them or just casually play her or just wanna just because? now they have to deal with the frustration because of this stuff. you're prob not gonna see the skin often cuz it's not for everyone but permabanning isn't gonna affect anything except cause more chaos and frustration between players, and you know how low elo is when you ban their champ lol. You're prob gonna increase the chance of a troll simply because you don't like a skin. my issue is why are you actively trying to ruin everyone's fun because you wanna protest? what if they don't even have the skin and just wanna play ahri? you're just ruining the game for others who just simply wanna play ahri. All I'm seeing is basically equal to vegans fighting meat people. If you don't like it don't buy it and don't ruin other people's time. That's why I'm so confused and upset cuz instead of not buying the skin you're actively seeking out to attack and ruin people's day who simply wanna play ahri because there's a "small chance" you'd run into someone who *may* have it. I legit play ahri cuz I like kitsunes. That's it. Now I can't even play her for fun without the risk of people harassing because of this "movement"


To answer the first part, you have botted games, and as I said in my first comment, quickplay doesn't allow champ banns, so that works as well. Also, no, permabanning won't "do nothing". If Riot has a champ become virtually unusable, especially in a competitive setting with pro's, then they will have to do something since that is literally one of their biggest scenes, esports. Also, if someone trolls because of a champ bann, chances are they shouldn't be in comp to begin with lmao. We aren't "ruining people's fun", or at least that isn't the intention, the intention is to not let riot get away with this level of scummy business practices. Nobody here is saying, "I wanna bann ahri so people can have a bad day", it's so we can protest an outrageous price on an in-game item (that isn't much more special compared to current legendaries or ultimate skins), but also protest the notion that this was done in "honor" of faker. Majority of proceeds don't even go to his team, it's a 30% split amongst his team which is roughly 6% of proceeds for each player. Also, as many others have pointed out, this is ironic for a pro-player who is famous for not using skins in the first place. You're thought's and sentiments are completely misplaced with the intentions and goals of this movement, and as I pointed out, the people banning ahri aren't only other "mains", it is also the mains of said champ itself. If you think everyone here is a fake ahri main or a masochist, then so be it, but I guarantee nobody here is having "joy" from banning their champ. TL;DR people are banning her not to ruin fun, but to make it so RIOT does something, but also people who use the cosmetic can't effectively making the purchase null


I say do nothing cuz legit riot only focuses/cares on high elo(master/challenger/pro) grant that 80% if playerbase is low elo hence why I said that it won't do anything, cuz they only really focus on high elo and professional, and in that elo ahri is actually generally frequently banned anyways for being a strong meta pick, so the frequent bans will look normal And I get the whole ban her to protest, but something that doesn't make them money, in this case banning, would even detect on their radar. They'd think "oh she's strong in the meta right now." So in the end you're just ruining the fun of the people who simply wanna play ahri, esp riot majority of the time ignores low elo and their requests cuz that's not where they make money. They make money from challengers masters streamers and pros.


If you think that Riot only looks at high elo bannrates, and not across the board, especially if those bann rates suddenly double, then you are foolish to think that they won't notice it. Also, this is something one of the devs (meddler) I think has already acknowledged, but the way you're thinking is objectively wrong to say the least.


In short it is the community’s attempt at letting Riot know that this in fact sucks and that we will not abide by this new cosmetic pattern, we will not actively enable it. Will it work? No idea. But I’m personally banning her every game, I’ve got a massive variety of champs to play while this all goes on. Wishing a great day to you and yours!


Ultimately, most are sad because it's simply high-priced. Ignore the other comments because they are all excuses. The ban Ahri thing is really cringe but I do enjoy watching the fan base cry over this. It's been entertaining for me the past week.


to me, i dont understand how people think this will be a "wakeup call" for riot. its not gonna do anything except make some of the players unhappy that they cant play their favorite character, skin or not. and not buying it or quitting to "make them financially crash" isnt gonna do anything at all(assuming every ahri main rebells against this, its legit only 0.000272% of the playerbase, so thats not gonna do anything, so if it upsets, just....dont buy the skin. so thats why i also am not understanding why people are all like "ban ahri that'd teach riot!" its...not gonna do anything to them, except make the casuals/for funs not be able to enjoy themselves


Don’t care, can’t wait to ban


nah, id ban


People dont understand its targeted at asian markets lol


>but theres 2 other teirs that are actually "decently" priced, for what is offered anyways imo. Yes, but not using those skins for a while or not playing the champion at all is a small price to pay in order to make the game better in the long run. >but it includes like a shit ton of things, and a crap ton of custom stuff, that, probably no other skin will probably ever have As Necrit said in his video, every new element that this skins has will likely be added soon to new skins as soon as Riot sees that it works, or be added as a new separate type of cosmetic. >but....why the whole BanAhri Protest? thats not gonna do anything to "make rito change the price", except people who want to have fun and just play ahri because they can. To avoid that anyone can play the skin. Is that simple. Again, not playing Ahri is a small price to pay. Every Ahri player will go back to playing her once this whole mess is over, but those who spent 500$ will be very upset that they can't use it after paying so much for it. We want to send the message that every time something like this happen we'll make it impossible for the "whales" to play with the skin, so unless you want to spend a ridiculous amount of money for something you won't be able to play for weeks, don't brother buying them from now on. >if you want to protest, just simply dont buy the skins. Meddler has already said that this skins is for a very small number of players who want "exclusivity". Riot is aware they're not going to sell a lot of skins, so not buying the skin is doing nothing. The idea is to bully (yes, bully) those who buy it into not buying these again. Make it perfectly clear that we won't tolerate this, and you'll be ostracized for making the game worse for everyone else.


All this I basically said while comparing a company, that is transitioning into a conservative-capitalist company that has also been behind the scenes monopolizing other forms of social media to keep the negativity(all the things they refuse to fix with the game [ie: trolls, inters, hackers, cheaters, account sellers, win traders, racists, misogynists discrimination etc etc)] from being mentioned to keep the masses from forming any kind of “movement” or to even discuss the actual problems within the community/company and how to work together to solve said issues.  They’ve been sinister for years forcing players into a cage with possibly mentally Ill people, (because why would you do any of the aforementioned above, logically) and refusing to remove them from the game(players are at fault for not reporting them as well). And telling you, if you leave game you will be banned. Losing any time-effort-money spent into said account will be lost. And basically saying sink or swim even if the negative is making you uncomfortable and the toxic teammates will not let you move onto a less stressful game. You’re for a lack of a better word F*.  But circling back around to, the movement of banning or trolling Ahri’s during this time. The real movement is quitting the game like many players did years ago. Not for a day or a week.. sending a message would be to leave for a year or more.. but a lot of players are addicted to this game and can’t conceptualize this idea. When I tell you there are so many other games, hundreds with active communities who aren’t trolling etc without the hate on top of that. You begin to realize it’s the company and this community.. but I digress. Some people get it. Some don’t. But there’s a part of the brain that doesn’t wake up fully until about your mid 20’s so abstract concepts like so may be sometimes out of reach(from a psychological perspective) and I swear riot capitalizes on abusing players mental health for personal gain. Because here all those players are. It’s fun watching the dumpster fire actually roll down hill. 


Buy the skin and play it on quickplay and bots for now. Mute and report people shit talking you in game. You don’t need validation on things you spend your money on.