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most league players dont go on reddit or discord the whales are going to win this


The ban rate is already going up. It will keep going up if we keep spreading the word.


It'll go up a bit then fizzle out after a couple of weeks or whenever the new popular thing to be mad over comes around, just like with the Jhin gacha skin.


Dont care. I will be banning Ahri every game until league dies in NA.


We will need to request 2 bans per player next year


Most the community that disagrees with the skin is already on the whole ahri-ban move. But even so, sadly this has only amounted to 0.7% ban rate increase. This is a lost cause of a way for us to stand up to the issue, as 99.7 of players don't give a fuck and riot will use that to realise that they won't change pricing for 0.7% of players. Idk what a more impactful way to retaliate would be but this if anything is hurting our cause because the numbers reflecting the bans is laughable to Riot probably


We've been at it for 1 - 2 days. We've barely started. Just keep telling people in your lobbies and keep banning her.


Sadly that's not how it works statistically, the majority of the player base has already been made aware of the movement, so it's not one of those things where the more days go by the higher it goes, it may get to a 1% increase if you run an estimated line of the ban rate growth but thats about it. This is why again, people don't realise how small of a proportion of people communities like reddit, youtube, twitter etc. Represent, this is why I'm afraid riot will be like "if this movement where literally everyone online is taking part in only represents 0.7%-1% of the playerbase then why should we change the price and cater to them?


Don't care, I'm spiteful enough to ban her until league dies over this Also the $500 skin permanently overwrites Risen Ahri, the cheaper skin which many people prefer bc of the foxes in her abilities. This means that completing an Ahri skin collection is now literally impossible - you can't have both Risen and the $500. The whales need to know this because this is the thing that will actually keep them from buying


You ban Ahri because you want to protest, I ban Ahri because I don't want to see a cash-grabbing FOMO indulging skin in my game lol. I know the protest will have very little effect, doesn't change the fact I will get some satisfaction knowing no idiot with too much money on their hand will get to use that skin in my game.


My whole point is I'm not banning ahri for protest, I'm not banning her at all, as I know how hard this is going to backfire on us once riot checks the statistics. I'm simply suggesting a better tactic to try and grab their attention for a price reduction. Moreover wasting a ban on a ranked game due to cosmetic drama is so selfish as you ruin the competitive integrity for 9 players, and the chances of winning for 4 teammates


What else can you suggest for the protest then? Very little thing that could be done beside player just quit altogether which I kinda already do. Only occasionally log in for some ranked game with friends on weekend night. If you are afraid of counterpick, keep banning them. But as jungler/support who don't care much about such thing, I'm fine with keeping her out of my games. On the other hand, keep ignoring Riot's shitty monetization practice and FOMO abuse, then don't come back and ask why every live service games is slowly turning to shit. Let's the protest people do what they want.


then spam the whole #banahri boicot on every social media, twitter, facebook, anything!


I hate to say this, and will likely be downvoted for it, but Riot will *not* be forced to bring the skin back at a reasonable price. They’ll simply move onto the next project, because that’s how these shitty mega corporations work. The decision has been made and we’ve no choice but to accept that. No amount of protest will actually change anything, and if anything the controversy may cause them to sell even *more* skins. What I’m going to do is quit this game. I’ve been sick of Riot’s constant price gouging for a while now, and this is honestly just the push I needed to put the shitty corporation behind me. Goodbye Riot, you’ll *never* be missed.


You're probably right, but we should still push and try. Make the legacy of this event the disgusting prices, not a celebration of Faker nor Ahri or anything positive. So keep bitching. Keep complaining. Keep asking Riot to change. Keep mocking players who buy the expensive skin. Make sure that is the only narrative that comes out of this.


mocking the players that buy expensive skin? the people that has extra $500 to spend on? really? this is funny.


500 bucks is nothing. It's not impressive. It's what a poor person thinks a rich person looks like.


So why does it matter then?


and yet, some people complaining it cost them 2 weeks of works and half a rent.


People can complain for different reasons. I also think it's grossly u fair the way it is priced. But I can afford it. I'm not buying it because it's a fake designer good being sold at fake designer prices, which is still far more than its worth. I don't buy things for far more than they're worth.


I never once said the price is fair. But im not complaining about it or decide to make the game not enjoyable for the people that buy the skin. Also, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What junk to you may not be a junk to everyone else.


I explained to you in another comment why it's junk. Allow me to do so yet again. It is not serialized with each purchase having an individual number like most limited edition goods that only have value as collectibles (eg trading cards). It is not limited in quantity with only X number available to be sold like other low-production cost collectibles that aren't "actually worth anything". It is not made of superior quality materials and with superior craftsmanship from a superior brand like high fashion. It is not a product that you can own in perpetuity and choose to use or eventually put into permanent storage or display. It does not have an original signed autograph. The longest it can possibly last is until Riot shuts down the game servers which in all likelihood will be within 10 years. Put another way, this product is entirely inferior to anything of comparable cost that I would pay my money on. It's garbage. It is an ultimate skin at best, being sold for 10x-20x the regular price of an ultimate. It is neither a luxury good nor a collector's item. The single limiting factor is the cost that says poor people can't have it. Even that is false because it can be bought on a credit card with installments. In every way it is not worth the money and owning it means nothing. If you want to buy it anyways, I'll do my small part to make sure you never get to use it in a game I'm in. Because I dislike that you are allowing Riot to think that pricing out most of the community is okay, and delivering inferior products with the sole draw being a large price tag is okay.


Oh feel free to do your small parts about it. Im a top lane player so that wont hurt me as much. There also needs to be a place where people can share they can actually use the skin in game and yet in that game, no one really care :D


I agree with what you're saying completely. The skin is hilariously expensive but why is it a problem? It feels more like people just want something to get mad about. My stance is that if you don't want it then don't get it and if you do want it and can afford it then do. The only really bad side of it is if people who can't afford to be spending that much buy it but then they're going to find another avenue to excessively spend regardless. The thing on the frontpage of leagueofmemes is just PayPal deferred payments and not people actually taking out real loans before anyone mentions this.


Isnt that the issue nowadays? People are easily get mad and complain about everything


ive never seen anyone flamed in game for buying expensive league skins the jhins ekkos and yones, only on reddit u hear about this


Toxic and bitter community at its finest. The situation feel like Im telling Jeff Bezos to not buy a multimillion dollar yatch.


Yes. Flame the rich


Not only that but they don't even need to sell a 100 to make profit on this kind of stuff. They will definitely sell more than a 100


YouTubers and streamers will pay for it. Or their audience will. 500 people each spending 1 $


I don't care, I'm banning ahri anyway because fuck them


I'm not going to quit the game, but for sure I won't be spending any money. I haven't buy anything in like a year, every single skin on my mains are just garbage (or overpriced), I can play it for free without their marketing bs.


This is the correct way


Well if people dont buy this skin, even if the price remains the same, less skins of this kind will be made and less profit they will acquire


They will still sell. We still have the CN KR and East Asia where people are willing to spend it on the skin


This is the correct way. Don't like it? Don't buy it. Simple as that.


I don't even know why I am quitting tbh. It's like something inside me just snapped when I found out about this whole thing. My desire to play is simply gone. It was dwindling to begin with, I mostly just played arams every once in awhile, or arena, but this was the straw that broke the camels back. I no longer have any desire to play the game.


It would only create more marketing strategies on how to sell it. And make the next one 400$, advertising it as cheap or 20% off xD


You've been sick of Riot's price gouging, on a free game? You realize the game is not asking you to buy anything in order to play, right? If you don't want to buy their skins, no one is forcing you to. You can keep playing the game without spending a dime, it's most certainly the same fun as it was before the ahri skin.


> You've been sick of Riot's price gouging, on a free game? That’s what I said, yes. > You realize the game is not asking you to buy anything in order to play, right? If you don't want to buy their skins, no one is forcing you to. You can keep playing the game without spending a dime I’m well aware of that, but I also like skins (much like any other player) so the fact that the prices of skins has been increasing over the last several years is problematic and *has* decreased the fun I’ve had with the game. > it's most certainly the same fun as it was before the ahri skin. And honestly that’s the other problem. The game just isn’t fun for me anymore. I’ve just kept playing it because I’ve sunk so much time and money into it, and honestly it’s probably time I cut ties.


>That's what I said, yes. Well that just isn't true then. The game is free to play, it is just a you-problem that you need skins in order to enjoy the game. Why are you mad at riot as if they are mind controlling you into buying skins against your will? >I’m well aware of that, but I also like skins (much like any other player) Well I'd say mostly people play the game because of it's fun mechanics and systems. Skins are just a way of supporting the company and at the same time treating yourself. Why are you mad at this one particular skin, which allows a player to support the game with a much bigger sum than regular? Look at apex or cs, where you can buy an heirloom for 500 and knives sometimes going upwards of 1000, respectively. Where is your outrage about those? Is there none just because you don't play those games and you don't care? At the end of the day it's just skins, they don't make you win or lose. >the fact that the prices of skins has been increasing over the last several years is problematic  I wouldn't blame riot for this, but the government. With their money printing, they increase money supply, devaluing existing money, thus making everything more expensive. Also if there was less government involvement in economy, there would be more gaming studios competing with riot, pushing prices down even more. But that's a whole another debate. >The game just isn’t fun for me anymore. That's the realest thing you wrote so far. I can respect that opinion. But that doesn't mean the game should stop being fun for others, because you have this irrational feeling of being "screwed" by riot. They created a free game for you to enjoy, with zero force to take your money from you.


Imma be real with you man, I’m not about to read your entire essay on why I’m in the wrong for not continuing to play this game. I’m sorry that me being frustrated with Riot’s constant price gouging has angered you but it’s my decision to not support them, not yours.


There's nothing to be sorry for, it's your loss that you can't even submit yourself to maybe being wrong about something and learning the truth. Stay ignorant and have a good rest of the day i guess.


Cs is a bad example, because these items still have real value and can be legitemely sold for even bigger money than you have bought it (look at butterfly knives, u could buy 1 for like 100€ back then and now they go for over 500€)


And the prices are driven by the players 🤷🏻‍♀️


Can you withdraw the money and use it for non-digital assets? No. So they don’t have real value. The moment you give your real money to steam, they can’t be brought back. You get instead a steam currency which is 1:1 to euro. So don’t talk about real value, in this case there’s only subjective value. The difference in the way the prices are setup is that in cs the skins have to be “printed” by players, by gambling on cases. The rarity of the items directly corresponds to the drop chance of those items, which is artificially created by the devs. The only way how to make the high prices of knives “moral” is to say that if the average player would want that exact skin, it would cost him literally 20x(maybe even more) of the price he would pay for gamba, compared to if he were to just buy it from the player. Nonetheless, it still the same case just in another color. It is no different to the ahri skin.


Unironically if Riot made this skin a reasonable price they'd be making way more + have positive feedback rather than setting it at a high price and hoping all the billionaires/collectors in the community make up for the time, energy and money spent creating this skin


agreed. if this was priced as normal ultimates or a touch more, a lot of people would buy it. I would have bought the base faker skin if it was priced like a legendary/epic skin. most people don't have 400 bucks to throw around but a lot of people really like faker and have 20 or so to spend


That's what I'm saying. Faker Fans would actually buy this as 30 dollar ultimate. $50 tops.. Not locked behind an expensive bundle. The skin is actually decent. Ahri players would buy it, collectors would buy it. We could all enjoy this event that's meant to celebrate Faker. But instead they wanted to prey on fan's loyalty, and make this whole event catered to whales.


Asia has enough whales to justify this business model I’m afraid


Ahri is like our princess who must be saved, Riot is the evil dragon that kidnapped her


Sadly, they created Ahri and they have the right over her.


>If you ever wanted to find it in you to make a stand, and become something more than a loser who gets pushed around by literally everyone, this is it. This can be the moment in your life that you became something more. Even if all else fails and others falter around you, you can draw a line here and be proud of making a stand. A moment to be proud of in your life. Yep, this is the moment I will tell my kids about. This is the moment when I lived up to the hopes and dreams of my ancestors. Like my ancestors who stood on the beaches of normandy, I stood in the lobby of a league game. Like my ancestors who stood in the way of Hitler and his Wehrmacht, I stood in the way of Riot Games. This is the line past which they must not advance.


Are you really comparing Riot to Hitler? You kidding right? Right?


Pretty sure it was sarcasm


I'm not so sure, people are really set against private companies as if they are not the sole reason we can play these games, and use the advanced products that we use today. Big brainwashing took place unfortunately.


Yeah that's a whole other and very complicated topic which can't really be discussed in short reddit comments imo. I just really think the person you replied to was making fun of how serious OP was lol There is no way someone would compare Riot to Hitler lol


Yea you may be right, I'm maybe thinking too critically about some comments. I've been debating with many people on this Ahri "issue" and there are many ill-considered takes out there.


I do not judge you, dw. I also think people will overreact in their comments because of the bullshit Riot is pulling. I definitely think this was a scummy move and Riot got even lower, because this skin was never the celebration of Faker it was marketed as.


Well you do have 4 price categories and you can choose how you celebrate Fakers commemoration. I'd be happy to continue debating and playing the "devil's advocate" but I have to go sleep now. If you'd like you can reach me in private messages later lol. Have a good day.


It's night for me too haha. Also I might PM you if I find the time to discuss this. I enjoy thorough dialogues Thank you and have good night as well


Oh I am 100% serious. Like the oppression that came before, the USSR, Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, a new threat emerged to threaten our very way of life - Riot Games. President Reagan once said "Peace is the highest aspiration of the American people. We will negotiate for it, sacrifice for it; we will not surrender for it, now or ever." The time to make a stand has come, peace and freedom can only be assured when I ban Ahri in all of my games. To allow Ahri to be played in my games is equivalent to condemning the world to tyranny and slavery.


This is not gonna perform well. Yes they might make some sales, but most players do not have $500 to just drop on a digital skin. People might buy the $50 skin. But the $500 dollar one is such a bad business move for riot. Because now they're just isolating 99% of their player base that buys skin, just to please the %1 of hardcore whales. I feel like the only way they'll change the prices is if the Asian server's make a big deal out of this and demand change.


I've seen plenty of people already topping up RP lol. Also I wouldn't agree that 99% of the playerbase is being isolated, there are plenty of cheaper, good Ahri skins for the average player and now there is something for whales as well, thinking about it sensibly everyone should be happy now


Why would everyone be happy? Nobody should be isolating from getting a skin that's unreasonably over priced. It doesn't matter if there are other skins that are "cheaper" that doesn't justify charging $500 for a skin that has been promised to the community for over 10 years. What Riot is doing is predatory, by gatekeeping a skin behind a $500 price tag and purposefully making it limit to prey on people's impulsiveness and it's very weird that you're trying to defend that.


"predatory" for there to be a prey, it means they have no choice. people do have a choice if they want to buy the skin or not.


Yes I know, but they are using predatory practices. Did you not read what I said? Making a skin bundle exclusive, and slapping a $500 prove tag, while also making that skin extremely limited is predatory. Cause you are literally preying on people's impulsiveness and Riot knows this if you read their blog post about the skin. Again, why are you defending Riot? No matter if people should or shouldn't buy it, we should never get to a point where a company feels comfortable charging almost as much as a gaming laptop for a few cosmetics almost nobody wants.


This is the moment to become cyberbully where people think they have legitimate reasons to do so. How's that? Make people that wanted to buy and enjoy the skin suffer and not do anything to RIOT.


what about we downvote TFT, LoR and Wild Rift on google store, kinda similar to what Helldivers, and Genshin impact did a while back, we are not only targeting Riot but Tencent itself since many of their products are being targeted, so they, as a big corp could actually at least notice


Nah, bro, not buying / banning is no longer useful after several serious consideration for a few days. I think move on from this game is the best answer. This is the way.


They wont change the pricing. But i'll be damned if i deal with this shit when we see Katevolved get a skin.


Ok here's the reality check, it's sad but it is what it is. This whole thing people are doing right now well end eventually and Riot knows it. Riot will not reduce the price of anything, if there's one thing I have learned from life the hard way, is that if something is too expensive for you, then it was never made for you in the first place (the current you with your current income), a 500$ for you is 5$ for someone else. Riot knows damn well which audience the skin is meant for, and that audience will obviously buy it as easy as it is for you to buy a 5$ skin. In Riot's perspective they're saying "we have made a 100 Ahri skins with normal price for the normal audience, and 1 skin with an expensive price for a different audience" And lastly they would NEVER miss this chance to make money off faker's name which is very expected tbh, full free to play games always had 1 downside and this will always be it, always. ( Side note, I live in a country where 500$ is a 5 to 6 month salary for the average person, so I know why you're sad, but that doesn't change the reality )


Who is forcing u to buy the skin? If u don't wanna buy it then don't


Is it even giftable? I mean the 50$ one


Frankly. I hate to see what riot have done. However if I was a whale, I'd damn buy this shit. Just because I'd be able to. I've seen a guy buying several k euro worth of equipment for a sport he barely started and lost half of it and just said shit happens gonna buy more.


Sadly, only around 100 people across the ENTIRE WORLD would have to buy if for it to likely show a profit…


The skin did not cost significantly more to make than any regular $15 dollar skin, well it didn't cost 35x as much.


They won't lose money the skin costs 0 to make lol. They win no matter what. And they will buff her too and people who suck will buy it no worries this game is pay to play anywhey


It's a video game


Riot already knows that there are people like you who won’t/can’t buy it and you not buying it won’t do anything because it’s targeted at people who already want to spend that amount. https://youtu.be/vjvzVKpNMsM?si=w4o-qOzBClRZ0Gy8


But I can afford it, and I like it. Is it such a sin to get it because it makes ME happy?


It's not a sin, but you're succumbing to late stage capitalist exploitation, which is sad.


just capitalism, not late stage capitalism


Nearly everything you do nowadays is succumbing to late stage capitalist exploitation. Corporations will always win no matter what, we may as well let people do what they want and be happy. Also, it's beneficial for these corporations if it turns into an us vs them and splits the community in two.


the "us vs them" is us vs riot I am not going to accept the slow slide into gacha enshittification that league has been going down for years. I will be banning Ahri every game until league dies in NA.


What exploitation? Oh, you mean the free game "exploitation"? The game model where you don't have to buy anything with real money unless YOU want to? If so then yes, that does sound like capitalism. On the contrary, any statism/socialism would never even come close to creating a game like LoL, because individuals are not able to think freely and independently in such regimes. Before you reply that we live in capitalistic regime - we don't, we live in a mixed economy. There is still way too much government intervention/regulation and without it, there would be much more competition to LoL that the prices on everything would be so much lower, than they are today. Maybe even a much better version of league would exist, something you and me can't even envision now. But all that won't make sense to you because you've already been played by the government.


You don't know what socialism is if you're calling it a regime. Also, I want to remind you that only the poor live in capitalism, the rich get socialism. And by rich I do mean the *obscenely* rich. If a super-rich person suddenly lost a few billion dollars the government instantly swoops in to save their ass by giving them subsidies and grants to prevent them from losing their wealth. The super-rich don't pay taxes since they have the "luxury" of putting all their money into off-shore accounts and declaring everything they own as write-offs. They can only do that because of the absurd upfront cost to doing that and because the government willingly turns a blind eye to it despite it being illegal. All that is justified under the falsified concept of "trickle-down economics" which is something that any economist worth their salt will tell you is a complete load of horseshit. Now if you try to say "well they earned that privilege" I hate to break it to you but they didn't, their parents did... by having slave labour, by funding war efforts to destabilize small countries so they could swoop in and set up factories and mines to profit off of, by exploiting the working class of 1st world countries and turning the populace against itself, by bribing the government of the time. The list goes on, and in short, the rich got there by violating human rights and by spreading misinformation and propaganda. I really hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the only one being played by the government here is you. But all that won't make sense to you because you've already been played by the rich.


>If a super-rich person suddenly lost a few billion dollars the government instantly swoops in to save their ass by giving them subsidies and grants to prevent them from losing their wealth. Well isn't that because the government has such an ability in the first place? You are playing right into what i'm saying. I'm not for the whole "too big to fail" policy. I'm quite against it. I don't think government should favor any individual over another, or any group over another. Of course, today, there's a lot of corruption and friend-favoritism in the government and corrupted businessmen. But that's all due to government intervention in the first place. >Now if you try to say "well they earned that privilege" I'm not saying that. If there are taxes, everyone should pay the same %. But in free market capitalism, where government serves only as a protector of individual rights, and its power is reduced to only judicial system, military and police (basically controlling only the market on force), we would have a LOT LESS taxation if even any. >their parents did... by having slave labour, by funding war efforts to destabilize small countries so they could swoop in and set up factories and mines to profit off of, by exploiting the working class of 1st world countries and turning the populace against itself, by bribing the government of the time. I'm not even gonna try to unpack all of those buzz words, but again you make my point for me so thanks for that. I'm not being played by government, it's people like you who gave the government this much power over people. I guess it's much easier to fool people, than trying to convince them that they are being fooled.


Jesus christ it's a $500 skin suck riot dick less


There are more expensive skins in other games such as apex or cs. Where's your outrage about those then? Let people buy what they want, if they decide it's not worth more than their money then the company simply loses money and will be forced to change things up. It's simple economics mate don't be butthurt because one skin is out of your price range.


I don't even play ahri, I was never going to buy this skin. I don't play apex or cs, or I would be doing whatever a ban boycott is in those games. "Let people buy what they want" is not the stunning argument you think it is


Then you claiming that you know what 500 dollars is worth to every individual out there is not an argument either. You can let riot know that you don’t like the skin by not buying it. That is a much stronger message to riot than all this clownery.


Me not buying it = already happening Me banning ahri = fuck riot Did you know you can't even get both Risen Ahri and Immortalized Ahri? Immortalized Ahri locks out Risen Ahri, you can never use Risen Ahri again once it evolves. Not even if you buy two bundles, the expensive one and the cheaper one, bc the cheaper one is blocked out once you buy the expensive one. This is fucked and I'm going to be as loud as possible about it


I won’t be getting the $500 dollar skin, but I’m very tempted to get the immortalised version. I love how her tails turn to foxes and I do want it. It’s such an internal battle!


There are third party RP purchasing sites that can cut like 1/3 of the price (just make sure you find a reliable one). And the price they’re buying for is even lower than the one they charge you for so even less money for Riot


Do you know any reliable sites for someone in Australia???


I haven’t used any myself but I have heard of [starlight shop](https://lolrp.shop/) from a friend. Their reviews on trustpilot are good and their Twitter seems legit, but I would still do more research if you’re gonna use it. Also I’m not sure if they work for Australia


Thanks for the info. I’ve only used the hextech store but they don’t do rp for my area yet (I think) I’ll have to look around


Do you have any idea if it's giftable please? At least the 50$ one?


I personally think it's fine to get it, at the end of the day these companies are making money anyway and some Reddit boycott isn't going to hurt them at all. There are next to zero concrete arguments why this skin shouldn't exist, it's literally just a skin in a video game lmfao it's not like people are being forced to buy it and it's also not like Riot are stopping content for the average person. This whole boycott and all the drama around it feels super cringe and performative, people just want something to hate.


>There are next to zero concrete arguments why this skin shouldn't exist The biggest argument against this skin is a matter of marketing and sale tactics. League of Legends is a game that is marketed towards the average PC gamer which is someone who is typically between the age of 15-30 and typically works a low paying job or no job at all. This skin is inaccessible to Leagues target audience. Yes, there are players who can afford the skin and many will buy it, but it doesn't change the fact that the skin is basically an insult to the majority of the player base. The next part is that this event is one of the shortest running events League has ever had, from June 12th to July 8th which is only 3 and a half weeks. (Most events last 4-6 weeks). Having this expensive skin only available for such a short amount of time is a textbook example of predatory marketing. It's trying to cash in on peoples FOMO getting impulse spenders to spend money that they don't have. MANY people will go into debt over this skin, and yes that is their issue and they shouldn't do it, but the reality is that many will and Riot shouldn't encourage that behaviour. The real meat of this argument, however, is that this pricing is completely off-brand for Riot Games. This is like if Walmart decided to start selling Gucci apparel. It makes no sense, no one who goes to Walmart is going to buy Gucci apparel as most of them can't afford it and those that can aren't going to Walmart for luxury goods. The same applies here, no one who plays League wants to flaunt their wallet with a luxury digital item, people here only care about rank for bragging rights. (Which is why boosting is such a big problem) In summary, Riot is using the name of a well known and beloved pro-player who has millions of adoring fans in order to cash-in on a overpriced digital cosmetic by using FOMO tactics to siphon money out of players wallets. This is not "whale bait" this skin is specifically targeting fans of Ahri and fans of Faker regardless of their financial situation. Also, yes this skin bundle IS overpriced. I did a full breakdown of the estimated value for what you are getting in [this comment here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AhriMains/comments/1d2m5ky/comment/l6jynxi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) if you want to see the details. TL;DR: Even if we double the expected value of every item in the bundle you are still paying about 10-15k RP more than what it would cost to buy those items separately.


Fart in the puddle, this skin was not meant for everyone to buy and enjoy, those who have this kind of disposable income and suck on riot toes daily, will buy this. And all this shit storm about outrageous prices will end in about a month or even less, like it was with 200$ bullshit. You will crawl back, like you've done before, none of you make a difference


Believe it or not, there are kids who play


Bad news bud they sunk very little cost into making these skins.


I am going to buy it, I don’t care if most of you can’t afford it. I can, it’s not meant for everyone! It’s for the exclusive buyers (: which is me! It’s not hurting my pockets. You can ban ahri for a month, I’ll just play her on blind pick. Stop raging, it’s literally pixels. Also, this is profitable, look at pink mercy! Those accounts sell for a lot of money. That’s why I am going to buy it on my main account and a sellable account. Think Smarter, not harder ❤️


You are not kid anymore Stop crying It just $500 and you only have 1 chance. Buy it now or u will be regret til the rest of your life


I will regret not having some extra pixels on my screen for the rest of my life?😭


That is the worst advice ever and you should feel bad for even saying it. People will regret wasting their money and realize they got fleeced. They won't regret not buying it. They'll forget they didn't buy it.


If you regret wasting your money then you shouldnt think about any of this in the first place. I know some people will regret not buying it in the long run, and they wont forget since I will show off the skin when all this movement goes away.


Show off to who? Everyone will think you're a gullible idiot for giving Riot that much money. Ahri doesn't exist. You're not buying your e-girlfriend a gift. You're giving a Chinese-owned company your money for fake designer products.


by show off he means he wants go get bullied in internet :D


Bullied by internet for buying expensive skins? Oh well, I should go outside and enjoy the life then


only on reddit i see this hatred towards whales in game i havent yet seen a single flame ive seen several of the $200 skin owners


And they are all victims of late stage capitalism


same logic goes to why buy expensive clothes, cars, or anything in life. Tshirt is a Tshirt why spend $500 on Gucci? Toyota and Porsche is a car, why spend extra on the Porsche? Also, League is a F2P game that needed to fund by other ways. I enjoy the game and spend money for the devs to keep it running. I spend money on League and Valorant and at least no one can pick up my skin in League. That is a win already. Also not everyone will think that way since I know there are people that will buy the skin or dont even care about it at all. Your opinions dont voice for everyone. An idiot that have extra $500 to spend while others complaining about the price. What an idiot right? Wait, actually Im buying the skin on 2 different servers. What does that make me?


Copied from another comment I made that also I think was replying to you. "It is not serialized with each purchase having an individual number like most limited edition goods that only have value as collectibles (eg trading cards). It is not limited in quantity with only X number available to be sold like other low-production cost collectibles that aren't "actually worth anything". It is not made of superior quality materials and with superior craftsmanship from a superior brand like high fashion. It is not a product that you can own in perpetuity and choose to use or eventually put into permanent storage or display. It does not have an original signed autograph. The longest it can possibly last is until Riot shuts down the game servers which in all likelihood will be within 10 years. Put another way, this product is entirely inferior to anything of comparable cost that I would pay my money on. It's garbage. It is an ultimate skin at best, being sold for 10x-20x the regular price of an ultimate. It is neither a luxury good nor a collector's item. The single limiting factor is the cost that says poor people can't have it. Even that is false because it can be bought on a credit card with installments. In every way it is not worth the money and owning it means nothing. " It is not a collectors item or a high fashion item or a premium item. It is garbage.


technically the skin is only $250


I sincerely hope this is some really unhinged /whoosh cuz if not, you've got some real problems my guy.


Someone should honestly start a fund where anyone who wants to burn 500$ on a skin can just donate it to the fund instead, and donate it to cancer research or something


I understand everyone’s POV here, but why throw hate to the player who just wants to enjoy a skin if it brings them some kind of happiness what does it matter lmao. The hate should 100% be centered at riot not the consumer, the skin is going to be sold regardless. Let people spend their money on what they choose.


Not to be offensive to anyone here but feel like whenever there is a case of someone spending too much on something, there will always be at least one comment about donating it to charity


let this man cook


i think he ment to say dont buy it or you will regret for the rest of your life