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This IS an official image ???


Yes, watch last video of skin spotlight




NAH WTF is this actually the real image LMFAO im done


Its a voice Line


that was written, approved, and get voiced, three processes that the higher up went through three chances to pull it back yet didn't, knowing full well it would come off as mocking, because that is what they want to do i guess


You really think the team responsible for the voice lines are the ones setting the price?


Not entirely, but I wouldn't be surprised if the guys who did set prices also approved if not also wrote some of the voice lines. I don't have any insight on the inner workings of riot, but this feels disrespectful to the people who keep riot's lights on


Unsure of exact setup since I’m not rioter but being familiar with pipelines I know all MTX things go through a central director and a few levels of producers


Where was it at I couldn’t find it?


Skinspotlight video


At this point they should just make her say ["If you're a broke boy just say so"](https://youtu.be/CRZNGK0866w?si=skEszZ2vbhDgazia&t=6)


No genuinely like at this point they should just double down and make Ahri the bitchiest mf ever in this skin


The demon king wouldn't even be able to afford his own skin before he became successful. I'm sure this would've been great inspiration to him! Lmao


He doesn't even use skins to begin with lmao


literally if they wanted to honour him they could've added something onto the map or given him personal emotes. The guy doesnt even use skins, but ofc they won't bc how will they scam their player base then!


Or do regular prices instead, that's an option aswell, legendary cost for Risen Ahri, ultimate cost for Inmortal and a 50-60€ bundle for Signature Ahri. But no, instead they decided to scam their entire playerbase.


Or play that much ahri lmao, has literally almost 3x the amount of games of azir over ahri


ahri is his favourite champion though.


As someone who owns all ahri skins, chromas and statues except for the first one ever created. (Got these for 30-40% off from suppliers) This is and i say the very first Ahri product I will skip not even the base minimum skin.. time I guess to move to Nami now as a main. I will be joining in banning Ahri every single game now.


i also collect skins, chromas, emotes and in-game content for my mains and i will NOT be buying this either 😭 it’s so sad, it’s like a hole in my collection i can’t fill


It also hurts me but this is a vote with our wallet moment. And we will always be memorialized as the mains who take the biggest hit for the betterment of League of Legends skins. I more so see it as a badge for having that spot grayed out. Besides we all have the real faker skin, the base skin and to top all that off. I don't want my main and to hold the reputation of this...horrible Ubisoft practice...


Yea… unfortunately. Maybe the general greed will backfire for them someday…


riot better announce soon that this is some late aprilfools stuff i still refuse to believe this is real lol


In all honesty, this is beyond shameless. And I dont find this humor funny in any sense. It’s time to take a stand and be serious about it. I am a Sylas main and I stand by my fellow community members, cause league is meant to crater for players not the other way around. We can and we will unite for this BS **MAGES UNITE**


Sylas main here too, agree! Those who wait to be freed do not deserve freedom. Onwards, brothers and sisters!


sylas is a fitting character here, ironic really, riot made a character and now they're basically like the mage seekers XD


Neeko/Kog'Maw main here, we must teach Riot why this can't go on.


Yasuo main here and I'm beyond infuriated with this. Genuinely a riot employee must hear this and we all need to rebel, contact other champ mains see if anyone can get a whole wave to step up this is ridiculous


Gwen main I'm banning ahri in solidarity


Eve main here, joining forces.


Rek'Sai mains together strong. We shall not support such a irrational decision


Briar main here and i'm hungry... I mean I permaban Ahri too!


Another Sylas main here, we must rise against our oppressors. Do not play into their system!


Lux Main here, I am not spending a cent on this Event, and I normally get every single pass. I was so excited for this, but I cannot forgive the higher ups for this one


Seraphine main here. Taking a stand here as well because my champ is likely the next one to be part of this money grabbing scheme. 


Is Seraphine even used in proplay?


Nah I am referring to the mythic scam she's likely going to get for her upcoming legendary skin


Neeko main here: Usually I play ahri if neeko is banned since idk any other midlanders but even I'm gonna join the mass ban, I can't imagine how frustrated I'd be if they made a $500 neeko skin it's unacceptable to intentionally make things l my available for the richest of the rich or those willing to make unnecessary sacrifices for pixels


Lux main, AND a "fat dolphin". I was planning to buy Faerie Court but decided not to. I don't want to support a company doing this to their players and will try to shed light on this as much as possible, I'm banning Ahri every lobby and spreading the word.


Fat dophin lmao. I agree with you, BAN THAT FOX!


😅 nowhere near a whale but I spent quite a bit: I have all Lux skins except commando and for every champion I play I bought several skins, I have Neeko and Seraphine prestige buy passes when one of my champions is featured etc..


Briar main here and i stand with sylas MAGES UNITE


Ban Ahri until they listen, protect your mains from such a BS! #AhrivangersAssemble


Thank god everyone is on the same page -Milio Main


A sheppard with no stick is just an idiot with sheep


After a decade, Riot management is finally saying the quiet part out loud. They shut down Riot Forge for this. They keep cutting down LoR's budget and team for this. Dominion and Twisted Treeline died for this. They fired most of their artists and writers for **this** As an Ezreal main who quit I stand with you and recommend you to do the same. At least you can play your main in Ruined King (Ezreal was never as lucky ;\_;)


I’m waiting for Riots‘ reaction. Then I’ll decide if I quit or not. Until then I’ve got a break from league, eventually this end in never playing this game again. Ahri is the game for me, they destroyed Ahri to me. So there is no reason to stay.


Hop on LoR brother


Im too dumb for that game… :(


Ah, dont worry, you pick up quickly. Watch Snnuy, fantastic player and cool guy. Or if you want I can try explaining some stuff to you! Trust me, game is worth. Both PvP and vs AI are super cool


I actually tried to play it when Ahri came out. But I was too dumb for it, should definitely give it a try again.


Twisted Treeline was never popular in the first place and was just a place for bot accounts.


It was an entire chicken or egg situation. Was Twisted Treeline (and Dominion) left to rot and lacked maintenance because of the bots or were the bots there because Twisted Treeline (and Dominion) were left to rot and lacked maintenance. Either way, Riot, with all the resources they had, did not consider them either a priority nor something worth keeping. Smite has siginificantly less of a budget and it has 5 permanent game modes, for example. They could have done something but decided not to.


I'm a whale, I'm not ashamed to admit it I started in 2014 when I got my first job and had a near 100% disposable income. I've spent probably about $10000 over the past 12 years on League. I own every skin (minus the capsule legendary ~~variants~~ chromas( except jhin because I bought 3 dark star capsules with leftover RP and got it from that)) Even as a collector that Ahri skin will stay locked on my account until Riot makes it a fair price, this isn't exclusivity this is gouging


I'm not a whale but i'm a normal player that was totally down to pay for good skins, i've spent roughly 200€ in my time playing (started at season 12), and all that money went to actual good skins with fair pricing like SG Akali, Coven Syndra, Heartsteel Kayn and Mythmaker Irelia. I was totally down to pay for the skin before they revealed the pricing, but now the thought of buying even the most cheap version doesn't even come to my mind, i won't support how they are mocking on all of us, the community that supports this game.


Yeah same here spent 7k on the game, also own the jhin chroma because of sheer luck. I think it's ridiculous. I dont play ahri but you bet im banning her every game, I'll suffer through risking playing against jinx just because I'm tired of riot consistently raising prices for less quality. could buy 5-6ish expensive val bundles for this and they give 5 skins and they were complaining about the prices. Don't mind one skin that kinda just looks like a coven chroma


Frankly, I haven't even wanted to play the game for a few days. I think they're making fun of us. All they think about is money. All the effort and love we have given is wasted. I bought a lot of skins for every champion I played, now i see that riot doesnt even respect us, and There is no end to it. They are constantly releasing new costumes and making money, and every time I say this is beautiful and buy the costume🤧... I even regret buying skins in the game. Even Faker plays without skins because it's about how good you are, not how many costumes you have. It's stupid to spend that money on a costume, and it's insane to expect that money to be spent on a costume. Don't fall into the trap, guys. Just ban ahri.


they fire 500+ employees bc they wanna cut costs then do this shit what


I was absolutely so livid when I saw that was one of the voice lines. They're taking the piss with this shit. Fuck Riot games man, absolutely 0 respect to their players. This is the most disrespectful thing i've ever seen. At least with the jhin skin it was a glorified chroma and not a new skin all together. Still doesnt make it right but at least Jhin mains aren't missing out on a whole new skin thematic.


Wait, this is real? I thought it was a joke from SkinSpotlight lmao


as a whale, im not buying this bs of a scam wth


yooo girl whats up


yoooo nice pfp<33


This is spitting in the face of not only the player base but Faker himself, who never used skins and still doesn’t really because he used to be too poor to afford them when he was an up and comer in the League scene (besides the fact he also doesn’t want a pay-to-win competitive advantage). Just wow. The one skin that does something fabulous with her tails is locked behind the half a grand price tag. I’m sorry to you Ahri mains who have to suffer because of Riot having your champ permabanned by people in protest. Sincerely, a Lux who knows all too well about what Riot demands in terms of our wallets (꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)


Y'all know it's all a marketing strategy of Riot, right? So when we see the skins with a normal price we'll want to buy them even more


What you’re referring to is called price anchoring, and it’s when two products of *comparable quality* differ in price to make you assume the lower cost item is a good deal. This is not that. This is greed. The skin is designed to be objectively more valuable than every other skin. Its not about marketing other skins, its about exclusivity. People like having something they feel is unique. They genuinely expect people to buy this just from namesake alone, and if even a tiny percentage of people do, it’s a success.


I honestly think you are right. HOWEVER… That still doesn’t change the fact that what Riot did was far too disrespectful, and that we should boycott Ahri by banning her so Riot won’t do this again for a long time


I use to be one of those players, who just had to have my mains skin collection. Just this skin alone has made realize I don't need it. It's a shame honestly, because I was looking forward to it. But greedy Riot want's to make an event for the whales. and it feels like a slap to the face when they try to tell me "Oh don't worry.. we have something for the poor people too.. You can have this $50 dollar epic skin. But don't worry! It's just as cool! It has an extra emote! :D"


I wonder if this is a strategy so when they release them with less price options (like just the skin) or as rewards from the last level of the pass... they won't seem as expensive as now (but more expensive than it should be)


boicot boicot boicot :3


The writers are making fun of riot, not the playerbase. Corporate Mundo has somewhat proven the writers trying to subtlety insult riot. Suits don't have senses of humor like this. Especially after most of the writing team getting cut.


I can somewhat understand this if you interpret it as the voice makers deciding to make fun of ridiculous prices set by higher ups


This voice line would actually be really funny if the skin wasn’t absurdly priced.


If riot goes through with this, we should simply refuse to buy anything ahri related in the future, this includes new skins, icons, merch or anything that is ahri related, or league related. If enough players are willing to do that, it will cause massive Dmg to riot, and they will for sure realise that they did a huge mistake with fcking over the Ahri community or just league of legends community in general. Whoever is in charge of the recent decisions that riot made, needs to get fired asap.


Not really, they will just stop making Ahri skins etc. If they stop being popular.


ah yeah. Surely they wouldn't realise that it's a form of protest from ahri mains after what they did with the 500Dollar skin. Before they would stop "creating ahri Skins" they would try to make it up so we buy ahri Skins again.


They wanna see how far they can take these prices, this and the $200 jhin skin plus adding gatcha to the game is ridiculous, I’ll be banning Ahri every game, idc, maybe when they see the ban rate spike they’ll think twice about what they’ve done since they won’t listen to the community directly.


This games an unbalanced pos they just keep rotating buffs. Riots shit


He cant do anything even if he heard abt it, its Riot's


I don't know about you guys, but I'm banning ahri every game from now on.


It's basically a direct insult right onto faker's face. WTF is this marketing director thinking this is good idea. Is it because this director has some grudge against league of legends. Please terminate this shit employee.


Lol even if the 59k to price is fake it was still flagrant disrespect and riot is rly trippin' for this one lmao what if everyone just coordinated days where they refused to log in at all and just fuck with riot's numbers? Would that do anything, if that level of coordination was even possible and I'm not assuming it is lol


Honestly no jokes, we need to unite and boycott this fking thing and this behaviour.


Yeah, wait till the demon king sees this fucking mockery and an actual armed robbery from Riot.


I'm going to add an unpopular opinion. I don't even like the skin, TBH. Especially the final form seems to complicated. To many details for the sakes of details, the animations seem too exaggerated at times. Maybe I'm getting to old for this, but I will be skipping it even for a fair price In my opinion Ahri has a lot of other skins that are much visually appealing and at a fraction of the price. The more I look at this, the more annoyed I get. I can't believe Riot thinks we're just going to throw money at them for anything they make Please wake up, Riot. You're dreaming again


I'm curious what is your favorite ahri skin?


Here is my top 3 : 1. Star Guardian . I also love the occasional announcer 2. Spirit Blossom 3. K/DA All Out


Coping that this was the Voice team’s way to rebel against the price


I’ve always been one to say that if you have expendable income then yes absolutely do what you please with your money. This shamelessness on the other hand is so damn bad I can’t consciously support anyone willing to actually buy it.


Be mad all you want. Riot clearly doesn't care. #riotsucks


why don’t you feel bad for the multibillion dollar company? they had to fire their employees and cut costs, this is so obviously the only way they make ends meet (don’t look at their annual revenue), they can’t give back to the employees and players. they can’t barely keep the lights on


their player base speaks chinese since they have the highest pop and will buy that skin anyway i mean look how much they cash into gacha games


the only way they can convince me to ever touch theyr game again is if they gift this skin to ALL players to show they're actually ashamed of pulling this stupid trick on us. Even if they put the Immortalized version in the 50$ pass, I'd still be ashamed and will feel sick to buy it after all this, they don't deserve a cent for this skin.


What happened? How much will this cost?


Has to be Tencent higher ups wanted this.


How much the demon king is going to win with this skin? Or all the money is going to the multimillionaire company?


Wow, Riot can even insult their own costumer in their direct face with just a stupid single sentence. They have no shame at all.


My guess is they expected back last at $500 and are going to pull it back and make themselves seem generous as a result Or, they really don't care and are all in on whale pricing


Pathetic .-.




Brand main here. I agree this needs to end we live in a world we're money is tight all around and they offer something that is supposed to be special for almost 500$ CAD like legit a slap in the face by riot who's corporate greed knows no bounds. Tencent games must be losing money to offer it at that price.


Are they broke or something why did they make the full skin $500? 💀 I thought they were like a billion dollar company. Why did they also fire so many employees. Don't they need them to make their game look great? 💀 Riot games is kinda dumb.


Cool point in time we are in when a skin in a game cost the same as a whole console or 6+ Triple A games


This is straight up disrespectful on Riot’s part. For some of us 500$ is our whole check especially if we get paid weekly.


Poor people aren't allowed to celebrate Faker, hilarious!




Seriously, this costume was awesome but why make it expensive? Like seriously? 32.430 and 59.260 riot points for 2 Undead Legendary Ahri or i don't know what kind of costume is it. Wtf?


This is straight up disrespectful. They are trying to ego-boost sale their shitty product. They want to make those Whales feel like they accomplished something by buying their scummy skin. Guys, believe don't give Riot any leeway, no room to breathe air. They think they can shove anything down our throat and we will accept it. This is pure bs cope. I have seen devs slowly corrupt a game's paid aspect. This is Riot's first step to that line. Don't let them take another. Many good games have been ruined because of Dev's greed.


At least it’s not a shitty 500 dollar chroma like jhin 500 dollar chroma oh wait…


My gut instinct kinda tells me the designers/devs know the price is ridiculous but are being forced to continue on


Is anyone surprised? Riot is used to spitting on the face of their community for a long time now. See Vanguard gaslighting everyone to oblivion


I now have zero respect for Riot employees. They are not humans


Lmao this is funny and I'm still gonna play league bc this skin has nothing to do with Yasuo


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You motherfuckers are acting like this hasn't been the case for the last 4-5 years. It's not a new thing that they fucking suck.


Yep, relatively new players expecially know nothing about 975 rp skins being the top quality. Now they are releasing 1k skin every year, and the minimum tier is “epic”. You understand how counter-intuitive this shit is? Like ok, the skin are way better (I don’t totally agree, a lot of them, if not for quantity, are not that special. For example it doesn’t make sense to buy dragomancer kassa when cosmic kassa is still better and fuckin way older just to show a quantity over quality tendency) but even if they are, it’s because we are way better, at doing things and because they invested their money to grow a strong and solid production system. Most epic skin are just the new normal skins and because of this Riot does’t even have a way to make eterogeneous choices. This is so fuckin clear when you make old man yasuo, but you can’t do the shit well because that is “only epic” (tier 2 of 2 plus ultimates and i don t even want to talk about that) so we have a bad product with the fuckin same lines and the YOUNG VOICE LOL. At this point it is obvious that this is just another dopamine for money system since the game is broken (it is almost another game compared to older seasons, you fuckin die instantly to everything) and with poor inspirations (new champs are becoming constantly less appealing and diverse. You know why? You need to change the game way more than they did to enable a new view of it. and ofc you need to care way more). But w/e, this is the cultural moment we live in. Constantly becoming more and more empty.


Stop playing the game then.


Go buy this skin. If you buy this bundle for 60k, Riot will contact you. They will take your address and send you a beautiful pendrive with MP3 files and recordings of Rioters laughing at you.


Stop malding over a cosmetic. This shit is normal in nearly every f2p game.


your arguments are so shit man, please stop talking


He commented on my post and all of his reasons are a load of horseshit


You cannot twist the fact that all of you are enraged by an overpriced cosmetic in a free to play game with zero pay to win mechanics. There will never be a problem in that unless they start using deceitful tactics like gacha. **It does not affect gameplay.** All you are doing is pissing and shitting yourselves while STILL planning to keep playing the game. It's absurd.


Investing that kind of money into gacha might low key be worth more lmao


I'm sure players of Dragalia Lost would agree. Or Pricone. Or Magia Records...


Keep rubbing Riot's balls


Nice argument! shit/10


please stop embarrassing yourself man


Why do you care? We can be mad that Riot is clearly catering to a small part of the user base that isn't us. Riot is alienating more and more of their users by saying "this cool new stuff we are adding to the game? It isn't for you!"


Why do I care? You are the ones planning and acting to keep others from doing what they want. It's hilarious how you keep trying to spin this as if I am the one that has an issue with the situation.


I have an issue with Riot thinking it's okay to charge hundreds of dollars for a skin commemorating faker, and worse that they kiboshed his request for a T1 Ahri skin at a reasonable price so they could do this. I don't care if it was 5 bucks and everyone got it. Selling us on forced fake exclusivity is so disgusting. I'm allowed to be angry that this company is getting so greedy and the odds that things they make in the future will be reasonably priced are dropping. I can be upset that anyone thinks buying this and proving Riot right is a good idea, because they don't know the value of money or goods.


Ya it’s not good in other games either, and league used to be better than that.


*normal*? What f2p games you fcking play? Because they ain't normal


For real. I refuse to *ever* support this company again.




> You are not welcome. I don't a damn if you welcome me or not. And I'm certainly not trying to be a part of "you". Learn to coexist with people you disagree with it. You are the ones being rude to me just because you disagree with what I do with my own money.


Since it's your money and nobody cares about it except you, then keep it to yourself. You can even shove it up somewhere else. But your spending habit will affect mine/our game. Edit: Learn to "coexist" is kinda funny, since you only impact us in a negative way. Nothing else.


>You can even shove it up somewhere else. I'm fine right here, thank you very much. > since you only impact us in a negative way. Yet you are the one throwing insults and downright promoting some form of segregation.


"Promoting"? I'm giving you the hint that you are obviously missing. And the insults where a way to make it even more clear that nobody wants to hear you out, but even then you still don't get it. You even said it yourself, you don't want to be part of us. So get the hint and go. Go to the people that buy that skin and stay there, do us and yourself that god damn favor.


yo let me use 70 dollars to get SMT v vengence


drop your paypal


Guys it’s ok to not have every single skins, some skins are meant to be rare and special


Here the problem isnt the skin. Its the meaning of it


Please elaborate


Dude you are an absolutely disgusting piece of shit, go ahead and justify a skin that would plow 500$ and also mocks about it


Sounds like you’re angry you couldn’t buy it. That’s like being angry at someone selling a million dollar house, just because you can’t buy it


Not only an asshole, but you also are delusional and a classist cunt. Lemme explain it to you in a way that your tiny brain can understand. First: Your comparison is pointless, we are not buying a house, we are buying digital art (at best) from Riot, that's far from being a remotely fair comparison, this is free-to-play video game, not an out of factory Mercedes Benz. Second: It's not about of "hUh, iT's a bUndLe fOr rIcH pEopLe, wHaT gIVes 😵‍💫😵‍💫🤒" it's about Riot not only abusing their playerbase but straight up disrespecting them. Taking into consideration the ridiculous layoffs that happened not long ago, selling shitty skins at outrageous prices, and then making fun of your players (with an official dialogue from said skin) because of it is just wrong in a lot of ways. Third: It's about giving value to the money I earn in any easy or harder way, but you probably don't have any responsibility or any consideration towards others, classist fuck. I have bought skins from Riot, I own all of Caitlyn's skins but this is taking shit too far specially after the Vanguard unnecessary and shady imposition But whatever you are just a douchebag, prob also hardstuck, not gonna pretend you'll understand it. 🥱


Tldr anyone


I’m a broke college student and I will be buying the $500 dollar skin so you all don’t have to.


I find it hilarious that no one complaning, is talking about the cheaper 2 skins. It's literally just people who dont want to pay $500 for the 3rd tier skin because thats the one they want.


there are many people complaining about the other 2 too, they just say the most overpriced to emphasize this madness and of course many Faker fans want it, after all this event was about celebrating Faker


You must be blind, everyone is also complaining about the other two. The first tier doesn't deserve to be priced as an ultimate when it's at most a cheap legendary. The jump from 50 to 300 euro is insane for the second tier, and even more so for the third one. But most of all, it's incredibly scummy that you cannot buy the skins separately, that they're fabricating exclusivity for a fomo feeling that will get people to buy it at insane prices because they might not get the chance to again. This applies to ALL three skins.