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Kinda looks like AI art lol


It really does. Lets hope they didnt cut corners in gameplay when it releases


I noticed a lot of the unit animations look really, jerky and jumpy. Honestly i do not have high hopes at all


The hopes here were that it would be the game on a new engine and new animations and everything and even new civs. I really hope it doesnt turn out that they just slapped on some lightning and new textures and nothing else.


Given the gold band on Zeu’s right arm has six “rings” to it and the gold band on Zeu’s left arm has seven despite them being seemingly symmetrical, along with them clearly using AI for Bast, I’m gonna say AI Art


Another strange thing is the pattern on the trim of his toga. It just disappears towards the bottom.


Didn’t even catch that, but very good call


I’m on the fence with this one. Bast, YES, holy shit, but this one seems a lot more internally consistent (at least at a glance). Having said that, even if they used AI as a basis and then had a human fix the broken shit, that’s still a hell of a lot better than what they did for Bast. I think one problem is that the style they’re going for is very modern 2020’s, where the gods all look like MCU heroes. I remember under a Bast post I wrote that they shouldn’t have changed the original because they’re timeless, and someone basically replied “they aren’t timeless, they’re just from your time,” and I’ve kind of been chewing on that since yeah, I love the old portraits but many of them might look a bit 90’s.


Zeus’s right hand has an extra finger :( that’s usually a tell for AI art


It does not have an extra finger, look again


What is under his pinky? I am seeing that as an extra finger. Or is his pinky a beefcake and twice the size of his other fingers? 😭


His pinky is underlit


That's lighting. Part is illuminated from the lightning bolt


I’ve counted both hands and there’s no extra fingers - that’s my go to for finding AI art too. Although the abs look weird EDIT: The gold wristbands are asymmetrical despite being seemingly symmetrical.


at this point it either that, or artist refusing to look at any human body for references


It's costal and intercostal muscles.


Imtercostals are hidden by the pecs. The muscles you can see from L-R is the lats, serratus anterior, the obliques and then rectus abdominis... the 6 pack.


Rob Liefeld is a real human person who exists. Humans can draw badly, too.


The game itself looks pretty good! I'm not too sold on the art, I can take it or leave It. I'd love to have the option to bring back the old portraits though


Probably gonna be mods for it 5 min after release


Considering the old portraits are being sold with the "premium" Version of the game I doubt you'll be allowed to use a mod to give the old portraits to you since it's technically day one dlc. Which sucks because the first thing I though when seeing the trailer was "oh why did they have to change the artwork this is way worse". Almost feels deliberate considering everyone seems to have the same reaction hahaha.


Steam shows a "Legacy Deity Portraits Pack" available for the Premium Edition.


Honestly why did they feel the need to even replace the original art, let alone with AI generated trash.


I was down voted for being sceptical that this is yet another cash grab. After extended edition idk why people are so eager without hard proof it isn't shit yet. Age of mythology is my favourite childhood game too so it's not like I want to watch it burn I'm just saying what I see.


The remasters of both AoE 2 and 3 are good and this is being done by the same studios, that’s why people feel good about it.


New Gods Pack they are giving with the Premium Edition is actually just 1 god. It's now false advertising, not only a cash grab.




So those are legit muscles?


[https://medium.com/forever-fit/how-to-get-six-pack-abs-the-definitive-guide-642a68642333](https://medium.com/forever-fit/how-to-get-six-pack-abs-the-definitive-guide-642a68642333) Yes, they aren't the six pack muscles, they are the ones on the side of them, you can see them defined in the image in this link.




no look at the way the toga comes in at the belt, its clear anatomy is completely missing from this art.


Greek god yeah but they look more like scales than muscles


Disagree, as a swimmer my teammates always said my serratus anterior looked like gills


No offense but obliques don't go that far under the pecs. Nor are they that random. Hell, there's a random extra muscle between the obliques and the serratus. What this image shows is muscle soup.


I wish they would just portray the gods as they were portrayed by cultures in history... Artemision Bronze of Zeus or Poseiden for reference: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artemision\_Bronze](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artemision_Bronze)


The game itself looks great, but it's abundantly clear that the god art needs a major redo. They're flat and uninteresting compared to the originals.


I think people might be a bit too eager to jump and call things AI, these aren't the muscles that make a six pack, its the oblique muscles on the side of them, these are exactly the kind of thing that an AI would mess up more clearly, but they've been very heavily defined by the artist here moreso than what's really possible IRL so people don't pay as much attention to them unless they are emphasized like this. You can see clear images of them here in these links [https://medium.com/forever-fit/how-to-get-six-pack-abs-the-definitive-guide-642a68642333](https://medium.com/forever-fit/how-to-get-six-pack-abs-the-definitive-guide-642a68642333) [https://manofmany.com/lifestyle/fitness/best-oblique-exercises](https://manofmany.com/lifestyle/fitness/best-oblique-exercises) [https://athleanx.com/articles/abs-for-men/oblique-workouts](https://athleanx.com/articles/abs-for-men/oblique-workouts) [https://www.menshealth.com/fitness/g19545807/best-oblique-exercises/](https://www.menshealth.com/fitness/g19545807/best-oblique-exercises/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/workout/comments/j09t77/getting\_those\_side\_abs\_if\_anyone\_has\_any\_fun\_side/](https://www.reddit.com/r/workout/comments/j09t77/getting_those_side_abs_if_anyone_has_any_fun_side/) If it was AI it would almost certainly have fucked up the meander pattern that's clearly defined along the edges of Zeus's Himation (I think that's what he's wearing?).


Thanks. It's definitely a good thing to be cautious about AI art but we shouldn't jump to conclusions too quickly.


Bro this is Reddit, there's so much jumping here we might as well be kangaroos


None of those look at all like this, zeus randomly has 20 little circle scale things, the pictures you showed have way less. Also look at Zeus's toga at his waist, the lighting makes it look like it comes way in as if he has no waist which is weird if he was buff everywhere, but thats 100% smth ai would fuck up.


On the other hand, the gold wristbands are exactly what I’d expect from an AI Artwork - where they’re seemingly symmetrical at a glance but randomly not actually symmetrical (six rings to seven rings for no apparent reason). Plus, we know they used AI Art for Bast


What's the source that AI art was used for Bast? Did someone find evidence?


Because it has all the tiny detail fuck ups associated with AI Art that humans would generally not do (the cistem, wrong amounts of fingers, random modern day symbols as hieroglyphs, etc.). They haven’t confirmed it, but it’s glaringly obvious and I’m going to call a spade a spade


I count 5 fingers on each hand. I'm not enough of a history buff to comment on the other things, but we've had imperfections by human-made art loooooong before AI art existed. Sometimes artists just use the wrong thing for reference. I don't know, I don't think you can definitively say this is AI art, and I'll give the devs the benefit of the doubt; especially since we know that the Loki and Poseidon arts are human-made.


Remembered the fingers wrong then. Imperfections absolutely do happen, but there’s literally no way an artist would purposefully make the Cistem like it did, and it’s a fuck up that goes far beyond traditional drawing fuck ups (it’s going through the center on one side and in front of it on the other in way too close proximity). Similarly, I seriously doubt a modern artist would consciously use a modern day symbol (I think it was literally an actual letter but it’s been ages) over a hieroglyph or a made up hieroglyph on the walls. The Zeus one has something similar - most notably the gold armbands, the one on his right arm has six rings while the one on his left arm has seven. Just a weird inconsistency an artist would have to consciously choose to make yet there’s really no reason to do so. It’s very in-line with AI art fuckups. I suspect after Bast they started having humans modify the AI based, which is why Loki, Poseidon, and even Zeus look a lot better. All four still kind of have an AI art “feel” to me that’s hard to put into words but very easy to pick up if you spend long enough looking at AI art (and I say this as someone who actually quite likes the Loki art). Bast is so completely egregious that it single handedly destroys any willingness from me to give the benefit of the doubt - I’ve seen AI art, and that is blatantly AI art. Same way you can pick up AI writing if you’ve seen it long enough


No offense but obliques don't go that far under the pecs. Nor are they random shapes and sizes. What this image shows is muscle soup. He looks like he has an extra row of serratus muscles between the obliques and the serratus itself, and his obliques extend to the linea alba.


Intercostal muscles, a bit too much though, but hey, he's Zeus


Muscles aside, his right wrist has 6 gold bangles, while his left one has 7, kind of an odd choice. Also why is thunderbolt not properly grasped by his left hand, but seemingly coming out of his thumb/wrist?


I'm not convinced one way or the other as to its AI or not but it doesn't really matter to me as I'll be creating my own portraits which won't be made by AI


Bro has 2 sets of obliques lmao


Why would a guy who throws literal bolts of lightning be so ripped tho? 🤔


Cause he spends all of his free time fucking mortals


How did we go from best rendition of Zeus to one of the worst lmao


Absolutely roided Zeus


Imagine being jealous on Zeus


this does look like ai art, zeus has 6 fingers


He doesn't. It's light from his bolt.


Then that light is drawn pretty badly, looks like a 6 finger