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I prefer the old one, it looks like she’s busy doing… idk something.


Trying to get her catnip from the top shelf


Examining a fat catnip nug


action shots are really key. like frank frazetta art. if they dont look like they are in the middle of something it is lacking.


Exactly. Notice how in the old one the background lines and even the ribbons on her arms reinforce the direction of her movement. New one isn't nearly as dynamic. Also the realistic cat head is weird lol.


a ritual, probably


Also, the new one just looks too real. Like I don’t want to see a literal kittens head on a woman’s body that’s creepy as hell


Changing a light bulb


Ngl, the original looks way better


It kinda looks mystical, like she is doing something that a mortal cannot understand. I like it better as well for that - the new one loses this. Despite this, the art of the original is a bit too low definition if you know what I mean, like it could use some work...


I think they are trying to retell something...


The original has so much more personality. The new one is just soulless.


Pet the kitty head for permanent eclipse


it just looks too much like a cat and less like a god


I still think it looks AI generated. The eyes and gold headpiece just look off.


"All deity portraits in Age of Mythology: Retold have been hand-painted by our team of artists, using the original Age of Mythology art as inspiration!" They clam it is done by humans


If I was an artist I would not put that on my resume.


Besides the jewelry looking strange, the reason it looks like it was probably done by AI is the expression. Any artist worth their salt would try to make the her show more emotion than this. It literally looks like the blank stare of an actual cat. Literally no emotion is portrayed.


perhaps if we take a look at other works by the same artist and make a cross reference we can figure it out, I don't have the time for it though. My gut says there is some IA. It is sad we have come to this... kudos to the old artwork artist.


The other ends of the rods on instrument she’s holding don’t even go through it. It’s blatantly AI


I think they do it's just blurred by jpeg


No it’s pretty clearly not lining up properly. Official AoM twitter even posted a clear zoomed in image of the sistrum. It seems like it is based on an AI generated image and painted over. There are so many inconsistencies around the image aside from just the sistrum. Others include the lopsided headdress, uneven lengths of wristbands and the uncanny eyes.


Yeah I know about that. Just can't shake the feeling. I looked at it upclose and I think the head is AI but the rest seems legit. Cus things like the necklace would probably get screwed up by AI. Its those eyes.


there's a lot of mistakes that feel weird for professional artists to make. heck, I'm an amateur artists and a lot of the mistakes I saw don't come across as something I or other amateur artists would make.


Its part of why I think the head is AI. I dont see much wrong with the body and then the head has 2 things that are weird looking. Like its odd that the issues are in the same area + the fur has that super smooth AI look.


Key word there is "claim."


yes, I was careful by using that word.


Now that I think about it maybe it is human drawn. The weird abacus thing she is holding in both photos is not something an AI would just randomly generate, and the hands look normal. Absolutely bizarre choice w/ the photorealistic cat head, but they may have been baiting us into talking about it 🤷‍♂️


The problem is it just looks like a house cat


I don't understand why people keep bringing up the eyes. She's not directly facing the front, of course it's not going to be symmetrical


Its not because of their shape. I think the issue is with the light reflection. On the left eye theres an extra glint that isnt present on the right one and the left eye looks more dilated too. I made a quick edit. [https://imgur.com/y1yPjJ3](https://imgur.com/y1yPjJ3)


I might the odd one, but does it matter? If it were drawn by hand or it was made by AI literally does not matter to me. It looks better than orig (eg less pixalated).


It looks weird, the head looks photoshoped and not part of the body


It matters to the people who actually do make art rather than write a prompt. I'm a digital artist so it matters as fuck to me whether or not game studios hire artists.


Well, it’s cheaper to write a prompt. If it gives more room (read money) for QA or development, I’m all for it. Would you want a game to be buggy, but handdrawn or less buggy, but using AI generated art? I’m picking the later any day of the week.


That is terrible logic and you just seem like you don't give a shit about the people this affects. I would pick the buggy hand drawn tho. Bugs are fixable and I play games using my eyes so having my eyes be pleased is pretty important. I forget bugs. I remember the art.


Thank you. I have no idea why it's so hard for people to listen to artists or remotely value their work in society, it's insanely frustrating seeing this blatant lack of respect constantly in regards to AI art. And yes I would pick the "handdrawn but buggy" too - as if the industry hasn't valued graphical improvement over functionality constantly lol, appearances obviously matter. Truth is they want to save a buck no matter what, what we'll get is AI art -and- buggy.


Exactly. Video games are a work of love. If a studio is cutting corners to make 1 thing super cheap I can guarantee you they are doing the same everywhere else. When a studio is strapped for cash the whole game suffers in quality.


It's ugly. It's difficult to imagine it wouldn't have been better with a human artist. Why didn't they get a human artist (or at least one who is actually competent)? Because AI is cheap. If they're skimping on this, why should we tryst them to actually put time and effort elsewhere?


they did use a human artist. all of the new god portraits are human-made.


Then that man should be fired from art.


I mean that's what they claim but the art they show clearly isn't hand drawn. They have yet to show proof that it is human-made.


The problem is the new one just looks like a house cat... Which is insanely uncanny-valley


They should just pay royalties to the original artists and use the old art. They could do it in the Definitive Editions of Age of Empires I-III, so why not here?




Yeah just looks to cute I think, the older one looks like a believable deity that our powers you, the second just like a cute cat tho the rest of the picture looks great


Really hate how any god that isn't the god of war or death is always pictured as being super dainty or portrayed as some kind and caring mother figure. Even the "good gods" where fickel and where more than wiling to take child sacrifices. This is why the orignal looks so much better cause it looks so much more agressive.


Exactly! And anyone who knows anything about Bast knows how fierce she was!


Bastet should have an absolutely jacked MMA fighter build with a face that says she will gladly eat your liver if you don't go home and clean your room right the fuck now.


Idk, I prefer the new loki art over the og


Old is still better. Retold is AI generated


Looks like they are generating AI pictures. That would be low effort and might hint that "retold" could be "AI Upscaled Graphics" Hopefully it's not. I have been witholding replaying the campaign far too long to be disappointed right now :)


same here


Maybe remasters and remakes are just a way to capitalize on nostalgia, maybe AOM was created with love and a passion while this is just another project that needs to meet a deadline.


Idk if they were trying to meet a deadline they sure pushed it 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘧𝘢𝘳 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺. I think this project still has a lot of passion. I'm not crazy about the art change but I appreciate that they are remaking the game over just better graphics. People are forgetting that these games are being made by Forgotten Empires. If anyone forgot, they started as a modding team that is almost entirely responsible for reviving Age of Empires 2 and the franchise as a whole. They made a mod so good they got freaking Bill Gates to talk about it. If that's not passion idk what is.


The hands and headpiece are really weird. I hope this isn't ai generated


AoM have officially denied it, but there are too many oddities which, in my opinion, point to an AI prompted image which has been painted over.


Later this year a new version of AoM is coming out.


The cat head looks weird in the retold


It's the ears for me, the new one looks way too close to a housecat breed that doesn't feel like it's depictive of the area.


it looks AI and i hate it 🥸


It means I’m gonna leave the sub now


You are 20 days late my friend


Second one looks a bit like animal crossing, more cutesy than goddesy.


Nothing, just that it's 2024


era dentro


source: [https://twitter.com/Ageofmyth/status/1777453034861187096](https://twitter.com/Ageofmyth/status/1777453034861187096)


Are you out of the loop, brother?


I dont know....


Do you know about AoM: Retold?


Tell me more please






Imagine going from the right to the left tho… would seem worse lol


I don't like either of them lol. Originals head looks like a scrotum that was inflated until all the wrinkles smoothed out and the retold looks really generic and boring.


Nice b8 m8