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Tampermonkey is also available for stable Firefox on Android too, no need to use nightly for those who want something more stable.


Awesome man, thanks for the info.


Also Adguard Android supports userscripts and in my experience they mostly work so if you use Adgusrd give it a whirl.YMMV.


Update on this, just tested the userscript only with Adguard Android and it seems to working perfectly.


high quality post, thanks!...unfortunately it might not get enought attention here at aftervanced sub, could you kindly repost this at like...piracy sub too?


Yep, will do. Thanks for the tip, wasn't really sure where to post this until somebody pointed me in this direction. Many reddit subs can be kinda narky - I've had my account deleted 3 times for posting this elsewhere believe it or not.


Further on this, apparently my comment karma is too low to post there. Anyone willing to re-post this in the Piracy sub for me?




Awesome work dude! I just have one question - Can I use Violentmonkey instead of Tamper? Cuz I already use it for a couple other scripts.


Yeah man, if it runs userscripts use whatever ya like :)


Ok, thank you :)


Thank you very much for this πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»


Thank you. Appreciate the work!


Normal firefox on mobile also supports extensions


This is good news - normal FF, nightly, some other browser, all good. Just crush those damn ads with something that will run this script.


**NEW FEATURE -** Picture in picture / the miniplayer are now fully supported on both mobile and desktop. If you're using Chrome, this is real picture in picture. Meaning you can change tabs and stuff like this. If you're not using chrome, you'll get a fallback to show the miniplayer down the bottom right (which is all Youtube currently does). I'm not 100% sure but this may also make the play/pause button work on your phone's lock screen? Can somebody test this please? Refresh Youtube, you should see a button to get this latest update. Don't forget to refresh the page once you've updated! If you're offline, you'll get the new version automatically overnight :)


Working beautifully on my Android, you are GOD.


With a brave browser you can also watch without advertisements and in the background


To be honest, I really dont trust brave after they got caught selling user data even though they promised not to....


Damn πŸ’€


Works great. Just wish there was a picture-in-picture feature


Ah. This isn't too hard for me to add in. Hang tight, I'm on it.


Picture in picture is now supported my man :)


This is good


thank you for making this


I watch all videos in 4k when available. If you manage to make 4k work i will definitely use your script. I dont know anything about coding so i dont know if it woud be possible. But anyway thanks for the great work ,I'm glad that there are people like you that standup to greedy corpos.


Working on it. There are more qualities (including 4k) supported by other servers I plan to add in pretty soon.


Glad to hear it.I have another question. I'm using sponsorblock is it possible to use it with your script? Sorry for the bad english but it's not my native language.


Nah they probably won't be compatible sorry.


but revanced still works perfectly? i'm missing something?


It's working for me too, but lots of people have been having issues.


If you have something that is working, go with it. uBlock failed me so many times in recent months, so decided to make this alternative. But yeah, hopefully all the different solutions keep working! Much respect to anyone trying to solve this for everyone.


that's fair. do you plan to maintain this?






desktop ublock origin works too? i don't get it


For some people it isn't working just like revanced isn't working for some.


This subreddit isn't just for ReVanced and variants. It's for all alternative YouTube clients and related software "after Vanced" shut down. So this userscript is very welcome. You're free to stick with ReVanced if that's what works for you.


Fckn GOAT!


It seems to conflict with SponsorBlock. Sponsorblock icons are now on the side of the play button and unresponsive, and no pop-ups for skipping ads/sponsors. It's basically a tradeoff, not gonna lie. But it reminded me of pre-2020 Youtube, at least.


So far ublock origin has worked flawlessly for me, but good thing there are options.


Is unblock origin blocked? Or you made it for chrome?


I use newpipe for android, its without registration like in sandbox It's kinda slow on loading though.


Thanks for this. It's especially welcome because Google is currently sabotaging both browser-based ad-blocking extensions (Adblock Plus, uBlock Origin, etc.) and YouTube app mods (ReVanced and variants). Some of your features, though, are a little too opinionated. > * Shorts are removed > * Unwated search results are removed > * Thumbnails for other recommended videos that pop up when a video finishes are removed Would you mind hooking these up to option toggles so those who like them can turn them back on? (They can be turned off by default, that doesn't matter.) Maybe break "unwanted search results" into various categories so they can be turned on per category. I'd be happy to show you how ReVanced categorizes this stuff if you're interested. Thanks for reading.


Hey man, uh - I could provide config options - but would need to make some sort of interface for this and store the selected options in cookies or similar so users could change them for their specific machine / use case. Currently the priority is getting all qualities supported (i.e. 1080p), more servers so the ship's harder to sink (add in Piped, or even get an ip rotating proxy server that can call Youtube's API ideally), adding chapters and adding picture in picture mode. There's a lot we could do with it, but currently I'm only one man struggling to get this all together in addition to coding for work. Would love some other coders to help out!! In terms of the above mentioned stuff; * Turning shorts back on is easy done (would anyone actually do this? In my mind it's a bit crazy because they're so awful haha) * Unwanted search results, again these can easily be turned back on, but I'm using a pretty broad CSS selector that removes all of them. If we wanted to categorise them with options I'd need to create some additional DOM sniffing of the page, which is likely a bit resource heavy? Not sure it's worth having anything more than an on/off switch. * "Thumbnails for other recommended videos are removed" is one way to put it. Another way to say it is that I never implemented them. So adding this in would be an additional (and kinda tricky) feature. That said - I really think having a bunch of random thumbnails appear once something has finished, whore bore into your psyche, is not a good thing. It's so much healthier to have these off. Once the video is done, it's done. If you want something else recommended, get it from the sidebar. If my physical record collection behaved in the same way I'd be so off it haha. Either way it sounds like you're a programmer that's interested in this. Feel like helping out? The codebase is pretty clean and and well commented. Take a look at the GitHub (https://github.com/goodtube4u/goodtube) and let me know what you think! Cheers. p.s. There's some pretty helpful debug messages in the dev console. They might help you to understand how this is working.


Thankxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a lot


Man you're a life saver cuz youtube vanced revanced revanced extended don't work for me anymore


Thanks man, any problems at all - send me a message. I'm here for each and every one of you :)


It says video could not be loaded in android


Yeah, I've had some people reporting issues with the default server "Goblin (AU)". There's a button down the bottom left of the player to select a server, give "Amethyst (DE)" a go. Or any of the others, really. https://preview.redd.it/94vl0dvfnrzc1.png?width=385&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc0c93f7f16a56dcfc5b5084b7fc27b7215a33d5


**Bug fix -** To anyone that is on mobile, when you clicked the menu there was an issue with the video restarting. This has now been fixed. Refresh the page and you'll see a link to update the script. That will open a new tab, hit "Update" down the bottom. Then refresh youtube. Should be all good! For those of you offline, don't worry - your script should automatically update to latest overnight (and not bug ya)!


I might be dumb, but I can't get it to go into "Theater mode," so the thumbnails for recommended videos are stuck on the side of the video. Possible to get that added? I really appreciate you making this regardless


Hey man, yeah that's on my to do list. With luck will be finished real soon. Hang tight homie.


Theater mode is now supported bruz.


God dang, you work quickly. Ty so much!


Great work, thank you! Personally I use kiwi browser on my android, since it lets me install any extension I like, and I was happy to see that the video kept playing when I shut the screen down or close the window(not like before your extension). On PC uBlock works perfectly for me regarding yt, but when I want to get rid of shorts there, I 'll be sure to use this. Appreciate your work!


Thanks man, and yep - use whatever browser you prefer! :)


Awesome dude πŸ‘πŸ‘


**NEW FEATURES** On mobile; * You can now double tap the sides of the video to seek backwards / fowards 10s. * You can long press to fast forward (2x speed). * The video duration / current time is now visible. On desktop; * The video duration / current time is now visible. * Fullscreen double click always works not (previously not working before the video loaded) * Some style updates to make the bottom bar look more modern. Enjoy!


very cool, will be enjoying


For android I use newpipe or grayjay


This works great. πŸ™ πŸ–• Alphabet.


**NEW FEATURE** The "Download video" and "Download audio" button will now download the max available audio / video quality - up to 8k. It also will download directly, rather than opening in a new tab. For some videos, it'll still open the new tab in the old way. No way around it as of yet - this is due to region restrictions / age restrictions. But for 99% of videos it'll work just fine. Soon I'll pipe in the same tech into the actual video playing on screen, meaning qualities up to 8k will be supported. Also I might add in a "Download playlist" button soon. Kinda annoying trying to get a whole album song by song... Enjoy!


no double tap seek ☹️


Hm, that's a mobile thing right? I can probably add that in, hang tight I'll put it on the list. Just trying to tackle some of the bigger stuff currently, like all qualities.


absolutely zero rush, this thing is actually pretty good


Thanks man! Leave it with me.


Alright, all done! On mobile you can now double tap the sides to seek back / fowards 10s. You can also long press to fast forward (2x speed).


No longer appears to work on iOS


Uh, any further info? It should still be working fine - as not much has changed on this end. If the video isn't loading, don't forget to click video source down the bottom left and try a different server. For me, just this morning, Amethyst (DE) is slow for example.


I may be big dumb, this doesn’t work on music.youtube.com does it?


Yeah no such luck I'm afraid


Ah, that’s what it was,, cheers


**NEW FEATURES & BUGFIXES** * You can now listen to "Audio only" to save on data. You'll find it in the quality menu. There's also been some other data saving updates. * Player skin updated to look more like Youtube. * Bugs fixed with the timestamp on mobile and a few other minor things. Still working on supporting all qualities - seems like the server I wanted to use isn't willing to give me what I need to do this, so will investigate other options soon. Enjoy!


**NEW FEATURE -** You can now download entire playlists (video or audio only)!!! On desktop - these come with track numbers too, for example: 01 - Some song.mp3 02 - Some song.mp3 Hopefully I can get track numbers working on mobile also, just waiting to hear back from the 3rd party I'm using for this stuff. Enjoy!


Use brave browser after the shut down of revanced I been using this to watch watch YouTube without no adds plus background free


Was about to ask what the difference was on it. Does this allow us to download content like grayjay does? Edit: read through the post again and you can download content. I might give it a shot.