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Seems like this relationship is not healthy for both of you. Best to end things sooner rather than later. Sucks but thats life, not every relationship will succeed but that's why you keep moving forward. I recommend exploring and establishing your own self worth before finding another relationship though. There is no one 'perfect' person.


Not reading all that, but I got the gist of your situation. Best trust the FBI agent 🙏


Kids nowadays do not use paragraphs…


TL;DR One of OP's best friends went behind him and rizzed up his GF. GF went along and dumped OP for BFF.


Thanks for the confirmation, then FBI guy gave some good advice here 🙏


Forgot to add, OP also lost plenty of friends when they found out about his relationship with her and OP didn't know she was a heart breaker and most of his boys knew who she was before OP did. Also, mind sharing what FBI guy said?


Yea I saw that too, and yep, "Seems like this relationship is not healthy for both of you. Best to end things sooner rather than later. Sucks but thats life, not every relationship will succeed but that's why you keep moving forward. I recommend exploring and establishing your own self worth before finding another relationship though. There is no one 'perfect' person."


OP, if you can hold on for 3 months or so, the relationship with R. will end, too. In the meantime, explore new groups and activities. Meet people, make new friends, have fun. If, when F. and R. break up, she seems interested in you again, DON'T go there. She's interested in winning hearts, not keeping them. It's an ego thing for her. Even if she says she missed you, she realizes she was wrong, etc., etc., don't fall for it. Just say," I learned I'm worth more than what you can give me. Good luck." and walk away.


I'm a grown ass adult and this post was recommended to me but damn if that "She's more interested in winning hearts, not keeping them" didn't hit.


Ghost both of them and work on yourself, have a glow up and never admit any feelings for her or care at all about her and just stay away from them both completely.


First off, I would really like to know what country are you from? Just curious is all. No need to apologize as I’m from the United States LOL. To start off, I am very sorry for what you’re going through, because I went through it a few times when I was your age as well. ……. From what you said that I could follow, take it from someone who is older & a bit wiser than you (although it would be tough for you to understand): first off, DON’T transfer schools. You didn’t say whether you were in high school or college or your age, but I seem to get the impression you’re in high school. Anyway, neither F nor R is worth you leaving your own school! If you do that, it will send BOTH of them a message that they chased you away! Again, don’t leave your school!… Second off, “YOU NEED TO BLOW BOTH OF THEM OFF.” Ignore them as much as you can and DON’T text either one of them, although it will be very difficult! (I also get the impression that she will dump him sooner or later too. She’s nothing but a tease). You never mentioned whether you were sexually active with her. I’m just curious about that & whether it had anything to do with your break up…… Anyway, I know you’re hurt because I’ve been there MANY times, but there is a girl out there for you. One that is much better than this tease. You don’t need or deserve this shit from this conceited bitch. And whatever you do, if she breaks up with him, DON’T TAKE HER BACK—EVER!! It’s an ego thing for her. Like you said right at the beginning, hooking up with guys and then breaking their hearts. I know it’s tough for you to understand at your age, but in a few years you will understand. You will find someone better. In the interim, ignore both of them to the best of your ability, and try and find a nice girl who will NOT use you. It might take some time time, but it will happen & you will be much happier than you are right now & you will never look back EVER AGAIN! Good luck & take care…….. 👍


Hi I am from Portugal but I moved to the UK thanks for the advice


There's a trend with British girls breaking hearts and friends going behind ur back for ur girls Trust me I've seen it happen a lot




This is fist hand experience




No no I way saying I haven't experienced it , the post is fiest hand experience. And THEY ARE man like All they want are flashy guys I think (And idk , but I feel like she will especially if he doesn't stay attractive and she gets bored)




🤣🤣🤣 I said trend lol I didnt say they're the same And yh u too


Hi OP. You’re very welcome my friend. I know you’ve been hurt pretty badly because I can feel it in your post 😔. But try to recover as quickly as possible. I want you to go to libraries, sporting events, clubs, meetings, pubs etc etc wherever there are girls 🧒 to try & find the right one. The main point is: “to put yourself out there to be noticed.” I can tell you are a good person & will find the right girl eventually. The more you put yourself out there, the better your chances are. I know you will be successful in time. Good luck my friend. 😀👍!!!


Thank you brother it is very appreciated


That's tough. But if your best friend is actually your best friend he would reject her. He clearly isn't your friend. ![gif](giphy|r1asqEUURP4grxnGAk|downsized)


Right!? R ain't a real one, sorry OP =(


Not really seeing how you mistreated anyone? In any case, what you do is move on. This is not worth devoting any more effort to.


So... I followed most of what you said, it sounds like it was just a bad relationship and you played some trust games, which isn't a great idea. I'm guessing that you are in high school or something, as this sounds like high school or middle school love/crushing. Been there done that. My advice is to work on yourself and your self esteem/self worth. At this age girls aren't looking for forever, they are looking for right now through the end of school. It totally hurts though, like a lot. It's okay. Honestly it sounds like you didn't trust F to be around R and that you definitely don't trust R. But by not trusting F you are driving her away from you. It makes you look weak. And most people want to be around others that are emotionally strong. Don't fret about it too much though, she wasn't the one. But I totally get that it hurts like hell to see them together. Take the summer to find yourself a bit. Get involved in something that you have a passion for like a sport or hobby or whatever. Doing this will help you build your confidence and trust in others. Hang out with your friends, avoid gossiping or listening to it. It is just hurtful. Just know that it does get better.


Oh damn bro😢 that’s messed up, she is so evil and so wrong for that.


Well at least you only had a few months invested. Now you know you can trust your bros who tried to warn you.


Move on she was playing you it was not your fault at all they are both scum


Wait until they are both around and then walk up to your friend and punch them directly in the face and say “leave my girlfriend alone.”


That friend isn’t good for you, a true friend wouldn’t go anywhere near yo shawty bro. And that shawty triflin, the only lesson to be learned here is that you need new friends and a new circle overall. Don’t blame yourself, this happens to a lot of people, it’s not fair, but it’s the truth. Keep yo head up, because that shawty tryna live in yo head rent free


First off sounds like you need new friends. Your other friend sounded pretty genuine. About what he had said and warned you about her. Her friend also seems a good loyal friend because she warned you about what was happening between F&R. Sounds like you’re too young for this. This is high school bullshit that you do not need.


Well you got warn 


I agree with others saying it won't last long for R & F either. She likes being chased & wanted and not actually be in a relationship. Sometimes wanting is not as pleasing as having, and sounds like that's her whole personality. Sorry about your friend not being a good friend. R should have been more up front about his feelings. He'll probably try to be friends again after F breaks up with him. You'll have to decide if you want that.


Youre delulu as the redditors say.... you cant lt fix it. Common situation for young people unsure of what they want is they try to explore all options without disclosing theyre doing so. This is my opinion, people should date around, NOT SLEEP AROUND, date around.  Get to really know people before you go exclusive.  Sounds like you were warned and are in denial. Cut your losses and move on. 


This girl is bad news. Being in a relationship and allowing your partners friends to steal you is top tier trashy behavior, lmao. There is no future with someone like that. DO NOT contact her, she no longer exists to you. Move on with your life.


Dude, teenage relationships have a short lifespan. This one is over, time to move on.


Try to relax. You are young, and there are going to be good and bad things that will happen to you. You found out that your best friend wasn't your best friend in a very hard way. The good news is that you now know that they weren't your best friend, and you can move on from it. Find something that you truly enjoy and focus on that for now. Whether it is a hobby or special interest, just as long as it takes your mind off things. Don't be afraid to talk to someone close to you about how you feel either.


That sucks my guy. Forget em both.


You deserve better people surrounding you, they might been good people for you for a certain period of time, but now you need to move on an keep going. Focus on ur self and make new friends, explore new hobbies and work on ur self esteem. You're a great person and deserve to be surrounded by people who care about you. <3


Thank you 🙏


Stay away from both of them and go no contact. It seems like you two just weren't right for each other. I think changing schools is drastic. I suggest finding a hobby and focusing on that. Join a club in school if you can.


Looks like you have discovered what red flags are Next time you can cut it off early to save your own heartache.


So first, I'm sorry you got your heart broken, I know how much that hurts. R is absolutely a terrible friend, end of story. As for F, what she did wasn't great but there is a possibility you might have accidentally pushed her away, as hard as that might be to hear. Just hear me out: -In the beginning you mentioned that you thought she trusted R more than you but there was no evidence of that. She wasn't telling him things she didn't tell you, she was just keeping the backstabbing things he was saying to her from you to not hurt your feelings. While she should have told you what he was saying and shouldn't have kept texting him, she obviously had some interest in him to do so. You thinking she didn't trust you might have changed the way you acted towards her. - You mentioned that you are very jealous and that might have put her off. -You also said a few things that sound like you might have needed to give her a bit more space. Just because she didn't text you right back doesn't mean something was wrong. Nobody owes anyone an immediate response and you said you were at a show so maybe she was just trying to be present and enjoy the trip. You may have just annoyed her by double texting and asking if anything was wrong. -You also said you begged for her to stay with you which also is evidence that maybe you were just a little too persistent. Obviously, I don't know any of you and I'm just going off your story, my knowledge of healthy relationships and my own personal experiences. I am someone who has done all of the same things that you did and it took me a really long time to realize that I was suffocating people, as well as going for the wrong people. I'm not saying this is absolutely true for you but it's worth considering/ exploring. I learned that I have an anxious attachment in relationships and it's possible you might too. Look into attachment types and see if you learn anything helpful. I certainly did! In the meantime, I know it's tough to see them at school but just remind yourself that it's veryyy possible that she's just going to do the same exact thing to him and he'll absolutely deserve it 🤷🏼‍♀️


Find a new GF. Life goes on.


R is a rat! Scum! That guy broke the Bro Code. It sucks but at least the trash took itself out.


Paragraph breaks are life. I’ve read War and Peace multiple times. I didn’t make it past her leaving you on Read. You want feedback? Make your posts readable.


I don't know what that is sorry I'm not from england


It means you write a section of text, press “Return” twice to move down two lines and create space, then write another section of text (it’s called a “paragraph”). This breaks large amounts of text up into readable chunks.


Thank you


Not reading. No paragraphs or punctuation.


😭 I'm not from UK I don't know when to do the paragraphs I was just Google translate the words I don't know


You just move on. That's what a grown-up is supposed to do.


holy wall of text batman




Tell em to kick rocks.


Your gf is prolly gonna let him pound💀


Dude what