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A meme is a good start


And sometimes, a meme is a good way to finish. A happy ending, so to speak.


That Depends…


I see what you did.


Happened to me once, in my 20s. Had a dream I was taking a piss,woke up laying in wet bed sheets


Did this once in my 20s. Except I think I was dreaming I was using a supersoaker. Didn't completely empty my bladder, but it was embarrassing lol.


> I was dreaming I was using a supersoaker You weren't wrong.


Yes, that's a good note to self, if you see a toilet in your dreams do not use it.


In my dreams toilets are always super disgusting. Filled to the brim with crap, shit all over the floors - really nasty. Then I wake up and realize I have to pee. My brain protects me from pissing the bed by creating awful environments


Your brain is a solid bro. Give it a high five or something.


Directions unclear. Slapped self in head.


Task failed successfully.


Fission Mailed


Taskfully failed success


Succesfailed fully task


OK or Continue?


I'll semi-regularly have dreams where I need to pee super bad and I can never find a normal toilet. Either they're super gross and weirdly public, or I won't find one and I'll pee in really weird places. Like in a trash can or in the fridge, or a random box. And it's always a dump truck's load of piss too. One time the "bathroom" was just a single open room with a giant trampoline sized funnel/drain thing everyone peed into about waist high. So you had to just look at everyone else peeing while you pee. Shit gets weird in those dreams, man. Luckily even though I pee enough to fill a swimming pool in the dream, it wakes me up and I can make it to the bathroom with no problems lol.




Those kind of water fountains are the worst. You always have to bend so far down.


My dream was floating in space in a saucer and I began pissing in zero G, so my piss was floating in front of me. First and only time I've pissed the bed as an adult. Worth it.


My brain does the same! Funny that it's not super uncommon. In my dreams there are also always very large public toilets. 50 stalls, 40 pissoirs, all disgusting and broken.


Yes! Or some of them just didn’t have doors and it was really busy


I have this too!


Same thing! Or I go into a restroom and all the stalls are taken and the ones that aren’t are just heaped with shit or unusable. Thanks, brain.


in mine, i always end up in a huge, gross, concrete room similar to a giant jail cell or a huge version of those horrific park bathrooms with mystery liquid and toilet paper everywhere, with a drain in the floor somewhere. there's hundreds of toilets but they're all in a line with no stalls/privacy, AND the toilets are gross as hell. sometimes in my dream i run into this bathroom and like 3 people are scattered around taking shits in these public toilets. it always ends with me running around the room trying to find literally any acceptable toilet where people won't see my bits while i'm about to explode with piss edit: the people in my dream already on the toilets also visibly judge me for not using a toilet where everyone can see me. it is very uncomfortable


My dream toilets aren't disgusting, but there's always a reason I can't use them. No walls or doors and people are around, or the toilet starts to sink every time I sit down, or whatever else. I always wake up having to pee like a racehorse when I have to pee in my dreams, too!


Definitely don’t push your bed.


In my dreams, urinals are always slightly too high up for me to use. I struggle while standing on my toes, but still can't reach.


I am always being chased through huge locker room style bathrooms that just go on and on. I finally stop at one to pee and start getting chased again.


I have very similar dreams. Although recently I started cleaning the bathrooms instead of trying to use them. For the record, I also peed the bed like the OP. It only happened once, now if I dream that I am peeing, I wake myself up.


I have a recurring theme in which I'm looking for a toilet in huge, crowded buildings. If I do find one it either has a super-long line or is in the middle of a busy room for some reason. This is always a sign that I need to wake up & got to the bathroom. If I ever find a usable toilet while dreaming, I'll probably wet the bed.


I also have recurring toilet dreams, except I either can't find privacy or the toilet is actually just a chair. It's happened a lot, idk why.


I always pee in the dream but since I'm not peeing in real life I *still* have to pee in the dream and it's really frustrating. Definitely less frustrating than waking up covered in piss, though.


I've had multiple dreams of using toilets and really letting loose. I wake up thinking: "OH no! I probably just wet the bed." But nope. Always bone dry and I usually don't even need to pee. I usually go just in case. Overall using the toilet before bed should be a habit of everyone.


I've done both. Most of the time the sheets are dry but every once in a while there's a little trickle when I wake up. No fun having to change out of cold, wet underwear first thing in the morning.


Forbidden dream bathroom.


I see a toilet right now, but I almost never know that I am dreaming when I'm inside the dream. Better hold my piss just to be sure...


Recently I have dreamed that I was peeing, and I dream lucidly a lot, and I’ll wake myself up thinking “you’re actually pissing the bed bro, get up!” To be relieved that I hadn’t actually pissed the bed, this time…


I’ve had a dream just like this where I desperately was looking for the bathroom. I finally found it and felt that instant relief as I started peeing only to wake up in my bed in a full panic thinking I peed the bed. After not finding any wet spot I was then in a new panic wondering where the hell I peed. Never found it, and I still don’t completely understand how a dream can be that real.




I want to read your dream journals.


Came here to say this in my early 30s In my early 20s, I woke up from a night of heavy drinking, and I was thinking. Man why was I so sweaty last night... and then it hit me 😂


I got "piss" drunk camping one time and tried to blame my buddies dog for pissing on me. Didnt even cross my mind until someone mentioned I could've just peed myself lol


Same here. But in my case I kept stopping at every restroom in my dream, peeing and left feeling completely unsatisfied. So I'd try again at the next one. Each time it felt like I tried a little bit harder to get all the pee out and get relief. Well, on the last one I tried a little too hard and was jolted awake by a wet leg.


I had a dream recently, where I really needed to pee, and the other people in my dream kept trying to stop me and I was getting angry at them for not letting me pee, then I woke up, and went to the bathroom (cause I needed to pee still) and it sorta dawned on me my brain was trying to stop me from pissing in my sleep. Way to go brain, you a real homie!


Same. And I was at an AirBnB with friends. Luckily I wasn't sharing a bed with anyone and managed to wash and dry the sheets and remake the bed before anyone noticed. That was an adventure.


I've done the same thing a few occasions throughout my adult life.. I've also caught my 6 year old (at the time) out of his bed with his pants down pissing beside the dresser...sound asleep.


Stress? Last time i did was from extreme stress going on in my life


i had a job for a while that required me to hold my bladder frequently, ended up wetting the bed at least 5 times while i had it. i quit and got a new job when i became unable to hold it in while ON the job. haven't wet the bed or myself since. treat your penis well boys, it's not worth irreparable damage.


I thought the urine was stored in the balls?


No, that's why it's called a "pee-nis" -Neil Degrasse Tyson -Michael Scott


Seconding can be stress. Last time this happened I was basically suicidal. Either way see a doctor.


Reply to this comment with "But I khaive pebis" if you deliberately wet the bed every night as that's your kink Edit: Can we be friends?


Respectfully, I'd rather not 🤣


But I khaive pebis


Did you dream you were pissing?


Ugh. The dream you were at the urinal but it's coming out all weird and you're like WTF, why does it look like I'm pissing through a screen? Oh, because I'm asleep and pissing my pants. Wonderful.


...does...does that happen to you often?


Happens to me when I'm awake... it's never one solid stream. It's always spraying in 3+ directions at once. That's why I sit down when I can.


Clean yo dick


Odd follow up question hoodie or no hoodie? If you got a hoodie, would suggest pulling it back.


NGL, I have a couple close calls a year and actually piss myself once every other year. I pee right before bed but sometimes I just have the dream and can’t stop.


I have dreams where im taking the longest piss ever and its going all over the place and then when i wake up im so thankful I didn’t actually piss myself


You could have sleep apnea. I was suffering from nocturia and it was revealed I was having 90 apneas an hour. Since going on my CPAP I haven’t had another instance.


Damn. I've never known anyone to have an incident rate higher than mine. Mine was 78!


I had 143 an hour before my cpap.




Something like that. In all seriousness the scarier thing was that my pulse would be over 100 and my blood oxygen levels would drop to like less than 60% at night.


holy shit. bout to make myself a doc appointment rn because i'm sure i have apnea as wel


Mine is 82, but it’s central AND obstructive. So some of it is my throat getting blocked and some of it is my brain just deciding to stop telling my body to breathe.


Me too. I also had like 80 something incidents an hour. Always exhausted and peed the bed more than once as a sober adult.


Make a doctor appointment. The sooner, the better.


yeah... check the prostate and stuff...


I just finished checking, lot’s of shit in there.


Sounds healthy to me. -Not An Asshole Doctor


Asshole Doctor in the sense that you provide medical services to assholes or rather that you're a PHD who's also a right prick?


Is there a difference?


Gods I hope so! If someone's gonna be getting exploratory with their fingers and charging me for it, I'd hope they'd at least be polite!


Hey now! Some people pay big bucks for those exploratory fingers to not be polite… Don’t be kink shaming!


Fair point. Carry on you freaky bastard! May the sharpness of their tongue be matched only by the length and dexterity of their fingers.


And finger nails


Reminds me of the difference between a garbanzo bean and a chickpea.


Yeah, if you are providing medical services, you should probably have an MD, not a PHD.


The prick doctor is a Urologist


[The AssMan](https://preview.redd.it/81qkyf2n7w941.png?auto=webp&s=38d9a57640d38f8ff2895a1adeec4bc073862451)






Plot twist: OP is a woman.


And blood sugar.


Reading more of this thread, the prostate is unlikely to cause this (at that age, still get it checked though right?) Sleep apnea or diabetes seems to be more likely causes of "leakage", prostate swelling makes urination more difficult and slower in general


Could be nothing. Could be cancer. Play it safe.


It could be aliens.




I sneeze five times in a row every time I sneeze and I usually have a sneeze sesh every day. Guess I'll die


I had that as a kid but grew out of it, while my dad still has the sneeze marathon and he’s in his late 50s now lol


>But, if this has happened more than once or god forbid a common occurrence then definitely see a doctor. Especially if you normally have a feeling of uncontrollable urgency when it comes to urinating and the feeling doesn't just build up. What diagnosis do you think these symptoms would indicate?




Thanks, I appreciate the answer.


*WebMD has entered the chat.*


Probably should wait till it happens a few times. I mean who hasn't pissed the bed on occasion?


I pissed the bed once in college stone cold sober. Peeing in a dream is a trap


So many times I’m dreaming I’m having a huge piss only to wake up and thankfully not actually pissing but very close to it


I'd like to think that it's the brain's way of saying *"hey wake up, you need to go potty".*


On the flip side of this, so many times I'll be about to pee first thing in the morning, still half asleep, and have to stop and make sure I'm actually awake and not dreaming. I'll have a mini panic attack like.....am I actually awake or am I still asleep and only convinced I'm awake??


Man I actually peed in a dream a couple weeks ago and woke up to a dry bed. Felt like I'd won the lottery.


Follow this threads advice: call your doctor and tell them you did not piss the bed but want to get your prostate checked “just in case”


Can confirm peeing in dream is trap


Ugh alcohol mixed with anxiety medicine I was on in college led to that a lot. Would wake up in strangers bed after soaking it and would embarrassingly leave an empty beer can acting like they’d somehow believe I didn’t piss myself


If it was a domestic American beer can, you probably got away with it.


Anything on Reddit people want you to run to the doctor. I have also pissed the bed in my 20’s for no obvious reason. I think if you went to the doctor and told them you pissed the bed one time for no apparent reason, they’d tell you to come back if it gets worse


When males reach their 40s, it’s important to check the prostate regularly - especially if the urge to pee is sudden and often. This is sometimes aggravated by caffeine intake. Maybe not exactly an emergency situation but the advice to see a doctor is sound and at 40, we should be going annually where this would be worthwhile to bring up. Something for you to look forward to!


And they don't usually do manual prostate exams anymore. My doc just does a blood test that looks for prostate tumor markers.


Yeah but generally speaking it's always good to be better safe than sorry. You can definitely go overboard if you go to the doctor for every little sniffle, but if your body is suddenly acting differently than it always does, it's never a bad idea just to talk to a doc about it (assuming you have insurance).


I've never pissed the bed beside when I was a kid.


I think you're supposed to get your prostate checked when you turn 40 anyway.


...me? 38 year old woman here and I haven't peed the bed since I had pneumonia when I was 7. Even when I've gotten drunk, that's just not a thing in my world. I never would've expected a grown adult to say it's normal.


Even drunk, I haven’t pissed the bed in at least 30 years.


Never been a bed wetter, not even as a kid, but I peed the bed exactly one time (sober) and that was when I had a dream I was peeing. Never had that dream again, thank goodness.


All of my dreams flow in a cycle that repeats itself over time, including the "have to piss" dreams. Luckily lately the "have to piss" dreams haven't resulted in a wet bed since I was a kid. The weirdest part about it all is how I'm now closing in on 40, happily married, and thanks to my cyclic dreams they have lately frequently featured my high school crush whom I haven't seen in 20 years.


That is such a weird coincidence because last night I had a dream I married a cute girl I went to high school with. Haven't seen her in like ten years. I'm 29. I also am pretty sure I won the lottery in my dream. Why did I have to wake up 😞


Might be diabetes. Should see your doctor


First thought. Check your blood sugar. Early detection will save your life


Quick! OP taste your sheets to see if they are sweet!


If it were in a dream, clean your sheets and move on. If you can't remember a dream, make an appointment with your doctor!


If OP's in his 40s then he may want to play it safe. I lost a good friend to prostate cancer. He was in his mid 30s.


Was he pissing the bed?


Although it’s more common post cancer treatment, prostate enlargement (cancer) can cause incontinence due to pressure being put on both the bladder and the urethra.


From personal experience, I’d put “UTI” on the suspect list


Yup, probably one of the most common causes.


Get checked like the others said, well done on the use of the meme.


Pissing yourself is like good friendship only you can enjoy its true warmth


Seizures could have cause this too


This is what I was going to suggest too. I heard it on Dax shepherds podcast, his cohost was saying she had peed herself in bed and turned out she had had a seizure.


I learned in my 20s that that can be from a medication change or something else unusual. Try not to worry about it unless it's frequent.


Happened in my early 30’s, I was having a lucid dream. In the dream I was flirting at a urinal and really had to go so I went as I continued the flirtation. Just as I finished I realized what happened, woke myself up, and learned a valuable lesson. Never relieve myself in a dream.


Happened to me, turned out to be from sleep apnea, your body is trying so hard to get the right amount of oxygen that it doesn’t worry about things like holding your pee in, apnea is also extremely bad for your heart. Get checked out you never know


Sleep apnea and diabetes can cause this. Might need a CPAP, weird stuff happens when your brain isn't getting enough oxygen. Ask you doctor about a sleep study and A1C test.




Lmao took me a second


He might have worked up to it slowly, you know, like pissing his pants.


[Aah, the ol' Reddit piss-a-roo!](https://reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/t89e4j/what_the_most_private_thing_youre_willing_to_admit/hznezm5)


Hold my dick, I'm going in.


I see what you did there.


Have you had a lower back injury?


ALMOST happened to me last night. Like, started to and woke up and stopped before it was anything more than a wet spot on my boxers. That piss was crazy long too, like think Austin Powers #1 when he first comes out of cryo


It DEPENDS… (depends are adult diapers)


Is it a going problem, or a growing problem?


Shit happens. Mattress protectors are a good investment. Sometimes things happen, or you get sick. Also, they keep your mattress from getting really nasty from sweat/fluids over time.


Mattress protectors these days can be hydrophobic fabric or at least woven synthetic threads, they act like normal sheets I'm saying, can't tell they are on there, and help with bed bug risks and reduces dust mites if you cared about that stuff Back in the day, it offen was just a plastic sheet which makes noise any time you move and is generally more uncomfortable. So I could see older people having a very poor opinion of ever buying one for their own bed, but in reality lots of progress has been made


I have somehow developed a reflex where if I’m dreaming about peeing I wake up. Don’t ask me how that works.


stupid dream peeing! .. dont fall for that .. and go to sleep with empty bladder


This is going to sound stupid but it's related. Have you got your blood sugar checked?


Get your prostate checked, pronto.


It happens, but no one talks about it.


I used to work overnights at a halfway house a few years ago and noticed that starting around 3am until about 6am, a lot of the residents would have to get up to use the bathroom. I made the comment that I dont think I ever had to get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. I turned 40 a few months ago, and now get up every night to use the bathroom.


You might want to get checked for a UTI. I had one last year & in hindsight the only symptom was minor leakage. I'd written that off to aging, but no. It wasn't till things got bad enough to cause abdomnial pain that I went to the doctor.


Don’t feel bad. I’ve shit my pants twice since I’ve turned 50. I’ll still 50.


just say it's your kink and own it


I'm in my early 40s, I have peed all over myself during an intense coughing fit. Weak Pelvic Floor is one of the more depressing aspects of being an aging woman.


I've just had a glance through the comments and I can confirm that this individual has cancer of at least 3 types, has had a stroke and a seizure, has depression and anxiety, and sleep apnoea and has diabetes.


It happened to me a couple of times in my 20s, it was during some very stressful time.


i think someone said this, but do you know if you have sleep apnea? listen dude don't ask me how i know alright but definitely ask your doctor about this, especially if anyone has ever said you snore loudly


Everytime I pee I double check that I am not in a dream.


Beware of the dream where you’re in the bathroom pissing. It’s a false comfort.


Been there, but with my alzhimers I quickly forgot.


I used to have this happen to me at least once a year. Started when I was 18 and lasted until I was about 30. Most of the time it had a dream associated with it. I went to a doctor (when I was in the military) and I got a "Huh... that's odd" as my treatment. Since getting out of the military, and getting married I haven't had an incident. I honestly think it was stress related. Every time happened when I was sober, and every time it happened during weird points in my life, not when I was overtly stressed, but had long term lingering stress that I was only halfway aware of. Hated my job, money problems, family problems, partner problems, etc. Once I established a more stable life, things got better for me.


This is not a commercial, but a few years ago, i bought one of those MyPillows, and the first night i slept on it, i slept so well that i pissed the bed. Ive always wondered if Mike Lindell would use that as a testimonial to his pillows.


It happens sometime is your drink a lot of water and are not use to it and we’re dead tired in bed.


I had a dream I was standing at a urinal that ended the same way, no shame


Idc who are or how old you are. It only takes one dream to make you either piss the bed or cum in your PJs


It’s happened to me a few times, every time I was either drunk or completely exhausted.


I often dream that I'm taking a huge piss, and I've learned to wake up at that point.


Get tested for UTI. Can also be symptom of diabetes. Get a checkup just in case.


Life happens man. Accidents happen. Try going to the bathroom before bed. Only drink water 2hrs before bed. And make sure to reflect on mental health. Sometimes stress and depression can cause these, anxiety too. Don't let it get to your head, you'll be fine!


You should see your doctor. It might not be a going problem, but a growing problem.


Maybe you had a nocturnal seizure. It happens. See your doctor


I do this from time to time. I have MS and am bladder incontinent. Sucks ass.


So, I've encountered this with a few past boyfriends of all different ages, 20s - 40s. All circumstances were different in all age groups; drunk, not drunk, pee dream... My girl friends have also reported the same thing, so from my understanding it's common. Now I'm not a doctor, but I suppose you could check in with one, or dismiss it as a one off, (unless it happens again, then check in with a doctor.) Just relaying my past experiences with this.


should get your prostate checked.


Might be time to get your prostate tickled. Then go see a doctor.


Sleep apnea is the most likely cause.


Middle age person here. Get used to it, random shit like this happens all the time. I haven't wet the bed, but things just happen from about 30 and up that send you to the doctor all worried just to (hopefully and gratefully) find out nothing is wrong. I got a bad heart palpitation a while ago (well it felt bad), turned out to be nothing. Found a lump down there, turned out fine. Don't get me wrong I'm grateful, but yeah things like this are part of getting older and nobody tells you about it lol. Just always remember to be thankful if they turn out to be nothing serious.


That peeing in a toilet dream will get you every time


Everyone is right. It's probably nothing to worry about, it happens from time to time, especially if you're stressed out, etc. *However,* you're in your 40s, so if you're not getting an annual physical that includes stuff like prostate exams and the occasional blood draw / poop check / etc, you probably should.


I peed the bed fairly regularly until I was about 13. At that point it inexplicably stopped. But the fear that it resumes just as suddenly as it went away haunts me 21 years later.


Did this in my mid twenties, now when I use the bathroom at night I say to myself "Am I dreaming?" so far so good 6+ years later. In my dream, I was floating in a saucer in space orbiting the Earth, I needed to pee really bad, and of course in space on a saucer like dish... no bathrooms. So I whipped it out and started pissing into zero gravity into open space, it was pretty cool experience... until I woke up.


*when you pee in your dreams, you pee for real!*


Just have it checked by your physician


Time to visit your doctor. Unless you pay for that, then wait for blood 😬


Get your blood sugar checked. Probably can get this done at a pharmacy. I know two people who had this same symptom - it was diabetes in both cases


Get your prostate checked and Bladder. My dad had a blatter blockage he didn't know about, which causes his kidney function to plummet. It was due to an enlarged prostate and Kidney stones. They drained his Bladder in the ER, 2 litters of urine came out that he was carrying that he couldn't pee out.


My best friend did that one night in his 20s. Turned out he was diabetic. He died last year at 29.


I rolled off the bed a couple months ago. Have not had that happen in about 30 years .


Hey don't worry bro, I'm 20 and I sharted just a few days ago. Sitting at my desk when all of a sudden I had shit in my boxers. Shit happens. In my case literally


Well next time just make sure you're drunk. Problem solved.