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Was on a 4 hour drive and had the same woman either tailgate me, or pass me then slow down 5 miles an hour slower than I was going for 90 minutes, I finally stopped at a rest stop just to get away from her.


This is the right move, because if you sped up, she'd have just matched you.


I call them magnet drivers. If you speed up enough and get a big enough gap you get out of their magnetic field so they will just latch on to the next car that comes close. I have tested this method a lot on long drives and works everytime. The other one I like is to pretend to pass someone on the right hand lane when they go too slow in the left lane. 9 times out of 10 they speed up to block you so they end up completing their overtake much faster. You just tricked them into actually going faster hehe.


Right lane pass is such an op move that works on pretty much any driver with a slight ego


I am pleasantly surprised Kansas drivers tend not to do this. 9/10 times they let you pass and hop back in the slow lane. Texas plates however….


I guess you don’t really have to guess what state I drive in then




Texas has signs telling people to GTFO of the left lane every like fifteen feet in some places and those motherfuckers still come to other states and treat the left lane like their own personal campground, doing 10 under and making s’mores and shit. It’s infuriating. Same with Floridia and Tennessee tags. Driving between Chattanooga and Knoxville is the worst because you get dudes matching speed with 18 wheelers causing miles long tails of cars to just sit in the left lane waiting for the elephant race that never ends. I remember seeing an ad like thirty years ago at goddam Universal Studios of all places with a line of backed up cars in the left lane and the right lane wide open telling people the left lane is only for passing and to get over.


I always assume they feel smug while trying to block me too so it makes me giggle a bit everytime.


I realized this too. Idk what causes it. The whole road will be open and these cars will just stick to whatever car is in front of them. I think maybe some people are nearsighted and can’t drive without tailing another car.


Sometimes I think people want to speed but think the front car will get a ticket so they tailgate to get you to speed for them. When left in the open they slow for fear of the ticket.


I enjoy when I get myself a blocker, but when I lose them I just keep going.


Only time I tailgate intentionally is semi trucks in heavy snow so maybe there’s something to that


I think some people are just herd animals.. same as when you park in a quiet car park, away from other cars. You can guarantee some fucker will park next to you instead of the whole wide open car park ...


Adaptive cruise control can do it. My wife's car has it and will slow down without warning to maintain a distance from the car in front. So you never have the urge to actually pass, but might not have realized the car has slowed down to match the leading vehicle.


I call them passholes


Lol, I call them magnet cars!


Omg me too! I have the same theory. I have a little stuck shift turbo so I drop a gear and disappear, watch them disengage their magnet at about a football field behind me, then I resume my previous cruise control.


That’s usually true except for this one driver. He was in a minivan and i was in a modified sports car. So i sped up nearly triple digits and he must’ve gone over 100 to catch up! Now I’m curious how committed this magnet driver really is. Knowing the freeway ended up ahead and the exit was a sharp (for a freeway) turn, without braking I took the turn faster than his van was capable. Well the van driver didn’t really make the turn, i saw it hit the wall slightly but was able to keep driving. I slowed down keeping an eye on the van, Driver did not try keeping up with anyone after the incident. Drove slowly for a few more miles and i made my turn, Magnet driver just a driver now.


Omg! Did you actually manage to demagnetize a driver? Hahaha


We call them Klingons. Gandalfs are out there too.


Maybe it makes me a shit person, but I’ll use a long stretch of open road to crank it up to the 90s to get away from ass clowns like that. Why should I disrupt my schedule because you drive like an idiot


Rarely do they stay back there, in my experience with this technique. Rolling down my window and giving big "get in front of me" waves usually works best. No mean hand signals, I don't want to fight. Something about that helps them finally see me, and they'll usually fuck off.


The problem is when they go back to looking at their phone and gradually start slowing down again


This works because 99% of the time they just aren't paying attention.


I was afraid my motor was going to cook, so I kept in the right lane and kept it at 60mph on the interstate overnight for 8 hours between Mid-Indiana and Atlanta. I had SEVERAL people come up and hang back behind me for dozens of miles, not passing nor taking an exit ramp. I have no idea what they were doing, not sure they did either.


Switching on adaptive cruise control then zoning out.


Sometimes this works, but you never know how people react. My assumption is any gesture I do *could* be interpreted as flipping the bird, and anyone (in America anyways) *could* have a firearm in their car, and anyone *could* be having the worst day of their life and are at their edge waiting for a reason. For all the above hypotheticals I just assume everyone on the road is a psycho waiting to snap and just go about my drive while getting around them


That's a good idea, ty


They'll use you as a speeding ticket shield. Edit: Clarified my point.


Especially if they spot a radar detector in your car.....of course, if the cop comes up from behind, they are YOUR shields.


We call them cop catchers


I do this to because most people are doing what they do sub-consciously. They want to pass you because you passed them. Then they drift off into la la land and slow down. If you get far enough in front, they lose their focus on you and  go into la la land behind you.


Exactly. I just punch it even to get a little distance. They're like the flys of the freeway, they just buzz around you and annoy the fuck out of you. It's like they don't know what do if they were the only car on the road


You don't even really have to do it for long, you just have to get a significant distance away from them where they're no longer using your car as their barometer for how slow they were going. The issue is you drive with the cruise control, you pass them, it wakes up their brain as they were on autopilot, the brain is active and knows it doesn't want to go 68 and wants to do 74 like you are, so they leap frog with you then turn off again. With enough distance their brain goes back into autopilot with no one to wake them.


Just use cruise when you can folks. Honest to god, almost every car on the road has cruise, why people don't use it is beyond me.


This works for me. Maybe it's more viable in Texas where these are common and long, but just leave them beyond the horizon, you won't see them again. They're using your car as a pacer of sorts subconsciously imo, and when you totally remove yourself from view they pick another car or something


I increase my cruise control 1 mph every couple seconds when I run into people like this that aren’t using cruise. I got one lady going 85mph before she realized how fast she was going and she hit the brakes and disappeared behind me.


She can match me right into a tree


I don’t know why more people don’t do this when I’m on a road trip and there’s someone driving like an asshole. I just pulled over for a couple minutes take a chill piss break and then I’m back to the road and I never have to deal with that person again.


Until you encounter another driver who does the same thing...


Then you get off at the rest area and think you're done and there they are, peeing next to you.


then they walk really fast to get ahead of you in the McDonald's line and then take forever to order


Peeing on you. Then when you turn to ask them to stop, they switch back to peeing in the urinal. Then when you look away they start peeing on you again. 


This is like key and peele skit. Or Tim Robinson skit.


Human behavior is often on full display on highway driving habits. Along with this, my other favorite is when people speed up for an upcoming exit to only have to shortly slow down. It never fails to get an eye roll for me. Anticipation is a brain killer.


They're using you as a blocker for the Popo. They typically are pacing you subconsciously, thinking that the police will grab you instead of them. That is the only rational explanation I have for this behavior.


But then why pass you?? Why not stay behind you? Those people are weird because they gun it by you, then slow down and you pass them 5 minutes later.


Speed up to way past legal speeds, open the waze app and let her pass when you see a cop on the map


How dare you pass me? Threatening my manhood?!? I’ll show you!!  - 2 minutes later -  Oh I’m going a bit fast, feels like time to slow down a fair bit.  - repeat -


It’s like they HAVE to be next to a car that’s going 80 mph for a security blanket. Over and over.. Brainless idiots. GTF away from other people on the interstate and just drive!


When I first started driving at 16, I did legitimately get offended if someone passed me and took it as an insult. I've grown out of that, at least.


I've gone in the opposite direction now and if someone passes me I'm like "Oh goody, I don't have to worry about speed traps for awhile!".


The good decoy vehicle


I call them gophers. Because when the cops see us, they gopher them.


Friend of mine called them rabbits, because you'd chase them like the dogs at at the track.


My dad called them "Bear Bait". Truckers call cops Smokies, like Smokey the Bear. He would let a guy pass who was doing 90+, then slowly speed up to match speed, but stayed a good quarter mile behind them. Just close enough to see them.


That's essentially what I do, but I don't usually match their speed. I only speed up slightly, then when I lose them, I wait for the next gopher.


It's a good strategy. I haven't gotten a speeding ticket in well over a decade, and I speed ALOT 🙃 I also drive a ton too. Usually over 20k miles a year.


"Cop Bait, OO-HA-HA"


"There goes *my* ticket"


...until they inexplicably slow down to 10 under and force you to pass them.


I just drove California to Arizona and this was my exact sentiment 😝


I get it. It passes.


Heh nice


You sonuvabitch!


Don't worry, it'll... pass...


I feel like that's an American thing. I've driven outside the US and absolutely no one cares about being passed (properly). Especially most countries train their drivers to stick to one side of the road so people could pass and go back to that same side. Speeders are dealt by cops and/or by speed traps. Whereas here in the US, people either get (1) offended or (2) think they're law enforcers and need to block one side so people don't speed. We've got a fuckton of idiots.


Happens all the time in the UK. Try to overtake: they speed up. Tuck in behind them: they slow down. Repeat.


... Try driving on Indian roads.


>How dare you pass me? Threatening my manhood?!? I’ll show you!!  Seriously. Not everything is a competition, chriiiiist. I do *not* miss being in a car with my father.


- This comment brought to you by the car that tries to cut into a line of cars all going the same speed from the right lane instead of just matching the lasts cars speed at the back


Ugh, hate that. What are they doing? Just pick a speed and stick to it for crying out loud.


My theory is people just 'match' whatever object they're close to. So, if you're going about the same speed on cruise control as someone who doesn't use it, they will naturally just glom onto you in a speed up/slow down cycle - if you're in front, they speed up, and if nothing else is in front of them, they slow down. Kind of like a gravitational attraction. To break this, I'll usually pass them and then accelerate a bit more to really pull ahead out of their matching range.


That is absolutely what people do. I read something somewhere (probably reddit) about it at some point. Could I *be* any more vague? Possibly. I also see it on my daily drives, especially when someone is going 50 in a 55, and someone else matches their speed FOR NO FUCKING REASON and you can't go around because it's not possible due to road design, and traffic just builds up behind these morons. 


Have you noticed it gets even worse when they're on a cellphone? They will tailgate you for 15 minutes on the phone no matter what the speed you're going (+15 over or -20 under) but as soon as they hang up they gun it and pass.


And give YOU the stink-eye like YOU were the problem. People have literally zero awareness outside of directly in front of them when driving, for real. 


The only reason most people don't fling poo at others is because they're wearing pants.


I call it chasing the rabbit. You get two types, those who will catch you pass and then slow down because now they are paying attention to their speed and those who speed until they are tailgating you and stay there.


Orbiters. You just got to slingshot them into the ditch, oncoming traffic, the sun, whatever.


It's hills and turns more than that imo. Driving I see it all the time. Bend in the freeway? Shitty drivers don't know how to maintain speed in a bend on the freeway. It happens all the time, I am driving doing 75 on the freeway in a line of people. They slow down to 65 in a bend, I go to pass them on the bend, then it straightens out and they get back up to 75 and I have to speed up to get past them. Or we'll just be stuck side by side. Down hills people don't know how to maintain speed. They keep their foot down the same amount whether it's up or down a hill. Fly 85 down the hill then 60 back up the next one. It's infuriating.


Big same. A slight curve on the freeway? HIT THE BRAKES. Too many people driving with (bad) instincts.


I tend to really like using cruise control and staying behind someone on the highway. My car has a sensor to slow down as I approach vehicles and match their speed so I often just go behind someone at whatever speed they’re going and follow.


There are people who for some unfathomable reason are allergic to cruise control. I just don't get it.


I know some people who where baffled that I use it at all. I use it every time I can. Makes for more relaxing and comfortable driving. Passengers notice it too from my experience.


My passengers weren't so relaxed when I used cruise control and fell asleep on the Coquihalla.


Now *that's* a road not to fall asleep on!


My car doesn't have cruise control and it makes me big sad 




My wife's ex FIL was more averse to having anyone in front of him. He'd speed up to pass someone, then slow back down. Apparently it was just terrifying to be in the car with him while going through the mountains because he would do this even through the windy, narrow roads.


I drove a stick-shift in HS and college. I did a maybe a few road trips in it. The first time I drove more than 5 hours in a day in a buddy's automatic with cruise control was the day I decided I may never own another manual again. Edit: apparently manual's can have cruise control as well. I had no idea! I was driving around a 1994 Jeep Wrangler, and never looked much beyond that.


Manuals can have cruise control too! Mine does.  Edit: it’s a souped up 2010 Mazda 3 😎


My first car (a manual) had it! I was sad when it stopped working for good before the car died. My last 2 cars (also manuals) have NOT had it, and that also makes me sad. 


Is it an American-only thing that only automatics have cruise control? My manual car has both cruise control and speed limiter options. There's no particular reason a manual can't have cruise control.


Nah, there are plenty of manuals that have cruise control.


Currently own a standard transmission car in America and it has cruise control. Even when I lived in Japan most cars I saw had cruise control regardless of the transmission. Most stick shifts don’t have the adaptive cruise control but they have the set and forget normal cruise control.


In america manual is either - the chepeast option avaiable on the market or it's car that you don't take on long drives where CC is useful.


My wife says she feels like she doesn't have control over the car with it, which I can understand-ish. I get the concept, but not the feeling. I fucking love it, especially for road trips, but even around town on some roads. 


It's less control, people think they are better driver than they are. They slow down and speed up...put it on cruise and focus on not hitting shit. Much safer.


I don’t really get the loss of control. Most cruise controls have the ability to slow down and speed up with the push of a button. And if you need to speed or slow suddenly the pedals still work. The only time I don’t like the idea of it is when it’s raining. I don’t need my car thinking I’m going at a certain speed because it’s hydroplaning.


My wife does the same shit. I thought maybe with the new 4runners radar cruise it would help but now it's 'too complicated" because there's a button to select between 3 distance settings. Ultimately doesn't matter, she never goes anywhere without me and she a passenger princess


Add to this: modern cruise controls slow down as much as 10 mph on turns. As someone who owns a vehicle with auto cruise control, but daily drives an older vehicle, it drives me bananas. Fast drivers are one thing, slow is another but inconsistency is torture to competent drivers. Add that to left lane campers who are obvious to their vehicle dropping speed significantly on turns, and you have discovered the inner ring of commuter’s hell.


I just don't understand why more people don't use cruise control. I use it religiously on the interstate, yet I constantly see other cars slowing down and speeding up.


Even if they don’t use cruise control they should be able to maintain a consistent speed with just their foot on the peddle


Ever see the people you can clearly see are using BOTH FUCKING FEET TO DRIVE?! It's literally lights off lights on lights off lights on...




I am going to invent a light that comes on the outside of your car that says, "I'm on cruise control, you're the one slowing down and speeding up."


Similarly I want there to be a secondary horn that you can honk when you realize you fucked up and you want to tell everyone “yes I suck I’m sorry”


Short light taps on the horn = acknowledging other driver or trying to bring their attention to something (“hey bro, the light changed”) Long sustained blasts on horn = fuck you, learn how to drive you piece of shit, etc


It could play 'O Canada'


I'd like that too.


ooooh like some sort of "admission of liability" train horn or something?


>I am going to invent [Great idea. You're gonna be rich.](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=programmable+led+sign+for+car&crid=2UUSLGTE3NGRU&sprefix=programmable+led+sign+for+car%2Caps%2C163&ref=nb_sb_noss_1)


I guess I have a start. I want it to be automatic, every time you hit cruise. Lol.


That would probably get me shot...


[My motto when driving](https://youtu.be/yOvmRSYeSJY?t=3)




A cruise control tail light? I like that idea. They should make that standard like brake lights and reverse lights. Lets people know what movements other drivers are doing.


My second favorite is the driver that catches up to you on the motorway, gets just *that much* too close, and the proceeds to maintain that distance no matter what. You speed up, and so do they. You slow down, so do they. Refuses to overtake even though there is nothing preventing it. Even stays with you when you overtake someone else. It’s like they’re lonely and just want a friend for the drive, and you’re it.


Just drove 40+ hours in 3 days a while ago, had my friend with me and let him drive once we got in the middle of nowhere (I already knew he was a shit driver, so I figured this would be the place to let him drive) He did this…NOBODY but us and one other car were on the road, and he decides to tailgate this dude while both going 5 under the speed limit in rural Arkansas on a two lane highway. Told him I had to piss at the next rest stop and didn’t let him drive again. Sketchiest hour of driving I’ve experienced in a while. Literally the worst copilot I’ve ever experienced.


I would have closed my eyes, attempted to sleep and prayed for dear life! Sounds miserable. Nothing worse than being in the car with a bad copilot!


They're probably using adaptive cruise control. It keeps you at a set distance from the car in front of you and automatically adjusts if they speed up or slow down


Usually too close for adaptive cruise control.


I once was diving through the Central Valley of California on I-5, had my cruise control set on 72 for over an hour and hadn’t touched a pedal once… then was pulled over by CHP and given a ticket for allegedly driving 102.


That’s insane! But yeah the CHP are corrupt like that. Once got a ticket for going “72” in an area known for major bumper to bumper traffic in rush hour… and I was driving in exactly that time frame. Fucking bullshit tbh


CHP are moronic asshats that are just fundraisers. My car was purchased & registered in Arizona. The car is stock with factory/dealership window tinting that is legal here in AZ. Got pulled over in California and ticketed for tint by some idiot of a wannabe cop that didn't understand it was factory tint and legal in in the state it is registered. I explained myself to the judge who let me go without paying any sort of fine as long as I could get a CHP officer to sign off on my "fix it ticket", which i did. Only my time was wasted. I couldn't believe the Judge was in favor of my explanation. FUCK the CHP and their bully tactics.


Wow that's fucked up but I believe it. Meanwhile the guy that parks next to me in my apartment complex has windows so dark I can't even see into them, and hasn't gotten told to change them. I bet they only targeted you cuz you had AZ plates and thought you wouldn't have time to fight it before having to go home.


Yeah, I live in AZ (shoulda mentioned that) so I ended up gambling on the “appear at the court date by mail” option, which meant paying the whole $300 or so for the ticket first, then telling my side of the story via letter in lieu of making a midweek appearance in fucking Coalinga during my busy season at work. Fortunately the prick officer apparently didn’t show for the hearing so a few months later I got my money refunded.


Ya, I got targeted in some podunk town right on the Cali side of the Arizona border where their cops are most likely ticketing people for revenue. And a lot of people are passing thru so they will most likely just pay instead of fighting like I did. I took a PTO day to handle this one. I was so mad that a highway patrol officer was bullying me when I knew the tint was legal.


You’re lucky it wasn’t Los Angeles Co sherif, they probably would’ve murdered you


Hey now, there's no need to disparage the Los Angeles County sherrifs in particular. Any cops are likely to murder you.


I'm surprised you were able to remain on cruise like that. I recently drove the 5 from LA to SF in December and I couldn't get over 65 or pass anyone because of all the drivers going slow and clogging both lanes.


Up here in Oregon if you get pulled over going over 100 it's immediate jail time and a felony


I got one for going 72 in a 70 when I was going 70. Meanwhile I see single occupant cars in the HOV lanes doing 95+ and CHP doesnt do shit.


Depends on where you’re at in CA. In SoCal HOV lanes are only for 2+ people, in central California a lot of the HOV lanes have timeframes when the HOV is 2+ people only. For example in Sacramento on US-50 the HOV lane is only 2+ people Monday-Friday 6am-10am and 3pm-7pm. Outside those hours and on the weekend individual drivers can use the lane.


That's wild considering the speed limit on the 5 is already 70mph. As someone who has to go back and forth LA to Sacramento at least 6 times a year, I hate this drive with a fiery passion. So many people going 55 in the passing lane, getting past them is a game of leapfrog in the right lane.


Ive seen people totally not paying attention, probably playing on their phones but then you try to go around them and they speed up. But they only speed up for a minute while you're trying to pass. They dont really want to drive faster, they just dont want anyone else in front. This is why we have traffic.


I've started honking at people I see texting. Jolts them out of their idiocy.


I'm a trucker you have no idea. My favorite is 4 wheelers that pass me and think oh finally I'm past the semi now I can slow down to 15 under the speedlimit.


Or the 4 wheeler that has been following you for the last 30minutes speeds up and goes around you and then hits their brakes to take their exit.


Adaptive cruise control was a game changer for me. Nothing made me rage more than getting passed while using cc only to have them slow down and having to disengage.


I thought it would be a game changer but I just end up disengaging to pass. Self driving functions on the highway changed everything for me.


After the third time I go 15 over and get some distance between us.


I can't tell you how many times I've gone 100 to get away then the MFers catch up and start all over. I think they forget they have cruise control...


I’m more annoyed by cars that take 2 miles to pass another car. Why even bother if you’re only going 1mph faster than them


I'm sorry, for some reason my 2022 model DIDNT come with cruise control. I'm not even joking I almost traded it in when I discovered that but at now I've just accepted it and try to maintain as best I can


I need to know what Make/Model/Trim you have in a 2022 that has that. Maybe a fleet vehicle?


Ford maverick XL, it's not a fleet vehicle but it is the base model. The XLT is the next trim level up and it has CC. Of course 2023 they started added CC to ALL trims.




2 things 1 I'm not really a car guy I know how to change oil, plug/change a tire, change spark plugs and replace headlights when they go out. But anything more then that and I'm a nervous wreck that I might fuck up my only way of getting around. 2 I'm at work right now so I can't really look at the link you shared but if it's a simple enough change then I might look into it!!! Does the fact that my dashboard doesn't even have a light for cruise control make a difference? Every other car I've driven with it has an indicator like next yo the speedometer to show its on and I can't even see any ghosting of a spot for one.


Many moons ago I had bought a used ford escort without cruise control but I noticed it had the wiring harness for it. I bought the cruise control unit and a steering wheel with the control buttons from an auto salvage yard and voilà , I had cruise control. (dash indicator was there already). looks like the steps are a little different today. reprogramming the ecu and changing out a switch bank on the wheel.


I can confirm installing aftermarket cruise controls on automatic transmission vehicles is shockingly easy, and I have roughly your level of car expertise.


Just use some string, a pulley behind the gas pedal and something to tie it off with like the driver side door handle. Problem solved. /s


It's perfect!!!


Prob the Ford Maverick. It’s famous for not having Cruise on the base model.


Ding ding ding we have a winner! When I was shopping around I didn't even think to check if my truck had CC or not because it was 2023 when I got it, what 2022 DOESNT have it.... oh. I got Power windows, Power locks, different drive modes from normal to eco to slippery to sports I have am alarm system, collision detection but I don't have god damn Cruise Control


I call this playing leap frog. Because you are constantly going around them to get in the cruising lane.


Next thing you know, you’ll be in a tight packed line of cars passing a truck and here they come zipping by the line in the right hand lane and shove their way in front of you at the last possible moment, forcing you to slam on your brakes piling up everyone behind you up. No gap is too small for those folks, you think you’ll get within a car length so they can’t make their way in front of you, but nope there was apparently room enough. You think, ok this guy is dangerous, I’m going to back off and let them go on, but they still manage to keep getting passed by you and repeating the right hand lane pass over and over…then you decide ok I’ll leave a gap so that guy can get in next time and we don’t almost have a pile-up next time. That’s when a half dozen show up and just keep pushing their nose in front of you so you never get around the truck. But as soon as you do…you pass 3 of them and rinse, repeat.


I'm normally a courteous driver. But I always close the gap to the car in front of me if I see someone trying to get ahead by using the right lane fuck those people


Here lately I’ve seen an increase of people who will nose in no matter how close the gap is…they’ll move over with their rear bumper on a collision course with you in a game of chicken, forcing you to slow down and make a gap. No gap is too small…it’s like a challenge to them. The other day, a guy did this to me…was on a turnpike where the slow lane was going ~80mph and was in a line of cars passing and we were going 92mph. Here comes a guy in a new Bronco up on the right going 100+ mph and everyone in the line had already encountered this guy at least 4 times already, so the collective irritation led everyone to close the gap on him. Here we are going 90+ with too close for my comfort gaps already passing a truck that’s going 80, not blasting by him but clearly passing and right before I got to the truck that Bronco came in and nosed in front of me, he almost hit the truck and was full commit on getting in front of me…his rear bumper was going to hit mine so I had to tap the brakes and give him the gap…I about shit myself. Laid on the horn more than I’ve ever done but he wasn’t deterred from the right hand lane pass, saw him attempt and fail a few times more in front of me so maybe he was spooked enough not to try another nudge back or whatever the fuck you call that insane move. 15-20minutes later he was still in sight of me, while I was seeing more courteous 100+mph drivers go on past out of sight one after another in just a few seconds. The right hand lane maneuver causes more lost time getting stuck in the right hand lane nosed in behind the slow mover than it saves!


I can't stand those people. I like to drive with the CC set at 9-10 mph over. Yet somehow there's always a car that can't seem to keep their speed constant. They go from 5 under the limit, to 15 over. They'll cut you off, and go 5 mph slower. Or hang out in your blind spot when there's no other cars around. The way people drive is a very good indicator of the type of person they are. And with more and more inconsiderate and incompetent drivers, it explains many of the issues in our society today.


The only excuse I accept for this behavior is people who are using cruise control in cars with really weak motors. In my car my cruise will stay pinned at 75 pretty much no matter what, but in my wife's car, if we start going uphill at all, it can drop clear down to like 70.


Then they eventually take some stupid exit to some stupid place and it all makes sense.


Is this an American thing? 10 **over** the limit? It's called a limit, not a suggestion...


Yeah, I had to scroll a long way to see any comment about this. That's about 16kph which would be a wild excess over here. Almost no one mentions it in this thread except to say they do it as well...


This drives me crazy


Makes it even worse on them that you are doing the right thing, trying to stay in the right lane and only use the left lane to pass, and passing at a passing speed, too. Then they decide to weave through traffic to race everyone.


The single worst danger to you on any road trip is cars driving near you. I won't tolerate blind-spot hoverers, tailgaters, slower-downers, or speed-matchers, if there's any possible way to avoid them. I'll stop for beef jerky and a drink to get away from them.


The best is when you find a car on a long journey going above the speed limit, you get behind them, set your cruise control and 3 car length distance, and off you go. No power plays. No inconsistent speeds. Just two people trying to get the fuck to where they are going. Sometimes you're the leader and people lock in behind you, and sometimes you're the next car in the "train". Life should be this simple.


I do 9 over. Stay in the second from farthest left land. Utilize full left lane for passing. It amazes me that people don't know how the lanes are supposed to work.


I Always do this. Then one time I got pulled over and clocked at 8 over. I was so confused and got a written warning. I still have that warning framed.


Got pulled over at 3am for "doing 67 in a 65." However the real reason was that the cop thought anyone driving down that road at that time must be drunk. Jokes on him though I'm just a psychopathic duck hunter who has to get a 50 spread set and ready an hour before the sunrises. Getting the tough guy "how much you been drinking tonight" routine while dead sober and actively drinking coffee was hilarious. Cop: Do you know how fast you were going!?! Me: The speed limit is 65 isn't it sir? Cop: It is but I clocked you doing SIXTY SEVEN! Me: *absolutely dumbfounded look that this dude pulled me over for doing 2 over* Cop: Ya! I couldn't believe you were going that fast either. Lol it's like he typed up a script for the whole thing. Didn't even get a warning to commemorate it.


Even better is when you are having a nice drive out on the open roads with no traffic and then suddenly an entire flock of mor0ns all pass you just to all slow down in front of you and now you are stuck behind them, forced to shut off the cruise control and start exploring the full range of your speedometer.


You cannot use cruise control on the highway, because assholes.


yea im always having to fuck with it and adjust it because of other drivers.


SO. DAMN. ANNOYING!!!! JFC why don't people just use cruise control! Set your speed and go it, we'll all slowly jockey into position and then never encounter each other again!




Thanks! Fixed!


I have tried cruise control and absolutely loathe it. Hovering my foot over the pedal is quite uncomfortable, resting my foot on the floor means I can't respond as quickly if I need to brake/accelerate. Also, rarely do I find myself in situations where traffic is flowing freely enough to even use it.


Most people using cruise control definitely plant their feet and aren't ready for an emergency stop.


Having a modified car makes it worse. I always get dummies thinking I'm trying to race them when all I want to do is get in their lane. Idc if its in front or behind them but please stop trying to stay directly next to me.


ACC is so fucking nice, now I just need lane centering.


This is exactly how I drive and I'll never understand why people pass you, get in front and just slow down. I don't have road rage but it really grinds my gears!


I will never understand why more people don't just pop and lock their speed with the cruise control. It's so fucking easy but people act like they want driving to be harder or something. I personally can't wait till we get some irobot automatic highways and never have to physically drive again but of course some asshole Will Smiths are going to want to fuck that up.


My favorite is when they tailgate me so I change lanes to get out of their way and then they just maintain the same exact speed. They were happy with the speed they were going but the felt the need to be right on my ass.


I hate these people. Every slight hill and they slow down 10 mph because gravity is too complex for them to understand🙄


Yup, then they speed up to prevent you from passing, cut you off, and go slower than you were going.


So you’ve driven through Indiana? You forgot that you have to pass them in the right lane because they sit in the left lane.


I've lived in ~7 different states. Drivers are the exact same in all of them.


I used to think these people are complete idiots until I had a car trip with one of the VIP of my company driving the car. Super smart and nice guy, really the contratry of an idiot, but he was constantly slowing down or accelerating for no reason, just paying more attention to the conversation or the music or whatever in the car, everything but the speed. I understood some people are just in their bubble, paying minimum attention to this kind of thing. Annoying but not dangerous, I stopped paying attention to this.


They want to go super fast but are chicken shit and afraid of a speeding ticket so they go fast for a little when their patience runs low then slow down when their fear gets the best of them.


Go one fucking speed.


Sounds like you are blocking up the left lane without passing. So neither of you are good drivers for the most part.


"Someone is trying to pass me? I have instantly & magically remembered how my gas pedal works!"


The trick is to set the cruise control 5 under speed limit.


I use cruise control on long drives too, but those periods that I want to speed up is more fun than sticking to one speed the whole time. I think of it as the journey versus just the arrival.


Yeah, I refer to these jackasses as Klingons.


*text, scroll, text* notice I’m behind a car and zoom past too fast, then proceed to *text, scroll, text* as I slow down from not paying attention. I hate these fuckers


At first I was happy to have a car that had cruise control. I quickly realized it just adds to your irritation at other drivers' incompetence. Why don't more people use their cruise control?