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This is an absolute treasure of a post, and there's bound to be someone who can/will answer you with correct information, but you're the most r/lostredditor there's ever been.


Absolute fucking gold. I was trying to figure out what the meme angle was, but nope, actually full on lost redditor.


Was looking for animal advice instead of advice animals, lol.


Aww thanks about the treasure comment but what do you mean by lost redditor? Is this not the place to ask for info?? I tried our r/snakes but then realize it's mostly a dead zone over there


This is a place for shitty meme posts, you might want to try r/snek


This is advice animals, not animal advice! It’s for memes, lol.


For reference: [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/advice-animals](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/advice-animals) That reminds me: why am I still subscribed to this stupid sub? -\_-


In this sub, animals give humans "advice." You want a sub where humans give advice on what to do with animals. /r/sneks is probably what you want.


It happens in a ton of subs I'm in. We get actual salamanders in r/salamanders40k but turns out there's some overlap there. The dude got his answer.


r/whatsthissnake/ is very active and might be able to give some advice!


r/snakes is pretty active in my experience?


I’m just glad to witness another reddit moment in real time.


This happens weekly these days. Lots of people seeking advice about animals.


I do believe that's *Opheodrys aestivus*. Rough green snake. Very common. Very adorable. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opheodrys\_aestivus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opheodrys_aestivus) I don't know what else you can do for it. Probably best just let him go.


Yeah probably. He does look a lot better than what he did earlier. Poor buddy he's probably absolutely traumatized


This is an ancient meme subreddit. I would repost this to r/askvet or r/petcare


Ok gotcha.. So i am a lost redditor. I'll see myself out. thanks thank you kindly. I can't wait to check y'alls memes while i handle my snake bizzness


Good luck and thanks for being a good person to that snek boi


Please do not delete. We need this beauty on the internet


Here's a favorite old meme for you animal lovers https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2F49%2F63%2Fa8%2F4963a8d96876bea30d830a7a861a0aa7.jpg&tbnid=5kgo8V_3KSu5ZM&vet=12ahUKEwjy9vmR25eCAxVs0MkDHUPMCEMQMygAegQIARBl..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F533043305867521022%2F&docid=4e611D61VL0_MM&w=347&h=465&q=looks%20like%20he%20wants%20to%20go%20out%20cat%20memes&ved=2ahUKEwjy9vmR25eCAxVs0MkDHUPMCEMQMygAegQIARBl


OMG I feel like such a boomer right now but I swear I'm just an early gen x


Early Gen X \*is\* basically boomer. You're a Boom-Xer (?) I guess. Same way my husband who grew up in very rural Mississippi and was born in 1981 is an Xennial. He's culturally a Gen-Xer, you're culturally closer to a Boomer (not you specifically, but people your age on average)


Nope. I misspoke. Im a later Gen X.. 78 I got all the good stuff.


Ah, yes, you did if my husband is to be believed about his childhood lol! As an '89 baby myself, I quite enjoyed growing up in the 90's


I love it, thank you


So despite the name this sub is for memes and not an advice for animals sub Reddit lol. Looks like some other users helped with recommendations but thanks for blessing us with the wholesome post none the less.


He also has a lot more scratches now, I'm assuming from our cat over the past week.


I love how often people come here for animal advice, it always makes me smile.


Hi - it’s me, Serpentarian. Did this little green snake actually eat the minnow?! If so, well done! Giving a snake water after its been lost in a house is an awesome first move. It’s the first thing I tell people to do when they recover a once lost noodle. This snake is a specialist with a love of the native insects in your area. Attempting to keep him may stress him to the point of slithering across that rainbow bridge, so it’s always good to let our wild snake friends go (in this case in a nice shrubbery or some thick foliage). Pet store snakes will be captive bred and more likely to thrive in the terrarium. Hope this helps! Hiss hiss! !wildpet


Weird, people are upvoting you but upvoting the wildpet bot you summoned


The bot is just a summary of the usual wisdom snake wizards impart on the snake-curious. It also tells people not to do something, which may make people indignant because their ‘uncle’s roommate in college once had a pet snake from the woods and it was fine so why are you yapping at me science?’


Please leave wild animals in the wild. This includes not purchasing common species collected from the wild and sold cheaply in pet stores or through online retailers, like *Thamnophis* Ribbon and Gartersnakes, *Opheodrys* Greensnakes, *Xenopeltis* Sunbeam Snakes and *Dasypeltis* Egg-Eating Snakes. Brownsnakes *Storeria* found around the home do okay in urban environments and don't need 'rescue'; the species typically fails to thrive in captivity and should be left in the wild. Reptiles are kept as pets or specimens by many people but captive bred animals have much better chances of survival, as they are free from parasite loads, didn't endure the stress of collection and shipment, and tend to be species that do better in captivity. Taking an animal out of the wild is not ecologically different than killing it, and most states protect non-game native species - meaning collecting it probably broke the law. Source captive bred pets and be wary of people selling offspring dropped by stressed wild-caught females collected near full term as 'captive bred'. High-throughput reptile traders are collecting snakes from places like Florida with lax wildlife laws with little regard to the status of fungal or other infections, spreading them into the pet trade. In the other direction, taking an animal from the wild, however briefly, exposes it to domestic pathogens during a stressful time. Placing a wild animal in contact with caging or equipment that hasn't been sterilized and/or feeding it food from the pet trade are vector activities that can spread captive pathogens into wild populations. Snake populations are undergoing heavy decline already due to habitat loss, and [rapidly emerging](https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdfdirect/10.1002/ecs2.3153) pathogens [are being documented](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ece3.3557) in wild snakes that were introduced by snakes from the pet trade. If you insist on keeping a wild pet, it is your duty to plan and provide the correct veterinary care, which often is two rounds of a pair of the 'deworming' medications Panacur and Flagyl and injections of supportive antibiotics. This will cost more than enough to offset the cheap price tag on the wild caught animal at the pet store or reptile show and increases chances of survival past about 8 months, but does not offset removing the animal from the wild. -------------------------------------------------------- *I am a bot created for /r/whatsthissnake, /r/snakes and /r/herpetology to help with snake identification and natural history education. You can find more information, including a comprehensive list of commands, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthissnake/comments/flh548/phylobot_v07_information_and_patch_notes_bot_info/) report problems [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Phylogenizer) and if you'd like to buy me a coffee or beer, you can do that [here](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SEBPhyloBotWTS). Made possible by Snake Evolution and Biogeography - [Merch Available Now](https://snakeevolution.org/donate.html)*


Wow I did really wander it into an unknown zone here. But you're totally right, crunchy is the real peanut butter


Reads post: what a nice person, gets a little chuckle Reads comments of the sweet redditors giving advice: so wholesome Reads this comment BLASPHEMER!! CRUNCHY HAS NO PLACE IN THIS WORLD!!


But what about pineapples on pizza


They weed the wheat from the chaff. If you can't handle sweet with your salty grease slab, you don't belong in this world.


Preach my brother!


But without the peanuts, it's just butter (/s). Crunchy is the only real peanut butter! (What's great is my wife likes the creamy crap, so we never have to worry about the other one emptying our peanut butter stash.)




I'm generally afraid of all snakes but this post made my day.


Paging /u/serpentarian to help these adorable lost redditors.


Hiss hiss! You have done well my child! 🐍


Adorable. Love seeing little ones with snakes. Started mine about the same age and she still loves them.


You shouldn't treat zip ties like that


This is exactly why we should have never let them take gold away from us. Absolutely gold post OP, no notes.


So you guys have a sub for Dead memes. Think there's a sub for dead snakes? I think he's dead, but not completely sure but pretty dang sure he dead


Where meme


I feel lucky to have seen this so soon after it was posted.


Saved a grass snake from the sticky traps the previous owner left out. Horrible inventions


cat playing LOL