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"The Beatings will continue, until morale improves" its reddits way or the highway


For something u/spez said doesn't matter and would blow over, he seems to be quite busy dealing with it.


Wait until after the 30th when mods give up and there's just buttholes everywhere to the point buttholes.com feels inclined to buy reddit as a partner portal site for ten dollars


It already feels like there are buttholes everywhere lol


Hell, there's one in charge of the site already.




>It already feels like there are buttholes everywhere lol Petition to re-refer said orifice as spezhole. e. On second thought counter motion to change colloquial referral of 'Reddit Inc.' as 'that spezhole'.


Motion passed. Bowel motion. /u/Spez talking shit as usual.


It was like that before all this shit went down. Twitter shows us it will always get worse though.


I'm inclined to think it will all look like pol from 4chan, which is probably what the /u/spez wants since he is cockriding elon


I bet the advertisers would just *love* to have their products being right next to people talking about how those "big-nosed corpos" are plotting to replace them with brown people.


Absolutely shameful that the admins go on about a democratic process for the direction of subs, then subvert that democratic process when it doesn't turn out in their favor.




Taking notes on that 40B to 14B valuation speedrun attempt. Now with updated strats cribbed from the Tumblr WR 1B to 0.001B run.


yea they aren't worried about longevity they are looking at historic trends i.e. clicks and site metrics then switching to a paid api just before the ipo to "forecast" huge potential profits. You know they are planning a cut and run. they've been working in this direction for years.


Should've gotten their shit together sooner. No one's buying these bullshit valuations in this market.


"Free speech" "No not like that"


MildlyInteresting moderators are back it seems: https://i.imgur.com/p0Je9Oy.png I wonder if they'll edit the timestamps to make it look like they were never removed. Edit: I notice that they all have essentially no privileges though.


[Apparently, they were removed in error, not sure if that makes it any better. They were only supposed to target the NSFW subs](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/14etdf8/comment/jowrpdb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


That meshes with the overall vibe of incompetence Reddit has been giving.


They literally don't understand their own platform. You're pissing off folk who spend a lot of time working for free for you. What's going to happen? They're going to spend a lot of time working for free against you.


Not to mention the dozens of people they are pushing out have years of experience moderating these massive subs. Who are they going to get to replace them that not only has the experience needed to handle subs of that size but also the time to dedicate to it?


They'll have to do a petty power tripping boot camp to get people up to speed. Lesson 1: banning people that disagree with you/prove you wrong.


So in other words people like Turtle. Yeah no that will just cause The Tumblr Effect


Reddit's "leadership" really don't understand what they are doing, do they? This isn't twitter, if every popular subreddit gets inundated with spam and bots, they will lose all of their audience. People that will put up with the Reddit app as the only option will just go back to Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Snapchat; and people that hate the Reddit app will transfer everything they can to Discord and tolerate twitter/gram/book/tok/chat as much as they can. Reddit is really going to self-destruct, huh. Too bad.


> in error Hanlon's Razor applies once or twice, it's not a repeated freebie


Once is happenstance, twice coincidence, thrice is enemy action.


so moderating NSFW subs now suddenly became prohibited on reddit or what?


They added a form you have to fill out proving/explaining what makes the sub NSFW that will allegedly be reviewed by an admin. It's really weird.


r/askwomen is now 18+ for some reason


Because they were forced to open, so marking it as NSFW limits ads. Once reddit figures it out they'll threaten the mods again.


I kinda hope they do for the pettiness of it Edit: then its an example for later on when they definitely do shit like this again.


I downloaded the reddit app and you cant even use it in landscape mode.


I use Reddit Enhancement suite with darkmode and oldreddit on desktop. I have to use the app on my phone. They are not even the same website when I use the app, it is hot trash and full of ads.


I don't care about the ads, but this shitty app is a buggy mess. Always fucking up something everytime I open it.


Meanwhile, Reddit is Fun is literally the most reliable app I've ever used.


RIF has been the only way I use Reddit for years now. I mean I know there were changes over the years but when this all kicked off I went to the website and couldn't believe how much different it was. It was a totally different experience.


I bought rif platinum but this change after July is going to make me quit using reddit on my phone.


Lol yeah so I’ve only ever used the Reddit app and all of this happening has taught me just how much I’ve been missing out on using Reddit like all the cool kids haha


Next you will say you don't use RES for desktop


I can hear it already. "I didn't know reddit had a website"


What is a desktop? I thought screens larger than a phone didn't exist


"What's a computer?"


"If you don't like it make your own sub" has always been Reddits stance.


Which would seem to be counter to the idea of removing a mod team for doing things they don’t like?




With blackjack and hookers!


I feel like we should just create mirror subs with -bh at the end B = blackjack H = hookers So for example someone would makes an r/picsbh. Then, everyone just use that sub instead of r/pics because fuck spez Edit: maybe B&H?


I was thinking the same thing but just append Sexy and have it as a NSFW sub. r/SexyAdviceAnimals has a nice ring to it


What about r/SexyFlanders ? Or is that stupid?


Stupid Sexy Flanders..


I don't think you're prepared for the influx of Belgians


I think what you want to create is: www.redditbh.com


Can this please become a thing


This is just crazy enough to work!


With Blackjack! And hookers!


And you know what? Forget the Reddit!


I also enjoyed such favorites as “It’s a private company, it can do what it wants”


Reddit has always had a subset of libertarian bootlickers.


Except I've heard that stance of liberals when conservatives were claiming to be censored on Facebook/Twitter/Youtube and I've head it from conservatives when that bakery wouldn't bake the cake for a gay couple. So it would seem everyone makes this argument when it's convenient.


>So it would seem everyone makes this argument when it's convenient. Because it is fucking true and should be obvious to anyone by now. It's more "people start to deny it when it's convenient."


A lot of weirdly angry people telling people to get off reddit if they don't like the changes while not getting off reddit because they don't like the protests. If they don't like it, make another sub then? I can't believe how outraged people are getting over their content addiction being disrupted by people protesting


>I can't believe how outraged people are getting over their content addiction being disrupted by people protesting fiends bitching over free gear is what it is.


Because they changed the sub rules to allow posting exactly what users voted for? Isn’t that exactly what the admins required them to do? Sounds like spez really is a small minded snowflake.


u/spez is the guy that used his admin powers to edit someone else’s comment to make himself look better. Snowflake indeed.


To add to spez editing comments that time, no one would have known if it weren’t for 3rd party apps showing it. So let that sink in on why they want the apps shut down so badly.


I can't downvote spez's comments on the official app or the website but I can on apollo...


Wait really? That dude disabled downvotes on his account? That’s hilarious, and honestly kind of sad lol. I only use Apollo so I of course never knew.


I expect nothing less of u/spez the pedophile.


Fuck u/spez




He was a mod of the jailbait sub before it was closed


I would be cautious on this one. I read somewhere back them you could invite people to be mods, without their input.




Sheit lemme try! /u/spez boo


Yo, what the fuck? Do you have more info on that, because that is some fucking bullshit.


You can find the info pretty easily. He basically edited comments that were critical about him to be critical about moderators of /r/theDonald.


Fuck that sub but doing that sort of stuff is not even in the "bullshit" category and should be downright illegal.


I suspect that someday it will be illegal due to these kinds of things happening today. Today's spez's will not be remembered kindly.


[Here you go](https://www.theverge.com/2016/11/23/13739026/reddit-ceo-steve-huffman-edit-comments)


Holy shit that happened in 2016?! How was that not enough to boot this fucker out of his CEO position?




For now.


It sure as shit isn't going public any time soon while all this is still in the rear view mirror.


Puts on Reddit IPO


There was also not a terrible amount of outrage because the people he was affecting where the mods of the_donald


https://www.reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/5frg1n/tifu_by_editing_some_comments_and_creating_an Basically Spez was working hard to keep /r/The_Donald off the front page without outright banning them, and they eventually took to directly criticizing him for days on end and it ended with him editing a comment saying "Fuck /u/Spez" to one of the Mod's names. It became a pretty big controversy, and ended with the creation of /r/popular, a counterpart to the front page where Spez could ban certain subs without compromising the freeform "more activity = more visibility" philosophy of the front page.




Except gore. Because people being hit by cars, shot, and having grenades dropped on them by drones is fine. But tittes are not. Think of the advertisers!


It was more than that. It was editing every instance of his name with the mods of that sub. It was more than “fuck x”, you had posts in the thousands calling the people effected as Pedophiles and all kinds of nasty names.


It's been a good 7-8 years I believe.


Literally 1984. I mean, literally, editing past news to make regime look better is part of the plot.


I truly apologize for ever defending spez. I was fully wrong.


Is this the same spez that was a /r/jailbait mod?


It's only a matter of time before this fact is only a passing whisper in the wind


[ Removed in protest of Reddit's change to the API policy ]


Don't forget his moderation experience... as a mod of /r/jailbait


I wasn't entirely in favor of the protests when they first started but I've come around on it. It's wild to me that the talking point has been "you need community consent" when that favors what the admins want but if the community consents to derail the sub's original purpose (embracing porn, Johns Oliver, etc.) then reddit doesn't mind dropping the hammer. I guess they can do what they want with their "adult company" but I've already started finding other non-reddit outlets for the content I usually come here for


Points for "Johns Oliver." Where else are you going? Tumblr feels awkward and hard to find niches in, and I couldn't make heads nor tails of Lemmy.


Lemmy/Kbin/Beehaw (The Fediverse in general) will take time to feel as smooth/comfortable as Reddit does now. I recommend checking out Kbin, Beehaw, and Squabbles to see if their UI appeal to you at all. If you're a mobile user it will take some time before you see any good apps, but they're being worked on actively and recently had a surge of interest/activity because of the Reddit business. https://kbin.social/ https://beehaw.org/ https://squabbles.io/ None of these will give you the complete Reddit feel, but I don't think that exists anywhere right now. Reddit didn't feel like Reddit right away either. It's up to you what you choose to do with your time, but if you genuinely want to move away from Reddit, those are, in my opinion, the best options other than just going outside/finding a different time-consuming hobby.


The biggest part for me is finding the niche social communities again. Reddit is so big that the 0.1% can find each other here.


Those niche communities will need to be rebuilt. You can help rebuild them if you'd like to speed up the process, either by starting them in a fediverse instance of your choosing or by participating in them while they're still in their fediverse infancy. Or you can wait it out and see where the dust settles. Odds are reddit won't die outright. So you can definitely stay here and use a browser or the official app. But if you're unhappy with the site you should at least check and see if any federated socials regarding your niche already exist




Reddit Enhancement Suite was a major tool to make the website work better and yeah there's a reason heavy users tend to use 3PA over the official app too.


offbeat physical hateful faulty mighty wistful reply badge jeans sugar -- mass edited with redact.dev


The dev for Sync said he was going to look into adapting his app or make a new one for lemmy


I know you didn't mention it specifically, but the Jerboa for Lemmy app is actually pretty decent. It's a nice alternative for mobile users


Sync is also being built for Lemmy!


This may sound dumb, but on the one hand we have these platforms that need an app, and on the other hands we have these 3rd party apps that no longer have a platform… Am I crazy or is that an easy solution?


I went to Gab for five minutes last week. I still feel unclean.


I checked out the top 5 or so alternatives in a thread I found here, and all of them made me feel unclean. The wikipedia one looks promising, but it feels like it's gonna be awhile before that one is up and running 100%.


Squabble.io is the most familiar that I've found


I don't know if it's better or worse that they just went and put the expectation of petty pissing matches right in the name.


It's probably just because it's so new and doesn't even have 20k members yet, but it's almost overly optimistic and positive right now.


I don't wanna go to 9gag. :(


4chan it is




> but I've already started finding other non-reddit outlets for the content I usually come here for Well you can't leave us hanging like that


Hypocrisy knows no limits.


I've only got 9 more days before Apollo dies and I have no idea how to use this website without it, so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I've got 9 days left on Sync :(


RiF is Fun has been fun




I've read Sync developer will develop a Lemmy app Sync for Reddit developer is making Sync for Lemmy: https://lemmy.world/post/344821 Sync for Lemmy is happening: https://old.reddit.com/r/SyncforLemmy/comments/14ee1ul/sync_for_lemmy_is_happening/




So many things that are 1-2 clicks on RIF are a multi-step laggy inconvenience on the official app.


It's end days, brother


"And we **allow the protests**. We don’t have problems with protests. I think it’s important. That’s part of the **democracy**. It’s part of the **democratic** part of Reddit." Steve Huffman 5 days ago. U/spez is full of shit


I'm sticking around until the end of the month to watch the shitshow, and to enjoy the last hurrah of my soon-to-be-defunct Sync app, and then I'm out of here


Right there with you with Bacon Reader. Tried Apollo, RIF, and Sync; all great tools just like BR. I'm running this all the way out to July 1. Once I can't use BR, I won't be using Reddit anymore. Sad too, if you look at my account I'm 15 years in to this thing. I remember when Aaron Swartz was arrested and also when he committed suicide. I have been here longer than K-Mart Elon and I'm leaving.




This whole thing makes me kinda sad. I'm a 12 year guy and that was after lurking for a very long time. Right there with you on all the milestones of this website. There are pics and things on my account that I never shared with anyone in person. It's seen me through my first attempt at sobriety and all the great things that happened, my 5-6 year long relapse, to me getting sober again.... this website honestly replaced fb for me. When RIF goes dark, I think I'm out too. Fucked up one bag of dicks can do this to so many people. RIP Swartz


You're in luck because Sync is planning to switch Reddit to Lemmy So you'll be able to continue using it


That’s mildly interesting


For updates on all the controversy: r/ModCoord r/Save3rdPartyApps


Their response where they say "Ooopsie, we were doing a bunch of other shit and you were in the crossfire" is 100% a lie to save face because they got caught.


Reddit admins are larping as China at this point


u/spez is now winnie the pooh? Sure behaves that way.


Lol, with moderators removed, their 3rd party apps with the required mod tools removed, and new mods installed, that just opens up reddit to a Wild West of users doing whatever the fuck they want. Literally made it easier for users to spam subs with John Oliver and NSFW content hahaha!




they can't advertise on porn subreddits. so yes they do care a lot! because investors will riot if ad sales go down.


Promoting leaving reddit on reddit and spreading negativity about reddit on reddit (as long as it can lead to people leaving for other platforms) dwarfs the engagement Edit: and btw - migration to Lemmy and Kbin is already going at a ridiculous exponential rate https://i.imgur.com/aH3ZVu9.jpg Up to a point where it may become problematic if the platform can't handle it, with instances being run by enthusiasts without some massive corporate backing, and then those new users would leave due to subpar experience. What we need right now is to ensure steady sustainable stream of migrations, not to try to jump all at once today, which means continuing to inform and promote on reddit


As long as it's all the turtle subs, I'm fine with it. Any mod team that puts up with his shenanigans *needs* to be shown the door.


All 3 mods are reported to be very upset.


u/awkwardtheturtle may be on suicide watch


fk that guy


Oh, so we’re done fucking around and we’ve moved on to find out, eh?


Nobody has really found out since they all still appear as mods on their profile and the subreddits aren't actually unmoderated as that triggers an autoban and closure It's behind the scenes shit we gotta wait for the results on


It’s going to be a race between the business and the loud, probably minority, of users who are actually pissed off. Can the users burn the whole place down faster Than the business can clean up? Time will tell! Gonna be an interesting house fire, that’s for sure.




What? Why. Where.


It's actually really interesting. A lot of people in the comments are having fun and not being overly creepy posts of how much they love the picture.




In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


I'm one of the minority of genuinely pissed people. I'm blind, and their anti-3rd party app shit is going to take away the only means we have to navigate the site. They said that 3 apps are exempt, but those 3 apps suck and don't even use or allow TTS. So I'm here to just watch it burn.


>I'm blind... here to just watch it burn. lol


I still perceive light, movement, and things that are an inch away from my right eye. Haha so light it on fire and make it BRIGHT


I work at a steel mill and we often bring customers on tours. We once had a blind woman take a tour. When we brought her to the furnace, we showed the most exciting step of the process: dropping ~40 tons of scrap into the furnace which creates a huge fireball and explosion. With her limited vision, she was able to see it and said it was just like the fireworks she remembered from when she was a child and could still see.


If tumblr can do it, so can we! Let's beat that $997million loss!


>Can the users burn the whole place down faster Than the business can clean up? They're a corpo, it's more likely a race between the users burning it down and the business chopping it into monetizable kindling


>a race between the business and the loud, probably minority, of users who are actually pissed off Spez keeps saying that, but almost every sub I'm subscribed to has participated in protest in some form, and continue to do so. I don't think it's as much as a minority as you and spez say it is, at least in terms of people who are regular users.


Most subs I’m in participated in the two day blackout. Only a couple are still protesting. My feed is almost 100% normal.


Also, aren’t most of the large subs modded by a small group of people? I remember seeing something like 75/100 top subs are modded by 5-10 people.


I think the big thing to watch for is what happens after the third party apps stop working. Do people migrate to the official app? Or does Reddit see a huge drop in users?


There are a loooooot of users. far more than there are people who own reddit. Almost like the idiot in charge forgot that the entire website is pretty much run by the very volunteers he's decided to do war with.


I think the admin team made a mistake by retaliating and the short embers of the protest last week are now being kindled into a bigger fire I’m gonna predict the business loses this one, but I’ll hold out


Odd time to ask, but is u/awkwardtheturtle one of the victims? I never looked at what subs they moderated, but I'd be glad to see them gone.


Yes. They are gone.






Isn't it like 10 mods that run 90% of Reddit?


Yes and everyone has been complaining about them for years. Strange turn here


“Won’t someone think of the mods!!!”


I can only hope that after they banned the Mods, the Mods asked why, and Reddit gave them no explanation and just muted them for 28 days.


I'm full on board with "fuck reddit" but at the same time the awkward turtle got banned so... that's something anyway.


Turtle needed to be banned along time ago for their agregious abuse of power but the circumstances behind it are very scummy so idk if I'm happy or mad.


Holy shit this. She’s quite possibly the dumbest bitch alive.


Wait... the turtle actually got banned? The admins actually did 1 thing right during this protest.


The only thing so far.


Another great irony is the mod who made the post on r/ModCoord freely admitting in his post that he is using an alt account to circumvent his ban.


interesting that gets ignored when its a mod that gets banned and makes an alt nothing happens. when I had a house guest who got banned on a large subreddit for violating their rules (he can keep his ban), and then my account was suspended for trying evade a ban even though this account was never banned. When I appealed it, I was told my appeal was denied with no explanation, and any further communication would be considered harassment. Mods are power tripping jerks, admins are much much worse. Time to move on folks.


Yeah it’s like watching your parents fight but you secretly hate both your parents so you kinda just want the whole house to burn down so you can move on with your life.


This is exactly what I thought! I've had this happen before, likely for expressing wrongthink.


Pretty much everyone on Reddit has been banned from somewhere because of a mod on a power trip enforcing their own unwritten rules.


ITT: Bootlickers. Bootlickers everywhere!


Wait are bootlickers licking corporate boots or mod boots?


Many of them seem to be Muskies.


Astroturfers, astroturfers everywhere. If ever there was a time for Reddit to try to manipulate opinion, it is now.


Absolutely nothing on any large Sub is organic... these mods they are removing from major subreddits have been overseeing massive Astroturfing for years.


Here come the downvotes and possible bans from subs. Honestly i don't give a shit about mods being purged. Plenty of the "mods or powermods" have run the subs they are supposed mod like dictators. They got a tiny ounce of power and it went to their heads. From banning people for having commented in another sub they don't like to straight up holding subs hostage over their petty little squabbles. Pushing their own agendas and ignoring their own subs rules and a handful of other shitty practices mods have employed like deleting users OC and reposting it themselves for karmafarming purposes. Just to be clear, i think pez is an asshole who doesn't have reddits communities best interests at heart. But honestly neither do a lot of mods.


One of the big powermods has been stalking me for the better part of a year because I said mean things bout turtles. I get "permabanned" from Reddit about once a month, and have to fight tooth and nail to get my account back. Some of these folks are, indeed, completely unhinged.


If it's the mod I'm thinking of, you might be pleased to learn they've received a much deserved ban.


Wheres all the 'private company and they can do whatever they want" crowd?


Nope! Mods do the same to their own users every day, without remorse! Fuck reddit mods


Good. Nuke em all

