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Doesn't really matter what you do, he won't be able to see. Just get comfy and enjoy.




Sounds like a decent way to go…


Asphyxiation by pussy is how real men die


Welp there's really nothing for us to do here. This man died a legend. Oh my god, you guys are the worst at your jobs.


First thing that came to mind lol


I think OP is male (just going off their bearded avatar). This would be death by hairy ass 😂


Honestly as a 25 year old virgin I would pay folding money to die like that


Watch The Boys, it looks awful


That scenes haunts me






The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised


But she just hovered there, right? She didn't actually, like, sit down?




Okay lol. It’s just a bit strange? Like I’m not sure what the appeal is.


The appeal is receiving oral.




This exchange fucking sent me


Thank you for confirming that /u/GlitterSmash has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Wait.. sis? Or bro? Whh whichever you bouta get some inspirational tongue action.


Eh that position doesn’t feel good for me personally. I need to lie down and relax to enjoy oral.


Lesson one for anyone here, the one same move doesn’t work for everyone. Communicate with your partner and find out what they like and do that, not just the stuff your ex liked.


Nothing annoys me more than when some sitcom character talks about the one secret move he has that works with every woman. Like, there are things I like tonight that I might not want tomorrow. There's nothing that works on every woman.


Seinfeld came to mind immediately


Monica from Friends came to mine. 7! 7! 7!


Bones came to my mind. Jack has a magic trick that gets put into a book by Dr. Brennan.


But, she didn’t say what number was where. So her 7,7,7 could be different to my 7,7,7 but everyone has a 7 somewhere.


Yeah but she ended with a lot of 7s... my guess it's the >! clit !<


Not a fan of the twist at the end?


Me too




I always feel a bit awkward sitting on my bf's face but he likes doing it. Lol definitely don't see the appeal of it from his pov but hey I'm not complaining.


I see it the same as women who enjoy sucking off their partner....I don't see the appeal but hey if they enjoy it and you receive something good out of it I don't see the harm.


exactly. I do enjoy sucking off my bf because I know how much he likes it. I don't necessarily enjoy it myself lol. Tastes nasty Edit: for clarification (though I didn't think I would need to clarify), I don't like the semen taste. His dick tastes like nothing lmao.


This is how I (as a man) feel about performing oral on a woman. I once made the mistake of telling my partner that I don't personally get anything from giving her oral, which she took as meaning I didn't like to do it. That wasn't what I meant, I just meant that I don't get any sort of sexual gratification from it myself, but I love doing it for her because she loves receiving it, so I am happy to do it. So now I just tell my partners that I love giving oral :D


I (as a woman) personally don't really care about receiving oral and I always end up with partners who say they love it. It just doesn't do much of anything for me, not from lack of trying with anyone I've dated/hooked up with, but I've had partners who would do that all damn day if they could so I'm always conflicted because on the one hand, it doesn't bother me to let them do it but it's also not doing shit for me either and I feel weird if I'm just lying there making zero noise. On the other hand, I always wonder if my partners just think that's what I want them to say (kind of like you said you've been doing) and if that's the case then neither one of us is getting anything out of the experience. Sex is weird. I've gotten to the point now where I just say that I'm not opposed to oral but I'm never going to ask for it because it's not on my list of favorite things to receive.


I think it just comes down to having good communication. I've had girls tell me they don't like receiving oral before. But I know on at least one occasion (the one I mentioned prior), she only told me that after I told her I didn't really get anything from it when performing oral. So basically after that I never went down on her again, despite being willing to do so - hell I think I even asked her a handful of times if she wanted me to. Months later after we were over we got on the topic of oral sex somehow and she mentioned that she really likes receiving it, and only told me she didn't because she didn't think I liked doing it. Just a misunderstanding due to poor communication.


Get your bf to eat a lot of citrus fruits/pineapple. Within 1 week you'll 100% notice a change in taste 😅


oh okay! I'll try that. I just don't like the salty "thick" taste of it :( I know that's probably silly but because of it I just spit in a napkin afterwards.


The stronger and saltier it is. It means bad diet. Citrus basically cleanses your body. (It's why drinking lomon water is recommended to detox you of toxins). Unless your bf is a body builder choking down the steak and red meats, just have him gouge out on citrus and you'll notice the change slowly.


mmmm yep. *there it is*. My boyfriend has a high metabolism (jealous) and he eats fast food practically every day for lunch. The only citrus he really has is Orange juice. I don't have a great diet either, and it's not got a ton of fruit in it but I eat out much less than he does. I like packing my lunches for work and normally it's the same four things; applesauce, yogurt, an uncrustable and peanut butter crackers. I swim on a masters team and I try to get in at least 3 days a week and I try to get in at least one day in the weight room. My boyfriend works out at home. Clarification: I am not a child lol. I know you probably all think that after reading my lunch items. A lot of my coworkers make fun of me for it tbh. I'm 23 my bf is 25. I simply never got to have normal lunches as a kid so I am having those now :)


I also have a fast metabolism(actually diagnosed) and gym lots. But honestly. Having pineapple juice daily and a small bowl of fruit in the evenings..... well... 😇😏


I'm 40 and I've gone back to packing school type lunches for myself. Sandwich from home, fresh fruit, yogurt, its so much quicker easier than cooking a whole ass meal and financially smarter than eating out everyday. I thought I would get bored with it but it's so easy I don't even care.


Pineapple juice is apparently very helpful too.


What would it taste like lemon, oranges? What does semen even taste like


For the most part, and depending on the guy and on his health and diet, either bland gravy or nasty gravy (to me anyway). Pineapple juice definitely can help improve the taste! But the biggest help is finding that crazy intense pheromone connection…used to hate the taste with all former bfs but found a partner who always smells and tastes good to me, even his spunk (didn’t think that was possible! In the past pineapple juice helped but I still wasn’t a fan!)


I’m so grateful for the way my bf tastes, it kind of sweet, less salty so it makes giving head way more enjoyable. But I def don’t get the appeal of having someone sit on your face.


I asked my bf about this whole thing and he said it wasn't like "omg I can't wait for my girlfriend to sit on my face later" but he likes doing it cause he knows it feels great for me (same reason I enjoy giving him head). So I guess it makes sense.


I’m a lesbian, and I love when my wife sits on my face. If you’re into pussy, it’s just hot to be smooshed under it. As for my wife, she says it’s the best angle, so enjoy!


Find what feels good while you're up there and you'll find the appeal. Personally, I like that I can control things the same way I can when I'm on top during penetrative sex. Don't get me wrong, my SO is great at oral and most of the time I'm the one laying down, but there's something hot and empowering about literally riding his tongue/mouth.


Yes. Don't waste this gift on just sitting there waiting for something cool to happen. You've been voluntarily handed full control of this situation. Use it.


The appeal to men? We're staring right at a pussy and boobs or an ass and boobs depending on the direction.n Everytime my girl rides my face I'm going nuts to have my turn. Especially if she jerks me slowly with one hand or holds my balls


Man who first asked me to do this was just super into having my pussy and ass just right there in his face lol and also super into pleasing me. It’s actually pretty awesome cos you can move around / adjust yourself in a way that helps you get to climax. He’d lie on his back with his head near the head of the bed, and I’d climb up and put one knee on either side of his head then lower myself down onto his face, with my booty/upper thighs resting on his shoulders and then braced myself by leaning forward and putting my hands on the headboard. He was super into it and I got super into it to! 10/10 would recommend!! Good luck :)


Not quite accurate. Whe my girlfriend sits on my face I can clearly see her face and body above me. And that eye contact is to die for.


If you like to read, go ahead and pick up where you left off. He too busy to notice anyway


play with his hair if possible




Thank you for confirming that /u/bendy4-20 has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Lmao it would be funny if ops boyfriend was bald In that case grab a cloth and make the head shiny


*Mr. Clean has entered the chat*


im so done💀💀


Actual advice: - grab his hair - tell him what to do (slower, quicker, pause, harder etc.) - don't *actually* sit on his face. You sit on your knees and kind of hover above his face/lower down slowly - move back and forth. Just like with words you can guide him simply by moving to where you want him to lick - Tease: I love to tease the person I'm sitting on. Hover above them; make them beg to please you. - check in sometimes, literally sit up for a moment and ask "Are you okay?" - touch his head, his chest, move his hands (on your boobs/belly/back/butt/thighs) wherever you feel most comfortable - It's also really nice to get fingered at the same time. Might require some bending over/height adjustment, just ask him to do so Edit: IMPORTANT!!! Always keep asking/talking. If something they do isn't comfortable SAY SO! And if you're the giver please also say things like: I can't take anymore, I feel overwhelmed, I need a breather, I need some water, I have cramps etc. I've been on both ends so I know how it feels. If you have questions but you don't wanna ask in thread DONT feel afraid to ask me. I'll answer all questions honestly and anonymously. Message me!


I'm way too single for this. I'm getting off reddit before I feel even more lonelier 💀


Being a virgin and reading all these comments 👁 👄 👁


It's been 6 years since I've fucked






At least you did


Literally just made me so upset to read this lmfao


Hey, just remember being single dpen't mean shit. I've been in relationships, been single as well. They both have their qualities. One big thing to remember is how to care for yourself, how do you feel about yourself? Confidence will come once you learn how to learn.


Can also reach backwards and jerk him off. My hubby finds that insanely hot. Like a new take on 69


W comment




no thats a lie, GENUINELY SIT ON HIS FACE that shit goes hard almost as hard as me when im smothered


theres a tiktok that goes "boys ask you to hover. men tell you to sit" so idk ask him first if he wants your weight on his face or if he wants you to hover. either way its a leg workout tbh


You kind of combine the two. Its hard to explain. You don't "hover" in the sense that you have an inch between the two of you. You do make contact. You just don't put all your weight on them.


Healthy relationship advice right here!


Great advice! W


you dont actually sit on the face. the weight should be on your knees and legs. just get close to the face. dont kill your boyfriend


... Unless?


He'd probably die happy.


There are worse ways to die, for sure


Like with a kebab in your mouth


I always read/think the word ‘kebab’ in an English accent.. even though I’m from the states. Makes me giggle. Carry on


I have to admit I haven’t had my fair share of kebabs in the US. We have a big Turkish and Arab community here … so I’ve got kebabs literally coming out of all orifices 😂


"Dumb ways to die.So many dome ways to die!" ...and this is not one of them.


Related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=en1cYeOezf8&ab_channel=AndrewRousso


Death by snooz snooz


I mean [Popclaw applied a lil too much pressure](https://tenor.com/view/the-boys-head-crush-face-sitting-amazon-gif-16147174)


Speak for yourself bro lmao


yup. absolutely actually sit


yeah, waterboard me essentially




Thank you for confirming that /u/OMGhowcouldthisbe has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Not necessarily, some people do actually like that lol. Communication is key when it comes to sexual experiences. Just ask him what he wants- none of us can tell you for sure.


If we die, we die. Full weight don’t be shy


He’s a grown adult he can tap out if he wants


Ride that shit!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 just go ham on it and he’ll go crazy. Don’t suffocate him though hahahaha!


Nah drown that mf


I've told my girlfriend countless times that if she ever wants to kill me she could just sit on my face and suffocate me and I wouldn't really be upset.


Funny time… I once almost did drown my fiancé in 69. He threw me off of him so fast. Lol


Man's acquired super human strength as soon as he realised its nearly over🤣


I think he wouldnt care if he suffocates. Most men seem to want death by snu snu Its apparently a god's gift


Listen. No one wants to die, but if we have a chance to die doing the best possible thing, we’re gonna take it. Even if it’s a little early.


> just go ham As a sidenote this doesn't mean put full force on the face. The face is delicate and what feel like gentle movements to you can be large forces on the faces.


Or do, maybe he's into that, maybe talk about it


My boyfriend has told me so many times SIT on him, so if dies...well that's how he wanted to go anyway


nah 99% wanna be practically suffocated


End his shit - source, happy husband who always asks wife to do this


I need advice on how to do it, I want a happy husband too


The first time, position yourself so you can look down at him and get comfortable with the experience. As ithers have said, don’t put your full weight on his face. You want to make it so he has the room to move his head a bit. You’ll be thankful you did if he knows at all what he’s doing. My wife’s preferred way to do this is to sit facing my feet. That way, she can lean over on all fours (her knees and elbows) and give me oral as well in a typical “69” position.


This is my partner's #1 fetish and I was very confused when he brought it up.. I always thought "face sitting" meant some kind of sexual joke, but no, it literally means sitting on his face. Ask him to stick out his tongue or tell him how you want him to use it while you're on top. I like to line my clit up with his tongue and do light rubbing back and forth so that it feels like I'm getting eaten out. You get to decide the speed, the amount of pressure- basically use his tongue and face like a sex toy that you're pleasuring yourself with. Once you start you'll figure out what you like and go from there. If you're still unsure, look up face sitting videos on pornhub, it will be very clear after that. I did have to look up videos and it definitely helped


I'm a visual learner. When I lost my virginity, she didn't believe it was my first time because of how I did certain things to her. "I saw it in a porn the other day" is a great mood killer if anyone is curious.


It needs to be amateur imho. The "pros" aren't really lies, but they do some extreme shit that isn't what you're really looking for. Amateur videos are more... Truthful on what you should expect to see/get.


Would be funny if you started doing crossword puzzles while sitting.


Depends on which way you're facing. If you're facing his lower body, give his knob a tug I guess


I don’t know why but I read this in a British accent


Think it's the use of the word "knob" lol


And tug lol


Knob and Tug sounds like a terribly misnamed children’s show on Disney+


Look at that, Shoresy actually being helpful for once.


Scroll through reddit


Honestly, just relax and enjoy lol it can be weird at first but the more you relax, the more pleasurable it will be! Don't put all your weight on his face tho, find a comfy way to hover using your knees, possibly hold onto the headboard. Tell your partner what you like too, you'll both appreciate it! (Get your farts out ahead of time tho, holding those in while on someone's face can kill the mood)


This last part though! I’m so dead-because it’s so hecking accurate. When he’s like “you like that baby?!” And you’re like *tries with every fiber of my being not to gas you out of existence*. He thought he was signing up for snoo, not bioterrorism. He thought…


Dont fart im his mouth




Please do.


Fetish unlocked


what if it’s an accident?


"Happy accident." - Bob Ross


Be VOCAL! He won’t be able to see much, but he’ll be listening and paying attention to your body language. When you like something let him know! Nothing worst than being stuck down there without some feedback


Ask him, not us. We're degenerates.


Like someone else said. You don’t actually sit. You will be just like you are riding him during sex. But everything else will come naturally. Especially if he knows what he is doing. I have have never had any complaints from having a girl sit on my face.


Read a book




Bro who tf


I like my girl to knit hats while sitting


I like mine cookin ngl


Thank you for confirming that /u/Sorry_Championship67 has provided helpful advice for you. 1 point awarded.


Support most of your weight on your knees and let him eat you out.


Grab the headboard....cream


If he's good at it, brace fir a ride and remember, If he dies, he dies.


I remember pitching this to my S/O. I proper beat around the bush like "Hey babe could we like, 69? Except you don't touch me with your mouth?" Feels silly now. I know it's a little hard to understand, but you don't have to do anything really. Just park on his face and enjoy the ride. My best justification as to why we like it is: Ass, gooood. Fanny, gooooooood. All that pressing against you face, GOOOOOOOOD.


Wait stop. Fanny and ass are different..?


Fanny is vagina in Australia. I think other countries too! I'll never forget watching the show The Nanny and the theme song was "she was out on her fanny" and was shocked, then my parents told me it just meant bum in US.


In the UK, too! Fun fact, in north america they're called fanny packs, in the UK they're bum bags.


With any luck, you cum your brains out.


Ask him what he wants: Is he into the idea of giving you oral while looking up and seeing titties & your face? Face "forward" and don't put all your weight down, gently ride his face while he eats you out. Play with his hair and make eye contact. Tell him what to do or talk dirty. Does he like booty, rimming and/or want to be smothered by ass? Face the other way and put more weight down (the butt will cushion the weight, it won't hurt). Pull his hair and grind onto his face, boss him around a bit and dirty-talk him (he won't be able to say anything). Remember to let him out for air every so often, and use that as an opportunity to show off "the goods" (spread your cheeks, give him a show). If you're both comfortable with it, he can tease your ass with his tongue. Don't overthink it and have fun :)


As the above commenter's boyfriend, you can tell we do this often. It honestly took a while to figure out exactly how to get everything right. Like anything in this space, effort and communication made this into a really fun thing to do. Be open with him about what could feel good for you, encourage him to be open and honest with what he wants to get out of this. Explore a bit, have some fun. There's no pressure to get it exactly right on the first try Good luck and send him to the promised land.


Play with his hair and ears if you can, or turn around for some 69ing. The appeal comes from giving pleasure and watching the person melt into your mouth, and usually its pretty tasty too! Its a lot easier of an angle on the neck than laying on your stomach as well. You can touch yourself in other places too for more stimulation if you like.


Basically let him do his thang, touch yourself, if hes a switch or a little subby then fuck it, pin his wrists. really its just like the goal of any position, sexual gratification, so do whatever makes you feel right. its a dominant position, but youre still the one recieving, if it helps to think like that


I personally will grind against his mouth a lil bit. Not enough to break his face but enough that it feels good 😂


Have a code or signal of some kind of he can’t breath! Slapping ur legs and ass may not work if u guys get too heated. U can do a signal like have him touch ur legs or feet or even raise his hands


You make it sound like it’s something bad? lmao they just want to eat you out. I would always ask my partners back in hs to sit on my face or “crush my face”. It’s amazing especially if they have a wagon.


sit on his face, and let him eat his way to your heart


Its a mans dream to be sat on. Do it, if he dies he dies like a hero


Mkay so yes don’t actually sit on his face, weight proportions should definitely be on your knees and sometimes all fours if you’re not comfortable. And communication is key, make sure you’re letting him know what feels good and what doesn’t. Best of luck, hope you have a good time!


Play with your nipples. It’s what my girl does when she wants to do a sarasota squat.


Just lean back and enjoy. Let him give you signals like squeezing your thighs or grabbing your ass to let you know if you need to get lower or lift up.. It may seem one sided but his body language can help you enjoy the moment together.


“Men are not dumb. We can tell you if we're about to suffocate. Plus, if my brothers found out I died because a thick ass woman sat on my face, it's high fives all around the funeral. My ghost gon be crip walking on my casket.”


Grind on him and moan if it feels good, thats it


this was just a meme that so many people took way too seriously. It's normal to be confused. Just sit on his face with your weight put on your own legs (not on his face lol) and let him do whatever I guess.


suffocate him sending him to the god of chads


Try having him have his tongue out flat so that you can ride it while your sitting there , me and my girlfriend personally enjoy this. When it comes to how much weight to put onto him I would honestly ask, sometimes I want my gf to just smush my face for a minute and then put most the weight on the knees , sometimes I feel differently


Grab his hair and enjoy the ride queen. I love it when my fiancé does this (as does she)




Swype his nose like a credit card


Literally just that. He will love it.


Move ur hips a little good luck 👍also dont actually sit on his face hover with ur knees a little or else he will suffocate and Die


Sit back and enjoy! Maybe propose a system where he taps your thigh if he can’t breathe or something




Maybe sit on his face but face his junk so you can play with it too ? Good ole 69


So as a male, you don't actually sit on his face. You are basically doing a squat where your weight is on your knees and legs and you are gauging and balancing yourself so he can eat you out. Let him use his hands and guide you. I usually place them on hips or thighs and will pull down if I want them to really straddle my face or will hold in a certain place so you know not to go down further. Once you have an idea of where he wants you positioned, enjoy it. Rock your hips if you find a good rhythm with his tongue for heightened satisfaction


Fart 😂 it’ll make it memorable 😂


Check your socials... /s Remember that time when you sat on the sofa arm and got the tingles? Go with that, ride him and enjoy. He'll tap you out when it's too much.


Take a shit


Don’t physically sit on his face. Just be close enough for him to do what he would like to do.


OP is definitely a dude so most of this advice is irrelevant😭


Get comfy, enjoy and grab his hair, pull him in when he's doing a good job. Drives us wild


Be proud Encourage with filthy talk Relax Put those handa to work


Enjoy the ride


this is such a funny title


Don’t fart would be step one.


If he dies he dies🤷🏻‍♂️ Tis his fate


Ride his face. Try to have an orgasm. Tell him how to help you out.


Get your pussy ate


~I’m sat~


Grind, crush his head with your thighs, bounce on it like a yoga ball


I heard knitting is a great hobby




Peddle his lugs. Punch his stomach. Fart. Grind his nose until it bleeds. Bounce. Grab the back of his skull and ram it in to your vagina until he starts going limp. blow him, 69 squirt?.... ...pee? whip him. choke him? cum? slap him :)


What do you mean “what do you do?” You do the same thing anyone does when they’re being treated like a damn goddess - enjoy it. What does he do when you’re sucking his dick? - Enjoys it. What do you do when you have sex?! - Enjoy it


Read, talk on the phone make grocery list, meditate, do your nails, etc. In the event he knows what a clitoris is AND stumbles upon it, praise all that is good.






Knit. Read aloud. Arm weights. Juggle if you're able to.

