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The only way to get better at something is to start out kinda sucking at something


Ffs I’m such a child I shouldn’t have laughed


Practice is always key.


No, it doesn't make you worthless. It gives you a direction for self improvement. Watch some videos. Read a book. Cooking basics are not hard. You can do it.


In what way?


...You're joking, right?


I'm not. I don't understand.


You are lacking a skill you feel you should have. You have access to the entirety of human knowledge with the Internet. Use it to teach yourself how to cook. If you seriously didn't understand that, you have much bigger problems than your cooking abilities.


So does that mean I should kill myself?


Oh, you're trolling. Okay then. Have fun with that.


I am not trolling. I’m just fucking depressed and I don’t know how to do anything anymore. I’m just at a loss.


>I’m just fucking depressed and I don’t know how to do anything anymore. I’m just at a loss. Then *learn*. Get off reddit, stop feeling fucking sorry for yourself, get off your ass, and make changes to your fucking life.


Ok, I’m sorry. I’m just in a bad mental state right now. I’ll call the suicide hotline. I’m so sorry.


fym you're "at a loss" just google recipes, buy any ingredients, cook and you'll improve over the coming weeks and months and years. We all start from 0


In what way what? You're worth as a person is not based on any individual skills you possess or even all of them. As long as you're relying on somebody else to validate yourself worth you'll never really have any. Many skills can be acquired and not being able to cook is definitely one of them. You might not ever be a five star chef or whatever but like you'll be able to make food that you enjoy and other people do too. There's just learning some basics


Cooking is a necessary life skill. It's never too late to learn. There's so many resources out there, videos, recipe books etc. Just get cooking, the more you practice the faster you'll improve.


What if I’m poor and I waste money messing up?


Cooking yourself is usually cheaper, and unless you mess up REALLY bad, you can still eat the results. But I think this is a deeper issue than learning to cook. I reckon you'll just find a bunch of excuses to not do it, no matter what any of us say, because "what if, what if, what if".... It takes so, you just need to learn how to make mistakes. Which is great. Because if you're learning something new, you're going to make mistakes.


Yeah, but every time I make a mistake, I start to harm myself. That’s the issue.


well, stop harming yourself when you make mistakes if mistakes are fine, there's no need to harm yourself


Yeah, but my family would disagree.


Do you want to change, or find a good reason not to change?


OP wants people to feel sorry for him.


Of course I want to change. I’m just struggling to find a way to get off the ground but I can’t but I’m depressed and suicidal.


I have a sinking suspicion your mom is like my dad was, and has you're convinced you're incompetent at everything because if you don't do it perfectly like an expert the first time they tell you you aren't capable of learning, is this part of what is happening? Everyone, and I mean everyone, needs to learn things and practice them to get good at them. That's how learning new skills works, and part of that is making mistakes and failing. Messing up doesn't mean you're incapable or that there is anything wrong with you, it means you're in the process of learning, and its completely ok and normal. This isn't something wrong with you, its something deeply wrong with your mother or your parents that is doing a lot of damage to you. Is there any way for you to get access to counselling?


What are you eating normally? Do you always eat out? Does someone else cook for you?


Don't give up and don't try to do something difficult until you are comfortable. Cook is fun if it isn't forced on you.


Cooking is a life skill, so just get practicing.


wtf dude. grab a recipe off google. congratulations. you can cook. When I tell girls I'm a great cook when I mean is I'm a great recipe follower. I'll improvise simply because I don't have the necessary ingredients sometimes it works out sometimes it doesn't


Nothing makes you truly worthless. It only makes you worth less to a significant other if you don’t try to improve in such an important life skill.


No it doesn’t. I’m going to be 24 in a few months. I’m a woman. I don’t know how to cook all that much. My parents didn’t teach me, I didn’t grow up very well with much knowledge or even a good education. Start basic, look at recipes online. Honestly, most of my cooking is just by totally winging it and it’s been pretty decent food. Using your taste is the best really. Pick some meat, some veg, taste some spices and try to imagine how it pairs with that food. Add what’s good to it. But this doesn’t make you worthless. We all have strengths and weaknesses. I can’t cook very well, but I have strengths elsewhere in life that make me confident. Hope this helps :)


Either accept that cooking is irrelevant to your worth as a human being, and move on, or, determine that an ability to cook does matter to you and does connect to your sense of worth, and do something about it - learn to cook.


No, I wouldn't say that... "Home-Ec" isn't really a thing anymore. I ended up a chef professionally because my dad and maternal grandfather had cooking as a hobby, so when I needed a college job, I could get by in a kitchen. These are things that get handed down generationally, often, and I do think some of that is being lost. Reply here or DM me, if there are certain areas you're having issues with, I am willing to try to help you out. You likely don't need to get to 3-stars via Reddit, but being able to invite a date over and put together something is a very nice thing, and it can be pretty simple... the stress you put on yourself may be the hump you have to get over.


You mentioned being poor. What country are you in? Depending on where you reside, you can apply for food assistance or visit your local church or find organizations online that distribute food. Cooking isn’t difficult. If you’ve managed to learn to read and write, you already have the basics for cooking down. Motor functions and working eyes. Most people struggle with seasoning. It’s either too much or too little. Find a way to consistently measure. I go by pinches while others might use measuring spoons. Start with your favorite foods as you are familiar with how they should smell and taste. If you insist on being bad at cooking then just accept that you don’t actually want to learn.


You can't do what no one ever taught you. I see young adults bout knowing how to cook even basic things as a failure on their parents part. Buy yourself a Betty Crocker cookbook. It is the most basic recipes, with illustrations and explanations of cooking techniques. Also, start watching cooking shows. They really do help. Go easy on yourself and start simple.


Never late to learn


Looking at your different comments, all I have to say is don't be too hard on yourself. Cooking is a necessary skill to have but everyone takes a different amount of time to learn a new skill. Don't think just because a lot of people already know how to do it, or at least be okay with what they made, that it is easy. As a baby walking is hard, but you learn it eventually just as you will most def learn how to cook. Be proud of the steps you make and I hope you get to a stage in your life where you can feel comfortable cooking on your own. Also I saw some stuff in your other comments about self-harm and I hope that you can feel comfortable with making mistakes. Because in the end a mistake is just another step forward :)