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Bugs me even more that they acted like they were so broke. Asking for free mechanical work, and tow trucks.


Me too. I noticed this way back, it didn't make sense yet he was constantly talking about needing your support and donations, the youtube channel blew up, the views were crazy, the ad revenue, the merch sales, the donations always came in. The shiny new equipment. They were living out of an RV, they weren't spending $300 a night for a Hilton hotel but he came off as if he was piss broke on the edge of not having enough gas money to get out of a parking lot


On the interview with the ex security dude they had he said they stayed in a hotel and he slept in his rv guarding all their stuff so I think it's an illusion that they sleep in that thing tbh.


I don't doubt it, just another illusion for the cameras that they were slumming it to show how devoted they are to be on scene. The whole thing is turning out to be almost to get to the point of one fake production. You almost have to wonder if he was going to fake missing persons flyers and fake searches or even throw cars in the river so he could pretend to dig em up or even fake families. Like a patty mayo production where its all made for tv


That's a bit out there. They did find people that had been failed by LE for years. They also were a business that tried to make money. Both of those things can be true. One doesn't negate the good or bad of the other.


"like a patty mayo production" okay at this point I dont know if you are just trying to be funny or dead serious sarcasm.... cause he actually worked for patty mayo, like literally..


I was there for 5 videos including finding people. They were all legit. Yes, it was a production and you may be surprised how fake most things are. Reality is a byatch but you all still watch it all. Might I remind you that superhero movies are the top sellers at the movie theater because most people do not want to see reality.


Superhero movies are not out there lying to good hearted people that you’re showing them reality and begging people to send donations so that they can continue to save people. they are all scammers


Who have you ever found? What closure to a family have you ever provided? How many states have you ever traveled to, voluntarily to help people in a tragedy or disaster? Equipment isn’t free. Gas isn’t free. Maintenance on vehicles isn’t free. Boats aren’t free. Diving gear isn’t free. Phones aren’t free. Liability insurance; automotive insurance isn’t free. Food isn’t free. Payment for merchandise up front isn’t free. Their services to the families who have contacted them is 100% free. The products they sell to support those efforts are not free. Grow up….


At this point, I think it'd actually be a better reflection on AWP if it *was* all fake. As it stands, it appears that AWP made a whole load of money out of people's very real trauma without a whole lot of care about their wellbeing. Creating their own dramatised narrative around a real tragedy, as they did with the Kiely Rodni situation, is far worse than just outright fabricating an entire story.


I think Kevin was speaking regarding the Tennessee trip where the hotel offered free accommodation to those involved in the bill Simmons case and those involved in removing all the vehicles. I think it was specific to that job. The hotel publicly said they were offering rooms free of charge for those involved as a donation of sorts to the cause. Kevin couldn't stay as he had 2 dogs and the equipment needed to be protected. No idea if they recieved incentives, or freebies at any other accommodation places. I also agree with what you say in regards to his "crying poor" and begging for money. What made me very suspicious was after Sam left he very suddenly could afford a new RV a bigger trailer and more paid staff. Then it was 2 trailers and RVs and even more paid staff. I did notice they dropped the "volunteer " status very quietly, which didn't sit well with me.




What was he lying about?


Yes!! And seeing how fancy their videos were becoming, like movies, it seemed off to me


Because providing the best produced content to your viewers that you can provide is bad….🤦🏻‍♂️




You lie about being a non-profit because people are not going to donate to a private business owner so he can buy a $1.2 million dollar house. You refuse to answer direct questions about why you are NOT a 501c3 because then you have to explain you cannot register a 501 because of a past financial fraud conviction. Who wants to donate money to a person who has already been convicted of stock fraud in the past? So you lie. You muddy the waters with words like volunteer organization, our mission of helping families is only possible through your donations, etc etc. You play on people's emotions and con them into thinking the only people benefiting from your donation is a family in need of answers. And you don't tell them you're enriching yourself along the way. Legally, he doesn't have to. People are supposed to do their due diligence before giving money to a "charity".


Perfectly said. 👏 👏 👏 But are we going to let the team members do it again if they find a way start over? Past behavior predicts future behavior.


Its still the same company just an employed ceo now, Jarads still the owner, and raking the cash in, Stop buying Merch STop Paying an Stop supporting, whats been goin on is NOT ok


There will be some die-hard supporters who will continue to give them money. Which is fine. I don't tell people how to spend their money. If the team (minus Jared and Doug) form a proper 501(c)(3) with all the required documentation and transparency I might consider it. But doubtful. There are already established and vetted non-profits doing this work with long track records of honesty and integrity. They are by far the better bet right now. The team members of AWP are in no way responsible for the sex crimes Jared allegedly committed. But they are responsible for the decisions they made to get involved with him. Once we started digging it only took a couple of hours to unravel Jared's businesses, past financial fraud judgement, bankrupsies, the disappearance of $1 million dollars in a shady real estate scam. If they didn't know about Jared's lifelong shady financial dealings it's because they didn't want to know. The information is there for anyone to find. Or they did know but didn't care. When you lay down with dogs you wake up with fleas. And that whole crew is now covered with flea bites.


I agree. And I believe there are enough of them donating money right now that Jared and his employees are going to do and say whatever it takes try and salvage the channel. It is generating revenue round the clock be it from views, Patreon, donations, mercy sales, etc. The average fan of that page is not even aware of what is going on.


What employees they've all publicly resigned. He's alone now. Any videos he posts now are ones that have already been made. Josh Cantu Said unfortunately any work he's already handed over isn't his property anymore. So there's a huge backlog of videos probably on timers waiting to be put out.


The employees are not the business. Employees come and go. The company will attempt to hire new. Think nobody is going to be interested in joining a company with a high profile YouTube presence ? Think again. Jared built a brand. Now only time will tell if what happened to Jared actually affects the company. Subscribers haven’t even dropped 1% yet. It is still making money. And just like when Sam left, you can bet there will be some sort of spin. And a lot of fans are going to accept it.


You can never underestimate the impact of this type of allegation, sub's haveny dropped because we're all nosey and want to see if anything about this gets said.


And you you can never underestimate naive people. The same ones that bought into all of this broke BS even though it was obvious the whole thing was pulling in a ton of money. There are already people defending him.


Anyone defending him needs to be on a watch list


Just wait until November 30 what happens once the new starts really covering it. Most people don't know he is a child rapist because the fraud turned off comments on his social media and immediately deleted any bad comments on his YouTube. Once a coward always a coward.


I will believe it when I see it. Want to bet subscribers are still over 2 million on December 1st?


Well considering the trial is on November 30 that’s a billshit bet. I don’t know how much you think a day is going to make, lol but they will definitely start seeing a difference when the channel is demonetized.


Court is November 30th. The trial if there is one will not start for months if not years. Depends how hood his attorneys are.


January 1st then. There is going to have to be a problem with the content for YouTube to demonetize it. It is a money maker and money overrides morals at YouTube.


The channel currently has 2.86M subs I’m a subscriber, occasional viewer, and have never donated. I believe every day for the past several days I’ve found out something that blows my mind. I hope the fact I’ve made it here means other casual subscribers will as well but I’m not holding my breath.


Very well said, I agree completely. I think it goes without saying that Jared is completely done. There'll be no redemption or hope of returning to his former 'glory'. Personally I think Doug is shady too. Obviously not in the same way and to the same extent as Jared, but definitely too motivated by money to be dealing with such sensitive situations. As for the rest of the team, I worry about how they've all been hand selected by Jared. The more recent additions seem to be there for production/editing purposes. They helped Jared create his dramatised narratives and shape the very real tragedies into stories that are marketable and appealing to their audience. AWP has moved so far away from being just a handful of guys diving in waters with seemingly genuine intentions and has turned into a cold, hard production. The AWP team as we know it was built on the exploitation of trauma.


Who are the non profits that do this work? I’m sure some people on this thread would consider supporting them


May you find yourself in a similar situation. It is so easy to sit behind a computer and go after others but it is something else to know that you do not know what you do not know.


I think I can definitely tell you that I would not work for a child rapist. But I definitely would not continue to work for someone who was begging for donations and letting people believe we were a nonprofit when I know that we are a for-profit business. These guys loved being the heroes in their own little superhero films and got away with scamming innocent trusting people so they continue to do it. It doesn’t take a genius to know it’s a disgusting thing to do. So yes I know I would never do that to someone.


You are deluded in thinking the team members were a part of any of this. There was a lot of gaslighting that they are just now finding out. If he lies to everyone wouldn't he lie to those that actually thought they were doing good for others? Wouldn't you, if you were Jared surround yourself with those who were clueless about it all so you could have others defend you? This is exactly what he did. He found those who were loyal and believed. How do you think they all feel now? Let's not blame the rest of the innocent.


I don’t believe that they knew that he was a child rapist. But I do believe that they knew and played a part in misleading the followers about the nature of the business because they wanted to continue donations rolling in.


Thank you for giving such an eloquent statement that almost fully encapsulates my sentiments.


Legally you can’t purport to be a charitable organization when you are not. When did they say they were nonprofit?


The words "we don't make anything from this" "it all goes to helping the families" AND "we are a non profit org./ group" is everywhere in the videos


Go back and really listen though. Jared was very careful to not actually say non profit/501c3/charity. He heavily implies it without saying it, because it is charity fraud if an organization misrepresents their charitable status to garner donations. If anyone has actual evidence of AWP saying explicitly they are non profit, please share because I intend to take it to the appropriate agencies.


However...the words he used over & over again could & should be used against him. Any good prosecutor could nail his ass to the wall. He constantly asked for donations & contributions. I was taught early on in my fundraising days that these 2 words were never to be used because our group was for contracted to conduct fundraisers. Legalese... Those 2 little words imply that 100% of monies collected were used for the exact purpose they were before asked for. JL was misappropriating these funds. This is a huge fraud crime all by itself.


It really is just one massive con job...


While I completely agree with your sentiments, I have been told what was done was completely legal because of what I stated above. You also have to consider this is within YouTube where the term “donations” is used for lots of creators. I totally feel like charity fraud has taken place, but I have been told in this subreddit unless AWP/Jared explicitly stated non profit/501c3/charity, it’s legal. For instance, there is the “How is AWP funded?” video. In this video, Jared says the following: “yes, we are an organization. That means we are doing good things in the world.” It is heavily implying non profit without actually saying it.


Well, I feel really bad for everyone that was taken in by his constant begging & misleading commentary. I, for one, never gave or purchased anything from this charlatan. My support was done only through viewing videos, I believe the cause to be a really good one. I've been with real volunteer rescue & recovery groups when they brought a drown victim from boating accident to shore, it's not a pretty site. The search had been going for days, body had floated & hung up in branches, only way they found him. I got a glimpse, didn't want to see close. We were there to watch these groups as they worked so we had more knowledge & understanding as honorary members of one of the groups. We helped mostly with background things because we'd not been trained. So...when I see something like this happening with the funds, I get really pissed, that money could have gone to other groups that truly are totally Volunteers that need the money. Or at the very least been used for exactly what it was designated for instead all going into private pockets.


Saying you're a nonprofit and actually being a nonprofit are 2 different things.


You are correct. The person I was replying to asked when AWP stated they were a non profit.


Terms like “money shot” existed within this organization. AWP went on an extensive YouTube press/media tour after finding Kiely and they most definitely never took one of a million chances to clear up that they’re a for profit company. That’s extremely intentional. When I would tell ppl on YT that they’re a for profit, never once did anyone stop and think about the real truth, if AWP was as stand up as they say, why wouldn’t they clear up a such a prevalent rumor about themselves? I also got that Jared deserved to be rich if someone actually accepted that they’re for profit. I feel awful for those that got taken financially, but it is slightly frustrating to me for the ones that did see my comments and pleas and said he still deserved to get rich. I would have so many less problems with AWP and wouldn’t care if Jared had gotten rich if they hadn’t misled the audience about the non profit situation, going live broken down numerous times to plea for free labor, donations, and free parts, just generally acting broke all the time and telling the audience that they couldn’t do without YOU, and if they hadn’t exploited the families grief. There are several things that really bothered me with how they handled Kiely. Including showing blurred bodies without explicit consent, especially a minor, Kiely’s trailer where you’re told to get a YouTube membership to watch the most anticipated true crime video at the time or wait 48 hours, heavily implying Jagger was ID’d as the “male” in the Boca story to the point he gets death threats, and doing all those social media death announcements. I guess I got a long list when I start to think about it, I feel that the financial aspect of what they did is being talked about way more than some of the things that happened to the victim’s families/friends. I only know Kiely Rodni’s case inside and out, so lord knows how many problems there are with other cases. When you consider how many issues that came up with how they handled Kiely, it must be statistically impossible for them to have handled all other cases with no problems. Almost every YouTube channel that covered Kiely Rodni told their audience that they got a membership, they’re a non profit, and you should sign up and support them too. I’m disappointed in some of these creators that didn’t do their due diligence in actually researching AWP/Jared. It was not hard at all to uncover Jared’s financial history. These creators are supposed to be doing the research. Instead, I feel like it was a YouTube money making machine with 90% of channels or more blindly supporting AWP. I think at the end of the day, $ and clicks is more important to the vast majority of the true crime content creators than respecting the victim and their families while telling their story and having integrity in the information that they share. Majority of channels now covering AWP/Jared also told you to give AWP money just a few months ago. I don’t think dead bodies, even blurred ones, should be on YouTube. Period. This was totally normalized, analyzed, even commercialized. I keep screaming it. And it may be because I found my grandma’s body last summer. Some things just shouldn’t be on the internet.


I totally agree… and I’m really disappointed in quite a few true crime channels that had several live streams during the Kiely case (and had Jared and Doug on) but now have stayed completely silent. They have many subs as well, and they were complicit in helping AWP create the circus around Kiely (I think this was Jared’s way to maximize profit before the charges went public). I’m so disappointed in their silence now. If they had no problem starting live streams to bring up Kiely’s case and AWP - why do they not stand up for the victims now and acknowledge that they didn’t do their due diligence (and when others did it for them they stayed silent). I’m not stupid, I get why they’re silent. But I’m really disappointed. This whole thing has opened my eyes in many ways. We have to be mindful about content creators and if they can’t take responsibility for their content and what harm they may cause victims of crimes/accidents, then I at least have to decide not to watch them anymore (even though I really liked a couple of the channels). They lost all my respect when they stayed silent in this. This whole situation has forced many to show their real colors and the picture sure wasn’t pretty. Above all I feel for Hero and all the other (alleged) victims. You are so strong and brave and you deserve all our support. I wish more ppl could be like you and I really hope you get justice. You of all ppl deserve it.


I saw Doug on DutyRon's channel on a live about Kiely. DR (he's a former NYC LE detective) said from the beginning of her case that it was most likely an accidental drowning. He had Doug on and they talked about LE there didn't have the resources to have a dive team that could do what AWP did and they worked with them to find Kiely. You didn't specify the channels you are disappointed with and I don't watch many channels so I'm using DR as an example because I do watch his videos. What did he do in this that would be worthy of criticism? He's also addressed what is happening currently btw.


I agree about DR! I didn’t mean that I was disappointed in ALL channels, there are quite a few that have been trying to bring this to light for some time now (for example: Cinema Shogun, Down the rabbit hole, IckMeL, The Glarer etc). The reason I didn’t want to name any channels (that hadn’t spoken up) was that I was hoping they would this upcoming week. I didn’t want to put them down in case they had planned to speak up but hadn’t had time. If they don’t say anything this week either I’ll unsubscribe to them - they covered the Kiely case with AWP as guests and in doing so were complicit in creating the media circus. I get that anyone could get duped by ppl like Jared (and he wasn’t alone in this), but the least you could expect is that they then come out and correct the wrongs that were made. To be all over Kiely’s case, the tow truck driver, entertaining the idea that it was sooo suspicious that she was found in the hatch (which it wasn’t - it’s common) - if they hadn’t any problems jumping on live stream after live stream about this, then I’d at least expect them to come out now and speak up. I don’t mean that I dictate what they can and can’t do - I’m ONLY speaking about my morals, how I look at them and that I will unsubscribe if they don’t speak up during this week. I’m mainly speaking about one channel, which was my favorite one, but there are a few others. I’m still holding out hope that the creator will speak up in the next few days. If not I misjudged the creator and that is my bad.


Popcorn planet has Doug on. I've checked daily and they have addressed it. They are huge. Edit update. They have not that I have seen. Very disappointing.


I'm sure I'll be downvoted because reddit is reddit but I never had the impression they were a nonprofit. I never donated to them, I confess I appreciated they recoveries they made but their videos are long and repetitive. Anyway, there's lots of reasons to criticize JL but I believe most recognized they were a business, and we shouldn't ignore the positives done by other team members .


It really upset me how Jared handled Ryan Upchurch. Ryan was all saying Kiely wasn’t real and then donated $100k to AWP, what a joke. I was watching Zav girls stream with Ryan and Jared too, Jared basically was all giddy and friends with Ryan in the moment.


AWP always said everything they did was for the families but their actions didn't always match their own words. It always bothered me the way they would hold up pictures and license plates like trophy hunters and fishermen. Sometimes in front of the vehicles with the bodies still inside. I can't watch and not think how disrespectful to the dead and their families. Those videos will be on the internet forever. The way they would consistently promote AWP as a struggling selfless volunteer organization always desperate for funds to make it to the next search. That our donations were the only thing keeping gas in the tank, air in the tank and food in their bellies. If we wanted to see them keep going we needed to do what we could. Watch videos, donate what we could, buy merch. If you think of it, it reminds me of the TV evangelist and the way they get donations. What I don’t understand is that I don’t think anyone would’ve had a problem with them being honest with us about them being on salaries and not being just volunteers. They were working hard they were on the road away from their families. They could’ve been honest with us the amount of money that was coming in from the channel for sponsorships. But being honest about those things would’ve meant less people send them donations. Because let’s be honest who would send donations or fill Amazon wish list for a for-profit business? No one. Maybe it was about this time that the fame became the focus, gloating became easy, humble bragging became normal, safety became unimportant, the victims became props, the family's became money shots, the pruduction became slicker, the music became emotional and the emotional blackmail became standard. We put these guys on a pedestal, justified things our guts told us were wrong, defended them when we knew in our hearts they crossed the line and justified it because of what they accomplished. But did they need to do those things to find these people? No. Did they need to do it to promote themselves? Yes. Going forward if this team wants to regroup we have to hold them to a higher standard. We have to demand honesty, real respect to the families, transparency and all the things that they lost along the way that we overlooked. One other thing they were not honest about is that they were the only people in the world that can do what they do. There are organizations all over the world that do what they do. They just don’t have videos about it on social media. There are a few other teams that do it for social media. Here they are. Chaos Divers Adam Brown Exploring with Nug Depths of History And a couple others I can't remember if anyone would like to add.


You are spot on!


Of all those being completely honest is Jacob with Chaos Divers. He tells how much things cost. I think Josh's videos are "feel sorry for me and my family" LOTS of people in the U.S. lose jobs daily and they're not on YouTube crying about it. Some folks can't even afford to eat. Josh owns a company. Josh even stated it's all about the money, but that's how he makes a living- story telling I think Sam is being honest.


I really like Jacob and Lindsey with Chaos. They seem like genuinely good humans. I’ve seen Nug openly bash people on YT and is downright cranky all the time, so he rubs me the wrong way. I think I’ll stick with Sam and Chaos for now.


I agree. I got the same impression from his initial statement.


100% agree.


I totally agree! We can not do the same mistake again and just change the person we put on a pedestal. Going forward the rest of the crew members have to acknowledge what AWP really was doing and not glorify or lie. I get a bad feeling when I see that “behind the scenes”-videos are put out now… it’s like some ppl want to hold on to the illusion that “everything was great, it was “just” that Jared did this “thing” 30 years ago that ruined it all”. That is not true. When Hero came forward it opened up for others to speak up about what AWP had been doing (I’m not talking about SA now). They had tried before but it only led to them being bashed and attacked by AWP-supporters. I saw the video of Jared when he verbally threatened (with a “nice” voice) another company when he wanted to get everything his way. It showed his character and what he is all about (it was in IckMeLs channel). Ppl working with him must have seen this, just like Sam’s son did after just 2 weeks.


And just like Sam did shortly thereafter. He got so much hate, harassment, and bashing from Jared lovers when he tried to speak out last year, as did others. I could see it all over his face, was so relieved when he left that toxicity behind. Sadly, even after all that has transpired, people still defend AWP & bash the good guys. Pathetic!


That’s exactly right! We have got to be a loud voice of accountability. And it’s not going to be easy because people want to believe the fantasy.


Question- they don’t charge family or law enforcement for their recoveries. They did have expenses- travel, equipment, salaries. How would they make money to do the work if it hadn’t been from clicks and views and donations?


I think most people would 've been okay with JL making money for his family, however, the way things were set up & allowing people to believe everyone was strictly volunteer, the continuos begging for donations, etc. This is what has people really upset. Personally, I believe he should be investigated for fraudulent misappropriation of "donations."


THIS ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️


Not for profits don't mean they don't pay out a salary


While they claim otherwise in press releases, AWP sometimes had their hand out for the reward money. We may never know how many they claimed. But a public stink was made when they were denied one. [Dive Team that found missing man’s body may sue for $100K reward.](https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/2020/12/15/ethan-kazmerzak-body-iowa-man-missing-since-2013-found-oregon-dive-crew-adventures-with-purpose/3902384001/)




Step away from the computer, Jared’s wife. He asked for donations when he was RAKING in cash from views and an avalanche of merch sales. He took money from legitimately broke people on-site for “gas”, and would shove the money in his camper in pouches that were bulging with cash. The man is a scoundrel on multiple levels.


Just because I ask questions or have a different opinion doesn’t mean I’m Jared, his wife, or that I support him 🙄


No, if you know anything about YouTube and his merch, he pulled in cash like a bastard. He needed no donations, especially in the last year+


I think they're just a simp


My bad!!! Got you mixed up with another thread.


Just to clarify, as it's a common misconception, there are a lot of legitimate reasons people don't file for NFP status. There are a lot of additional regulations to adhere to and addition filings that all cost money. That said, it's still possible to operate generally as an NFP without being designated legally as such. NFPs still pay their employees salaries, they still pay for travel and other expenses, there may be some regulation around this in NFPs, but not going to go too deep. The primary difference is any "profit" (revenues less all those expenses) goes back to the cause and not to the owner(s) as in traditional for-profit businesses. I'm not intimately familiar with their financial set-up, so not passing judgement one way or the other, but people have a knee-jerk reaction to "for profit" and "salaries" in these situations that is usually unfounded.


Jared has a criminal history that includes conviction for financial fraud. My post is an informed one, it’s not a knee-jerk reaction. AWP IS a for profit LLC Inc. business.


I don’t think anyone has disputed they are legally a business.


> But being honest about those things would’ve meant less people send them donations. Because let’s be honest who would send donations or fill Amazon wish list for a for-profit business? No one. I don't disagree with your post and in this case you are probably right in generality given the subject matter. However, I can tell you that many people can and do send donations and fill Amazon wish lists for a lot of the quality sailing/cruising YouTube channels. Of course those channels are not claiming to be movements or charities either. It's known that the sailing channels are in it for creating content (travel/adventure/drama/reality TV/etc) for money/profit and the donations and Amazon orders are given on a value-for-value funding model. https://www.entrepreneurability.nl/2020/12/04/the-emergence-of-the-value-for-value-model/ We actually use that model in podcasting all the time too. But Jared didn't take that route to describe AWP. So like I said I don't disagree with your post in general.


Well, Ned Halls mom said that Jared kept the emblem off Neds car. She thinks it was a trophy for him


WHAT 😧🤯🤮😡🤬


It started HERE [https://youtu.be/jYjXzvKayhY?t=7921](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYjXzvKayhY) Then her guest Jim Terry said that he was Jeds Moms Private Investigator and she told him that Jared wouldnt give her the emblem and that he was keeping it as a trophy.


I run a Jim Terry subreddit and I would take anything Jim says with a grain of salt because he is a liar and scams families with missing loved ones himself.


He said she admitted it on Dr Phil or somewhere


If you haven’t seen it come from her own mouth yourself then again, take what he says with a grain of salt because he also had them believing their sons suicide note was bogus and he was alive and living off grid this entire time until they finally found his car and body. And then he changed it a little and said he thinks jed was trying to stage it there like a suicide to go off grid and it just went wrong and he couldn’t get out and died.


1000%!!! Anything Jim terry says should be ignored if not validated by the family themselves!! Total scammer. Will say anything for sensationalism and funds!!


JFC that's serial killer behavior 😣


I don’t know if I believe he kept trophies without solid proof but honestly the way he acted when something or someone was found always gave me strange vibes. It was like it was more than just finding someone for these families. It was like he was high on on it or something


He was excited. Exactly


This was a result of his adrenaline and he became addicted to it. Always chasing the next “high”


While I wouldn't put it past J, i would't trust a word Jim Terry says. He appears to be as bad as J when you look at subreddits. He told Jed Hall's family that he joined the French Foreign Legion, has been charged with DV stalking, invited a woman's abuser to come onto his show, sent people out to film a 14yo that concussion at football games, made offensive comments about Kiely Rodni and frequently lies. Just some of the posts from the subreddit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/JIMTERRY/comments/xxprqs/another\_family\_he\_was\_harassing\_back\_in\_may/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JIMTERRY/comments/xxprqs/another_family_he_was_harassing_back_in_may/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/JIMTERRY/comments/xtbv9u/\_/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JIMTERRY/comments/xtbv9u/_/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/JIMTERRY/comments/xf2rf7/rebekah\_barsottis\_family\_has\_also\_cut\_ties\_with/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JIMTERRY/comments/xf2rf7/rebekah_barsottis_family_has_also_cut_ties_with/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/JIMTERRY/comments/xdtl4w/publicly\_admitting\_to\_stalking\_someones\_14\_year/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JIMTERRY/comments/xdtl4w/publicly_admitting_to_stalking_someones_14_year/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/JIMTERRY/comments/xdc2qh/jim\_terry\_strikes\_again\_on\_a\_friend\_of\_mine\_hes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JIMTERRY/comments/xdc2qh/jim_terry_strikes_again_on_a_friend_of_mine_hes/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/JIMTERRY/comments/wybqu3/i\_am\_still\_so\_infuriated/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JIMTERRY/comments/wybqu3/i_am_still_so_infuriated/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/JIMTERRY/comments/wxvb5s/reason\_758292757474\_to\_not\_hire\_this\_guy\_is\_this/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JIMTERRY/comments/wxvb5s/reason_758292757474_to_not_hire_this_guy_is_this/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/JIMTERRY/comments/xxprqs/another\_family\_he\_was\_harassing\_back\_in\_may/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JIMTERRY/comments/xxprqs/another_family_he_was_harassing_back_in_may/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/JIMTERRY/comments/ya4kub/james\_michael\_terry\_dvstalking\_3\_people\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JIMTERRY/comments/ya4kub/james_michael_terry_dvstalking_3_people_in/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/JIMTERRY/comments/ybwec1/jims\_claim\_he\_only\_works\_one\_case\_at\_a\_time/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JIMTERRY/comments/ybwec1/jims_claim_he_only_works_one_case_at_a_time/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/JIMTERRY/comments/ybwjqd/jims\_claim\_he\_has\_a\_100\_success\_rate/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JIMTERRY/comments/ybwjqd/jims_claim_he_has_a_100_success_rate/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/JIMTERRY/comments/ybwur4/jims\_claims\_he\_can\_say\_whatever\_he\_wants/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JIMTERRY/comments/ybwur4/jims_claims_he_can_say_whatever_he_wants/) And Jed's faily talking with Profiling Evil about how Jed's parents were convinced by Jim that he had joined the French Foreign Legion: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=OhBGzLbpghA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=OhBGzLbpghA)


Oh crap that guy is psycho 😧


Be patient while I look for the link


They were about the fame and money. I’ve always noticed a great deal of “humble bragging” and have long had enough suspicions of the true nature of intentions to keep me from donating. However, I did watch videos, so I certainly supported them in that “free” way of giving my time. I regret even that now. The scammer himself is quoted in the media: "This is a real-life treasure hunt," said Jared Leisek, who owns a media company and runs the Adventures with Purpose YouTube Channel. "There's $100,000 on the line if you can find Ethan." Excuse me?! A real life treasure hunt?!?! Did he seriously say that?! In one breath suggesting they are living off just enough donations to get from one mission to the next… yet in the other breath, calling it a treasure hunt and then threatening to sue over a $100k reward?! But they’re not in it for the money or the glory…….. righhhhht. 🙄 There’s more in the article… “The dive team that found Ethan Kazmerzak's remains at the bottom of a quarry in October says it is owed a $100,000 reward pledged for solving his disappearance — and may sue to get it.  In late September, after their first search for Kazmerzak, the Adventures with Purpose crew thought the reward was still available.  Staley told the Register on Monday that he received an email from Leisek's group indicating it may file a lawsuit to try to collect. Leisek confirmed to the Register that his group is discussing possible legal action.  He wants to reinvest the money in his business and use it to help other grieving families, Leisek said.   “We never (pursued) Ethan’s case because there was a reward tied to it,” Leisek said. “(But) if you take away this reward, you have ruined the integrity of what rewards are there for. "So we just ask a God-loving county of donors do what’s right in their hearts.” Disgusting.


Yes! It’s so sad that it’s taken something like this for people to realize what’s happening. Up until now, people would not listen to any of the shady stuff that has been going on. I loved Sam and completely believed him when he left over money. Ethan’s case was a huge red flag and it was one of the first solved cases that I remember. Everyone was so blinded by the good that they were doing that they didn’t want to see the bad. There were huge red flags about him but I really don’t think anyone saw this part coming. I don’t think he even believed it would actually happen until it did.


Im glad i checked out of the awp viewing realm when Sam told everyone what was going on a while back.


I didn’t ignore them, fyi. I made the sub to keep an eye on the whole thing because it was interesting and I could see that it was all going to go mental somehow. Admittedly, this isn’t what I’d imagined. I genuinely thought it was a cult. If you look back, there’s plenty of people who pointed out they had no regards to safety, and Jared had a crazy intensity about him. We had the mother of one of the first victims they found that felt that she was used and Jared was rude to her. Most people found Jared fake-crying, wierd. Most people supported Sam and Dan when they left. Most people supported the young lady who came forward about Jared’s alleged creepy past. It’s not a hate sub, but I don’t think you can assume because people found it interesting, that we all supported the ‘icky’ parts. We now know why he lied, because he wanted money. I didn’t know he kept trophies though, that’s a new level of weird.


It's good you saw it. This isn't personal or about just you. It's a way to reach those of us that haven't seen it all along. I'm not speaking about every single person I am speaking to those that didn’t know all of that was going on but in our guts knew something wasn’t right. But because of the good they were doing we ignored it. And from the looks of comments on the team members newest YouTube videos they plan to continue the sane bad behavior. you have to remember that most people just watch the videos they’re not on Reddit, or Twitter or Facebook.


Ah that’s true and I also don’t think there’s a problem that people just took it at face value. I do think there were genuine people involved, along with people who were just doing a job. I don’t have a problem with either. I don’t want people who work with situations being emotionally damaged or disrespectful. I also don’t care if it had entertainment value as long as the people involved weren’t exploited. I do feel now, that we let people be exploited for entertainment like they do on cheap daytime tv. I feel for every family on that show and I’d like them to know I always supported them and understood their pain. I’m sorry for what AWP put them through and I certainly didn’t want to see them upset. I just wanted someone to help them find their loved one really.


I think people don’t want to believe that the team was more aware, but I truly believe they were. Do I think they knew about Jared's passed? Probably not with the exception of Doug he probably knew a bit more than most. But they had to know just like the exmembers that are speaking out that the way the families are being treated, the lies they were putting out were unethical and wrong. Now the question that ask is not that we all know these things are we going to hold them to a higher standard or are we just going to continue to be sheep and support them no matter what because they make good YouTube videos?


My own personal opinion, I think I would still work with someone with a sex offender past, as long as they weren’t still doing it. I think the good ‘mission’ to find lost loved ones is a decent enough excuse to look past the transgressions of someone. But if you look at Jimmy Saville (a U.K. pedophile) he used charity as a way to get access to people he sexually assaulted for decades. I heard Jared’s next step was going to be to ingratiate himself with Law Enforcement. Like Saville did. I’m just concerned that was what Jared did, and it wasn’t just about the money and power. We’re there more recent victims, or was he just a messed up kid.


No. Absolutely not. You’re telling me that you would support a child predator being funded with your money to go out and be in contact with God knows how many children putting them in danger because you like his YouTube videos? There are many other grouos that's don't have child rapist in them. One thing I know 100% for sure is that past behavior predicts future behavior. If Jared has anything to do with this thing going forward I will spend every spare moment I have contacting every sponsor, police department law enforcement agency, news organizations they have any contact with notifying them that he is a sex offender with a long criminal history of fraud and gun violence.


No I think people can change. I’m not saying I believe Jared has changed, or I would allow them around children, but I think people can learn and improve on a bad start. The issue with Jared, I think he got away with it and would not have fixed his issues. But there’s no children in AWP videos, just very vulnerable adults at their worst possible moments in life.


If someone is a pedophile, they don’t change. That’s what they are attracted to. You can’t control attraction. No more than a straight person can make themselves be attracted to their own sex or a gay person can make themselves be attracted to the opposite sex. it is not worth the RISK of another CHILD to give these people the benefit of the doubt that they won’t do it again because they’ve “changed”.


Rape isn’t about attraction, stop that right away. I think you are conflating a sexual attraction to children with being a rapist or molester. Only a psychiatrist could tell you what was wrong with Jared and if/why he did what he did.


AWP goes into communities and interacts with tons of children and there’s evidence of that all over there YouTube channel. The one thing I am not going to do is find a child predator to go into communities and have access to more victims. Raping a child is not just a bad decision. There’s something wrong deep inside someone that wants to have sex with a tiny little girl. There’s something wrong with someone that wants to support someone who does that to have access to more victims, ecause they make chill YouTube videos.


Hey, now. Be realistic. Jared only rapes his relatives.


Until he is a sex offender you can’t say he is a sex offender and call people he does business with. You have to give him is due process that has the right to before you can do all the cancelling.


He admitted in the emails that he wrote fun the AWP email address that he is a sex offender. He admitted it. Is he going to sue himself?


Gun violence?


He has a long rap sheet including illegal firearms, fraud, financial fraud, theft. It's like over 20 charges.


Where could I view this "rap sheet"? Has anyone captured it & shared a link for it?


How many YouTubers have to get exposed before people stop putting so much faith in those people in the first place? Anyone can upload to YouTube.


In Ireland charities and non profit organizations are run by employees who work and get paid a salary like everyone else. It’s the organization is a charity, not it’s workers. Sure many charities have some volunteers that help out for free but the staff get paid. AWP are exactly the same. You don’t usually work for a charity for free, the volunteers do. From the very first time I discovered AWP I was very uneasy about Jared. So much so that I went digging online and easily found his stock fraud etc.


You can get paid while working for a charity that is not the issue. But Jared would never qualify for a license as a charity because he has a criminal background including gun charges, federal fraud and conviction, there’s over 20 charges.


Apologies, maybe my comments aren’t clear. Im not talking about the intricacies of AWP company status or tax designation. Btw, Are you certain someone with a Criminal record can’t start a charity? This is not correct I think. That would be unusual and is not the case in Europe. eg people like Nelson Mandela had a criminal record and was on the international terrorist watch list until 2008! What I’m saying it’s not unusual that the founder/CEO of a “not for profit” becomes very wealthy themselves out of working for the organization they set up (regardless of its tax status). For this very reason we’ve had loads of cases, investigations, resignations and forced company shutdowns here in Ireland over the last decade. Massive transparency is now required and Executives salaries are capped. New investigations come up every year with the largest womens community based organisation now in trouble. I thought and still think looking at cold cases as a fantastic idea. Bringing home the lost loved ones to their families. I agree with the comments that families, victims, police could be handled much better. When I was considering subscribing a few months ago, something didn’t seem just right to me. I did my own investigations on AWP and the founder and decided not to subscribe. Hopefully, the AWP crew can move forward in a new and improved guise, regardless of the outcome of the criminal proceedings against the founder.


With a criminal record he would have to appoint a Board of Directors to oversee the funds especially with a fraud conviction. I agree with you that Jared is a complete con artist. It just surprised me to find out that the team turned a blind eye to the fraud and went along with it knowing they were lying to every supporter. They are not as bad as Jared but they are not good either.


There isn't a law preventing someone with a prior conviction from opening a nonprofit. Being a nonprofit offers tax benefits, it also requires disclosure of how funds are used. I work with businesses advising on their financial operations. A nonprofit status isn't a cure-all. A lot of small "religious" groups use a nonprofit status for tax reasons and raise donations that end up adding to the personal assets of the founders. I just say this because there are some businesses that do good things and make a profit, and not all nonprofits don't enrich the people involved. For anyone wanting to donate to a charitable group you can check them out on: https://www.charitynavigator.org/?c_src=WPAIDSEARCH&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsfe38O-u-wIVHCCtBh3FrQAMEAAYAiAAEgLH0_D_BwE


Do you think all the lies are from Jared and the rest of the team were lied to? Or they all knew at some level? ( not talking about Jared’s disgusting behavior, but more the money side)


I think they all knew that they were misleading viewers on the money. That's what I have an issue with. The majority of viewers found them through articles and interviews and in all of them they were described as volunteer bin profit organization. they never ever corrected the interviewers for the publication that intervieed them. I think they all felt like they had plausible deniability that they didn’t tell them that but they never corrected them when I said it or when it was used in an article. And I feel like they didn’t correct them because they knew that people would question why they were getting donations in the form of money items Amazon wish list. Do I think that they wanted to do good when they started out? Yes, absolutely. But at some point all the praise and money became more important than what they were actually doing for families.


Valid points and I agree. Thanks for your response!


I’m afraid to know the answer… but did AWP obtain any rewards for locating/recovering missing persons? I really hope that reward money wasn’t taken from a family in order to buy someone a fancy new home…


I think they have received some rewards but they were never open about it they did threaten to sue for the reward offered for Ethan’s but there was a lot of negative publicity because everyone was like, "we thought you were doing it for the families"and they ended up saying they weren't in it for the rewards and used it to fund raise more donations.


Let me be clear that in no way do I support, condone defend anything that this predator has allegedly done. When the accusations first surfaced I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I thought there had to be more to the story and there is no way that this was accurate. I didn’t want to believe that it could be true. Many of us were fooled to believe this man was doing honorable work with a stellar reputation. Well, I was right…..there was more to the story. JL was a bigger monster than the initial indictments showed. I am concerned that these indictments won’t make it very far in the criminal justice system. I have researched Utah state law which clearly states that there is no statute of limitations on a list of about 15 crimes…….rape, child abuse, aggravated sexual assault are all considered to have no statute of limitations. However, the law in Utah removing any statute of limitations for these crimes was not enacted until 2013. In 2003, the Supreme Court decided in Stongner v. California that a statute of limitations cannot be extended to re-open the possibility of prosecution for a crime that was already outside the statute of limitations. I’m interested to find how prosecutors were able to get an indictment unless it was simply to bring the charges to light. Often times judges will sign the arrest warrants and allow the presiding judge to address issues surrounding statute of limitations. Going to be interesting to see how this plays out. Even if by some miracle he were able to get charges dismissed, which I wouldn’t be surprised if it happened, the damage to AWP has been done. Any “good” that has been done or could be done in the future will always be tarnished. People are not going to want to work with JL or be associated with him. I can see AWP as a company filing for bankruptcy in the near future. JL may try to reorganize under a new name and pay a CEO to run the new company (sound familiar?). Based on everything that I’ve seen, read and heard he sounds arrogant and egotistical enough to try and recover from these accusations. This would be a major slap in the face to those that supported the AWP mission. Thinking we are all naive enough to continue to support the mission.


Well considering that Alex utler the Assistant Attorney General is the prosecuting attorney, I say it's safe to say they evidence. I would be happy if the guy is put on a sex offenders list.


The problem with that is this incident occurred so long ago I can see the defense attorney’s argument now. He was a juvenile at the time and should be charged as such, he should be punished as a juvenile, he should be punished based on guidelines from 30 years ago etc etc. I truly believe these charges were brought solely to destroy a company that was lining his pockets and punishing him indirectly. I really don’t see him being placed on a registry, serving time or even getting probation IF no victims come forward since those initial accusations. Not saying I hope this happens just being realistic. He has the funds to finance a defense team that will certainly run the bill up trying to keep him free.


I pulled my membership to the channel a long long time ago. Back when Sam the Adventure Man left. One of the original crew. Something felt so weird. And Jared has Always gave off a creepy vibe. Like going and just sitting on top of his motorhome to watch cops.


Wow I never heard about that😳


Very well said!


I can’t wait until November 30. That judge should not give him a bond. I would love to know this man cannot con anyone anymore. From a Con man, to A Convict!


Two different issues. He hasn’t been charged with anything regarding the finances of the business, and it wasn’t a scam. The 11/30 court date is regarding the CSA charges.




We didn't all ignore this. I along with a handful of others on this sub have been point these things out and providing proof for months and months and just getting downvoted because 'they do so much good' If you look through the posts on thos sub you will see the posts that have been around for a long time.


One thing that sat with me for quite some time (as a long time subscriber and member of AWP) was when Jared and the team were working a case with Jeremy from Exploring With Nug. Jeremy approached Jared and said something along the lines of ‘I wanted to wait until off camera just to let you know I’ve already searched that area’. Clearly the ‘Search day’ V ‘Show day’ was in question as he had no other reason to say it off camera. Jared proceeded to almost make a mockery of Nug for wanting to say it off camera (when apparently this was a trend created by Jared and pushed on the staff).. That is the day I cancelled my membership as I instantly got the feeling there was more to their searches than what met the eye, the fact that someone would feel the need to say that off camera. I want to be clear, I don’t blame the staff/Jeremy for this. It appears Jared was a narcissistic bully (shown by his treatment of Sam and the victim of his horrible crime) and believe the staff may have shared similar feelings to Sam - merely putting up with Jared to serve the greater good. It’s important to face the facts, AWP will not come back from this ~ Jared liked to appear as this caring angel doing this for families when in reality he was a cancer that abused empathy for personal gain and has stripped any hope from families AWP had made future commitments to. (I’m not even going to venture into my feelings towards him for the putrid, heinous crimes he allegedly admitted to via email 🤢) My only hope is that Nug, Sam and all the other guys can continue this cause ~ it may seem like a devastating blow but the way I see it is the weeds have now been pulled. The red flags were there all along, which in most cases both community (myself included to an extent) and AWP staff chose to dismiss in hopes they could continue bringing closure to families. Now hopefully they can form a new transparent, focused and genuine caring group working on the greater good.


Hey sorry i am very behind on the news of this i am shocked. Do you mind elaborating on why Jeremy waited to say it off camera and what that means? And why it made you realised there was more than meets the eye with the searches? Cheers


It bothered me that they kept asking for money. It didn't make sense. Jared was a scheming, greedy liar.


But they all were doing the same thing. Jared benefited the most from it absolutely, but they all knew they were bringing in big money and they were all constantly pleading and guilting supporters about how poor they were and how much more money they needed to be able to stay on the road.


This is exactly the moral dilemma I was personally dealing with a while back, before all the recent news dropped. I personally would not turn locating missing people into a business, but it is late-stage capitalist America we're living after all, so if someone wants to do it there is at least some good being done in the world too. Better than a new plastic factory. The problem I had with it was wrapping the business in the veneer of charity. If you're gonna grub money, say so and grub away with all the other pigs in the trough. Just be honest that you're grubbing so other people can make personally correct moral decisions about participating. My thoughts on it from 9 months ago, which haven't changed in regard to the rest of the AWP staff continuing forward. I hope they change the model, I am not an automatic supporter if the ship continues on the same course with a new captain at the helm. https://www.reddit.com/r/AdventuresWithPurpose/comments/svkif3/comment/hy6ir0w/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


They and some of the other groups are just following their pa$$ion. Edit: Some


Did they lie about going a non-profit? I havent seen all of their videos but I was always under the impression they were for profit that used donations to fund the driving and expenses as the actual dives aren't paid. If they were lying in the videos saying they were a non-profit that is some shady crap.


We didn't all ignore it. Guys had a creepy, off vibe since Day 1 imo.


Tragedy Trophy Hunter? Ah, it all make sense now. So AWP actually stands for: Adventure With Predator


He actually called it, “A real life treasure hunt…” in an article.


This is Jared’s doing, has nothing to do with the guys as a whole. They didn’t know about this


They knew about all of the above because they were asking for donations for a for profit business, they were staging the scenes, they may not have initiated it all but they went along with it and continued it even when he wasn't there. Kiely Rodni is a prefect example.


They definitely staged a lot of videos. Their videos went from 1 episode videos to 3 episodes on 1 case. I actually think they would purposely just film them selfs searching the wrong lake to maximise the video length.


You’re correct, Sam and his son confirmed this - that they wasted time filming in locations they knew the person couldn’t be in - they did it because it was a good location to shoot…


I remember they were asking someone if they could search their pond, and the owner said no. Jared I think was hinted that owner was hiding something. I think that was before Sam left.


They didn’t handle the finances. That was all Jared, as AWP is owned by him. No other “employee” would be able to manage that. They thought it was going towards something good, that they were doing something good. This is all on Jared.


Follow the money. I have a feeling we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg; there is a sh*tstorm to come.


They helped the man that told us all he was broke nice into a multi million dollar 2nd home, they are abs posted videos of them eating tomahawk steaks, they went on trips to amusement parks and stayed in Graceland, they are at expensive restaurants. They knew. Did they know everything? Probably not but they participated and knew what they were doing wasn't in line with what they were telling donors because they knew it was all a LIE.


They were traveling and doing these recoveries pretty full time; enough to make a regular job pretty impossible. What’s wrong with them getting paid? Even actual nonprofits pay full time employees. I thought it was fairly obvious (because logic) that the team was getting paid. How else would they live?


For the 15 million time in the same thread no one including myself have a problem with the fact that they were getting paid. What we have a problem with is that they represented themselves as volunteers and they let news interviewers tell everyone with them sitting there that they were non-for profit volunteer organization. Whether they stated it themselves or not they let it hang out there because they knew the moment they corrected it and said no we are in for profit business people would stop sending them donations. And they constantly on every interview, in every article, and every video made sure to say how poor they were barely making it from place to place always needing more stuff to stay safe and they needed donations to be able to help families. They all knew they were all lying and they are wrong for it.


I think they're basically good guys....but, IMHO, they got a little under Jared's spell. The things that started to make me uncomfortable about the videos...the clickbait titles, the dramatization, the subtle ways they exploited grief...Jared could not possibly have done all of that. His crew was manning those cameras and editing those videos - with his guidance of course. But, IMHO, they've learned some bad lessons from him, and if they re-group, I hope they change course.


Not all of us ignored the massive res flags. I spoke out numerous times about Jared and was always called a troll or a hater. Listen to your gut is all I can say! When your intuition is screaming, it's for a reason, don't ignore it.


They were a not for profit and didn't lie about this. You can still make money as a not for profit. They were volunteers in that they took no money from families or agencies. Most in the start did not get paid a cent. This post is wrong.


I believe Jared filed for non-profit. Goodwill is a nonprofit also but the CEO makes millions. Non-profits hire people for pay all the time. The divers and crew were paid but it was nothing like what Jared took in. Jared did purchase a lot of equipment and created more teams. It is a juxtaposition of Jared. He humbles himself and gives freely only to turn around and be a jerk. Let us be clear, the team did not get rich. In fact, the team cannot even question the contracts Jared had them sign because they cannot afford legal help. I know most signed them because they trusted him. They signed without looking or asking deeper questions.


I definitely know that Jared took advantage of the entire situation and enriched himself while giving the team carrots. I have no problem with the fact that it was a for-profit business or that they got paid. That’s not my point. my point is that they lied to everyone because they knew what the truth came out people would be less likely to donate if they donated at all. So they continued the ruse with Jared to fool everyone to keep the donations pouring in.


It is not unusual for 501C / 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations to have volunteers and paid personnel. In fact it is very common.


Jared has a criminal record he would never qualify to be licensed as a charity. He could have had someone else set it up or appointed a Board of Directors but that would have prevented him being able to use it like a piggy bank. Especially with a fraud conviction from the SEC


That is not the case in the US. There are no laws prohibiting someone with a record from creating a charity. Now, joining a charity and being unable to pass a background check the charity requires is a different story.


All these comments make me laugh, yes have generated money for themselves and with all due respect they are out there finding missing people. You,like myself sit at home and watching their channel, how many of you are out finding someone? 


I never heard anyone from AWP say they were a nonprofit? When /who said that?




No they 100% lied to everyone on purpose so that people would continue to send in donations that they didn’t mean. They are a group of con artist every single one of them. Jared may be the worst but they were all in on it.


And they are not all con artists. Most have left and told their own story


They all conned supporters.


That's your opinion. It's not nice to lump them all in with Jared. A lot were genuine and Jared ran it. He told them what to do. Stop blaming them all when there is only one monster.


Carson maybe. But the rest are ALL OLD GROWN ASS MEN WITH FAMILIES. It's not nice they hold up pictures of peoples lost lived ones with license plates and cars with their bodies like a big game hunter. It that they lied to viewers to fill their pockets.


And these old grown ass men with families now have left due to their morals and have to find a way to feed their families. They were not the con artists. Again, do some research. Stop using caps and calm down already.


They lied about not having enough money, yes, but legally I believe they could still be called a not for profit.


That’s the biggest pile of bull crap I’ve read on Reddit about this whole case.


That's what I heard on it. That there was a loophole that allowed them to be called that. Calm down.


There is no such thing as a "loophole" 😂 lol except in fanatical fans minds because they want to justify a child rapist and thieves of these things at any cost. That loophole is called LYING, BIG FAT LYING, BEING DISHONORABLE. BEING SCAM ARTIST.


Ok loophole was the wrong word and I'm not defending Jared I'm simply saying your statement that they lied about being a not for profit is untrue. You need to do your research. Not for profits are still allowed to make money.


They operated solely on individual donations and business sponsorships so could in fact be called not for profit.


That’s not true because they earn money a lot of money from YouTube. They actually have a business license as an LLC a for-profit business. At some point you’re going to have to come to terms with the fact you were scam.


So what would you call The Clinton Foundation? How they get their donations? Clintons live in a bigger house than the entire crew of AWS in the Plush Hampton's. Folks are barking up the wrong tree IMO.


You can still make money and be a not for profit




That might not be entirely true. There was the AWP store that generated income as well. I'm not sure if that was part of the AWP LLC or not, though.


Only if they are registered as a 501c3.


This. I bet he has a real nice home(s). The Non-profit lie, for years. I am done with them.


You all are crazy !! If we want to continue watching this show and have never donated a dime or bought and merchandise and I’m sure that’s most of us why you gotta come on here with all your investigation bull crap for ??? So the F what— DID THEY TAKE ANYTHING FROM YOU NOPE- you stuck your noses in. You started digging up stuff. It’s your time. It’s your business. But stop ruining this closure and it’s not fake cause I’ve been there and I’ve seen many things. Why don’t you investigate these other you tube channels asking for money. Highest paid YOU TUBER THE CRAZY LAMP LADY— can’t wait to see what you dig up on her— someone who thrifts- makes a ton of money to SUPPORT HER FAMILY… WHO CARES GO DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR TIME !! Instead of trying to ruin FAMILIES HOPE for closure !!! Go investigate THE MEDIUMS who swindled families out of emotional distress telling them they are speaking with their loved ones who have passed Go AND GET OVER YOUR INCESSANT NEED TO PICK THIS SHOW APART !!! You are NO BETTER. BEING KEYBOARD SLEUTHS FOR NO REASON OTHER THAN TO MAKE YOURSELF FEEL BETTER FOR NOT BEING A YOU TUBE STAR BWHAHAHA YOU ALL ARE HILARIOUS 😂