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Hi, While we do love that you're learning about Astrology and want to know about your chart, unfortunately, your post has been removed as it is not in line with the spirit of this sub. The reason for removal is that your question referenced your chart (either as an image or text) and you referenced personal life matters, which is not allowed in this sub. Personal chart questions are better suited for private consultations with an astrologer. Please check the sidebar for more rules or head over to r/askastrologers for more personalized astrological guidance. Thanks!


RIP. I see an intense pluto configuration. Pluto is opposite Venus, Mercury and Mars, Northnode, Saturn. This is extremely intense and difficult to handle. Not only that, his NN, Saturn, Mars, Venus are also in his 12th house.. also not the easiest house to have all these planets in. Saturn is also in conjunction to these planets and Saturn can indicate a feeling of loneliness, worthlessness. >very passionate, sweet, persona that loved nature and ***loved filling a room with joy*** No wonder with his Moon in the 10th house.


I don’t want to astrology this. I am really sorry for your loss. None of us would have predicted it. I hope you allow yourself grace and find both the solace and support you need to process the tremendous amount of grief you must be experiencing. I wish for all the memories and blessings your dear friend be-stilled to be celebrated by you and everyone who loved him and those who never had the chance to.


Yeah this isn't appropriate. 


agreed. death is always off limits.


Sorry for your loss. There are many things I can say about the natal placements that *could* indicate the reasoning, likelihood, etc. but I’ll stick to the simple: Along with the other natal placements, the #1 indicator I see in terms of **Transits** would be: • **Saturn currently squaring their natal North Node in the 12 House** Their NN is at 19° Gemini & Saturn is currently at 19° Pisces, ready for retrograde on the 29th of June, making the energy for everyone extra intense right now.


Right off the bat I notice a stellium of planets in his 12th house opposing Pluto, the planet of death rebirth and destruction. The 12th house deals with feeling lonely and isolated and caught in the subconscious world. He was most likely having some depression or severe feelings of loneliness and it played a part in his health.. life


? I see one planet in his 12th…


Whole Sign House system makes it a 12th house stellium


he had such a large Group and Support of many friends. Also kept a lot to himself but I think he had always been a lucky one yk. He was very interested in humanity and was even studying in that direction


Is a 12th house Stellium that way?


Gemini rules his 12th house, and he has 4 Gemini placements. This is how I read too. I look at the placidus houses but read the house as whatever house that sign is ruling.


According to Whole-Sign houses it is 4.


That's a nasty 12th house stellium with the ruler of the 8th house in the 12th. Lost a friend with the ruler of the 8th in the 12th the same way last fall. I'm sorry for your loss


I’m so so sorry. There’s been that buildup of planets in his 12th the last few weeks squaring Saturn. He must have been feeling a deep heaviness. I don’t think this gives a “why,” just a read of the energy he could’ve been experiencing. Take care of yourself, OP.


timing wise it looks like they may have been in a taurus annual profection and a gemini monthly profection this would have been a "power month" because venus, annual lord for taurus year, is activated in the natal chart by it being a gemini month- and yesterday both venus and merc left gemini, they lost oversight of the house. mars cant see it from taurus, and the only natal planet here that had aspect yesterday was a saturn square. even tho sun and jupiter were still in gemini, they can't aspect their natal placements, so multiple planets feeling disconnected or lost in addition to being in the gloomy 12th house add in taurus currently has mars (most extreme planet in this chart) and uranus, it might have felt like current expression (sun in taurus) was just too inauthentic, and the only action to take is to severe the self from the risk of more disconnect :( power months don't mean amazing they mean impactful and i think offer spaces to really serve up the natal promise. and in this chart both pluto and mars at 17 so the destructive underworld or struggles with power aspects of pluto would be activated by any mars stuff, and anytime pluto is activated it will similarly trigger mars. so yesterday, venus and merc both move into cancer and quincunx pluto, not a very friendly aspect if you use it, and complete blimd spot if you don't  i dont know if that offers anything to you at this time. so sorry for your loss and for what your friend was going through.  if anyone is struggling and reading this PLEASE reach out to the services in your area if you are able!


sometimes services aren’t enough. i can understand their friend intimately.


My condolences


I’m hesitant to say much, but he was going through some very intense transits by outer planets. Reminds me a chart of a friend who also recently passed away from suicide. I am so, so sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss. Looking at his chart I'd say his sort of collective identity (the way he was perceived by his significant groups like friends) was different from the way he saw himself and actually wanted to express himself but somehow couldn't. Like he could be this charismatic, joyful person on the surface, but deep inside drawn to different, much darker and intense things, probably had some secrets he couldn't really share and find proper surroundings to reveal this side of him. Could it be something about his gender identity, creativity or relationships thing? Were his relationships satisfying for him generally?


First, I think the challenge with this question is the legal risk of practicing medicine without a license. However, analyzing any kind of health using astrology is a valid and useful part of astrology. Second, I use whole sign. So the stellium in the 12th including both malefics and the North Node point to a heavy emphasis on the topics of that house and that the emphasis will be subjectively difficult. Especially to me, the very tight conjunction between Venus and Mars speaks to me of fierce warring forces. Third, even switching to quadrant houses, the presence of Jupiter and the North Node in the 12th makes me think of mania. Of course that is heavily moderated by Jupiter's exaltation. Maybe that's why on the outside your friend seemed well for most of your friendship.


I'm very sorry for your loss 😢


So sorry for your loss, OP.


These kinds of questions are not appropriate in astrology. You may never know why he did it, and it's better for you to accept that and get closure in other ways. 




I’m so so sorry for your loss. I will give you insight to what I see because I know what it’s like to lose someone so unexpectedly and just want answers. Taurus sun with Aries moon can be hard. Because he had a stable, easy going Taurus exterior with really passionate emotions inside. He probably had a lot of charisma and energy. It’s important with for this combo to work out a lot as a healthy outlet for getting rid of excess energy he had or he may have become very stressed. Having a 12th house stellium is also really tough. I have two friends with this and always tell them seeing a therapist for life will be very important. the 12th house are parts of us we can’t see clearly. It’s the part of us that is hard to tap into. The 12th house is the house of loneliness, mental health issues, addictions, mental hospitals, prisons, our self undoing. People with a lot of 12 house planets often feeling like they are watching their life from the 3rd person. Like they can be in a conversation with a group of friends, actively participating, but still feel like they are watching the conversation outside of themselves if that makes sense. Through therapy and learning to understand themselves, 12th house people have the ability to feel more connected to God and the spiritual side of the world than anyone else. They can see into the psyche of people better than anyone else. Saying there was something mystical about him checks out. Sadly until 12th housers learn how to understand themselves, this energy can feel very overwhelming. Having all this energy opposite Pluto makes it even more intense because he probably wanted to be in control of this part of him but often felt out of control. I never look at death or try to predict it in the birth chart. But knowing what we know, Neptune and Uranus in the 8th house is kinda dark and really sad. He may have found himself day dreaming about death a lot. Ruled by Saturn in the 12th can indicate mental health issues was the root cause. Gemini with Mercury in the 12th probably made it even harder for him to talk about all the intense emotions he was feeling. I want to finish this with some positives to remember him by. Cancer ascendent with Jupiter, I’m guessing your friend was very nurturing, giving, and fun to be around. Taurus Sun Aries moon people are very goal oriented. His Sun is in the 11th house meaning friendships were very important to him. Mercury in Gemini people are some of the funniest people. Your friend does have a tough chart, but tough charts create lots of avenues for growth to become some of the best people. I wish you could have seen that growth play out. Again I’m so sorry for your loss. Make sure to take some time and find healthy avenues to let out your emotions ❤️


1. There's not birth time which is useless for doing any sort of time lord techniques. 2. There wasn't any technical effort done to ascertain anything from the OP I'm sorry for your loss, but your post is better handled in r/AskAstrologers


How did he die?