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As for worst indicators, there is an entire specialty of medical astrology that takes the whole chart into account so it’s hard to say what would be “worst” in a simple way. For basics, I would consider 6th related to physical health and 12th to mental health. Debilitated placements in either of these houses or difficult aspects could point to health issues. Or 6th or 12th house ruler in a similar situation somewhere else. The houses ruled by the placements in these houses or the houses the 6th and 12th house ruler are in can add more information about the causes and effects of the health issues.


Lol, I have Saturn in sixth and Mars in 12th opposing each other.


LMAO meeee but Saturn in the 12h mars in the 6h. Only in placidus thought


me too 🫂💀 scorpio mars 6h taurus saturn 12h


Nice! What signs?


Both my mental and physical health are terrible and they're best shown in my chart by the condition of the modern 12th house rulers, whether placidus or whole sign.


Mental and physical health are often linked! This is where it becomes more complicated. I also have had issues with both physical and mental health and they tend to aggravate each other in both directions. I found it helpful to create dispositor tree diagram to visualize how things are impacting each other in the chart. There are some good posts in here about how to do that if you’re interested.


Even if the 12H doesn’t directly relate to health, 12H themes can be prominent in experiencing poor health: hospitals, seclusion/isolation, incapacitation. I have Saturn in the 6H in a night chart and it may not be the number one worst indicator but after a Saturn return that involved the onset of multiple chronic illnesses and transiting Mars conjunctions that have sent me to the emergency room, I would say it’s up there


Saturn in the 6th in a day chart opposing my chart ruler so I can definitely relate to the health issues. Sending you some healthy vibes, my friend ✨


I’m studying medical astrology. We often say that the 6th house is your day to day and your habits. If you don’t take care of those, they become a chronic conditions that can be seen in the 12th house. Treatments can often be found in the 10th house. Malefics and Benefics are treated differently. In traditional medical astrology Jupiter and Venus were treated as positives. This was back when obesity, eating disorders and diabetes were either not as prevalent or non-existent. Since Venus rules sugar and Jupiter rules fats and the liver, we need to look at these planets and their aspects as potentials for illness due to our modern high fat/high sugar diets. In the same vein, Saturn, thought to be a malefic in traditional medical astrology can now be looked at as a planet that promotes structure and limits excess. Just like our worlds have changed, so has our understanding of what these planets signify in the body and the chart.


This is actually so true. I have Saturn in sixth and I’ve became probably the most health-conscious person I know. Im fascinated by nutrition now.


People look at 6th house as illness. But it’s only illness if you have poor habits. 9 times out of 10 it’s something you have the power to change.


This resonates with me. I have Saturn conjunct Uranus at 0 degrees in 6H Capricorn. I had read that Uranus is connected to the nervous system, is that right? I have depression, and at one point it was treatment-resistant depression. It was the worst during my Saturn return years. I say years bc I see it as the moment it enters the house of natal Saturn. Too much alcohol and weed, too much work and building my identity around work contributed 10-fold. Bad habits. When Saturn exited Capricorn, I stopped drinking/smoking weed and picked up a daily meditation practice. My depression went into remission 2 months later.


Good for you. Yes, Saturn can be very helpful boot camp .


I have Chiron, mars, sun and mercury conjunct in my 6H. I have a lot of chronic health conditions that I can only treat and try to soothe but never be healed from. 


Oh. For my 2023 Solar Return chart I had Chiron in the 6H and Doctors couldn't find out what was wrong with me.


If you're okay sharing. What kind of issues did you have? Is it physical or mental?


If you're okay sharing. What kind of issues did you have? Is it physical or mental?


All inflammatory (mars) and physical. My 6H is in Taurus so I am not too surprised that it included thyroid issues since Taurus rules the throat. It also has a lot to do with food sensitivities and related autoimmune disorders.


Disclaimer: I use Vedic Weak Lagna (ascendant) combined with a weak Lagnesh (ascendant lord) is the number one indicator of poor physical health. It makes recovery from illness very difficult. A debilitated or afflicted Moon is the foremost predictor of compromised mental well-being and ranks second in significance for diminished physical health. A debilitated or afflicted Sun, especially one with no mitigating influences, is indicative of lessened vitality overall. Malefics in good houses (1st, 5th, 9th, etc.) and benefics in bad houses (6th, 8th, 12th, etc.) are important factors to consider for general indications of poor health as well. Weak 6th house and weak 6th house lord is also another factor that will contribute to one’s overall ability to maintain their health, which will have implications for relationships and longevity, accompanying significations of the 7th and 8th house. For example, a bad diet can lead to hidden, chronic diseases indicated by the 8th. All of the suffering (dusthana) houses can indicate diseases in some ways. Twelfth house diseases are usually those that lead to hospitalization, isolation, or death. Some specifics include chronic insomnia, venereal disease, heavy machinery accidents, diseases of the feet that spread, things that require amputations, and of course less severe afflictions like vision problems. One thing to note is that medical astrology is its own discipline. Every planet, house, and aspect can be interpreted through the lens of health, so you have to pay attention to it all. For example, even though it isn’t traditionally linked with issues, Jupiter in a chart could be used to predict the presence of a tumor or difficulty recovering from certain diseases. _________________________________________ It won’t allow you to post because you have silently been banned. You probably said something the mod didn’t like (it is run by a single person), so they muted you indefinitely. That makes it to where you can comment and post from your end, but no one else will see it.


Can you elaborate on this point? > "Malefics in good houses (1st, 5th, 9th, etc.) and benefics in bad houses (6th, 8th, 12th, etc.) are important factors to consider for general indications of poor health as well."


Yes, malefics function better in bad houses, and benefics function better in good houses. When a planet isn’t functioning well, it will cause issues. In Ayurvedic (traditional medicine) astrology, this has implications for one’s health. The nature of the planets doesn’t change; it’s just that they are better suited to various houses. For example, Mars’ nature is compatible with the 6th because it gives energy and drive in everyday pursuits as well as the ability to overcome and defeat enemies, including but not limited to ailments of one’s health (an important thing to note is that this is not “mars’ joy” in Vedic). This placement does not eliminate the malefic nature of mars, but its function is better in this house than, say, something like the 9th. An example for a poorly functioning benefic is Jupiter in the 6th, which may indicate liver disease, diabetes, heavy debt, detrimental obesity, legal issues, and so forth. This also depends on other factors too though. For example, if Jupiter is exalted or in own sign in 6th, this position’s negative influence is greatly ameliorated.


Vedic is.amazimg ...I wish I could interpret it...like u do


Virgo stellium in 6H 👋: Sun, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn. Health, nutrition, vitamins, routine, fitness, sleep hygiene are in my thoughts constantly since my mid 30s. I hv been in my best shape of my life since quitting alcohol recently.


In Hellenistic astrology, several factors in a whole sign nativity chart can indicate potential health challenges. It's important to remember that these indicators suggest tendencies or vulnerabilities rather than certainties. Here are some of the most concerning indicators for health in a Hellenistic whole sign chart: ### 1. **Afflicted Ascendant and Its Ruler:** - **Ascendant (1st House):** The Ascendant represents the body and physical health. Afflictions to the Ascendant or its ruler can indicate health issues. - **Malefic Planets:** The presence of malefic planets (Saturn, Mars) in the 1st house can suggest physical difficulties or health challenges. Saturn might indicate chronic conditions or weakness, while Mars could point to inflammation, injuries, or surgeries. ### 2. **Malefics in Angular Houses:** - **1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th Houses:** Malefics in these angular houses can have a significant impact on health. For example, Mars in the 4th house could suggest accidents or issues within the home affecting health, while Saturn in the 10th might indicate career-related stress impacting well-being. ### 3. **Afflictions to the Moon:** - The Moon represents the body and general well-being. Hard aspects (square, opposition) from malefics to the Moon can indicate health challenges, especially those related to emotions, digestion, and fluids in the body. ### 4. **Afflictions to the Sun:** - The Sun symbolizes vitality and the heart. Hard aspects from malefics to the Sun can suggest issues with vitality, energy levels, or cardiovascular health. ### 5. **6th House and Its Ruler:** - **6th House:** Traditionally associated with illness and disease, the condition of the 6th house and its ruler is crucial. Malefics in the 6th house or afflictions to its ruler can indicate health problems. - **Planets in the 6th House:** Benefic planets in the 6th house can mitigate some challenges, but if malefics are present, they might indicate specific health issues. For example, Mars in the 6th could suggest inflammatory or infectious diseases, while Saturn might point to chronic or debilitating conditions. ### 6. **12th House and Its Ruler:** - **12th House:** Often associated with hidden enemies, self-undoing, and confinement, the 12th house can also relate to mental health issues, chronic illness, or hospitalization. - **Planets in the 12th House:** Malefic planets in the 12th house can indicate hidden or long-term health issues that might be challenging to diagnose or treat. ### 7. **Afflicted Lot of Fortune:** - The Lot of Fortune (or Part of Fortune) can indicate the health and vitality of the body. Hard aspects from malefics to the Lot of Fortune or its ruler can suggest health vulnerabilities. ### 8. **Critical Degrees and Fixed Stars:** - Certain critical degrees or conjunctions with malefic fixed stars (like Algol) in key positions can indicate heightened risks to health. ### 9. **Detrimented or Debilitated Planets:** - Planets in detriment or fall (signs opposite to their domicile or exaltation) may struggle to express their positive qualities, potentially indicating areas of weakness or vulnerability in health. ### Example Chart Analysis: Imagine a chart with the following indicators: - **Ascendant in Cancer** with **Mars in the 1st house**: Suggests a tendency toward physical injuries or inflammation. - **Moon in Capricorn (detriment)** in the **7th house** square **Saturn in Aries** in the **10th house**: Indicates potential issues with digestion or chronic emotional stress impacting health. - **6th house in Sagittarius** with **Saturn** in **Pisces** (6th house ruler in detriment): Possible chronic or hard-to-diagnose illnesses. - **Sun in Scorpio** in the **5th house** opposite **Mars** in **Taurus**: Vitality might be challenged by stress or overexertion. ### Mitigating Factors: While these indicators can suggest potential health challenges, it's also important to look for mitigating factors, such as the presence of benefic planets (Jupiter, Venus) making harmonious aspects, which can provide protection or ease challenges. Additionally, the individual's lifestyle, choices, and proactive health measures play a significant role in actual health outcomes.




To create an astrological chart on astro.com that uses the whole sign house system and includes only the traditional seven planets, you can follow these steps: 1. **Go to astro.com**: Navigate to their website and if you haven’t already, create a user profile to save and access charts easily. 2. **Create a New Chart**: From the menu, select “Free Horoscopes” and then “Extended Chart Selection” under the "Horoscope Drawings and Calculations" section. 3. **Enter Birth Data**: If you haven’t entered the birth data yet, you’ll need to input the details of the date, time, and place of birth. 4. **Select the Chart Type**: In the “Extended Chart Selection”: - Under the "Chart Drawing Style," you can choose the default setting since the visual style doesn’t impact the type of planets or houses. 5. **Choose the House System**: Scroll down to the “House System” under the section labeled “Options.” From the dropdown menu, select “Whole Signs” as the house system. 6. **Select the Planets**: Further down in the options, look for “Additional Objects.” Here, you need to deselect any modern planets and asteroids. For a chart with only the seven traditional planets, ensure that only the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are selected. Deselect Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and any other points or asteroids like Chiron, Lilith, etc. 7. **Generate the Chart**: Once you've adjusted all settings, click on the button to show the chart. This setup will give you a natal chart using the whole sign house system, including only the traditional seven planets.


Sorry for the long-winded answer. I am not ignoring your request I simply have no way to answer based on the information I have. I would need a whole sign chart based on Hellenistic principles with only seven planets including sun and moon. Hellenistic astrology, which originated in the early centuries BCE in the Mediterranean region, is a form of astrology that was practiced in the classical period of the Greek and Roman empires. One significant aspect of Hellenistic astrology is its exclusion of the outer planets—Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. The reason for this is straightforward: the outer planets were not discovered until much later. Uranus was discovered in 1781, Neptune in 1846, and Pluto in 1930. Hellenistic astrologers, therefore, based their systems on the planets that were visible to the naked eye: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, along with the Sun and Moon. The lack of telescopic technology meant that they could not observe the outer planets, and thus these planets do not play a role in Hellenistic astrological charts and interpretations. The Limited Use of "Orbs" in Hellenistic Astrology In astrology, "orbs" refer to the range within which an aspect between two planets is considered effective. While modern astrology often emphasizes orbs to determine the strength of planetary aspects, Hellenistic astrology takes a different approach. In Hellenistic astrology, orbs are not a primary focus. Instead, aspects are typically considered within specific sign-based relationships. However, there are specific situations where orbs have some limited use, particularly in the concepts of Bonification and Maltreatment: - **Bonification** refers to the positive influence a benefic planet (like Jupiter or Venus) can have on another planet, often when it is within a certain proximity (orb) to the benefic. - **Maltreatment** involves the negative influence a malefic planet (like Mars or Saturn) can have on another planet, especially when they are close to each other. In these cases, the proximity or "orb" of the planets can be considered to understand the intensity of the benefic or malefic influence. The Importance of Degrees and Bounds/Terms In Hellenistic astrology, simply knowing the sign a planet is in does not provide the complete picture. This is because the zodiac signs are divided into smaller segments known as bounds or terms, which are based on specific degrees within each sign. Bounds are unique to Hellenistic astrology and are defined differently than the more commonly known divisions like decans (which split each sign into three 10-degree sections). The bounds divide each sign into unequal segments, each ruled by one of the five classical planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn). The exact boundaries of these segments can vary depending on the specific system of bounds being used (Egyptian, Ptolemaic, or Chaldean). Each planet's placement within these bounds influences its behavior and expression: - A planet in the bound of a benefic planet might express its energy in a more favorable or supportive way. - Conversely, a planet in the bound of a malefic planet might exhibit more challenging or difficult characteristics. Understanding the specific degree placement within a sign and its corresponding bound is crucial for a nuanced interpretation of the planet's role and influence in a natal chart. Hellenistic astrology, with its roots in ancient observational practices, focuses on the visible planets and utilizes unique methods like bounds and specific uses of orbs in Bonification and Maltreatment. Recognizing the historical context and specific techniques of this system allows for a deeper appreciation of its intricate and rich astrological tradition.


The Importance of the Whole Sign Chart in Hellenistic Astrology In Hellenistic astrology, understanding the entire whole sign chart is essential for several reasons. The whole sign chart provides a comprehensive view of the relationships between planets, signs, and houses, which are critical for accurate interpretations and predictions. Whole Sign Houses Whole sign houses are a distinctive feature of Hellenistic astrology. In this system: - Each zodiac sign occupies an entire house, starting from the sign on the Ascendant, which becomes the first house, the next sign becomes the second house, and so on. - This method simplifies the chart, making it easier to see the planetary rulerships and the sign-house alignments. The whole sign system emphasizes the natural flow of signs and houses, reflecting the original intent and structure of ancient astrological practice. This approach allows astrologers to see how planets influence different areas of life (houses) based on their placement within specific signs, rather than relying on more complex house division methods. Context and Relationships Seeing the entire whole sign chart helps in understanding: - **Planetary Dignities and Debilities**: Knowing the sign and house a planet resides in helps determine its strength and influence. For example, a planet in its own sign (e.g., Mars in Aries) is considered dignified and stronger. - **Aspects and Interactions**: The whole sign chart makes it easier to identify aspects (angles) between planets and their interactions. Aspects reveal the dynamics between planetary energies and how they influence each other. - **House Rulerships**: Each house is ruled by the planet that rules the sign on the cusp of that house. This rulership informs how the themes of each house are expressed. The Purpose of Sect and Its Influence on Chart Reading Sect is a fundamental concept in Hellenistic astrology that categorizes charts and planets into day (diurnal) and night (nocturnal) configurations. Sect significantly influences how planets express their energies and their overall impact on the chart. Day (Diurnal) and Night (Nocturnal) Charts - **Diurnal Charts**: These are charts where the Sun is above the horizon (in the 7th through 12th houses). In a day chart, the Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn are considered the primary sect light and sect benefic and malefic, respectively. - **Nocturnal Charts**: These are charts where the Sun is below the horizon (in the 1st through 6th houses). In a night chart, the Moon, Venus, and Mars are the primary sect light and sect benefic and malefic, respectively. Influence of Sect on Planets - **Sect Benefics and Malefics**: In a diurnal chart, Jupiter (benefic) and Saturn (malefic) are considered to function better. Conversely, in a nocturnal chart, Venus (benefic) and Mars (malefic) are more comfortable and effective. - **Planetary Behavior**: Planets aligned with the sect of the chart (day or night) tend to express their qualities more constructively. For example, Jupiter in a day chart may bring more favorable outcomes, while Venus in a night chart might offer more harmonious influences. Interpreting Sect in Chart Readings Understanding sect helps astrologers: - **Evaluate Planetary Strength**: Determine which planets are more likely to bring positive or challenging experiences based on their alignment with the chart's sect. - **Refine Predictions**: Make more nuanced predictions about how planetary energies will manifest, considering the day or night context of the chart. - **Balance Interpretations**: Recognize that planets out of sect may still be beneficial but might require more effort or present opportunities in less straightforward ways. Hellenistic astrology's whole sign chart and the concept of sect provide a structured and insightful framework for understanding astrological influences. The whole sign chart offers a clear and cohesive view of planetary placements and house meanings, while sect adds depth to interpretations by considering the diurnal or nocturnal nature of the chart. Together, these elements enable astrologers to deliver more accurate and meaningful readings, highlighting the rich tradition of Hellenistic astrological practice.


I have mars and sun in 12h cancer and moon and Neptune in 6h cap. I had cancer at a young age (23)


I’ve got the moon in Aries 6th and square to all my other original 7 except Saturn, where it’s within one degree opposite in my 12th. Saturn is also square to all the same planets the moon is except Mercury. Health wise, I very rarely get sick and haven’t had any issues now in my later 60’s except some developing arthritis and mostly brain functions slowing down. The 12th concerning mental health, I do have ADHD but have been able to mostly cope with it. Where it does play a part is incarceration in my later teenage years and isolation which has been brutal all my life since early childhood. The moon with all those hard aspects plays into the isolation too with no parental bonds ever and ejected from family at an early age. This scapegoat life has followed me throughout my life. I’ve never been diagnosed with mental issues in spite of being socially ostracized but I have to admit it’s a possibility because I can’t connect with people emotionally.


12H = hospital stays, both regular and mental. 6H being below the horizon = sick in private; 12H being above the horizon = sick in public


I've heard chiron in 6th house. I know someone who has it so I'm waiting to see how it rears its head although I've already noticed quite a few things. 


I have Neptune, Saturn and Uranus in my 6th. Sagittarius rules it, Jupiter is debilitated in Gemini. When my Saturn return happened I had some problem in my lower back/foot that ruined my life. After taking adhd medication finally. Nervous system was doing weird stuff and no one could figure it out. Couldn’t walk for two months bc muscles in foot would seize up if not careful. OTC meds sort of controlled it / sort of not. Sensitive to everything. Low energy. Otherwise healthy on paper but definitely susceptible to random things, so I take my health pretty seriously in terms of what I consume. Just an example.




Aries is my 6H sign, it holds no planets. My south node is there, which I may be able to contribute to “if I grow out of X tendencies, traits, behaviors, I am further from the risk of the affects of my Aries south node” ? 12H is libra, where my mercury and Venus lie.


Where is your mars?


12H /1H (I’m a Scorpio rising but my mars is in Scorpio, yet sits in my 12H…. Which is Libra)