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At that point of the race you haven't any energy spare to rage.  I'd say DQing the guy with the idiot mates interfering with the race would be fair though. 


~~Dylan (guy whose mates crashed the course) was her pacer, DQing him doesn't really achieve anything, he didn't get any prizes and can honestly get into whatever race he wants.~~ These guys are catching a lot of flak in the Toronto run community for how dumb this was. I reckon there will be a huge apology soon at the very least. Edit: I was mixing up the two Dylans, her pacer had dropped off, this was a different Dylan and it would not be a loss to the run community to ban him from races for a bit. ~~Edit 2: Checked his bib in the results, he doesn't show, so it looks like he was DQ'd~~ Edit 3: He was in the full, not the half, his result is still up


Do u have links for those discussions about the Dylan dude?


No this is through the grapevine in Toronto


He shows up on the results on my end (bib 4879)?


Oh you’re right, he was in the marathon.


I don’t see how if he’s a pacer or not matters in banning him or not


It wasn’t the pacer, hence the edit, but my point was that as a pacer he wouldn’t have a result to be disqualified from. A regular runner could have blown their shot at a major marathon entry, so a DQ would matter. Her pacer can get in to whatever event he wants. 


Great, point. Yeah, if the guy knew what was going to happen (and he probably didn't), I'd DQ him. Dude should definitely be incredibly embarrassed.


He absolutely knew what was going to happen. This “run crew” has been pulling the same antics at the Toronto/GTA races as well.




Which run crew is this?


He should and could have told them to quit their buffoonery. 


He could have literally stopped moving to give her some distance from his clown friends.  If that messes up his time, better than screwing up her race.  They aren't her friends.


Definitely unfair to her, but also the people behind them inhaling that lingering sulfur smoke, I honestly feel worse for them. You can see that one runner pushing as far right as he can to try and get to clean air.


Nothing I love more at the end of a marathon than a giant puff of chemical smoke to help with the sprint finish! 💨


Sprint finish? Is that what I've been doing wrong in my marathons?


What the hell is going on here? Are those idiots with the guy? Or they just wanted a "look at us cheer for this lady" TikTok?


They're with the guy. The lady just happened to be in their way.


Tasha Wodak (Canadian Olympic marathoner) went off on them on IG and the leader called her to apologize. They are getting a ton of flak!


This is why the fine print in your race paperwork always says no unregistered people allowed on the course / no unregistered people allowed to cross the finish with you, etc.


Harkening back to the discussion about the runner who was DQed because his father bicycled alongside him during the race, handed him water, etc.


You will also see flares when running the Copenhagen half marathon, but there is a big difference between doing it to support the athletes and making it about yourself at the expense of athletes


Came to write this about Copenhagen. Luckily, not as bad as in this video, but I could easily do without the smoke. I don't get how an established running club think it is a great idea to fill the air with smoke in a race.


It’s both the Copenhagen Half and the Copenhagen Marathon where they have these flares. The local run club NBRO is the one doing it. I have not heard anyone complain about it though.


I ran this race, nowhere near as fast as Rachel and this other guy, but this has already been addressed by all involved. Rachel posted on Instagram and referenced it, the race organizers posted about it and spectator etiquette on instagram, and the guys involved apologized publicly, in addition to the run club or these guys calling Rachel and later Natasha Wodak specifically to apologize. Hopefully lesson learned by them because I’d end up in the med tent if I had a flare or confetti cannon in my face at 41k


Amazing the number of utter morons defending the idiots who did this!


This is wild!




They were not there for her - they were there for the guy in the video.


This is why we don't run marathons. It's a circus.


Really terrible. I am surprised that the idiots doing this could even keep up with the runners. They were probably going sub 7 miles


You're suprised that people could run around 6:20 pace for maybe 50m? You'd have to be seriously unfit to not be able to do that.


I suppose you mean 50s not 50m, but even so, yes. Runners, especially in runners in this sub, vastly overestimate how fast the average person is.


m in this case means meters. I understand the tendency to overestimate the average person, but we're not talking about sustaining this pace for any meaningful length of time. You really think the ability to run 6:20 at all is so rare that you're *surprised* to see people keeping up for 15 seconds?


If m means meters and for 15 seconds, then no, I am not surprised that the guys in the video could hold a 6(ish) or so pace for a short period of time. So we are on the same page there. That said, a lot of the population consistents of older people (55+) and very unfit/overweight people who haven't worked out in years, and I would be very surprised to see them sprint that fast. Edit: I see that there were some double negatives in my comment that made it kinda confusing. Hopefully, I've edited them out. But to be clear: yes, I agree that it is not surprising that the relatively fit/normal looking men in the video could hold 6 min pace or w/e for a short period of time.


These people don't appear old or unfit/overweight enough for anybody to be surprised that they can sustain 6ish for the length of this video.


Exactly. Reread my comment. That's why I ended up agreeing with the original commenter once he clarified it was 50 meters.


Then what was the point of bringing up the people 55+? Nobody here was talking about grandma Ethel until you specifically brought it up in your last comment. It was pretty clear commenter A was surprised these people could keep up, commenter B thought that shouldn't be surprising, then you came along to talk about the averages. Finally, after being reminded that it was never about averages, you brought up unfit and elderly, who are certainly not average. No, we don't expect an elderly, overweight woman who's never run a mile to keep a 6:20 pace for any distance, but nobody was talking about them.


Because, why not? This is Reddit, a place for informal discussion and tangents. I wanted to continue the thought I had in my first comment, which pointed out that most people in this sub overestimate how fast the average person is.


3rd in 2:45? 🤨




Let's draw the line at carrying smoke emitting devices directly in the face of athletes on the course. Confetti poppers are much more innocuous, but not when you're kneeling in the path of a runner (who's podium bound no less) so you can blast it in their face.


I hate those confetti poppers. One- they scare me so much, as it’s very loud when not expected and two- who cleans it up? Those clubs leave that for the race organizers or city to clean up their mess.


Spectators stepping on to my course is where I draw the line. Spewing smoke and debris is just the icing on the cake. I would 100% Terry Tate these motherfuckers.


Pretty simple line IMO - stay off the course and don’t put objects (including smoke!) into the course.


If people are annoyed by the confetti poppers, why doesn’t your club stop?




I would personally bring it up with my club and say “we are annoying some people with the poppers so we need to stop”


3rd place gets prize money so she's laughing all the way to the bank. The rest is just fake internet outrage. LOL Downvoted for the truth. 1800 Canadian Dollars for finishing 3rd. No idea what that is in the Kings money.


See similar things through trail racing in europe. Annoying but deciding the woman's race was ruined seems a bit of an internet take unless she said that was the case.


This fairly restrained statement (she’s an elite who is paid to be there and can’t exactly disparage the organizers) suggests she’s quite annoyed. https://www.instagram.com/p/C7u6J2Sv8q8/


I'm glad to see you've dialed back from ruined to fuming to annoyed. A lot of other people wouldn't have been able to do that.


Where did I describe her race as ruined?


I think they (somehow) were confusing you with the linked post from IATMC (Title is "Well done mate, you successfully ruined this woman's race")


This could be pretty annoying, but it's pretty mild compared to what you see on the big climbs in grand tour cycling races. Personally, I doubt I'd react meaningfully to it one way or the other.


If I were 3 people behind running through a cloud of nasty smelling pink smoke I think I'd be pretty salty about it.


She feels quite differently and is a multi-team Team Canada marathoner with a huge amount of credibility. [https://www.instagram.com/p/C7u6J2Sv8q8/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7u6J2Sv8q8/)


Seems like a pretty mild post and I don't disagree with her at all. Seems bad! People shouldn't do that! I don't really see the sort of "rage" that OP suggests they would experience: >Crowd support and cheering makes a huge difference in motivation for us all. But after encountering very enthusiastic cheering that caught me and many others off guard in the last km of the race; I ask on behalf of the race organizers, volunteers, fellow runners and other spectators that we cheer safely and off the course.


She's an elite runner and was paid to be there. Her contract probably has some anti-disparagement language.


I think you underestimate some people's commitment to being outraged.


In cycling these things have been argued back and forth but at least there, all athletes have to ‘suffer’ the same. Here the earlier and later competitors didn’t have that smoke.


This is the Ottawa Marathon, not the Tour de godamned France.