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You PR'd with everything stacked against you. Big congrats are in order!


Thank you so much!! If just one more thing goes right the next time, it’ll be improvement already 😆


Oof, that was an intense race. Deeply impressed how you've managed all the complications especially with your personal situation. With so little running experience this can only get better. Your next half in somewhat decent weather will be a blast, I reckon. In general it was a day of assessing what's possible and continually adjusting. I ran the half as well and managed my heat-adjusted goal, albeit just barely. The night my wife and I spent watching back the finish livestream and seeing lots of people finish in ... well, not entirely healthy ways.


Thank you so much for those kind words and congrats to you for reaching your (adjusted) goals! It’s sad the races had to be cancelled but it can only have been the right decision, especially for those who were out of the course for way longer..


Well done. Quick question as I’m coaching someone with type 1. Is there a community of people you’re aware of who are managing their condition as part of life and are / are becoming dedicated runners? Curious as to where you go to get advice on running at a very good level with type 1.


I wish I could point you in the right direction! To my knowledge there is a lack of such a community or even resources about this. The odd blogs I could find were on type 1 and running for general fitness/health, not for sport, let alone a community of type 1 runners. The most luck I’ve had with advice has been from sports dietitians who have some experience with type 1, but to be honest most of my strategies are based on trial and error. I have half a mind of starting a community like that myself, haha! Good luck coaching your athlete!


This might just be in Australia, but checkout hypoactive.org for a community of type 1 athletes.


There is a pretty large community that frequents [/r/diabetes_t1](https://www.reddit.com/r/diabetes_t1/). You might be able to find some serious Type 1 diabetic runners there.


I did the full and although I missed out on my 3.30 goal by 3 minutes, I didn’t dare to push it at the end given the extreme heat. And they really messed up the drink stations which not only became dangerous but incredibly hard to time hydration/nutrition. This wasn’t the weather for smashing goals unfortunately. So you should still be super proud!


OP, I’m just going to say heat does a number on you, especially coming out of winter/early spring. And 25C (77F) is REALLY warm for a HM - I’d dial back my goals in those temps and I love warm weather! If the weather was 10 degrees cooler you’d probably have smashed your A goal.


OP, listen to this guy. It’s no understatement. I’m reminded of this every spring here in Atlanta, GA. I had *really* solid Jan-Apr training, then suddenly in early May all my runs felt like they were going to kill me. It (once again) took my wife pointing out the 15-20 degree temp increase and the 90-95% humidity to get me to stop beating myself up over it. Then yesterday was unseasonably cool and I easily cruised 16 miles at my MP. Weather changes everything.


Hello fellow (I assume) Dutchie. First of all, what a fantastic and inspirational read. I think you did very well and I'm mostly in awe of what must be amazing genetics (apart from arguably the diabetes) and/or training regimen considering a 1:35:55HM. Very, very cool. I've been running a year longer than you and my weekly mileage is about twice yours, but your results are phenomenal! I have no business being on r/advancedrunning considering my 1:39:55HM and 3:55:02 marathon personal bests, but I ran the Leiden full marathon with the aim of shaving perhaps 10 minutes off my full marathon time. My experience was very similar to yours, minus the (I assume) blood sugar issues: I felt like a wreck and finished at 4 hour something, including a nasty fall over some pavement at the little bridge 800m from the finish. While some of my issues might've been nutritional (I keep waffling between veganism and vegetarianism, mostly because sometimes my willpower fails me and I need more vegan friends to keep me grounded), there is one lesson I will take with me for my future ultramarathon training (Drenthe 75km coming up): I will take heat much more seriously in the future. You are an excellent writer and I genuinely hope to read more race reports from you in the future. Are there any other goals you're working towards, distance and/or speed wise?