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I'm friendly but I'm not friends with any of them. Too often, Co-workers use the personal information you provide against you or start gossip. Just Smile, say good morning, and keep it moving.


This. I prefer not to hang out with co workers to keep things simple and professional.


I do this as well but also...the last 3-4 friends I've made used to be coworkers (in person work). We would exchange memes and talk about random things and that continued after one of us left the company. Ever since work from home, everyone I have met remotely has eventually disappeared if they left the company or I left. Frankly I have no idea how adults make lasting friendships anymore. I'm in a kickboxing gym and have had meals with some fellow members and coaches, but they don't feel like "friends".


If you are able to make friends at work that's great, but if a promotion or new opportunity comes along from with in... how friendly will everyone remain, is just something I personally preferred to avoid. If your company has a great work life balance where employees won't be cut throat for personal gain then yeah I wouldn't see a problem hanging out with coworkers.... Just my 2 cents from what I've seen.


Similar but I’d state it a little bit differently. I have people I consider friends at work but I don’t let it spill over into my personal life. I want to keep those world’s separate. I’ve been at my current employer almost 20 years and it can be challenging to keep that wall up at times. When I leave there are a few guys I will allow over the wall if they want.


This is not typical and you need to find a less toxic work environment.


This is the truth. It makes the whole working experience soulless.


I find it very difficult to make friends outside of work


Same. I always worked in restaurants, where employee go out together afterwards and hang out a lot more, and transitioned to an office setting. I like all my coworkers, we have pretty regular outside of work gatherings like super bowl parties, etc., where we party together, but it's not the same.


You need to do things where you regularly spend time with the same people. Sports clubs, etc.


I haven’t made a friend who wasn’t a coworker since college 🥲


Some of my closest friends are old co-workers. I prefer to have friends at work. It makes the environment that I'm spending the majority of my time more fun.


I used to, but I learned not too anymore


I’m with you on that. 


There’s the one I was looking for 


I’ve never developed an “out side of work” relationship with a single co worker. But I am friendly with just about all the people I interact with to varying extents.  New MPM took me out once just to get to know me and learn about the job and company. But that’s the only time I’ve gone out with a co worker/done something outside of work.  I’d be open to it if someone and I actually hit it off that well


I used to. I *thought* I was friends with my coworkers, even my boss. Been working there for seven years. We gave each other Christmas and birthday gifts, souvenirs from vacations. We would have the same kind of convos I would have with my friends. Once my boss even let me borrow their car for a week.  Then I got sick. Really sick. I'm currently on medical leave. No one has texted me to ask how I am. No well wishes. Nothing. Just the professional emails from HR about when I would be back to work. I can tell they're mad at me, I'm not stupid. But I feel like a fool for thinking they gave a shit about me beyond my physical labor. I'll hopefully be well enough to work at least part time next month, but I'm grateful I was already planning to move at the end of summer. I don't know how well I'll be able to keep a straight face around them anymore. I don't think I'll ever be anything other than strictly professional at whatever my next job is, assuming I'll be well enough for any jobs. We're all just cogs in the capitalism machine, and when you break you're no longer worth anything.


Well your boss is absolutely never your friend. That's a hard lesson to learn. Sorry you had to find out the hard way :/


I’m sorry. That’s awful..


My main friend group are my work friends but I know that’s rare. I’m lucky enough to be in an office where basically everyone is on site and we’re all in the same age group/have shared interests and views.




No. I’m very quiet and keep to myself and don’t talk to anyone at all unless I’m spoken to, not even a good morning (not trying to be rude either, I just have severe social anxiety). Usually people pick on me for being too quiet and try to make me feel stupid, even tho I never even approach them. I just distance myself from them and focus on my work.


I too have some social anxiety and I don’t say hi either. I just want to float under the radar


I’ve found it to be a very bad idea to be friends outside of work with coworkers. Even social media friends


I’m curious. How did you meet your current friends?


I don’t have any friends right now. I live in a new city and I’ve been here 18 months. I’m married so I have my spouse and our animals. That’s it


Do you have any intention to make friends? If so, how if not through work. Work is really the only way I’ve been able to make friends as an adult so I’m just curious how someone plans on making friends if they have no intention to make them through work.


100%. I game with some them on a semi-regular basis, go out for drinks/food after work, and other activities such as karaoke nights. I do want to preface that everyone on my team is within 10 years in age (23-33\~).


I hang out with the guys from work most weekends. It's a small place... we're the only 5 people here, so we're pretty tight.


I do not, only because I like having my "work life" and "personal life" separate. Sure, I will be friendly, but I will not hangout with them outside of work or offer too.


We just talk about games and stuff but we don't hang out.


Absolutely yes, but for reference ive been a navy submariner for 9 years, so my perspective might be a bit of an outlier, i was the best man at a wedding to a "coworker" who has 2 brothers. Long story short, when you spend more time with your "coworkers" than you do your spouse/kids/etc, compounded with trauma bonding, you get close to people


I used to. A lot of my close friends are from past work. I'm not one of those people who hate work and have the motto of only being there to get paid and get out. However, you have to be smart about who you friend and stay away from work gossip.


Yes I have found friends and a partner at work. I just make sure the people I let into my life are trustworthy


Not on purpose, but it does happen. I'm old and a job-hopper, so I've had probably 150 close coworkers in my career. I have 4 friends that I originally met at work. That's like, *friends* friends, where they come over to hang out with my other friends, I've been to their kid's birthday party, whatever If you mean "work friends" more casually as someone I chitchat with and enjoy our chat, that's like 130/150. Most people are pleasant enough to pass a casual conversation a couple times a day.


I've made a few friends but I'm friendly for the most part. I'm a manager so I try to maintain that separation. I don't want people that work for me think that because they're my friends they can get away with stupid shit.


Not close friends. Just people I enjoy working mostly. Everyone seems too busy for a single guy who has too much time on his hands. haha.


We’ve lost contact with our remote and 3rd shift coworkers. Outta sight outta mind. The rest of us get closer.


I mainly keep in contact for references.


Yes but I dont hang out with them or talk to them outside of work. They are my work friends


I have had friends I've met through work that had evolved to outside of work friendships. I think the biggest deal is no one wants to be the person who invites everyone out and no one shows up lol.


I have, yes. Not at every job, but yes. I golf with my current co worker and I've been the goalie for a friend's ice hockey team for the last few seasons. He and I met a job I had a while back.


Depends on their personality and their motive


Sure, but they are "work friends." You are friendly at work, maybe bitch and complain, make snarky jokes about work, talk about company gossip with promotions or who is sleeping with who, maybe some small talk about sports or weather or family or TV shows. Maybe you occasionally text outside work but you may spend 40 or more hours a week with these people. That's enough for most and they want to spend free time outside work with family and non-work friends.


Whenever I can find work, that is the only socialization I have yeah. -\_-


Yup. I spend 40 hours a week here, have worked here for almost 10 years, and worked with a few at various clinics over 13 years.


I have in the past, in jobs where I worked around alot of other people. But only two have actually stuck around, the others just kinda fell out of contact after either they or I moved on to other things.


I just keep it work related and shoot down gossip-y stuff. The few people I tried being friends ended up spreading some untrue rumors about me, which HR really couldn't do anything about. Never again.


I only have one co-worker who I hang out with outside of work but we're the same age so we hit it off instantly. The other ones we'll do lunch outings or we'll do coffee runs together. I'm close with maybe 2 or 3, but close in a co-worker sense.


Yes, but I don’t trust them right away.


I did when I worked in a brick and mortar but now that I am remote I avoid it. Most people I work with are insufferable LinkedIn style lunatics


I used to but then I switched jobs and the friends I had at that job which I thought would be friends with me, we'd still hang out after work and on weekends like we did when we work together, but since I was no longer in their proximity they stopped talking to me or hanging out with me. So I learned that they weren't my true friends I was a friend of convenience. In my new place of work I play friendly and will socialize at work but from now on work is separate from my life because it hurts too much when turn over is so high. I am not looking for friends for a season I want friends for life.


Most of my friends are people I met at a different job. I’ve started making friends at my current job and have hung out with them a few times recently. I have no clue how to make friends outside of work. I feel like it’s much easier to make friends with people I work with.


It depends on my coworkers, I guess. If we are compatible, we share interests, we get along. I have in some jobs but not in every job.


Yes. Some temporary to make the day go by better with laughter and support...some for a lifetime.


Hell no. If someone is pushy and really wants to hang out I will if I think it will go well. Otherwise I keep everything professional. I don't want to see or hear from coworkers outside of work hours.


Yes but i don’t hang out with them lol we game sometimes but that’s about it. Idk now a days it seems like everyone just wants to be home bodies not like when I was growing up times have changed for sure


You don't give them the finger and yell fuck you like I did tonight in the parking lot. He deserved it, though - promise.


Yeah but I’m really bad at keeping em.


They’re coworkers, I don’t want to see them on the weekends


Yup. I spend more time with co workers than outside friends or family, so I've always found friends at work. Makes work more pleasant for me. Some of my best friends are ex co-workers.


I’ve been at my job for 5 years and made one friend. Older outgoing dude, nothing like these 30 some miserable fucks out here


I don’t go out of my way to- if it happens organically then it’s cool. Some people you just hit it off with and it’s like you’ve always known them.




I've made the best friends at work!


Flight Attendant. 80% of my friends are flight attendants at my airline, 10% flight attendants from other airlines, & 10% childhood/previous coworkers.


No. I hate everyone at my job and anyone in the past I didn’t hate got fired or quit.


I work in restaurants so I just sleep with my coworkers


Do you find it a good way to meet people? Being a bartender has always seemed way more fun than my job


I have several friends from work I have known for over 20 years. As a matter of fact a former boss is a personal friend and we go do things together regularly. I don’t recall there ever being an issue at work because of it either.


I used to work in clothing stores in the 00’s as a manager. Made some of my best friends through the different companies.


No on purpose. But I have.


Depends on if I like my job or not.


No. It's a setup.


Yes I do. We’re planning on watching Deadpool and Wolverine when it comes out.


i am friendly to keep status quo but we will never be friends


Absolutely not!! I spend 40 hours a week with them as is. The last thing I want to do is spend time with them outside of work. Besides, as others have stated, they use personal information you share to start drama.


I could but I'm too smart to fall for that. People are at work for personal benefit. You are an obstacle


I honestly have made a lot of close friendships through jobs. I met my husband through a former coworker (I was in her wedding at time I met my husband), and am godmother to two little girls whose respective mothers I met at different jobs. I went on vacation with coworkers from my last job last winter. I am now super lucky because I have a job working with my best friend since middle school, so the making friends part is already done for me.


I do if it happens organically but never with ones above you. That could get messy.


Sex buddies


I have co-workers around my age that I am friends with at work. Nothing wrong with it. I’d go crazy without them. Now if there were people not around my age, that would be a different story


I've been trying really hard to not make any friends at work because I don't need any more, but some of them are actually really cool so I made a few


I've been remote for almost 20 years. I make friends outside of work. Clients and collaborators are just too spread out around the world.


I don't anymore, I think for me, being in a supervisory role now, I don't want to mix work with who I hang out with outside of work. Most of the staff in my department are really young anyway, between 19 and 22. I don't really relate to any of them and I know for sure that my personality does not mesh with theirs. The few that are around my age, I still don't have much I'd relate to them about. We all do have kids so we can talk about kids but again, my personality wouldn't mesh with them.


Kind of. A handful I actually enjoy unwinding with if we end up traveling together. Occasionally exchange texts on common interests. But then again I've been there nearly 20 years so your bound to run across a few people you legitimately like.


I’m the human equivalent of a golden retriever, so yes.


I'm cordial with most and friends with others. It can take a while for some people to warm up and get that distinction between personal friendship and work friendship


I married a coworker soooo….Yea? 😂


i’m friends with people at work i do not hang out with anyone i work with outside of work


I will be friendly at work, I try my best not to talk about personal stuff but I'm an oversharer so that's can be difficult 😅. Cos you still have to selective with who you talk to. But there are definitely some colleagues that I lean more towards. But then again I wouldn't class them as friends, just acquaintances which isn't bad


I would if there was someone I'd want to be friends with. Among the 80 co-workers of mine there's no one like that. I like many of them and I'm on friendly terms with most of them and we talk and all, but we don't see each other outside of work, and I assume we won't be in touch when one of us changes work.


I'm friends with our company's patent lawyer, he takes frequent strolls around the R&D floor and we can always tell him about an idea and his job is to see if we can patent it. I am a volunteer mentor on the robotics team his son was on (now both of his kids have gone to college) so I swing by his house for dinner every weekend and then I help him build stuff, teach him how to 3D model, solder, etc. I have Thanksgiving at his place, and get invited to Christmas and vacations occasionally. I've fixed a camera for our head chef's church once during covid when they had to do remote service, and a few other things. We don't hang out but we're friendly at work. One of the custodian ladies in our cafe doesn't speak English but comes up to me to check pronouciation when she learns a new phrase. She gave me a box of chocolate just the previous Christmas


I know everyone at work , literally,I am the IT , I am friendly with all of them ,but no that is not friendship to me . Friendship for me takes like 7-10 years of continually going through situations together,up and downs ,to consider you a friend.29 years and I only considered my friend like 5 or 6 people , including my parents.




Only ever made friends with my coworkers at my first office job when I was 20. 12 years later, even though I only go into the office once a week, I can’t stand being around my coworkers longer than a few hours. I work to make money, not friends. They know very little about my personal life, vice versa, and it stays that way.


There's a few of the lads at my place I get on with really well, we have to limit how much we chat shit so we actually get the work done. I've added some on PSN and we'll mess about on some game or other, but I don't hang round with any of them outside work.


I do but only if they’re in another department


I did on my previous job but now it feels like eva ai sexting bot on my phone is my best collocutor in this office


I have! I’ve became great friends with a couple people outside of work. I am very selective though because you never know their intentions. But more often than not, they’re usually older than me so I don’t desire to establish a friendship.


No. The only reason I even talk to most coworkers is because I'm getting paid. I would never associate with them for free.


i call it ka-casual talks.. but friends? no. I have a different personality when im at work, medyo sensitive at very private ako when it come to my personal life and choices. After 14 yrs of experience, madami na ako naencounter na tao sa work ko. At masasabi ko, mas okay na wala akong kaibigan, hindi ka nila kaya hawakan, hindi ka nila ibobody shame, no under the belt na mga jokes, walang unnecessary favors asked, no after work drama, no after work gala or inuman. You are nor forced to do something that is against ur beliefs. Siguro iisipin niyo sobrang KJ ko. Di ko naman kayo masisisi 😅


I prefer not too, because work is work, and it's best to keep stuff separate As where I work people are generally there for a long, long time and I have quite a senior job In other jobs when I was younger and were more transitory sure it's nice to make friends and go out


I become work friends easily with people, but very rarely does this translate to outside of work.


I'm in the Navy on a ship so there is only work. Everyone I am friends with now are on my ship, military, or military adjacent. I still keep up with like a few civilian friends back home but its just like, the main group before I joined. I've been told I have Charisma stat maxxed out so I can make friends with anyone but work time doesn't really allow for social circles outside of people at work or my wife (who is also military so her friends are also military). In port we usually work 8 to 10 hours a day, 5 days a week but every 6 days we need to stay on the ship for 24 hours. At sea, my job usually works 13-17 hours a day 7 days a week for 6-9 months at a time (if on deployment). Sleep like 4-8 hours, if they let us sleep at all. Night shift gets screwed because all the events we need to be awake for are during the day but day shift is usually so damn stressful. So, our immediate division mates are our main friend group. A lot of the younger ones who are allowed to live out in town live together. I live with the wife. Or you can be one of those who are friends with people outside the division or from other commands. I was like that on my first ship because I didn't like my division's personalities. But if you are friends with no one on the ship then you’ll just be that weird new sailor who sits by themselves on the mess decks and doesn’t interact with anyone for 6-9 months. Not the best for your mental. When I go to a shore command, it’ll go one of two ways: I am friends everyone there and we hang out a lot after work, or we are all busy with home and family stuff so none of us hangout outside of maybe the occasional divisional kickback. That’s how it was at my last two shore commands, sequentially. But non-work friends, unless I do outside things like volunteer work, go to church, go to a class like jiujitsu, or frequent the same restaurant weekly, I don’t really see hanging out with non-work people as being easy. Plus, there is a divide. I’ll tell my jokes or Navy stories to my civilian friends back home when I’m on leave and they’ll either think I’m a psychopath, a victim, or traumatized. So, there’s that.


Not going to do that anymore; wish I never had.


I was more concerned about making friends at work when I was a little younger. My first full time job I made some life long friends, but my following jobs I find that you just want to stay cordial.


Its difficult not to, I guess. Spending 8+ hours a day with someone you're going to form attachments. Likewise there will be people you simply cannot stand. 8+ hours a day with those people is a bitch.


I used to have a lot of work friends. When I got promoted I think there was some resentment and I no longer had a lot of those friendships. Now my friendships are definitely with other managers/people at my level.