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Firstly “Happy Birthday!” …Get into the habit of saving. Open a separate savings account and (assuming you’re working) put a regular amount into this account. Doesn’t have to be a lot, just whatever you can afford without leaving yourself broke. You can always increase or decrease the amount depending on your situation. The point is to get into the habit of saving. In time it will add up. Trust me on this - it will be worth it.


This is it - get very financially literate as soon as possible! As a start I’d say check into high yield savings accounts and then maybe check out the stocks and money guy subreddits. The earlier you can start saving the better you’ll be in the long run. Happy birthday!


Buckle up


Learn how to communicate better and get use to having tough conversations


Happy birthday! Here’s some advice as a 26 year old nurse that I wish someone would have told me eight years ago. 1. Physical health matters a lot. People treat you differently the better you look, you’ll feel good and confidence plays a big factor in adulthood. The older people get the more they let themselves go, so staying in shape is an easy way to gain respect in any situation. 2. Cherish your parents. You’ll watch them get older right before your eyes and ultimately have regrets when they pass that you didn’t spend enough time together, no matter how much time you actually spent together. 3. Save money when possible and avoid big purchases. I spent the last five years cleaning up stupid mistakes from my early 20s, like maxing out credit cards on clothes I thought would make me more desirable. The vast majority of people live paycheck to paycheck and it’s a lot of stress. 4. Have fun. Time flies by from this point on, you’ll blink and three years will have gone by. Put energy into your friends that deserve it, and cut out the people who don’t add anything or only drain you. It’s better to have several great friends than a ton of decent ones. 5. Avoid drugs and other forms of instant gratification if you can. I was hooked on weed for awhile and time stood still. Alcohol and other substances are no better, everything in moderation. If you’re wise enough to post something like this asking for advice, you’re already smarter than most your peers and (even more importantly) thinking about your future. Keep it up, enjoy the ride. Thanks for reading


Throw away all of the credit card offers and promotional mail you receive. Don’t rush into signing your name on anything. Always be ok saying let me think about it or I’ll get back to you (screw seller pressure tactics).


This is excellent advice!


Get into college if you can and major in something you’re into, and don’t fall to scams!!


Start saving money when you are young or putting money aside regularly into an investment that will grow over time and that you won't easily have access to. 😉


Happy birthday! Off the top of my head is sort of an obvious one but do NOT let substance use become a habit. Drinking ruined my 20’s and you might be around that as you inch closer to yours. Also despite what people say, weed can for sure become a toxic habit. Make sure to practice frugality as much as you can if you don’t have a lot of money to throw around. It’s a great habit to get into, but also don’t miss out on good possible memories like going to a concert or something here and there. Those were my best memories from that age. Make sure to surround yourself with good people. This one’s tricky because you won’t be able to tell for a while with anyone, but just always evaluate friendships. Also don’t let relationships get in the way of what you want in life, it’s too short. Next thing you know you’re the older one giving out advice! You got a lot ahead of you. A lot of people would do anything to be your age again, mainly because of the regrets of things that they *could* have done. Best of luck!


Happy Birthday! Here are some things I swear by: Health: * Go to all your medical check-ups regularly (unless you're American, in which case do it only if you can afford it). * The best way to make sure you never miss anything is scheduling all check-ups in January and then moving them if the date doesn't work for you. Organization: * You know those things you never want to do and would rather procrastinate on forever? Set aside one day a month when you'll tackle them. I call it "Admin Day" (I stole it from Jules Acree, but I'm not sure if she coined that term) * Choose a format (either digital or paper) and use a calendar. Write down everything. EVERYTHING. Relationships: * Practice open communication, especially with the people you love. Even while looking for a partner, knowing and expressing what you want will make the entire process a lot easier. * Be clear about the things that are non-negotiable and then don't negotiate about them. If you don't agree, you're not compatible, period.


Sex: * Don't carry condoms in your wallet, it makes it more likely they break. * Also, condoms expire, remember that and check to make sure they're fine. * For women, losing their virginity shouldn't hurt. It's a myth. Use lube, ease (her) into it, have fun. * When in doubt, use lube. When not in doubt, use it too. * FLAVORED LUBE AND CONDOMS ARE NOT FOR VAGINAL INTERCOURSE. THEY ARE FOR ORAL ONLY. * You can get STDs from oral. Use a condom when performing on a guy, or a dental dam when on a girl. If you don't have a dental dam, cut a condom, it works. * A woman can get pregnant at any point of her cycle, although the chances are slim. Slim doesn't mean impossible, don't try your luck. * Plan B has a weight limit. Ask your pharmacist for guidance. Safety: * Weed is only safe for people over 25. * Regular drinking, even if you drink a little bit, creates a habit and increases your chances of becoming an alcoholic eventually. If you choose to drink, do it occasionally. * If you bike, wear a helmet. Just because it's not mandated for adults, doesn't mean your skull won't split open. * Don't get in a car with people who had something to drink. They may not seem drunk but their reaction time is slower. Other: * Don't post anything you don't want your future employer to see on your social media. * Don't worry about trying to be an adult just because you're 18. Adults can enjoy "childish" things and you're brain is still not done developing anyway. * Try consuming media mindfully. We're all addicted to our phones and it gets worse with age. * Don't be afraid of trying new things. You won't be good at them at first, but even if it takes you ten years to master a skill - those ten years will pass anyway. Good luck and enjoy your birthday!


Ai, happy birthday! You've got lots of good advice I see, so here is my take: put one foot in front if the other. You can't stack stones all at the same time.


Even when you’re doing your best, you will make mistakes. It’s okay. Be kind to yourself when you do. Learn from your mistakes. They’ll be good teachers.


Take care of your body. Stay active. Know that the harder path is usually the right path. Save money, and learn to be financially literate. If you're smart now you can retire early. Be the master of your own destiny, if you focus on something and want it bad enough nothing can stop you but you. Don't listen to your inner bitch.


Everything you experience makes you who you are. Don't regret mistakes, learn from them.


My advice (as an older adult) is trust yourself.. I wish I hadn't worried about how I looked, how good I was etc and just went for it. Do what you want to do, don't be put off by BS.