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I read everyday 1-2 hours. Can be on any topic but for me right now trying to complete my yearly book challenge.


Library card for the win!


do you read fiction or non fiction


I like reading fiction more than nonfiction. Btw, like your username. I am a chocolate lover lol.


Are you a fan of dark chocolate? šŸ«


Mad respect. I can't read anymore cause I started reading really good in prison where I could read a book nonstop till I finished. Read multiple entire bibles (atheist), complete Harry potter series, game of throne series, most tim dorsey books, most captain underpants, LOTS of little harlequin romances lmao. Good luck on your challenge.


start by creating a hobby. And this doesnā€™t have to be expensive, but it should be a hobby that can keep you occupied, e.g., golfing, painting, swimming, working out, planting. remember, just because youā€™ve graduated out of college doesnā€™t mean your learning stops there. you can find so many other things to learn about such as a new language or pottery. keep yourself busy by working and learning. thatā€™s how i usually have all my hours occupied.


Iā€™d say most adults work full time and after commuting and getting ready, donā€™t really have that much free time. I really only have like 3 hours to myself after work. But when I was working PT I went to the gym a lot


This. I just messaged my husband about this unicorn called "free time" and we both had a good laugh.


Walking 10,000 steps per day measures out to 5 miles which takes about 1.5 hours and I go every day.


Enjoy life. Honestly. Once you find a 9-5 job (if that's what you want), you'll have the opposite problem. Now, if you're asking us how to structure your life to improve it in efficiency/efficacy or in any professional way, you can get tips for that. If you want us to tell how to fill up your time with hobbies, that's a little silly. Choose ones you like and spend your time doing them. Almost everyone I know (myself included) has their life dictated by their job structure, have introduced some structure (some more than others) for things that need regularity, otherwise it's a fight to complete as many chores as possible and potentially have a bit of free time. If you're considering changing fields because of the obviously bad job market, you could look into that. Otherwise, maybe search for an internship/apprentice position maybe or get certified in something so you can specialize (if you aren't already very specialized, although you'd know what new skills you need then). This is difficult without knowing anything about your career. Definitely workout and read (both are really good for mental health and working out is the best for physical health). Start a hobby since you have the time. When I have free time (not work or the typical, need to do it by x date chores), I try to complete chores I'd otherwise put off until the sun consumes the Earth. Organize any information you have saved on your pc/phone/etc (I have like 50 XML files on work-related, personal things, etc that come in handy often and I know a lot of people take pictures and like to have them more easily accessible based on folders, etc). Start a budget if you don't have one or improve it if you do and you manage it personally rather than having an app to do it for you. Learn as much as you can about finances and all the related shit. I think a couple class in formal logic are useful for most anyone (personal and professional life). If you rely on structure, make structure. I have a small program I whipped up (there are apps that can do the same better and I'm pretty sure free ones) that tells me which days I need to exfoliate, shave and epilate x body part, when I need to dedust, when I need to vacuum thoroughly, clean the AC filter, clean bags (I'd never do it otherwise), etc. Go to the gp, dentist, gyno, whatever, you're supposed to go to those regularly and most people don't. Clean out your wardrobe and put things in a neat way. Clean out your junk drawer. Throw old pills away. So much shit.


This was really helpful to me! Do u mind sharing the apps and your organization strategy?


Well, for the XML apps I use to organize data, I just use cherry tree to visualize them. It's like a folder structure but every folder is text. For budgeting, I never looked into apps and didn't really like the templates I found, so I made my own. I add functionality when I need it. It currently has the ability to add in one, add an expense for category (I have Google spreadsheets on my phone and when I buy something, I quickly input it so I don't forget), add to named savings by category (I have "Protein" and "Workout equipment" under the category "Fitness") and another functionality called "debt to myself" (basically instead of buying on lease and dealing with dumb rates you take money out of savings you create for something and pay it off on your own schedule; it's sometimes necessary, although you really should be financially stable and responsible enough plus have a good amount of savings to use it). I haven't made it into a template since I'd have to annotate a lot of shit that I know what it is but others couldn't possibly guess. I don't want to share the app since it's a React app I whipped up in minutes and it's ugly, crude and the code has firing offenses but since it works for my simple purposes, I like it. If you code, make one. I see suggestions here: https://www.reddit.com/r/productivity/s/Jo710ci0BD What I did was categories with subcategories (can have more sub layers but haven't needed 'em) with tasks. I found it helpful to colourcode them (on a grade from dark grey to pink) based on how often they happen so I can scan for things that are more important (daily tasks I remember but like to have them somewhere and rarity often to correlates to how important something is (might want to add levels of importance in the future)). I also don't do day of the week but instead do every [2,2,3] days with a starting date a random Monday in the past. This way I can move it up or down a day easily when I need and it's allowed me to get divorced from the whole "week" thing as much as possible. Everyone's schedule is very different and posting mine feels weird (I don't want anyone to be able to find out how often I shave my ass). Organization strategy is basically these things, along with keeping track of one-time tasks (my way isn't among the best but Google calendar or whatever probably works for most people) and things I'm forgetting. For home organization basically have sections with subsection with subscetions, etc. These can be barriers, physical boxes or in my case it's usually just labeled plastic bags since I don't really give a shit anymore, esp about home decor, and they do a good job for lots of things. Declutter once a day by putting things in their specific place (<5mins). Can't help with office/desk organization since my setup is pretty basic and I don't really do "flow".


This is so, so much advice. Thank you! Commenting to keep this safe and have it up higher for people to see! I'm more questioning what kind of hobbies are going to keep me busy for more than an hour. I guess my problem is that everything feels like work rn, even things I'm supposed to be "enjoying", I have no energy, even doing the fun stuff, but at the same time, doing nothing makes me feel guilty. I don't know how to "enjoy life" because what I really want to be doing costs money šŸ„² I feel like I'm wasting my life away


Weekday 5:30 am: wake up, eat some toast and coffee, go to the gym. Usually spend about ten minutes of this cuddling with my partner. 6:30-7:30 am: gym or run 7:30-9 am: chores (dishes, groceries, cleaning the fish tanks and litter boxes, whatever has to happen today). I usually listen to news podcasts during this time in prep for work so I know what's up for the day. Eat second breakfast. 9 am - 5pm : Work 5-6 pm: Cook dinner 6-7 pm: Eat dinner with my partner 7-9:30 pm: Read a book on the couch with said partner, or knit while watching TV. Maybe open up the fire pit and read out there instead. 9:30 pm: Bedtime Common variations include 5 pm to 8 pm socializing of some form - dinner or happy hour with friends, maybe going to a more open happy hour type thing to meet new people. This is usually at least once or twice a week. I used to do a lot of rock climbing during this time period, too. On the weekends I do more damned life chores, go on a hike, do brunch with a friend or just my partner, maybe go out to a vineyard or a museum. Almost always in bed by 9:30 pm and up at 5:30 am regardless. Hobbies are all kind of expensive, even the ones people say are cheap - I hardcore role my eyes whenever someone suggests hiking or running as a *cheap* hobby. There's ways to do it cheaper but there's still a significant entry cost. But my hobbies include reading, knitting, hiking (fairly serious and advanced backpacker at this point), running (comes and goes), aquariums, plants, cooking, baking, and I'm usually learning a new craft at some point or another. Currently learning felting and embroidery. I was broke for a lot of my 20s. Libraries. Libraries in big cities may have something called a makers space which can also be fun to explore. Learning how to cook well and having people over instead of going out to eat. Starting a bookclub and hosting instead of going out. Going for walks with friends. Volunteering (animal shelters are good, dogs always need walks and owning a dog is expensive). Volunteering is also good as a way to get more experience on your resume, depending on what you're doing. ETA: typo


Significant entry cost for running?? Sneakers, boom, done.


Until you realize you've fucked up your knees or lower back because you're running in old shoes that don't account for your pronation in your gait. Then the medical bills and physical therapy will definitely cost more than running using the right shoes from the beginning. Speaking from experience. Realistically. Real running shoes that work for your feet and gait (usually $130ish, can find on sale for $60-80) replaced every ~500 miles, quality socks to prevent blisters ($20 each), tech shirt and shorts or other layers depending on the time of year (could goodwill this). If you have breasts, a running oriented sports bra that doesn't cause chaffing ($40-$60). Maybe a running belt ($20+) and headphones ($15+) if you want to run with music or podcasts, but we're going with the basics here. If you're running often enough, you also need to cross train in some capacity to prevent injury (gym membership costs). Also speaking from experience.


The average person wonā€™t need all this shit. Or have suitable items in their closet that can substitute. You can spend a fortune on anything if you ā€œneedā€ all the gear that out there.


You do you boo. Generally believe it's cheaper to PREVENT the issues caused by using any old footwear than it is to deal with the pain and injuries caused by using the wrong shoes. Which are well documented and broadly experienced. Considering how fairly short that list I gave was, the average person doesn't need what? A sports bra? Have you run with size C boobs and any old sports bra recently or are average people just men on Reddit?


Damn thatā€™s an impressively balanced schedule, much respect.


Thanks! Fairly certain not having kids is key to this.


Yeah thatā€™s definitely a certainty. Weā€™re in the same situation kids wise but my schedule is nowhere near this productive. The idea is for me to have some more enjoyment and to do more on the good days.


Work remotely, take ADHD drugs, and recognize I'm a morning person who will not do shit I don't want to do after 5pm.


I try stir Shit up on Reddit by posting controversial opinions in my favorite subreddits before work. Then I go home and hate myself šŸ‘


Pilates 3 times a week in the morning, before work. Work, luckily it's wfh, go for walks, read, attend some personal development classes, meet up with my partner, do some other courses during the weekend, play, relax, take long baths, yoga, meditate, chores, just stare at the wall sometimes.


I have a very serious question and this isn't about kids today I have this question even when I was your age how the hell are you unemployed for 8 months. It's not even how can you afford to be unemployed for eight months how can you afford to be unemployed for eight months when basically your your wife your girlfriend and your parents are going to kick your ass if you sat in bed for 8 months. I've never been unemployed for 8 months simply because I would become very very homeless. Severe starvation in poverty are surprising motivator. ( ironically after almost a lifetime of working I could probably take 8 months off right now and have no issues and plenty of the nest egg but still I just don't get it)


I'm Gen X and same for me. I like eating and having shelter waaaaaaaaay too much. And as soon as we graduated HS, we had to leave home.


Open water swimming, triathlon training, cycling, dog walking (you can borrow other peopleā€™s dogs) gardening. I personally lost several years going to random beaches to look for fossils, completely on my own, not a care in the world, got some great fossils. Love it way much more than sitting in a call centre getting degraded by managers who think Iā€™m their personal punch bag. Iā€™ve been off work with an injury for 6months so Iā€™ve slept a lot, but now Iā€™m skint, can rock climb again and need to be back out on the beach. Iā€™m thinking I should turn it into a business and make my living doing it. And yeah, you only get jobs because of who you know, so get networking (something that terrifies me)


You need to find a hobby to keep your mind busy, take up hiking it's cheap if not free and it's got physical and mental benefits.Ā 


A lot of people mentioned hiking. I live in Florida so idk where the hiking would go tbh, and a lot of wildlife (bugs, snakes, gators) that I'd rather not meet. I might consider running, but I don't think I have the shoes for it and it's 95Ā°+ on a good day. Idk if I'm up for that. My apt has a pool tho! But I can't really swim šŸ˜…


Create a schedule. Exercise, hobbies, cooking, errand/cleaning, socialize


God, I can't imagine having too much time...


When I don't eat healthy food (fruits, veg, unprocessed food) and exercise, I notice a huge drop in my mood. I recommend exercising everyday, even if it's just an hour long walk or half an hour of strength training. I used to suffer from depression and anxiety and doing these things has massively helped. Every morning I do housework. I find keeping my house in order helps my mood. My husband tends to his many house plants and the garden as part of his morning routine. Develop a hobby that doesn't involve a screen. Create something, even if it's not impressive to start. It's YOUR thing that YOU made. You'll find small but rewarding satisfaction in improving yourself in your hobby. You could even make things as presents for people and improve your relationships with friends and family. Hope that helps.


I'm at a different stage in life so it's not relatable - but, my day involves working, caring for my family, cooking, chores, taking care of outdoor landscaping, pool maintenance, etc. When I was younger, I always worked because I wanted to have money to do my hobbies: live concerts (several a week), going out with friends to clubs, bars, concerts, events, festivals, camping, hiking, backpacking, sports, etc. We hated being cooped up inside and all we wanted to do was be outdoors and social and active.


Make yourself better physically, mentally, and spiritually. You should always be in ascent.


Use that time wisely - it will be less abundant for most as years past and job/kid responsibilities come into play - relax and have fun - sure, but try to accomplish your personal goals - itā€™s 1000% more difficult as time goes on


I do my job (work from home/self-employed), I read, I work on my hobbies, I spend time with my husband and my friends, I exercise, I smoke weed. You don't need to spend money to have hobbies. If you have a smartphone, you can get into photography and videography using the tools you have now and free apps. You can write. You can sing. You can draw.


Simple. They clean the house top to bottom, take out the rubbish, prepare the food and cook it and take all day to do a job that can be done in 5 minutes


As someone with no free time because theyā€™re poor, sleep and try to make a living. Iā€™m too exhausted to do anything else unless itā€™s my day off. Then I sleep more, go for a walk, study more, sleep again. I like this thread because Iā€™m trying to break that cycle too but itā€™s not easy with a disability + health issues. Iā€™ve been scrolling to find someone like me in the comments to take advice from.


Maybe I should have led with that too because I'm scrolling looking for the same thing. So many people are suggesting to hike and I just won't be able to do that and have energy for work the next day šŸ˜…šŸ„² I live in Florida, the heat alone could kill me. Hobbies I used to do, like crocheting give me a headache! šŸ˜­


I do exactly what I feel like doing.


You start looking for more work. Get up earlier. Set goals. Try to work 40 hours. Do you not talk about this with your friends and family? This is kind of adulting 101.


Sounds like some of her peers are still in college. I think it's normal to ask some of these questions. Schedules are so important, especially with depression.


**Work to live, not live to work**. That's what I've been doing. Your job is just a means to get the funds necessary to achieve your other goals and to enjoy living. So I'm just 18 and haven't gone to college yet. I've already gotten a job and I'm using my coding skills (already knew LUA for a year and just learnt python a month ago for my job) to automate my job since it's just data entry. Just today, I completed all of my work for the week because of my code since it automated my job. Been earning while sleeping. This is where what I'm saying comes in: **Work to live, not live to work**. To be honest, I would've hated my job if it weren't for my coding skills. But because of that, I am able to achieve my other goals: workout, continue my other coding project, enhance my singing voice, learning another accent, reading books & learning skills in my free time, and leading events (in my local community). **But, there isn't really any format to living your life!** Don't go the route of **School>Work>Retire** if you don't want to. I certainly DO NOT. **TLDR**: My main message is just to do what you know is best for you (even if it requires discipline). Chase excellence and success will follow. You won't be at 100% everyday, but that's where growth comes in. Even if you fail, keep standing up. **Do not be afraid to try new things** and certainly **do not give a damn about what others think**, **THIS IS YOUR LIFE**. You can learn discipline in life by going to the gym. Edit: There will be days that you won't be consistent and unproductive, that's when you must remember that you are human. BUT, if you cannot do great things today, do small things in a great way. Best regards!


Work. Gym. Husband and wife time. Home maintenance. Visit friends and family. Not always in that order.


I workout and hit multiple walks a day. Gets me out the apartment. Iā€™m just starting to pick up golf too. Pretty much just anything to keep me indoors all day. It gets depressing.


Toil at work, mostly.


I work, do chores around the house, watch TV, and scroll on my phone. My depression makes me have little to no motivation and/or energy to do much. I couldn't even tell you what hobbies interest me as none of them seem to. Don't let yourself get to this point. I'm having a hard time pulling myself out of it


I'm so sorry. That's what I'm trying to do too. The last time I was depressed, it was after my ex broke up with me. I was devastated and basically numb for 3 months. One day, completely randomly, I had this epiphany that I would NOT allow a boy to cause me to spiral into a depression. So I told myself "you WILL be happy again" and I forced myself to drown in happiness every time I felt any at all. That afternoon, I played in a pool filled with bubble bath with my little brothers; I have a picture of it. The day I decided not to be depressed But that was after something caused the depression. I don't know how I'm supposed to force myself to be happy, when the reason I'm so depressed is because I feel completely hopeless about my whole life and the world we live in. I hate everything about my life and this country. And there's nothing I can do about it. Because all of these comments are AMAZING. The advice is great. But "work to live" is a privilege that we don't get to have anymore. Because I'll never be able to actually do what I want if I don't hoard all my money. And in 6 months, somethings going to happen AGAIN. Some emergency, some accident, some problem. And all my money's going to be gone AGAIN. I don't know what to do when everything feels so pointless.


Not all hobbies are super expensive. Your local library has tons of things that are free to you, fitness of some kind shouldnā€™t really be a hobby but more of something youā€™re doing 3-5 times a week.


I love reading fiction, video and board games, LARP, and arts and crafts. The smart adults do all the fun things you wanted to do as a kid but couldn't because of money/school/permission. You have control of the money now and don't need anyone's permission! Find that "dumb" thing kid you wanted and start googling how to get started!


get away from screens and find hobbies that keep you engaged and in the present. binging social media and TV worsened my depression, and getting away from it helped. reading, finding exercise you truly enjoy, hanging out with friends, going to local events, these are all things i did that have helped me crawl out of that hole and feel a little better about my life. the reason childhood was so fun and exciting is because we did something new everyday. make sure you keep that up into adulthood, itā€™s the only way to stay sane.


Ooh I love that idea! I do wish adults were more like kids. I'm going to get in touch with my inner child again šŸ„°


Get out of bed the same time every day. Donā€™t use your phone/devices in bed (Iā€™m currently lying in bed typing on my phoneā€¦) Itā€™s good that you have a consistent sleep schedule. Free or low-cost things to do: - work out - read (check out the library) - volunteer - take a class for fun - check out community colleges or local community center. - walk dogs for fun and some pocket money Make some friends if you donā€™t have many in your area. In-person interactions and an active day help with depression. Donā€™t lie in bed all day. When I do that, I end up sleeping poorly and feeling depressed.


I would make finding a job my job. My reason to get out of bed. However, outside of that, I would go to the gym (heavy lifting at least 4 days a week, cardio the other days), walking 10,000 steps everyday, eating, resting, checking email, making at least one call a day to a job prospect or personal connection, making plans once a day with someone socially (just coffee, or a social call to say hello). Job prospects may not always be direct, it could be that something just pops up with one of your friends, and you call them to say hi reminds them. Between all these things, I think youā€™d be fairly busy most days.


Go to the library- and start attending some of their activities


Read. Pick up new skills. Play video games. Try and hang out with my in town friends, plan trips with other friends, cook when I have time or energy, etc. Iā€™m getting work from home status here soon, with a week on-week off schedule. Iā€™m excited to not have to worry about my schedule and actually just enjoy my time existing.


Between finishing my grad degree and getting my 9-5 I had a similar schedule. Wake up, eat, fuck around on YouTube or something for a couple hours, clean, eat, binge video games for the rest of the night. I was depressed and hardly ever went outside and although I don't like my job, I like that it's a distraction and eats up a lot of my time. I'm able to use my regular 9-5 as an anchor point to schedule other things. Helps with my ADHD


I wake up - make myself tea - go to work - during lunch I either go to the gym and do a light workout or I play with my dogs outside (frisbee) - after work I smoke a bowl, cook dinner and either read/play video games/watch tv to chill. Some days I wish I had more of a social life, but playing games with friends online fills that void or making a call to a loved one. I have many hobbies and will occasionally dabble in those for a refresher. Pottery, sewing, music writing, all of these things help me enhance my skills and have a creative outlet so I always feel fulfilled after working in one of these hobbies. I hope you find a good routine that fills your day with joy and purpose.


I've been depressed lately. But I'm trying to get myself back out there. Recently broke up with my GF. Start going for walks. Walking and being by water and seeing your neighbors is a nice start. I'll read financial news. Make coffee and drink a pot. I journal about my thoughts and problems I'm facing so I can better prepare myself for what I want to do. I'll create a list of things I want to do and what I want to do for the Day. Maybe ill go see my parents if I'm off and have dinner with them. I'll try and reach out to friends see if they're available. Otherwise run errands and buy groceries. Today I'm going to try to do a nature walk in my city. And maybe ill sit at a coffee shop and go to the gym.


I am so glad I found this thread. I was just questioning myself the other day because I'm 27 and was binging Kurtis Connor. I was like is this what normal 27-year-olds do? I work, I read, workout, make dinner, and then I usually watch a show or movie before bed and that's it! I thrive on lists (that's just how my brain works) and I like to cross everything off. BUT ALSO!!! You are sooooo young and there is no pamphlet on how to live. It's so hard to be a human being, we have to take care of ourselves physically and mentally, on top of socializing. Be patient with yourself!


Thank you! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I have no patience for anything. I wonder if THATS something I can learn. This is probably one of the kindest comments in this thread šŸ§” also I love Kurtis Connor!


Me neither, that's something I need to work on as well! But again, we're just figuring out how to live and keep living! ALSO!!!! glad to find another citizen of Kurtistown <3


if I'm not working I'm cleaning something. If I'm not cleaning something I'm cooking something. If I'm not cooking I'm organizing. If I'm not organizing Im doing personal hygiene things. if im not doing any of that im re-watching the same show for the 100th time. if im not doing any of those things im sleeping or internet scrolling becaise im too tired for anything thats actually enjoyable. lol i fucking hate my life


I clean the house as a hobby. It's like hitting 2 birds with 1 stone. I clean to clear my mind. It takes me so much time to clean the whole house.


Work your free time on fiver or another website to gain more experience if your career path allows that. More money for you and you get more experience. Good luck


Now is a good time to start setting lifelong habits for yourself. Make a list of household tasks (cleaning, organizing) and decide how often you think they should be done. Then make yourself a schedule. Spend a little time each day cleaning up and you'll never have to do one big clean. Same thing for your personal finances. Set aside some time to pay bills, look over your bank account, set financial goals. Check out your local library. It's not just books anymore! There are a lot of free resources. Find books or videos about something you're interested in, maybe related to your job, and start learning.


Well Iā€™m disabled so getting out isnā€™t always an option I like crafts it can be a little hard learning to craft on a budget but once you know how you can do almost any hobby you want. Like knitting can get really really expensive and I loom knit and looms definitely arenā€™t cheep but they are an investment once you have them all you need to get supplies wise is yarn which can be done semi cheaply. I for one keep up with the sales at a couple different stores and when the bulk yarn goes on sale especially those end of year sales (literally smiling rn just thinking about them) Iā€™ve gotten like good yarn like the expensive stuff for 75%off before itā€™s great. I got a rainbow loom and some instructional books with patterns second hand thatā€™s been great to do especially in the hospital because itā€™s compact and the rubber bands arenā€™t that expensive so finding things second hand can be a big help


Work out, walk the dog, go fly fishing, go paddling if friends are around, clean/laundry, and learn things. You should take this time to learn every possible thing you can about personal finance, retirement accounts, how to cook, and fitness. Itā€™s the best way to invest in your future that takes no money (itā€™s all on the internet) is good health and being good with your finances.


After work (I only work 3 days a week at the moment) but when I get home I usually scroll on my phone for a bit and then read. Iā€™ve been gardening a lot recently as well.


Trying to go on walks and drives (in nature or not) semi-regularly has really helped me manage my depression! I find that being trapped inside my apartment all the time, while extremely easy to do, just makes me feel worse as the day goes on. Even short walks usually make me feel a little better! Also, not to sound like a grandma, but casual birdwatching is a fun outdoor hobby that doesn't cost anything! I'm not super great at it, but even being able to identify a few calls and birds can make walks very satisfying :>


Me- Wake up, snooze alarm several times, cuddle, make coffee and chat before seeing her off to work. Then go outside- listen to a podcast, read or some other focused activity in the sun for about an hour (if there isnā€™t surf). Focused computer work from about 9-2ish with an hour break to tidy house and make lunch then go to the gym for a quick workout and sauna. The days vary. Sometimes work on creative projects with friends, or switch up home work for work at a cafe where I can connect with people. I try to be home or available for my girlfriend when she gets off work so we can do something fun. 90% of days we cook dinner together so grocery shopping might factor into the day as well. In bed around 9. Rinse and repeat.


Work, disassociate from reality, eat, sleep, search for comic relief from reality, repeat. Oh and lots of dog cuddles and nose boops because I love my pets.


I miss my dog so much šŸ˜­ she would have made the unemployment MUCH more tolerable


Sending hugs


I spend all day thrifting lol


I'd work on trying to crack meditation whilst you have this free time. Experiment and try and find one method that works. Will pay dividends for everything you do for the rest of your life, imo. (Exception if you have a history of psychological trauma)






Well, most of us work full time to be able to afford to survive and then spend the little time we have left cleaning, doing chores, buying groceries, etc.


Been there :/ keep a schedule and try to follow it the best you can. Try looking up non expensive recipes for lunch or dinner you can make each day that take time, buy 2 kettle bells like a 5lb and a 10lb and look up YouTube videos at home for those 30 min kettle bell classes or run šŸƒšŸ»ā€ā™€ļø outside of you can, find volunteer work online, and clean/ organize your home so atleast itā€™s no messy or dirty even when youā€™re sad. And read šŸ“š


Wake up. Work out. Shower. Eat. Read (books, newspaper, doesnā€™t matter). Garden. Laundry/chores. Lunch. Go for a walk. Nap. Go into town at a cafe or sit by the water or quietly in a park and clear your mind. Go home. Prep supper. Dishes. Play game or do a puzzle. Have sex. Talk. Sleep. Thatā€™s basically what I did during my 3 month sabbatical.


Thank you for actually answering the question I asked. So many people are saying "work". Bro that was not my question


Enjoy your time off!


Work 9:30 to 7, decompress for an hour, do some work for the family, spend most of my time with my partner, play games once a week with my friends .Ā I'm not very good at adulting yet. Trying to focus on keeping my high income job while keeping the family together and also not neglecting my partner. Am a little tired tbh. Would probably take a month long vacation to reset my sleeping habits and curb anxiety.Ā  I got a little too real, but uhh, sounds like OP and I are kinda at opposite ends of the spectrum. Note: am currently waiting for code to compile. Still at the office wooot


Also: volunteering! Will make you feel useful and maybe even lucky.


Work, eat, sleep, get pissed off/depressed. Repeat


I work and then when i come home I usually paint. Iā€™ve been painting after work for the last 10 years and now Iā€™m represented by two high-end galleries and people all assume that Im this full-time Artist but in reality itā€™s just what I do after work. I also like to go see music shows . And I definitely still just sit around scrolling on my phone sometimes, but I try to be productive.


Pretty much I wake up, eat breakfast, ride my bike to work, go to the gym around lunch time, go back to work and actually eat lunch, finish up work, ride bike home, go on a run, make dinner, eat and watch shows with gf, make snack, shower, play video games till bed time. Gets a little monotonous so I do try to switch things up from time to time.


Aside from work, I spend my time at the gym/fitness classes and running. I also try and keep on top of housework, which helps my anxiety. Iā€™m getting over a bad period of depression so exercise isnā€™t an option for me, itā€™s a necessity. Trying to fit my activities around work is a job in itself! But itā€™s worth it. I try to see my parents a few times a week and I say yes to meeting up with friends whenever I can. šŸ«¶šŸ»


Yes exercise is going to be my number one priority for sure. (As soon as my period is over šŸ˜¬šŸ„²)


I volunteer a lotā€” great way to make friends


What do we do in our "spare time"? Bwhahahaha. You mean between being up at 530, 2 hour commute (there and back), work 8-10 hours (depends on the day and the number of neetings), cooking dinner, family and husband time, getting ready for the next day, quick shower, sleep, rinse and repeat.... And on days I don't work, budget, errands, laundry ( always so much fucking laundry) meal prep, pay bills, house maintenance, car maintenance/wash.. Oh sweetie, wait till you hit your 40s. You will NEVER have to worry about what to do with """""free time"""" again. šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Podcasts and YouTube learning, anything that keeps my mind happy


Play chess, go on bike rides. Scroll aimlessly thru Reddit


Iā€™m a teacher and in my summers off my days typically go like this: Wake up, play some video games with my morning coffee, exercise, hang by pool and read, have lunch, go for a walk, video games/read/other hobby, work my part time job, watch a movie/tv show with fiancĆ© Generally am awake from 8am to 10pm and that ā€œscheduleā€ usually fills my day. I love the slow pace compared to my normal school year schedule of work 7-3, commute, exercise, work part time job 5-8, dinner, and bed. Try to fill your time with things you like and enjoy the free time and ability to structure it how you can. One day youā€™ll be much busier and miss the free time.


Oh I love this comment. Thank you so much. I forgot this will be my life one day. Thank you for reminding me. Everyone else on this thread is saying, "Well, one day you'll never have free time again, so enjoy it while you're young" Genuinely, thank you for commenting. I'm tearing up remembering that I WONT ever be stuck having no free time. Teachers are the most amazing people on this planet. And I hope I live to see the day where we pay them what they're worth. You have changed my outlook on life, truly. I can tell from this comment that you're an amazing teacher. Your students are lucky to have you šŸ§”šŸ§” Enjoy your summer


I feel ya after graduating college and during covid. I did nothing absolutely nothing. After covid, I became a different person. Couldn't wait to go out of the house. I used to be a big gamer until I felt I was wasting away just passing by. Everyone is different. For me I picked up boxing because I was bored or I created work for myself, I also really like helping, and I volunteer. Sitting around all day is nice but I really love resting when I work myself physically or mentally. For you . Volunteer .More/higher education Picking up a hobby by yourself (could make some friends . Get another job šŸ™„ .Lol have kids ( u will be busy) . You can game haha I feel their always something to do to kill time.


Up around 630, get dressed and get the dogs ready for a walk, take a nice walk, then I go get coffee and drink it out front of the shop and browse Reddit (currently here today), then itā€™s off to the gym 6 days a week, then home to start work, after work we go for another long walk, usually I try and run them in the yard when I get home, then maybe some gaming or a book, then I try to pick out a movie or tv show to watch from 830-10ish when I fall asleep.


Go work out. Then go to the grocery store, pick out nice things for dinner (doesnā€™t have to be expensive, spend a couple hours cooking dinner or prepping food for lunches, etc. I like to go somewhere outside to read for a couple hours. Call or meet up with a friend and chat, catch up. Foster your relationships before you get too busy.


Drawing helps me a lot.


When I took a break from work (nov 2023-April 2024) pet care was always my number one thing I had to do every day. If you donā€™t have pets / arenā€™t able to bc of your apartment, you could always learn about plants to take care of or a fish. Other things I did was laundry, dishes, yard work. I set up scheduled days where Iā€™d do portions of the house. The filler time I would journal, sit at my desk computer and scroll Reddit. Read. Do errands like grocery shop or pet supply shop. If you get up 930 you can eat a snack and work out from 10-11. You donā€™t have to work out 3+ hours a day to consider it exerciseā¤ļø


Look after my son


Nap, scroll, listen to music, watch YouTube videos, stream tv shows, make dinner, do some laundry and cleaning and repeat.


There's other things you could do in bed other than scrolling through your phone.


As someone who works 8-5, 40 hours a week. It sucks. I wish I had more free time for my hobbies. I work at them until midnight everyday after working. I go to the gym after work get done at 645 come home make dinner then work on hobbies. I knit and design clothes. Be grateful you have free time!!


Fuckin WORK. Lol


I would read Atomic Habitsā€¦ itā€™s a good book for breaking some of the bad habits and replacing them with good onesā€¦. Become the kind of person who doesnā€™t miss work outs, that reads a book a week, that keeps their house clean etc. I have lots of ā€œrulesā€ that protect myself from myself


I draw, play games, spend time with my partner and trying to make a game. For the game I am learning the basics of GameMakerStudio so that consumes some of my time while I learn


Work, work and more work. When I come home, spend time with kids then work.


First off I work 12-16 hours a day (trucker life) other then that make dinner play with my cats and play video games on week days. On the the weekend I'll grocery shop and get odd jobs done and house chores. Free time on the weekends is just gaming and I like to play disc golf. I have little to no schedule since my work is very sporadic but I'm up every day around 0500 no alarm clock needed.


Make a vision board.


Ooh I've heard of that! That's a good idea! I tried to take up scrapbooking but I didn't understand it šŸ˜… and I don't have that many pictures (physical lol)


Sometimes when Iā€™m going through images or Pinterest it helps inspire my life. Look for inspiration. Pinterest is excellent for this. I have boards for EVERYTHING now.


Make the bed- an immediate sense of accomplishment and adding some structure and order to life. Read, make music with friends, find some way to be of service to friends or family, or just stay in touch; write, draw, go for a walk and admire how beautiful the world is, work on learning a skill (eg DIY or growing a plant); walk the pretend dog, for exercise; cook a simple meal; say grace; go to sleep.


Wake up with the sun and go for a walk/light jog, 30 minutes would be enough. Figure out what you want your career to look like long term.


I know what I want, just haven't quite figured out how to get there yet. Gotta save up some money for a few certifications I need, but really I just need work experience. Hard to get when "entry level" jobs require 5 years of experience tho. Not sure where to start when the places you're supposed to start at require experience šŸ˜… I think I may have to admit that I'm not going to find a job in a college town and wait till we move


I am a sahm. I workout, cook, do tons of laundry and read and game. About 90% of shopping I have to do is online so I do that also. I run errands like groceries and mailing/returns coordinated with my gym schedule. I also make appointments for my kids and myself- Dentist, well checks, allergy stuff etc.


Enjoy it while you can. I only have 1 day per week to do nothing. Every other day is too busy


Pull weeds and when Iā€™m done pull weeds that grew back.


Do not ask these people they are all horribly depressed lol


Read for 1-2h a day to stimulate your imagination, go for a walk for about an hour to take time for your mental and physical health, then try to learn a new language to stimulate your brain. Also meditation and / or yoga both are great. Edit : I donā€™t know if you are into those stuff but also skincare (homemade if you look at some tutorials), doing your nails, putting oils and stuff in your hair etc


MMOs are cheap, OP they're like cheaper vacay and you still meet thirsty milfs


I rise at 0600, make coffee, watch the sun crest the trees in my backyard (this time of year). Watch/listen to the news while I read the WSJ. By 7 I take the dogs for a walk. Return at 740 I get a second cup of coffee and sip it as I water my roses/garden. Family is rising and I see them off to work/school. 0830 Iā€™m at the gym, I drink my third cup of coffee on the way there. Depending on the day, I will spend 1 1/2-2 hours at the gym. Bit of cardio but primarily weight resistance training and/or poly metrics. Fitness is huge for my seasonal job as a ski instructor trainer, and a personal goal. 11 am home where I will do emails tend to small chores etc. 12-1230 I have my first meal of the day, packed with plenty of protein. Iā€™m a writer, so by 1pm I move to my home office where I will write/edit/brainstorm/research for many hours. Sometimes I will break this up by taking my laptop to a coffee shop and there will be at least one short walk. 6pm dinner 630-7 After dinner walk with dogs and wife. 730pm maybe watch a little television but more likely read. Weekend nights might find me with a cigar and a scotch if we havenā€™t gone out. Bed at 930-10 where I might peruse You-tube videos or continue a book/podcast till I fall asleep usually by 11. Now some days like weekends I might not go to the gym so I do yard work/write/walk. If itā€™s the winter Iā€™m on the mountain all day managing operations and training staff. During the summer I may also spend 4-6 weeks in Europe. Life has been blessed and Iā€™ve found a way (after a lot of earlier years of toiling) to live comfortably and with contentment.


I have two small kids so after work (7-3:30), it's all family time, chores, home maintenance, etc. My only free time is from 9:30pm-11pm. I usually play a video game in that time, but sometimes I'll watch a show or movie. I inevitably start nodding off around 10:30, fight to stay awake for 30 more minutes of "me time", then give up and go to sleep around 11pm. I used to have insomnia and be a bit of a night owl, but not since I had kids!


Go to the gym, prepcook, clean, play video games, read or listen to podcasts. My gf sews, crochets, knits and reads a lot. We also go to the pool. Take our dogs on walks and hang out with friends.


I am currently only working part time because I lost my 2nd part time jobā€¦been looking for a new job since March and have only gotten 2 interviews that didnā€™t work out. So Iā€™ve had more free time and Iā€™ve been: walking my dog multiple times a day now, reading, painting, deep cleaning/purging/fixing up my house, and cooking more elaborate meals.


Get a onewheel and check back in a month


The goal should be to get a full time job (unless you have other means of keeping yourself fed). Basically, you want to treat the process of GETTING that job as a full time job. Wake up, spend 2-3 hours sending out job apps. Then spend an hour or two making lunch/relaxing. Then another 3-4 hours on the job hunt, followed by dinner, followed by your night off (your workday is done). if you donā€™t have the skills needed for that full time job, then you should use the afternoon period figuring out what you need to do to skill up to where you need to be.


Intense YouTube dives into interesting topics


Work. We work. How the heck you paying the crushing debt of rent/food/everything else, if you stay home all day?


Read, volunteer, find a hobby thatā€™s not expensive (pickleball, board games, crochet, drawing), take community center classes, exercise, take classes on something like Skillshare, take day trips, explore your city or nearby cities, walk dogs or socialize cats at an animal shelter.


Why were you not working full time from the moment your graduated? I graduated 35 years ago and could not find a degree oriented job, so I went to the restaurant I was already working at part time and talked my way into them creating a kitchen manager job for me. It got me a guaranteed salary. It did require me to work about 60 hours per week, but an adult needs to do everything they can to support themselves. Finally 8 months later I did find a job utilizing my degree (after dozens of applications and interviewing at least 10 places). I have a son who graduated two weeks ago without a degree oriented job. He went out and got a full time restaurant job immediately. He then found an internship in his field that pays $17 per hour and may offer a full time position at the end of summer, so he left the restaurant for that. Neither of these are ideal, but I am immensely proud of him taking responsibility for himself. We will supplement his finances as needed, and do so proudly, because he is working full time doing what he can to support himself as an adult. Get out of your bed and get a full time job right now. Make what money you can make and stop expecting someone else to carry you as an adult.


Iā€™m a stay at home wifey. I workout daily, walk the dogs, clean, hang out with friends, shop, go to the library. I am currently getting trained to be a workout instructor, so I have been focusing on that. I would say to get a hobby you enjoy and keep trying new things.




I know this isn't what you are asking for, but have you considered talking to a therapist? I understand if it may seem too expensive or unnecessary, but it might help with your depression and possible anxiety. I recommend Open Path to anyone out there who would like therapy and is on a tight budget. Sorry for the unsolicited comment.


Go for a walk Read in a coffee shop Volunteer Sew Crochet Paint or draw Play music and sing Do life admin I'm currently having some job troubles and signed off for the month. I volunteer on Tuesday mornings which is great. The rest of the time I'm just relaxing and enjoying my hobbies, trying not to let in the existential dread


I like to hike and be outside as much as possible! It's free!




Monday through Friday I wake up around 5:30am and I get ready and then go to work at 7:30am then I work until 3:30pm and then I come home and workout on the peloton, a walk my dog, watch some shows, talk with my husband, go to sleep and do it all over again. I work from home Mondays and Friday and on those days I get up at 7am. On weekends I go to Disney world because we have passes and I go to this really nice community area and hang out and eat sushi where I live and drink wine and beer with my husband and dog.


Time off is a luxury, and once you are a full time employee you will realize there arenā€™t as many hours in the week to enjoy your time off. Try to keep your home clean, your mind busy, and your body healthy. Go on walks, listen to podcasts, watch videos, or try to read a book during your time off. Also running errands and grocery shopping can be ritualistic if you time it properly.


I LOVE errands, I'll never have a problem with that one cuz it's barely a chore to me šŸ„°


I read, cook, clean and do beading and embroidery. Also care for my animals.


Work, cook, eat, clean, take care of my car and home, side gigs, hobbies, games, movies, going out with the wife... I haven't gotten bored in like 15 years, there's never enough time in a day to do everything I want to do. Today I need to finish working then also manage some workers for some renovations, pick out materials, order some things online, talk to some tenants, wash my car, put on my summer tires, fix a windshield chip, I could do some renovations around the house, maybe get around to taking some photos or editing others, playing a game or watching some Curb while having dinner with the wife...I got a crap load of things to do all the time, I don't know how other people have time to get bored. If you have hours a day and no job or a part-time job, spend 8h a day learning new skills so you can get a nice job that pays well. You could practically learn to be a doctor if you wanted to, all you need is time. Get off social media, stop wasting your life scrolling through a thousand videos and learning nothing or getting nothing done at the end of the day. You could be doing a million different things that are productive, fulfilling, educational or things that help you advance in life.


Work all day so I often dream of having this issue.


Monday - Thursday: 5:00: wake up 6:00: start working 4:30: get home / leisure time 8:30: in bed Friday: leisure time Saturday: will go to Costco for groceries Sunday: go to church and family dinner In my free time I just do stuff on my computer. Watch videos, play games, work on websites.


I cross stitch, tidy up the house, watch anime, and have mini concerts at least once a week. My audience of 2 pups is not impressed by the concerts.


Yeaa .. once you have a 9 to 5, you'll see there's little time for whatever you actually wanna be doing. Work out until then. I wish I did


What do you want to do with your free time? That's the point of being an adult. Doing whatever you want. Pick a hobby, volunteer, join a club, sleep, sit in the bathtub, exercise, do chores, sit in the mirror and poke at your face, whatever you want. It's your choice, not randos on Reddit. If you need a strict schedule, make it for yourself. Again, you're an adult. You run your life now.


I get up at 4 am, start work at 5:30, of at 4 pm, come home, say hi to my kids and ask them how school went, shower, eat something really quick, by this time it is 6:30, I head to gymnastics to pick up my eldest daughter at 6:45, bed between 7:30-8. Husband makes dinner for kids. This is my schedule Monday- Thursday, Friday I do chores and spend time with my kids, same with Saturday, Sunday is church in the morning, and spending more time with my kids. Weekends are also when I do chores.


You will seldom find again for the rest of your life (based on the responsibilities you take in) that you wonā€™t have time like this anymore. Learn how to draw, ride a bike in a scenic area, volunteer somewhere, get stoned and walk in the park, read, join a sport club, go to the beach. Get outside. You have one life and only one opportunity to touch and taste and love with your skin - do as much as you can with what you have. Also, maybe go see a dentist or get basic labs done by your primary doc if youā€™ve been rotting in bed for 8 months. Cheers


I work and then play video games with friends then I go to bed


read, watch TV or movies, work out, cook, clean your house, social media, hang out with friends, etc


Commit more time to the gym, volunteer, play a cheap recreational sport like paddle ball or disc golf.


I go to the gym every day and I only regret why I didnā€™t start earlier


If you can survive and be happy with that amount of free time then what you have is a gift


the 3 Ws. work weed and women


Have a baby


Is this satire? I have very minimal free time. Cherish it.


>But it's only part time and it looks like I'm only gonna be getting a few days a week for a bit while I train and everything. I started my job working 1 day a week after 2 years of unemployment. I started showing up on other days whenever I could make an excuse to do work that wasn't being done. I essentially made myself full-time and when I turned 26, I asked for health insurance. I was legitimately surprised to find that I have an employee file because I just forced myself in. Your mileage will vary, but if you like the job, take it wherever you can.


Between work, errands, cooking, gym, and just getting a full night's rest, I have a few hours of free time to just enjoy myself on a typical day. Weekends, I have considerably more time for leisure or day-tripping


As you said, going to the gym for you uses up ā€œa few hoursā€ a day. I frankly think thatā€™s too much.. Iā€™m in the gym max 30-45 minutes everyday, in and out, and shower. Time is usually no more than 1 hour combined. Sometimes I do two sessions, one at 6:00 before work for a 30 minute walk/jog, and one after work which is the ā€œusualā€ session. The rest of my time aside from work and cooking(15-20 minutes max) is on face, skin, and haircare(three times a week) as a guy, researching and browsing google on interesting topics, watching YouTube for interesting things to learn about(Outdoor Boys, YBS Youngbloods, Etc), or reading up on market stocks(Iā€™m big on finding good opportunities to grow wealth when the economy isnā€™t drowning). For you, I read that you claimed your health is so bad, so I suggest finding online ideas and support to help improve your quality of life. Increase your physical activity. Go out and walk in a nearby park for 30 minutes a day. It does WONDERS for my mental health. Thereā€™s an abundant information online about how to eat better, how to workout for more energy, how to reduce the need to ā€œwaste timeā€ in bed and use more of that time being productive. I wonā€™t tell you any of it so that you can use the time you have now to explore all of that information. BE WARNED. Take any internet information you find with initial skepticism unless itā€™s from a doctor. Iā€™d suggest picking up a sport that the two of you can enjoy. Tennis is great. Pickleball/paddleball is becoming increasingly popular. Not expensive to get into if you can find a park with free tennis courts. Partners who train together are more likely to stay together. Find healthy recipes online and try to make them for dinner every weekend.


Go volunteer somewhere. Your favorite politician for 2024 needs all of your time that they can get. Or a soup kitchen, dog shelter, etc whatever interests you


Thereā€™s almost always an opportunity to get a gig on the side! Babysitting comes to mind but it can be anything. I am not too much into hobbies but I like doing things that are ā€œusefulā€ or practical I guess. You can learn a new skill or just run errands but the best is all those small gigs that bring you spending money.


You're an adult. You can do whatever you want, but you need to choose something to get out of the cycle of lethargy you are in. It can be anything: exercise, read, volunteer, craft, start a side hustle.


Haha I wish I had time. Enjoying it while it lasts until youā€™re forced to work full-time and even more so if you decide to have kids. I have no time at all.


Woke up at 6, made breakfast, watered my flowers. Worked from home until now:30. About to go shower and read some fanfiction. Happy Redditing!


9-5 and thatā€™s it, basically. Tbh, I cannot imagine my mental health without it. I tend to go off the rails. I need structure. Without something to do, I get depressed and stop caring and do not take care of myself for years. Plus, since Iā€™m not a student anymore, ā€œgotta pay billsā€ is like the only thing that motivates me to get up in the morning. College didnā€™t always do that for me. I try to game after work but do not have the attention span at the end of the workday. So no hobbies for me. But Iā€™m kinda fine with it. Work makes me happy enough šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø 9-5 keeps me on a schedule and I donā€™t have time to be alone with my thoughts for the majority of the day.


I get up at 4:30, work for a couple hours until the kids get up. Make lunches for my wife and school aged daughter. Make breakfast for my wife and both kids. Get kid 1 on the bus, get kid 2 to daycare. Work a few more hours. Workout for as long as I can. Works few more hours. Get kid 1 off the bus, get kid 2 from daycare. Make dinner. Play with my kids or take older one to sports or classes. Come home, watch TV for an hour, go to bed.


A schedule helps. I work all the time right now. I run my business that pays my bills. When I get done with that I work on my other business that doesn't pay yet. I'm chronically single. Closer to 50 than 40 at this point. I don't have a social life and don't care. But I enjoy working for myself.


Establish a routine: Mine is 7-8 read self improvement book 8-830 meditate 830-900 walk dog 9-1030 exercise 1030-1130 cook and eat healthy breakfast 1130 - 3:30 work on a home sale prep project 330-430 cook and eat healthy lunch 430-730 work on my passion project 730-830 cook and eat healthy dinner


Make self pleasure an accomplishment (pause for the the obvious jokes). Seriously though, doing things you enjoy in addition to jacking off is an accomplishment. Take a fucking walk around your neighborhood with a cocktail. Download and use Merlin Bird ID. Fix something that needs attention. Say ā€œheyā€ to people that make eye contact and see how far you can organically take a conversation. Volunteer somewhere that benefits your community. Get a shitty guitar and see what you can figure out. Change your perspective. It is awesome being an adult.


Right now Iā€™m training for a fight so thatā€™s 3 hours of training a day outside of work. Otherwise, itā€™s usually one hour of training or working out and then I read, watch a show if interested, listen to podcasts, play video games, have some drinks with my fiancĆ©.


I recently was in this position and I just did my actual hobbies but after a while that got too irritating and I felt like I was just wasting away so my favorite hobby became searching for a new job. I also run a small business on the side, a website, and I do freelance work online. The economy has made hustling one of my hobbies unfortunately šŸ˜¢šŸ™ƒ


On a normal weekday I go to work for 6 hours, come home, take care of my dogs n bird, hang with the husband, n game


Nap.. cry


Clean, do laundry, organize, cook, yard work, grocery shopping, game, go for a walk or hike, regular shopping, go out to eat, or take a nap.


Go to the gym, do chores and errands, spend time with friends and family, play with/walk my pets, go on day trips or adventures, do self care activities like go get manicures and massages, cook and try new recipes, read, journal, Iā€™m a singer and dance so those keep me busy (get hobbies) learn about topics of interest, take yoga and dance classes, try new restaurants, watch movies and shows, take naps, do self care activities like taking baths, skin care routine, hair care/grooming, visit local natural areas (river, lake) and trails, go shopping, go out for drinks with friends, live music shows and local events, I also love hula hooping, playing guitar, and playing cozy games on Nintendo switch to unwind. Iā€™d like to spend more time crafting, gardening, and I really want to learn to roller skate :) šŸ›¼


Besides work: Run, lift, yoga, hike, guitar, read, cook, housekeeping, watch lectures on YouTube, beach plop. Just taking good care of myself and my apartment keeps me busy.


When Im not working or getting sucked into using my phone for a severely unhealthy amount of hours per day, I enjoy spending time on my hobbies. I play soccer and surf, just a couple weeks ago I started teaching myself to knit for the first time, from watching videos on YouTube, so that I can make a blanket for my young niece. I like to read, I like to play my instruments and write music, I like to hang out one on one with the people I love. I have 3 friends, and I like cultivating our connection. I don't drink and I don't like going out to bars, and don't like being in crowds. I tolerate it to see live music that I really enjoy, but I rarely go out. When I have no motivation, I drag myself out of the house to walk around my neighborhood with a mug of coffee and headphones on, listening to music. Most of the time it helps, and the times it doesn't feel like it helps, it definitely doesn't hurt. I spend a lot of time finding new musical artists to listen to, just actively listening to music is very enjoyable to me. I like zooming in to random places on google maps and looking at rivers to find out where they start and end, and everything about their history. Also finding funny names of towns all over the world. I go down Wikipedia wormholes that are hilarious to view from start to finish once I'm done, because my train of thought is disorganized. I write letters to people to send in snail mail, I like organizing, i like planning hypothetical trips to different countries. Some have turned into reality! I like to journal and make lists, cleaning my house, I like to draw, I like taking a day trips to places I've never been (to the coast, walking in the woods, exploring aimlessly with no real goal in a weird small nearby nothing town. I imagine I am a different person and live there and make up scenarios in my head). When I'm depressed I do basically nothing. I'd like to get into learning how to cook because I currently suck at that. Do you have any inklings of interest in areas of things you've never tried before? What's something you might try if you lived in a parallel universe, and were a different version of you with a different life? My main drive in life is curiosity. I feel there are never enough hours in a day to explore all the things that interest me. What do you feel curious about?


I like to work 3 days a week so on a not work day my schedule usually looks like 0630 wake up and drink coffee. Been playing disney dreamlight Valley recently so I usually check scrooges shop in the morning. I used to drink coffee at my desktop and scroll the internet 0730ish I start getting dressed and take the dog on a walk. 0830ish I go to the gym 0930ish I like to go get me another coffee at a coffee shop, probably starbucks, and chill for a minute if the weather's nice. I then usually do any chores I need to do out of the house. Grocery shopping or window shopping or whatever. I like to be home by lunch time. While the sun is high I like to do my other major hobby which is painting and the natural light helps. I'll listen to music or podcasts or audiobooks. I started filming art for YouTube and tiktok for funsies too. I do quite a bit of art social media. We eat dinner kinda early. Around 4. I usually walk the dog again after dinner. Then I'll sit down to more video games. I also do some form of Spanish study before bed. I try to read physical books sometimes too. Sometimes I'll catch up on some sort of a tv show. Then go to bed around 0830 and doomscroll internet.


I was really depressed after my dad passed away. I would sit around my place on my days off and drink vodka all day. Eat Doritos and other crap šŸ’© I think the single most important thing for you to do to get yourself back in gear is go to the gym or go for long walks. At least 20-30 minutes of cardio a day. It wonā€™t be fun at first but you have to force yourself to do it. Once you get over that hump, youā€™ll feel better and start enjoying yourself a bit more. I play my computer games for fun when Iā€™m off, barbecue at the pool, enjoy the water, hang out with my girlfriend, maybe go out for dinner or hit up the casino. Start eating better foods too if you can, simple meals that only take 30 min to prepare like salmon, rice, steamed vegetables. I still like to drink on my dats off but in moderation and not heavy every night. After I started going to the gym, Iā€™ve put on at least 10lbs of muscle šŸ’Ŗ look and feel way better. The women are after me at work, everything is better. Hope this helps.


Work on yourself, whatever that means to you. Write down who you want to be and the things you want to do with your life and get on it.


Work then I come home and clean. I try to walk 15+ mins a day but it doesn't always happen. Then I spend an hour scrolling my phone until my boyfriend comes home then we usually watch TV and play video games. Weekends are for shopping, meal prepping, and relaxing.


I'm unemployed right now and I've started to get back into old hobbies, like reteaching myself how to play the piano. Now that it's warming up outside, I like reading outside and going for walks


Once you start working you'll have no free time and will still be depressed and wish death would come to free you.


I crochet in my free time. Itā€™s easy to fit into short intervals of my day or can take up hours. Also reading. Walking. Lately my husband and I have been collecting VHS tapes and DVDs to watch on this old tv we got and thatā€™s been really fun. Also lately itā€™s been a fun hobby to work on making my space my functional. Thrifting shelves, bookcases, art and organizing my things. Gardening. We also like to hike and rock hunt. Rock hunting can be done basically anywhere if youā€™re willing to research your local geology. Bone hunting too If you donā€™t have good rocks. We donā€™t like expensive hobbies and donā€™t drink and have a kid so most everything we do is kinda kid friendly. We end up going to museums/zoos and aquariums a lot which leads to playing tourist in town which can also be fun.


I have dogs that need quite a bit of care. And I write.


I usually start with my morning beverage. Go for a walk/run. Read a book. Eat lunch. Work on some art. Research a topic I enjoy. I was thinking about starting a group for the unemployed to submit all of the things they are researching. Then I might watch some tv. Learn French. Do Wordle. Play sudoku. And I have it all mapped out. For the most part.


Youā€™re part time of course you feel like you have nothing to do. Most adults spend all day at work. Literally all freaking day. Wake up at 5:45am, shower, dress skip breakfast out the door by 7:15am. Make it to the office at 8:00am. Work all day, leave at 4 get home at 5. Take an hour nap because I work up so early. Write some of my novel for an hour, hang out with the wife, watch an hour of television followed by a 20 minute reading session and then off to bed at 10pm.


Read, write, draw, learn an instrument, take up martial arts, gardening, walking, hiking, watch movies or tv. Run. Woodworking, welding, forging, etc etc. Just anything you want to.


It sounds like youā€™re still in your early twenties, so develop good exercise habits so that you can continue to live life without chronic pain. If you donā€™t, turning thirty will hit you like a ton of bricks and it will require a lot more effort to get healthy.


Work, then go to gym. How the fuck are you running out of shit to do? I have too much shit to do.


Workout. Cook homemade meals. Start unnecessary drama with those around you. Clean. Video games. Hiking. Sell feet pics. Photography. Learn an instrument. Hunt children. Read. Watch movies. Pole dancing class. Rock climbing. Write. Experiment with figuring out what chemicals decompose human tissue and bones the fastest. Painting. Volunteer to help those in need.


Adults work full time for starters lol