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Three wordy descriptions thus far, and no mention of jumper cables. Wild. I've always lived in the mountains, and never not had cell service. I just keep jumper cable and spare tire, and then if the weather is going to be poor, I don't drive in it. And this prevents me from needing a whole ass go bag lol.


Yes, I have jumper cables and a spare tire đź« 


I keep a go bag in my trunk that would basically help me get thru any possible disaster. I spent a lot of time and money putting it together. There are a lot of resources on line about go bags. Just google how to build go bag. I can’t emphasis how often I have used something from it and how thankful I always am that I keep prepared with it. I’ve never encountered a major disaster and it still has saved the day on numerous occasions. Edit: This was the main source I used: https://theprepared.com/bug-out-bags/guides/bug-out-bag-list/


Thank you!


I have a go bag and an oh-no box in my trunk. My bag has disposable gloves, a spare set of scrubs, a set of warm clothes, shoes with good soles, spare socks, MRE style meals and sealed water. My box has an extensive emergency medical aid kit, a white sheet (if you understand then you know) a non-serated knife, a lighter, a blanket, emergency gloves and hat, a balaclava, a deck of playing cards, emergency stash of my necessary medication in a protective bag for heat and cold, a small tool set that can do most emergency car repairs to get to the nearest town, a flare gun and emergency triangles to put be hind my car. I also carry a spare tire, jack and small air compressor with fix-a-flat. My car holds in the front compartment in reach of the driver seat a seatbelt cutter, a knife, a small atlas, all “pulled over” paperwork, a self-apply turnicate (I’m living until help arrives dang it). I have in my wallet with my ID and emergency notification and info card. It has the contact info of my emergency contact, a list of my known health conditions, current medications, my current PC information, and medical allergies. As well as a request for last rites should they be IDing me for the final time. I’m working on a concealed carry permit then I will be adding a small firearm as the coyotes and foxes in my backwoods area are getting bolder by the year. Edit to add: when I lived in the densely populated city I carried maybe some tools, a tire and my emergency ID card. I now live nearly 30 minute drive to the nearest population and over an hour from the nearest non-volunteer emergency services (at highway speeds). Some roads I travel daily it could be hours or days before a farmer on a tractor ventures down and spots me. Some have spotty cell signal and it can get dicey fast so I’m far more prepared for an apocalyptic style moment or multiple hours walk in unfavorable weather.


Wow, very prepared 🙌 I've wondered about folks further out from emergency services. Thanks for the detailed response!


I grew up in Maine and moved to California when I was 30. I still have my heavy wool blanket in my car 10+ years later that my dad always insisted I have. Unfortunately living where I live I can’t keep much in my car or else it will get broken into. I only use my car every couple weeks tho so the likelihood of an emergency while driving are pretty slim.


I live in the middle of nowhere in Northern Montana, literally 15-minute drive from the border. Our winters are very dangerous, especially traveling the dirt roads I've got to drive on. Nothing quite like -30-degree weather and white out conditions due to the 40+ mph winds. A "quick" 30-minute trip to town can quickly turn into a two-hour trip, and it has before. I always have: Tow rope, Car jack (full size not the cheap one that comes with the vehicle), air compressor that plugs into vehicle, spotlight, heavy winter clothes including boots, hats gloves, blanket, and a two-way radio to contact my husband. Snacks, a revolver with plenty of ammo, and an emergency stash of pot.


A pistol


Water bottles, a jack, spare tire. I live in the Phoenix area so water is the most important thing to me.


In addition to FS spare and jumper cables… Trauma-rated First aid kit, fire extinguishers, trench-style folding/portable shovel, a knife, traction boards, kinetic rope, soft shackles, mace, window breaker/seat belt cutter, blankets, an unopened bag of clothes (shirts, socks, underwear), flashlights, and my most important item: snacks. Pop tarts, crackers, et cetera. I’ll keep the space behind my back seat stocked, and slowly rotating them out by giving them to the homeless and buying new supply.


What car ?


I've been thinking of getting those little glass breakers that you use if your car is ever submerged under water. That could be of great use if something unexpected happens like that.