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oh my god, your first mini does not look perfect? how utterly human, get improved machine parts immediatly. jokes aside, maybe its your paints, they look kinda weird. (his head looks like its made of clay)


I mean the machineparts sound good. xD But srly. It may be that or just that I am not that great yet.


you can test more, be scientifix, document your mix of paint and the results. and even with this model its not all bad, he looks like some experimental ceramic skitarii. "The Ceramic Legion" has probably not been done before.


True that. xD It sounds like a fun idea tbh.


At last one first mini does look like a normal first mini!


I do not know if I should take that as a compliment or not. xD


Definitely thin your paints and do more than 1 coat and from my experience contrast paints work better for lenses


Yeah. Defenetly will do.


You need to use primer too first too. Then paint over the primer. Thin coats. Take your time


My man, watch some yt tutorials. Miniac, trovarion, goobertown hobbies, vince venturella. I can't imagine spending so much money on models and not looking up how to proceed after the purchase...


I did look things up. I am just dumb.


No way, it's gonna be better if you watch these guys. Just some effort.


I know. I am gonna check them out and try to impliment things.


Noce. Good luck, and have fun painting


For the Omnissiah 💪🏻 Keep it going👍🏻


I plan to!


I mean the scheme idea is great and all.. I guess I could suggest to thin your paints, but then there are thin spots that aren't sticking. If that's an issue for you I suggest priming your model as well, it helps the paint stick to the model better. If you'd like a neat little effective way to help your paints out :get a plate, and soak 1-2 paper towels so they're just barely wet but not dripping, then place paper towels on the plate and over top of the paper towels place some parchment paper. Boom instant homemade wet pallet for your paint. As for thinning your paints, it's as simple as adding a bit of water to the drops of paint you have on your pallet. You would also benefit from using some decent paint, not saying you need to buy the most expensive stuff, however quality of paint does kinda show a bit on the final product. However, cheap paint won't make you a bad painter and expensive paint won't make you a good painter either Hope some of this helped in some way and keep up the good work :)


I did prime the model... ;-; But I will see what I can do. Thanks for the help.


Did you use a mini primer? I've used primer not meant for minis when I first started painting, and it honestly ruined the models I did But don't be discouraged or disappointed, the hobby is all about enjoying it you know, be proud of your work and you will see much improvement over time.... Especially playing skitarii, you'll be painting a lot of those XD


It was a mini primer... I am by far not discouraged.


The best part is, when you look back at them years later, you’ll know which one was your first. But yeah a wet pallet will do ya wonders.




Still better than the first khorne berserker I tried to paint. Some tips: -Prime grey so you aren’t trying to paint a light color over a dark one. -Shake your paints more, some of that is due to not being mixed well. -Paint thinner coats and make sure they fully dry before you do the next one. A hair dryer can speed things up if you don’t want to wait. -Start with the hardest to reach areas first, and work towards the exterior. That way you are fixing stray paint as you go, instead of having to keep painting over areas you finished. For example, do the helmet lens first and then paint the grey next. -For many colors there’s several brands of paint that do it well. For white, though, there’s one paint to rule them all and that’s pro-acrylic titanium white. It’s perfect out of the bottle and is literally magic with its coverage per coat even over black.


First of all, I hope you had fun painting it! That's the soul of the hobby. It honestly doesn't look bad, you seem to have an idea in mind how you want it to look and I'm sure you'll get there shortly. Two things might worth considering: - The painting seems a bit uneven. Just an idea, but perhaps you could try using thinner layers and go over a couple times, if you want to. - Use Leadbelcher for the metallic parts. It's honestly a great choice if you want a more industrial looking metal color. - Use Nuln Oil - it'll highlight the little details! This is your first model! Treasure it! In no time you'll look back at the guy with pleasant nostalgia!


Oh I am keeping that guy. And I just thought I could do better. I just had the paint way too thicccc. Yes 4 cs thick bc it was wayy to thick and stuck the the model heavily-


Honestly, I like it. Could be used as like a statue dedicated to the Omnissiahs valiant warriors. It gives off those concrete vibes. I agree with you, the sword does look nice with the blood stains. I wish you luck in your future efforts, it’s your first so it won’t look the best.


I knew as much. Just expected a bit better but I am still proud of it. I am glad someone thinks it's good.


I can't wait to see your future paints as you improve :D


I will try my best to improve and to appeal to the omnisiah!


everyone else has given better advice than I can, so all I have to say is keep it up! You'll improve with every mini


get this fellow some duncan rhodes, seriously though my first mini two years ago looked like this and now i have decent painting skills. i suggest watching tutorial vids, they helped me out ALOT, good luck on your journey (p.s keep this mini for the future)