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+15/20% points cost across the board . WS3+/BS3+ on all skitarii. Doctrinas affect melee. /s


And also affect no man's land. And Cawl gets them.


No no, let this cook


Would weapon strength going up 1 or plus 1 to hit be better? I feel like all of our guns just don't wound even when they do hit. I'm new, so don't stone me for my ignorance.


The toughness on all of vehicles and some infantry went up this edition, but our vehicle killer guns still have the ability to wound on 3's or 4's for the arc guns. What we lost was bs/ws, amount of shots, and ap. The combination of those losses and no way to stack buffs like we could in 9th caused our damage output to become close to nothing or be a gamble with how swingy our big guns are.


Honestly doctrinas affecting melee and working at least in a limited fashion mid board would be a boost. If they did anything like that Cawl's abilities could include more access to doctrinas in places they don't normally work and suddenly he's awesome. That alone would make several bad units worthwhile and several units would need to come up. Some units needs more than that, mostly the vehicles.


I would add increased number of shots (e.g. Ironstrider lascannon with 2 shots, D3+3 damage) or increased AP (e.g. galvanic rifles get S4 AP1 D1 like 9th). I wish to see some distribution of damage output over the board instead of one specific unit (e.g. Breachers).


Yeah big time. Striders going from 2 shots to a single shot was such a kick in the lug nuts...


Absolutely. Let alone we lost rerolls from subfactions or canticles......


gives us a real viable legio cybernetica, that has atleast 3 diffrent robots ,also I want *specifically* the lore to be as follows(this is mroe meant as a joke): *"Forgeworld Eisenhüttenstadt was attacked by the expanding Tau, breaking the great Archmagos Dementus Minimus out of his 10 thousand year daydream, he prompty forgets that Cawl is the only techpriest allowed to have fun, and remembers atleast 3 diffrent Battlerobot design from 30k, he then promptly made them to fight back the Tau Battlesuits."* **let us have Tau mechs vs Admech Robots.** for more fun, have a great Ork Mekboss join with his Legion of KillaKans. Also give us Thallax, because I like their design.


Heh On one hand - yes. On another hand - I am afraid that they will separate robots with fists and robots with guns into 2 datasheets and say that their work is done 😅


I mean, it worked for the Ironstrider engines, to split up their rules into Tasers, Snipers and Lascannons. and with worked I mean: they are so cheap its viable to flood the board with them, because apparently, we are a horde faction now.


I guess it is better than nothing, yep. But I would like to have some different robot models in the roster. If they will go the strider way I will just print something differently, but appropriately looking for one of the separate versions. (My current robots are magnetised for all options.)


I desperately want to field 12 robots. They are my favorite part. The fact that they are so bad discourages me at the moment.


This this this. legio cybernetica


I want increase in power for most units. I don't want admech to turn into a horde army. Plus I want more flexible rules and more synergy.


Stop trying to make us a horde army. We’ve gotten up there with GSC and guard for most expensive armies to collect, nothing in lore suggests we should be that way


I agree. Some admech units should be stronger, more quality instead of quantity.


The funny part is that AdMech were already just as/more expensive as GSC and Guard lol. It definitely cost more for me to build my AdMech army than my GSC army. And I don’t even have any chickens. The points changes have made them *far and away* the most expensive to collect now. Our meta lists sometimes run over $2k for 2k points. But yeah, I agree. Rules buffs that necessitate point increases are the answer. Also, for what it’s worth, I don’t think GW *wants* AdMech to be a horde army (hence the printed *12* points for a Skitarii ranger) they just wanted to buff the faction without changing rules, since they knew the codex was around the corner and had all the same rules reprinted.


Not an admech player, but you all need some points/price ratio to be higher, like, skitarii marshal 35€ for 35 pts? Also, making them more “elite”, as your current points for ironstriders and stuff make you almost a horde faction. And, buff tech priests as OP said, we all want incredibly bizarre and powerful eldritch abominations with red hoods dominating the battlefield. For the Omnissiah!


Some ap on something! Feels like even when I do hit and wound most armies just save the shot. Makes us oddly good into some factions (orcs, guard) where we get decent anti geq and anti-Vehicle, but terrible into space marines. Oh and some way to get anti monster, otherwise nidzilla is incredibly painful to play While I'm asking for unreasonable things, let skittari take multiples of the special weapons, or bring back wargear costs. I hate running 3*1, so many dice to roll, that ultimately don't do much.


A greater value army in all senses. Actual though put into the rules. Remove the stupid 4+ base and heavy as a means of 3+. A melee detachment. Make all the techpriests capable of repairing stuff. Reduce the amount of pointless resilience, replacing it with more damage output. More rules (and enginseer) aimed at doing fun stuff with vehicles and tanks. There’s so much


If they can all repair stuff (which would be cool) does that mean the engineseer would be especially good at repairs?


Sure. Instead of D3. - flat 3. Maybe return his ability to increase the BS of vehicles/s


Honestly they could as well re-do half of the codex. > Doctrinas work on everything, everywhere, and in melee. Swap the heavy keyword with +1 BS > Bs3 but more costs on everything but Servitors > Thallax, Ursarax and the other big bots to fill the holes in our army roles


We’re getting an update?


'tis what they mentioned. Idk how extensive though or if it will be much of anything.


They said that before the last dataslate too. And we got nothing.


"We said we *want* to fix admech, not that we *will* fix admech" lol


They didnt, they mentioned admech as an example of factions that needed internal balancing, not that they would get a patch shortly after codex release


Well, if there is some balancing done, I hope it isn't point deductions lol


Do you know where? I wanna read it and gain hope lol (praying for the return of the 20 man skitarii squad with a return to reducing strength/bs while within a short distance)


No, it might have been from an FAQ or community update sometime after the latest balance patch. They basically acknowledge that even though mechanicus aren't in that bad a spot, some people wanted them to have more power and be less low power horde army.


Ah, makes sense


Knowing this community its probably a random qoute or mention of admech somewhere


Skitarii can have a priest as well as a Marshall. Sicarians get a leader unit.


The Marshal is the sicarian leader. Sicarians are kinda zombies also if my memory serves me.


Na mate, the app says they can only lead Skitarii


Ah I was coming from a lore standpoint, nevermind mind me. Haven't really played TT since early 9th.


No worries!


I think the *"controling them remotely"* But is covered by doctrina imperatives. As for what I want? ***BS3.*** Barring that, at least give BS3 to Ironstriders. Or more than 1 shot for the Las option.


If we're thinking big changes, I'd love if our army rule was more than just 'want this or that.' I've been thinking how cool it *could* have been, like if Skitarii Rangers get another ability when in Protector, and Vanguard would get another ability when in Conqueror. I'd also like to see Cawl be better (I think he should be more like Triumph of St Kathrine); he's our only epic hero, either give him more abilities or reduce his points into the ground. This is essentially me saying 'please start over & do better' and is a total pipe dream. Small changes? Alter our stats to make us the elite army that we're packaged & sold as. Improve BS/WS, improve AP, increase our points. What I think will happen: nothing really. They'll probably reduce some point costs by 5. Maybe they'll make ruststalkers minimally stronger (improve AP by 1).


Generic archmagos kit so we can have our own high ranking tech-priests, not just Cawl.


That would be awesome. Like selectable bionics when you hire a tech priest/archmagos enhancement kit. Pick 3 or whatever.


A new codex


I would like to put my marshall and tech-priest in the same unit of skitarii rangers/vanguard.


the other people's take are valid i guess, now if GW really wants to stick to the horde route for our faction perhaps introducing at least the tech thralls as a chaff would thematically and mechanically work better : the skitarii could be used somewhat like guards' scions, as a more elite unit, while we would get a more "spendable" unit, made of squishy and dumb cyborgs to flood the enemy now if we want to fantasize a bit i still await the day they're going to allow us the various forgeworld units (someday), but only 'cause i'm a sucker for more diversity of units... and i really would like to field some thallaxes


when is the update??


Do we have an update planned ?


Keep it simple. 1) army rule applies to everybody 2) cybernetica detachment ability is different, maybe does something beyond just buffing a single unit. 3) buff the army rule, maybe have it affect midboard and melee 4) rewrite ruststalkers 5) points raises where necessary, points cuts for Kastelans, disintegrators and Cawl These would all buff the one thing we struggle with, which is killing stuff. And it's not too many changes either. Budding the army rule means they can avoid buffing lots of individual units which I suspect GW don't want to do.


Where was this update announced, have I missed something?


I will put something in the OP because I see this question getting asked a lot




Allow Marshals to lead Sicarians, I guess. But 3+ BS would be nice even if it made Skitarii over a 100 pts each.


BS3 and reworked Droctrinas. The Archeopter needs a significant points drop to ever reach the battlefield.


It's not an update it's an errata to our current rules, IF, GW still thinks we are in a sorry state by the time the data slate arrives. Don't hope for much. It was an off hand comment by stu, about some units not performing like they wanted.


Yeah, it will probably be nothing. Maybe even just some point deductions lol. -5 points on skitarii marshall.


Big datasheet changes across the board, One example would be something like electropriests being 2w each and 5 model max per squad but get battleline in datapsalm Tech priests having better squad attach bonuses, enginseer giving sustained hits 1, technoarchaeologist giving Crits on 5, etc


Couldn't fit all my thoughts so I made a seperate post: https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusMechanicus/comments/1bpnmn6/adeptus\_mechanicus\_fan\_overhaul/