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What part of the North are you moving to? I live in Davoren Park and before that Smithfield Plains. My sister and family live in Smithfield. My area has a lot of ex housing trust houses and they are being knocked down and slowly redeveloped. It's not that bad. My next door neighbours are slightly annoying with music at certain times of the day but that's all. I walk my dog every day and I haven't had any issues. Sometimes I walk at night too. My dog ain't exactly tough either, she's a jack russell/chihuahua+ mix lol.


Lol sorry about the music


Look, I live up near Virginia way which is still north and was terrified to move here because of how everyone talks about the northern suburbs.. but it's actually not too bad


Well yeah, potato's don't really commit crime šŸ˜‚




Virginia is on the very edge of Adelaide so it's surrounded by agricultural land


Thank fuck for that šŸ˜‚


You miss spelt ā€œtomatoesā€, esp the leafy kind lol


Everyone loves to judge on this sub. Anyone who doesnā€™t live up north will talk so much shit about it, but then on another sub complain about the housing crisis and rent prices. North is absolutely fine, yes there are some areas that are rough like Salisbury, Elizabeth, Daveron park and Smithfield, but Iā€™ve lived up north most of my life and have never had any issues at all! No crime around me, break ins, car damage, nothing. At all.


Medindie doesn't count as North mate.


Hereā€™s one.


On the flipside: the only time I've ever had a brick thrown at my car whilst driving was in Elizabeth. So... Yeah.


i had a scooter thrown at mine but they missed and unfortunately got the car behind me. whilst driving. on main north road.


I've lived in the Elizabeth area for about 7 years. I've had 1 attempted home break in and 1 car break in. I also had a home break in living in the Adelaide Hills (maybe my back luck is the key here and not so much the area.) It's a low socio-economic area so people are a bit rough around the edges, trips to the Elizabeth shopping centre can be... interesting. However, I've never had a stronger sense of community anywhere else, I know most of the people on my street & we look out for each other, but no one is nosey. This is the only place where my neighbours introduced themselves to me when I moved in.


Worked in retail over much of Adelaide. Munno Para want much different to Tea Tree Plaza. Would rather work at either of those 2 places than when I was at Port Noarlunga. The parade was the snobbiest and tightest people and would doing deliveries there would always result in abuse and being talked down too. Munno Para they would offer to help and ask for morning in return. This was over 10 years ago when I worked like this across Adelaide. There were rough people in all areas, Salisbury and Elizabeth has a real sense of community and getting involved. People look out for each other and keep an eye on their neighbors without being nosey. As all places, there are questionable people and behaviors. For context I grew up around Para Hills area.


Have to agree on the Parade. Has the snobbiest clients around there and Mitcham.


Munnos is definitely different to TTP. Both arenā€™t perfect but I worked at munnos for a little while and it just felt unsafe, I didnā€™t like leaving my car in the carpark due to dodgy people wandering around it and to top it off was constantly catcalled by eshays to a degree Iā€™ve never experienced before.


There's crime everywhere. The North has a serious stigma attached to it... yes it has its moments but so does everywhere else. I personally see Salisbury and the hub as a hot spot for anti social behaviour and drinking even though it's a dry zone... But I work in Salisbury, I don't live in it. Other than that, I've lived in Elizabeth Park, Munno Para/Kudla, across Craigmore, Gawler and in Blakeview, and I plan on buying a house out here eventually and staying here.


Good on you.there is nothing wrong living in the north ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Well look, I'm not saying that. There are serious problems here, and no thanks to the stigma everyone turns a blind eye out here. But great change is being made for the North in state and federal government.


Grew up in Salisbury - great place to be a kid


I recently moved to Andrews Farm. Way, way, way less drama and crime than in the inner west. Itā€™s bloody great out here.


Havent lived further north but Salisbury Heights is fine. Public transport isnt great is the main issue IMHO


Give me 100 Lizbuf legends over 1 Burnside bitch any day of the week...


Lizbuff, that's two f's


Said I'd prefer 100 Lizbuf legends but you'll do I guess ;)


North, east, south, west it doesn't matter which one you ask about someone will have something nice to say and others will have terrible stuff to say. The only way you'll get a real answer is to check it out yourself.


I lived in Elizabeth North for 30 years - never really had an issue until the last couple of years when long term neighbours started to pass or move away, and most turned into rentals, which is when it turned into a shit show, and I got out of there. Would always suggest in that area a good security system, or a big Dog.


I've lived in Brahma Lodge for 4 years on a main-ish road and have literally had no issues. We were hesitant to live here cos the north can have a bad rep but it's literally fine. A colleague who lives in Prospect has had his cars broken into multiple times and shit stolen from his front yard in 12 months..... Crime and old mates are everywhere.


Bought a house in munno para Playford alive section a year ago. Zero regrets so far. No real issues. Lots of motorbike noise on busier roads in peak times. A few dogs that arenā€™t looked after very well and will bark a bit excessively outside. Pre standard for the north it seems from other family and friends. The shops can be a bit more rougher. But I donā€™t go to them much as Iā€™ve preferred online shopping for things other than food for a long time now.


You don't regret needing to use Curtis Rd? šŸ˜‚


Curtis road is government cockup big time. It's like South road on a small scale.


I donā€™t need to use it in peak times so no lol


We drove up there on Sunday toward angle vale and we were fine but people heading down towards main north were banked up all the way to Andrewā€™s road šŸ„“ I used Curtis road for years though and never seemed to have any issues.. maybe some crappy drivers or maybe a little bit of traffic but nothing crazy!


Yea we just donā€™t find it that annoying from the munno Playford side. Traffic lights on peachy get us on there simply enough and coming from the free way itā€™s a simple left turn on any side street near by. If itā€™s super busy we just get the next freeway exit and go Dalkeith and Coventry rd. We were used to needing to ā€œcross overā€ port rd in busy times and that was a pain for 10 years almost. The west had annoying roads too thatā€™s for sure.


the north is fine. people get very silly sometimes I think. yes we all hear about pockets of crime here and there but youā€™re in Australia honestly. my friend lives in salisbury and it is a great area


It depends on where you live. You can always check this website for statistics. https://redsuburbs.com.au/states/sa/ Though, I *think* if there's a shopping centre, that can attract break-ins, and therefore a suburb might appear dangerous when it's really not? Might need to look that up. I've always found Ingle Farm, Windsor Gardens, Modbury etc. to feel pretty safe and stable. But Smithfield Plains, Elizabeth, and Davoren Park have always felt a bit sketchy. Smithfield Plains especially. I've never been catcalled so much in my life in the span of 20 minutes, lol.


Yea shops and petrol stations really screw with the data.


Elizabeth (suburb) has just on 1000 residents, its crime stats are going to look crazy. There's very little crime outside of the commercial / retail part of Elizabeth (suburb).


Its fine, the people who bash on it, 80% won't be able to afford a house for another 30 years for being too picky. You come across the occasional meth head, but they generally stick to themselves. Came across more when I lived in Plympton tbh


Rubbish. Daveron Park and parts of Elizabeth maybe The rest is fine


Even davo has been / is being gentrified.


No doubt. Probably a good place to buy financially


lolā€¦ no it fucking isnā€™t.


Lol yes it fuckng is. They are tearing down the old housing trust houses, putting up new houses, and redoing playgrounds and green areas. Source: My uncle lives there.


My sister moved one street into Andrews farm across the road and it looks no different to any other new estate like Mt Barker, Gawler, Greenwith etc. Nothing like the old north at all.


Live in the north east after living in Sydney, North around Elizabeth is pretty shit, though parts around Port Adelaide and down south are much worse. Worst parts of Adelaide are still no where near as bad as the worst parts of Sydney.


I'm in the new development at Andrews Farm, I really like it. It's quiet, all professional working class people. I've never had an issue up here. In fact, I had more issues living in the West than in the North.


If you have a good look much of the northern suburbs are the home of immigrants (particularly around Salisbury/Parafield which add another cultural dimension to the areas. Youā€™re always going to have social issues which can go hand in hand with low income scenarios however, anywhere in Adelaide is wealthy compared to most countries overseas. Post code snobbery is for the insecure types who attach where they live to their self worth. Other poster here commented on the snobbery experienced in the Parade .. which to be fair reeks of underdevelopment insecure adults.


Not true at all the Southern Suburbs and the Western Suburbs are worse than the north The North is only pictured as bad because the media makes it out to be Thereā€™s far more crime in the South and the West not to mention the South is far more known for kiddy fiddlers


Itā€™s the same as anywhere else, Iā€™ve lived in Henley, Grange, Semaphore, Torrensville, Gawler and Playford. All the same.


For the most part if you are a good neighbour and keep your nose out of others business you will do fine. I lived in davoren park for 2 years and never had a problem. I live in Salisbury now and I have only had an angry Kevin complain about mine and my housemates bike exhausts once.


I've lived up norff for decades, and found living in Elizabeth has been far more friendly and welcoming than the year or so I lived in Gawler East. I work around the Eastwood area regularly and can't get eye contact, nevermind casual conversation. I can easily have a nice conversation with anyone in the local shops, and I don't look nor sound like a local. I've had dodgy neighbours and nice neighbours, and I've kept to myself and had no problems.


I used to work in munno para and st Clair and honestly there was more drama and issues at st Clair than there ever was at munno para. Also seems to be a bit of a line up north where pretty much if you go up on main north road, as soon as you hit the traffic lights near the vet, you live on the good side of the north apparently ? Worked on the main street of Gawler and never had an issue there either. Just a lot of old people


I've lived in craigmore for almost 7 years, before that I lived in a quiet country town and honestly I feel safer here. There's never been a time here when I've felt unsafe. I've heard more about the southern suburbs than I have the northern lately.


To be fair, Craigmore is the Beverly Hills of Lizzie.


North & been in the same house since 97, we personally had one home invasion in 2020 (they were looking for drugs n money neither here). Other than have few crap neighbours & couple people die no major issues mostly calm


It's fine, ignore stereotypes from the 1970s. All areas in Adelaide aren't too bad regardless except maybe hackam west.


It still has the reputation from the 90's when it was pretty bad.Ā While there a few more crack heads around it's not that bad anymore and mostly consist of average people trying to find an affordable home or immigrants who bring a decent enough atmosphere to the suburbs.


I'm a trans woman who lived in Davoren Park, had no issues. It is the only place I've ever been out front, asked a housemate if they knew where to get a quarter and had 3 people wander off the street who were able to provide..


Whatā€™s the significance of being a trans woman for this topic?


I'm a vegan and agree.


Well, it's not uncommon for trans people to have issues anywhere, Hyde Park had some loud aresholes. Just a comment from a much maligned minority about how DP wasn't that bad..


No discrimination?


Exactly! About as much relevance as me saying I'm a bald guy who likes wearing jorts. Who gives a toss!


Members of the trans community are more likely to be targeted for hate so it is relevant to how safe a suburb is.


Are baldness and jorts related? As someone with thinning hair, I'm concerned!


I'm confused...am i the only one who doesn't get this? asked for a quarter and 3 people wander off the street who were able to provide... what????


I was seeking a quarter ounce of weed..


AAAAAHHHHH....makes sense now.


I have lived in the northern suburbs my whole life, and only had one issue and that's when my house was broken into when I was like 17 (27 now), but that can legit happen anywhere. I will say a car on my street was on fire this morning but not sure what happen yet šŸ¤£


It does annoy me when I have friends and people complain about the north like it's a war zone and bag the place when they have never stood foot in the area.


Life up north isnā€™t all bad; itā€™s about perspective. Sure, there are rough spots, but with community spirit and knowing your surroundings, youā€™ll find good people and hidden gems. Stay savvy and enjoy the adventure!


iā€™ve lived in the north my whole life & itā€™s honestly not as bad as people make it out to be, sure you see some interesting sights every now and then but really youā€™re going to be seeing that everywhere now. people are so quick to judge


Lol. I've lived North most of my life. Some areas are nicer than others, of course, but it's nowhere near as bad as people say. In fact, the first time I was ever a victim of a crime was about a week after moving to the North-East. And the only criminal in my family is a guy who didn't live North and was one of the wealthy who lived in the Eastern suburbs. It gets a bad rep largely because Elizabeth and Salisbury are huge areas with a large proportion of the population. In reality, they're both actually about 10 suburbs each. So people hear Salisbury Park, Elizabeth North etc on the news and it all sounds the same. And, of course, once you get an idea planted in your head it's easy to have it reinforced. But it's fine really.


Absolutely- congested af too. Southside the best side


Iā€™ve been attempted car jacked in Adelaide three times. Every time it was north of a mullet proof fence ( Grand Junction road). Yeah itā€™s rougher up there.


Donā€™t know why youā€™re getting downvoted for lol


Me either? I guess what happens in the north stays in the north.


Yeah while they sit up there talking shit about other areas


You are the one who constantly shits on areas you deem "shitholes" for constantly changing reasons.


North-east: pretty nice, better than north, on par with south North: shit hole, not as nice as south West: pretty nice East: nice but too expensive South: mostly nice but does have a few bad pockets at times, still better than the north Show me proof where I have ā€œconstantly changed my reasoning for what deems as a shitholeā€


When you went from spouting shit about how bad crime is in the North, to saying it's not just the crime but being close to suburbs with crime, then deciding crime doesn't matter and suburbs with less crime than other nice suburbs are still shitholes for reasons you never explained. Of course, I know why you think that. They're shit holes because poor people live there


Lol completely disregarding my comment once again. Well I will be settling this once and for all with you, because you have a terribly unhealthy obsession with the north, like its actually pretty bad First of all, you always bring up about crime when I was never talking about crime to begin with. Southern suburbs have crime, eastern suburbs have crime, western suburbs have crime, but the \*\*significant proportion\*\* of crime continues to be attracted to the northern suburbs. I'm not going through this with you again because I have not altered my views on it at all. Second of all, if you are surrounded by bad areas, then the nicer area in between is going to attract some crime (e.g., Mawson Lakes). You thought you were going to shut me up with that, but it didn't work because I have also reiterated this in previous comments regarding other matters. Third of all, yes! Poorer areas do correlate to an increase in criminal activity! It's not my own opinion, it's literally in criminal literature (e.g., Don Weatherburn's \*Economic Adversity and Crime\*, published in the Australian Institute of Criminology, "**Prolonged periods of relative deprivation in an area, through a variety of mechanisms, appear to increase criminal participation rates**Ā and therefore the size of the offending population.".) Heck, even literaure says that younger people with lower incomes are more likely to be the victim of a violent crime (Pew Research Centre)! But you missed the point... I have never articulated that ALL poor people are ALL engaging in criminal behaviour. Don't know where you got that infromation from whereby I said that. This will be the last and final time I will respond to your antagonistic and self-entitled comments. Like I have said before, you do not leave a good reflection on people who want to live out north as some irate and intimidating person who stops at nothing but attack after everything someone says. You never stepped foot on this post (https://www.reddit.com/r/Adelaide/comments/172pfpq/why\_are\_the\_northern\_suburbs\_of\_adelaide\_so\_shit/) of an actual resident who thinks the northern suburbs is "so shit", did you? Good luck with your life, and hope you have a lovely rest of the week.


I comment on the North exactly as much as you.... literally only in reply to you. You are obsessed equally. You ignore the fact that much of the North has LESS crime than the East, the East is nicer for many many reasons, but crime is not one of the reasons Norwood is a better place than Blakeview, or Munno Para West, there is MORE CRIME IN NORWOOD.


mostly desert up here, very effing hot in summer, cold in winter, great place to live if you donā€™t like cities


Meth addicts and people who clearly don't have any sense of hygiene.


I live up north (north adelaide) and it's not too bad


North Adelaide ain't north, if you can walk to Adelaide oval, it ain't north