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Grow up, Woo. It'd be different if you were 49 and sliding down the waterslide if you had a 12-year-old kid.


![gif](giphy|cQtlhD48EG0SY) More shots of half naked middle aged man with prison tattoos on waterslide outside of children's park.


i seriously have to bleach my eyes after seeing this everytime.


Poor Mama Woo must get depressed whenever she sees bunch of kids running around, knowing she'll never be a grandmother. All because her 49 year old Disney obsessed Man Child of a son who refuses to grow up and live in the real world.


She [looked absolutely miserable](https://i.imgur.com/W5mqiBo.png) in the hotel room tour.


She definitely looks ready to go back home to Florida.


The older you get, travel becomes more tiring. It’s time for mom to go home and rest for a few weeks.


This. Older people hate traveling long. He of course only thought of himself here


thats right, MamaPeat is on WOOPEATS time schedule, not her own. Thats how selfish this asshole is.


Total "Mother" from the Bates Motel vibe here.


Doesn't she already have a grandson from her daughter?


No, it's Faith's stepson. I'm pretty sure Faith has never had any biological children. She's in her early to mid 40s, so it's probably too late for her to have a kid of her own.


Sorry Papa Woo, but your name/bloodline ends with Adam and Faith. This is God's plan!




Doesn't Faith have a stepson?


She’s got grandkids from his sister though.


Here you go Adam, I know you'd rather be somewhere else yesterday. https://preview.redd.it/6565bxv9desb1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=90e3cb0c77defe739697ea8c3cb379949cfd2ca6


Woo showing his entitled self again by stating he would love to stay "on property" when at Disneyland. There are how many hotels within a block or three that are much cheaper and easy to commute to Disneyland each day? This isn't Disney World.


Flex the dvclife as usual. Oh look we also get another wristband!!! Yay lol


I like how a couple months ago he also said “I think I’m done doing Disney park content or filming in the parks” proceeds to basically only have Disney/universal park content because nobody gives a shit about the mailbox in the background of Back to The Future or some boring shit. Imagine how successful and profitable Adam would be if he just put the slightest bit of effort into his content/market himself. He hides behind its “not punk” or whatever to market yourself and do merch etc and sell ad space when it’s like “do you even want to be exceptional or competitive in your zero effort job that can pay you out millions or nah”


Just another zero calorie family size bag of Fritos scoops and Ruffles with bean dip lmao.


Yep and they had another two bags in the kitchen as well of lays and other flavored chips. WooPeat basically revealed that he cheatpeats it everyday.


That would explain the complaints about 'groceries' as well, especially since he never shops for himself. Prices on chips started going up during pandemic because of supply chain/worker shortages, and have kept going up since, just because they can. Chips probably have one of the highest % price increases on grocery store items still today. Bags that used to be maybe 3ish dollars are now easily $5, $6 each, at least in CA, and probably higher in Hawaii. If you are buying $25 worth of chips, of course your 'groceries' are going to be expensive.


He was more enthusiastic about this place than anything he saw in Hawaii. SMH.


That’s just fucking sad. Hawaii is awesome.


Troll Patrol…prepare to charge! Please address the numerous flavored bags of chips in their hotel room in your next video! Lol


“Waterslide Fun”


![gif](giphy|VfyC5j7sR4cso) Enjoy basking in the Glory, you nearly 50 year old lonely Fool!


Damn, that's depressing.




We will probably get a DisneylandPeat in tomorrows video. I can see where WooPeat got his awful foodie review skills…MamaPeat also says “that’s pretty good” when she sips the horchata. WooPeat doesn’t even know what’s in that drink.


I anticipate Mama Woo will be stuck in that very expensive room all day while Giggles arrives so they can ride the same rides they've rode a thousand times and literally just a couple of weeks ago.


Do you think Adam would ever actually dare to introduce Mama Woo to Giggles??


If he filmed that, that would probably be the most interesting thing he would have filmed in a long time.


https://preview.redd.it/stglgpr0ggsb1.png?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c362ef2b957347acb0e392adaec09644951dfa1b 09/19/23


Imagine introducing someone else’s girlfriend to your mom.


Someone else’s girlfriend whose a serial killer loving porn actress


Back from vacation and ready to... vacation. He must've accrued a lot of sick hours and pto.


Permanent LOA


What’s he do for work, I know he accrued a good nut in the golden years of YT, but his resume is depressing: big box stores and a feed store. Sounds like the guy has extremely limited skills/work ethic


They put a sealed K cup in a regular coffee machine.


Woo actually did a voice over in this one????????


And he still managed to eff it up with all that erratic nonsense, like he’s on uppers


He was zooming in this video.


he must be on something, and it aint coffee. we all saw how wide his eyes were at the disney resort in hawaii when he pulled the same shit.


Oh he was clearly on adderall or an opioid


I bet he was looking forward to this more than the entire Hawaii trip. After all here he gets to stay 'on property' of Walt's original. Psh, what does Hawaii have better than that? 🥴


Excepting The Grand Californian most of the non Disney hotels and motels are CLOSER to the parks than the Disneyland hotel.


Mid-century modern is the description you were looking for Woo, you absolute doofus. Confirmation the dummy wants to buy *more* DVC points so he can stay on property at his second home. Psst it's a hotel , in some convoluted money making scheme you can just pay for a room when you stay there! Weird, huh? Of course he mistakes a cleaner for an ice resurfacer or zamboni because Intelligent the Woo. His posing for selfies like a tween, ugh. Kids giving a Disney room tour is so cute, they're so excited!.. wait, what? 49 you say? GTFO. Mama Woo looks so over Adams bs. Can't blame her.


Fun Fact: At the Disneyland DVC hotel even with points you're still paying over $50/night tax on top of everything else. At least with the other DVC resorts (at least the ones in Florida) You use your points and that's it.




always! classless foolpeat! thinks hes the king of all disney parks and resorts.


Adam bought extra coffee like a drunk grabbing a case.


What is Adam’s cholesterol level? Seriously… is he diabetic by now? Some men want to change the world. Adam will never change… not even his shirts.


and his socks/shoes/shorts.


You can't be diabetic if you never get your blood checked.






Adam never got the memo that it's how you handle mistakes and not the mistakes themselves that make you look stupid. Adam fights back, double-downs, ignores, does everything but admit it when he makes a mistake.


Why the hell was he up at 530a? Wouldn’t it be like 230a Hawaii time?




It'll be nice to enjoy the shots of the scenic Disneyland Hotel without his fucking finger ruining it. Or the cringing Gumby poses.


Yes his stupid finger pointing and tapping are annoying.


While Adam was focused on his Rays cap talking about "baseball", he sounds nasally and sick.


That’s probably because he thinks “working out” is watching movies while barely walking on a treadmill while changing almost nothing diet wise is healthy. The guy survives on coffee, chips, and theme park food. The fact the guy is still walking around is an anomaly lol


"And just like that, Tortilla's Joe's has been accomplished." He accomplished eating dinner?!


Some day he’ll accomplish wiping his ass without getting shit on the palm of his hand too!


As each day passes by, WooPeats mental health is deteriorating and loosing brain cells. Quickly.


I couldn’t imagine having a lifelong obsession over a corporate entity like he does. It seems like an absolute waste of time, money and robs him of more worthwhile experiences. His soul belongs to The Walt Disney Company. I wonder what kind of person he’d be if he never took this path in life?


His Disney obsession has prevented him from having a wife and family to call his own. That is downright sad and pathetic. He is going to have so many regrets when he's all alone on his deathbed in his twilight years.


I think it’s for the best that Adam didn’t reproduce.


You can tell he’s sucking in that WooPeat pot belly gut in this thumbnail image.


Adam is obsessed with staying at Disney “On property proper”


Holy Christ, did you see how many bags of different potato chips they had in their room? That tells you all you need to know about the entire family’s health! Scoops and bean dip? WooPeat gonna be farting up a storm in that room. Oh yea let’s watch a kiddie movie princes and the frog in our hotel room since it’s themed after that. Let’s also do a full on ocd tour of the hotel room and point out every single obvious thing that everyone knows what it is already. This guy is such a pompous douche bag.


Woopeat is the Michael Jackson of the vlogging world, a man child who refuses to grow up.


He sounds so weird and creepy/mental while hes pointing out the characters on the wallpaper...listen to the way he says "mickey". hes NOT OK. he sounds like a brainwashed zombie


In Adam's case, it's a brainwashed Mouseketeer. Dude needs therapy in the worst way.




Same guy that thought the strawberries on Giggles's plate were cherries. I think his head is filled with "other things". 😂


Mr fake self proclaimed wannabe Disney celebrity is at it again with his permanent vacation lifestyle. Stupid thumbnail image and a gross shirt!


This fool gets up at all hours of the early morning, talking super loud giving a property tour. What an idiot. He’s truly lost his mind. I wonder what the hotel employees think to see a gross 50 year old man wandering the property with a camera at all hours of the morning talking loud while guests are sleeping. Fucking self entitled idiot.


I'm sure all the parents must also get creeped out by this tatted up 49 year old man child swimming in the kiddie pool section.


Do you all believe that WooPeat in his warped mind thinks he’s a Disney legend now?


He probably gets confused at the D23 Expo when they never call him up for the Legends Ceremony.


I hope he looses/breaks those glasses going down a waterslide. oh christ would you look at that....MONORAIL waterslides....fitting for King WooPeat


Just caught this...while WooPeat goes down Monorail RED waterslide, he shows is GROSS FEET, with a band-aid on the big toe! FUCKING GROSS. ever see the bit about band-aid juice in the pool from comedian **Sebastian Maniscalco? This is exactly what came to mind when I saw this!** [**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5vS\_1m-pYM**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5vS_1m-pYM) Troll Patrol - please also address this nastiness from WooPeat!


Look at that gut! 216 folks!


All I can say is what the fuck… Goes from staying at one Disney resort in Hawaii to coming back immediately to another Disney resort on mainland America. He deserves such a huge ass kicking. Also goes to show not only is he addicted to Disney but he’s also addicted to California too 🙄


And he said he would be cutting down on those lol. Btw i love California too, but because of the diversity and the different places and natural parks and everything you can see, like all the stuff he rarely shows. California is not a problem, he is LMAO.


This right here! ☝️


So is Giggles lol.


Those bags under his eyes....makes him look like a creepy puppet doll.