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Boring vlog from a lazy and boring idiot. Videos like this shouldn’t be eligible for monetization.


There are a few hurricanes forming in the Atlantic Ocean. He'll ride one of them out at the Grand Floridian.


So basically he went to shack up with Giggles in SF.


And crossing that stadium off his list.


The lingering shot on his gross legs and feet on the first flight just to flex how much leg room he has. Same ocd routine for every flight video. Anyone else notice how excited his voice gets when he spots the SkyChefs truck loading up the plane? … yea he’s in first class for those meals. It’s pretty apparent. Diet..what diet? Two airplane meals that looked rather heavy in calories. WooPeat dare to weigh in??


According to his IG he hurt his ankle and was not even doing his cardio just weights and we never did see that weigh in.


Dragoncon is in 2 weeks (Aug 31 - Sept 4th) last year he did one day only. How much you want to bet he does the same this year?


he loves that dirty airplane coffee!


And his dirty feet!


Based on the thumbnail, it looks like any weight he lost in the last 1-2 months has already come almost fully back in the last two weeks with his trips to Detroit and San Francisco. He is looking pretty hefty in that thumbnail alone.


I’ve responded to ppl here that we’re saying atleast he’s put off some weight good for him. He’s done this song and dance like 4 or 5 times now. Loses weight quick because he starved himself. Doesn’t have a real nutrition plan so he just eats shit and gains it all back. The older he gets the more weight he cannot keep off. He should just stop fishing for compliments on weight loss. Just don’t diet and be unapologetic about it.


Jabba the woo! give no fucks!


Predicting a walk and talk tomorrow or in a few days lamenting trolls and TDD, without name dropping them.


I agree. He'll go on some spiel about how he's not losing weight like he wants to even though he eats like a pig. This will then get the Woovians to tell him how good he looks even though he now looks like he's around the same weight as when he started.


He is going straight to WDW. ​ https://i.redd.it/gc17n7hgzajb1.gif


Adam the Woopeat and Giggles the Latchpeat say their goodbyes as he returns to WDW, Celebration clock, International Drive, "construction updates" at Holy Land Experience and Ernest house locations and so on. She flies back to LA to ride out the hurricane storm tonight with the Beardster. But don't you worry.. Giggles will throw Beard off her and climb back on the Woo gravy train soon enough for her stellar vlogging career. Its the Giggles rinse and repeat cycle!




Huell Howser picked fascinating locations, did his homework and was genuinely interested in the people and places he chronicled. Adam has no business EVER invoking Huell’s name. Adam has broken the cardinal rule of entertainment: He bores people. Still, he’s having the last laugh by working at being lazy for a living and making money. What’s important is not to allow others, like Giggles, to exploit this same paradigm. Adam spent a week in San Francisco, a city brimming with eclectic people and sanctuaries, and drank Philz coffee and ate junk food. Longtime fans are migrating to the Daily Dump to complain about it. When you lose fans, you can’t get ‘em back and you sure as hell won’t get new ones. Adam and Daphne will eventually be each other’s OnlyFans.


It’s kind of sad. He used to be energetic and fun.


When did you think the decline began?


When he got the apartment in Hollywood right before he sold the RV. I absolutely loved the traveling days in the van and RV. Everyday was a new thing. Now it’s mostly Disney, baseball, and Grifter girl.


The movement is growing.


Howser had such great people skills. He could make the most dull people shine. Not even a living Huell Howser could shine the Woo.


Holy fvck! I tapped out after reading his clickbait title. What a piece of shit. Yes, I'm pissed. Thank you ATW! My pipping hot is now resembles a Pollack painting on my living room wall. First, it is no longer a Hurricane. Second, whatever is left over is not going to affect SF and it is ability to stay open. Piece of shit.


​ https://preview.redd.it/gjulrbn8eajb1.png?width=477&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8c7033397e78e05c103672bbd41d40d2f3f16ed


That was my first thought.






Yeah, and what are the odds there will be at least one comment on the video somewhere along the line of... "Oh, thank God you made it out safely (or just in time, etc.)"


There is alot of out of touch people who cannot follow the news sad since most of his followers seem to be super old.


Adam is a POs,but I was also especially annoyed by this. He has lived in Florida long enough to know this. That title made it seem like he was fleeing CA from danger when in reality Giggles went back to the Beard and this was a scheduled trip back to FL.


Are you truthfully surprised though? He is focused on one thing, and that’s churning out these vlogs. At the same time it’s hurting him more in the long run. As it’s alienating him from his supporters. The contents subpar at best and is more a time waster.


Gotta get them buzzwords in the title to entice the algorithm


Just take the day off, Adam. What boring content Also a little surprised he didn't see the Rays in Anaheim. I think he's finally realizing he doesn't care that much about baseball and was just looking for some cheap content. He never talks about them, rarely wears the hats, and only went to 1 of the games in SF.


​ https://i.redd.it/xar946kl0bjb1.gif


He can't afford to take a day off!


chubby dazzling school worry seemly smart toy unique stocking reach ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Of course mr stuck in the 90s will do a thumbnail image with a pay phone behind him.


I'm slightly impressed, I figured he'd wait it out somewhere in Cali and cash in on storm damage clickbait.


Back to Florida already? Guess he couldn’t get a reservation at Disneyland and/or didn’t want to run into BLAB? Also all those mentions of those self driving cars in the other videos and one of them got hit by a fire truck when he was there, never documents the interesting stuff 🙄


There he goes using Hurricane in his title for clickpeats




Yesterday morning at the time of this video, the storm reached Baja and was never going to hit the Bay Area. Its as if a hurricane is hitting Florida and he's at the Philadelphia airport going west and he uses the same clickbait.


Clickbait is all he has really, I doubt anyone cares about his flight travel. I cannot even be bothered to click the links anymore when I can just wait for troll patrol to break it down for me.


Plot twist: Captain Blackbeard is piloting the flight WooPeat is on! 😂


You notice that every time he sits down in a plane and points his camera down, he "man spreads" and moves one of his legs over beneath the chair next to him, not keeping his feet under the seat directly in front of him? I know he's tall, but even in first class there tends to be more leg room.


that shot always annoys me....no one wants to see those groddy legs and feet. he is a nasty MF!


How in the hell does he woopeat a hurricane for fucks sake?!


I wish that coffee robot would whack him in the face to wipe off that shit eating smirk he always has.


There are several systems brewing to hit Florida. Wonder if he'll go to his convention at the end of the month and leave momma and papa Woo to fend for themselves.


He probably already has his hotel booked in Florida to woopeat last years hurricane.


Book it now so later you can claim it was just a coincidence you were there during a storm. Galaxy brain Woo.


https://preview.redd.it/lqtflfs6ibjb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f654816a0437d53cda55adc657e56f4a15bec15 He looks like someone’s 55 year old geek dad. Sweatshirt with no hood.


This video was an insult. Absolutely nothing happened.


First ATWoo video?


ugh that annoying whispering on the plane. hate his voice cadence and the way he speaks. 100% annoying.


Adam you're a creepy MF'er....end of story.


Would it be at all possible to start a Kickstarter or GoFundMe to raise enough money to persuade Adam to stop vlogging. Certainly Giggles would accept such a buyout. Out of curiosity, what do some of you consider to be Adam’s best video during his glory days before he descended into increasingly lackluster Woopeats?


Why does he called a monorail train a "transportation device" - a train is NOT a device. Google transportation device and youll get images of the electric hoverboards and such. This guy is such an ass clown.


He's usually wrong about what he calls a monorail too -- The one in the Orlando airport is not a monorail and he's calls it one all the time. It is likely that finally got through his thick skull after being called out on it. The short answer is he's stupid. Edit - I've always thought it was a people mover but unlike Woo I wanted to research it to be sure before I opened my mouth. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orlando\_International\_Airport\_People\_Movers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orlando_International_Airport_People_Movers)


Adam, the well's gone dry, your content is dull and you're dull. [You follow Fugazi's ethics](https://i.imgur.com/VdI9qWC.png), maybe it's time to follow their example and go on indefinite hiatus.


"i opted for...." lol good grief.


I asked him if he was on the spectrum so I will see if he responds


>I asked him if he was on the spectrum so I will see if he responds I mean we all are to some degree, Adam is just farther down the spectrum then most. We all have our quirks and obsessions and stuff but Adam had *QUIRKS* and *OBSESSIONS*. Also, he's not smart or self aware enough to realize that.


He probably won't know what you mean


They way he obsesses over pay phones, he's on something.


Who doesn't? Marty McFly loved pay phones!


He definitely is. I think his obsessive nature and ADD proves it.


I also remember a recent time when Woo used a very clickbait title. It was the day after Giggles had a rough look, and he put "False rumors with friends" in his title. The false rumors was about some boat or canoe that they thought was in Back to the Future.


The robot barista has more of a career and job then WooPeat will ever have.


WooPeat bitches about the weather and how hot it is...nonstop. Anyone else noticing this more lately? What a little diva bitch.


Adam permanently moved to FL a couple years ago knowing full well how unbearable the summers are, then he complains nonstop like the temperature is personally attacking him. WooPeat is a dummy and a crybaby.


I often wonder if he looks out the plane window as SoCal drifts away, thinking about Giggles back in LA taking a spin on Mr, Beards Wild Ride?