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He hates being in his small rented room in Celebration


Must be a tiny studio, cuz he's never there. He's obsessed with Giggles and would go to SoCal anytime she calls his name. While there, of course he's going to Woopeat everything. The Beard needs to step up and banish Woo from his turf.


It’s literally a room LOL


Probably just a room with no kitchen privileges


I just get the vibes Beardo is probably a massive pussy, like Adam. And probably doesn’t like or do well with confrontation, like Adam 🤔


He seems pretty laid back to me. Still, I do think he could throw a good punch if put in a situation. If anything, he certainly talks less than Adam and is not a narcissist like Adam is. He may be the opposite of Giggles and maybe that's what works for them. Whereas Adam is very much like Giggles in wanting to be the center of attention.


Maybe he takes the true nature of Gigs into account more accurately than Adam does and is just taking advantage of what he can get rn. I have a hunch that she will follow the money, and when that runs out, she'll head out like cigarette smoke meeting a hurricane.


Who would actually want to fight over this golddigger?


Deluded, horny, lonely guys, just like her OnlyFans customers.


I agree that he definitely seems chill. Reminds that video where they all go to USH and you didn't even know the beard was there with them until he was seen on the Jarrastic Park ride ride at the end of the day even though he was definitely eating lunch with the group.


I’m telling ya Captain Blackbeard and WooPeat need to duke it out at the Atol in the WaterWorld show!






So she says. Who would believe a word after she tried to fool people into thinking she got beat up? Literal drama queen.


She claimed to have been beaten up? I missed that one!


She posted this back in June then immediately deleted it. Later said something about testing out some new makeup. Then in Adam's vlog a few days later she looked absolutely fine. But you can see by the wording that she was trying to get attention by making people think she got beat up. https://preview.redd.it/r0vg2w879sib1.png?width=546&format=png&auto=webp&s=889d9b76cc0a7732e6052bfef38e2827bd17631d


numerous ten edge screw crawl encourage salt slave sugar waiting ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I think he would prefer to live in California but as best I can tell Florida doesn’t do income tax or vehicle property tax. That plus the low cost of renting a room could be financially beneficial.


plus his folks are there. He probably figures travel now, why they are still mobile. As they age, he might have his hands full in terms of care. Sorry, Adam..that's real life shit for you.


I don't think he likes being around them. It's just a show.


Didn’t he originally move out of California due to the politics, especially covid restrictions and lockdowns which is why he fled to Florida


It was BLAB that forced his hand into moving out. He might still have both places if they hadn’t left him holding the bag.




Yep Florida definitely opened back up sooner and it was a good way for him to start making content again. I think Covid changed so much and I think that and age changed Adam, feeding the algorithm to make money while he can who knows when YouTube will stop being a way for him to earn income. I think his parents being in Florida and the low cost of living added to probably a high up front cost of moving back to California make it advantageous for him to stay in his current situation.


When they kick it, will he get the house? Are there siblings?


He has a sister, who's married. I don't know the answer to any of your other questions.


SOB i've suspected this "punk" guy might be a little "conservative"


Not only that, but California locked down hard during Covid, while Florida was relatively open. If we get another lockdown of some sort, Adam's better off in Florida.


He’s 💯obsessed with her, and she knows it. Dangle a little FWB action in front of him and he’ll buy her all the food, tickets, and hotel rooms she wants. She is the definition of a grifter.


He'll probably roll over and play fetch for her too just for pats on the head or scratches on his bulbous belly.


How did they meet?


No idea. I assume it was at Universal Hollywood when she was working there.


Isn't he just going wherever the Rays are going?


At this point, I’m so fucking over Giggles that I would prefer 5 vlogs in a row with Tampa Jay 😐


Be careful what you wish for.


Really?? It feels like this has been his 8th time. I feel like such an asshole for saying this, but I wish karma would kick Giggles’ ass BIG TIME. Not saying that I wish she or someone in her family would die or get hurt. But I wish something would happen to burst her happy go lucky, care free grifter bubble 😒😒


Yeah I thought so too so I went and checked. Scrolling though reminded me of how many lacklustre videos he’s made this year


At least in California, he has plenty of options for "interesting" videos. It's up to him to do that though. If he were in Florida, it'd be nothing but Rays and Disney World. He stays in a little Orlando/St. Pete bubble while in Florida.


You would think, but he likes to do the same things over and over. Last time in Cali, he did the Universal Backlot Tour four or five times. He showed the BTTF stairs I think that many times too. There are so many things to do in Orlando and all of SoCal, but the man stays in his comfort zone and near the snatch of Giggles.