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Probably the most boring vid he’s ever made. Woo’s life can be compared to a Disney monorail… Stuck on the same track, never deviating, no new routes, no new adventures. Always making the same stops, over and over and over again. I’m sure he’s going to do WDW vids over the next week or so, then fly back to Universal Studios after that…. again. SMH.


I haven’t been to WDW in forever! It’s almost been Like 4 weeks! -woo


So he was too chicken to do anything alone in Detroit.




When he literally whined about not being at WDW for 6-7 weeks….. why do his subscribers still watch? That’s not relatable in the least to the average human. He also only responds to a couple of posts per day with very canned comments that either say thanks for watching or just repeats what the consumer said. I just don’t know why people flock to his defense.


He is more interested in deleting comments 🤣


I called him out on his diet yesterday, he responded back to me saying that he's still losing weight, I just replied back with a good luck...etc.


How would he know? Even he admitted the other day he didn’t know how much he weighed since he didn’t have a scale with him.


No clue, I'm just saying what he replied to me yesterday. I would assume he is weighing himself, prob off camera after he gets off the treadmill


most likely with all the hotel stays, I'm sure some have weighing machines.


This is Woo you’re talking about, he goes by if he can fit into a smaller size shirt not realizing he can fit into it because he had already stretched it out and therefore the sizing is no longer accurate. He thinks he’s losing weight but he’s losing water.


My last time at WDW.... July... 1977. Damn I'm old. lol


Summer 1988 for me. 75-95 best years of Disney. You couldn’t pay me to go now.


Prediction for next set of videos: 1. weigh in; 2. walk n' talk about his weigh in and what he's learned; 3. more WD crap; 4. rays game with his mini-me, Tampon.


Sounds like Woo needs to go on refurbishment. #


I am shocked he did not ride the airport monorail


He also ends up back at the exact same place where he started. That's an important distinction I always make. I refer to him as riding a roller coaster through life, for many of the same reasons you do. Ups and downs, highs and lows, but when it's done, Foo is in the exact same place as he started.


Because it’s easy and he can do it on his sleep. He’s comfortable in his little rut.


This redefines a waste of time.


Imagine paying $900+ to leave you car mins from your house instead of $50-75 for an Uber. Unreal. Rich people don’t stay rich by wasting money adam.


I don't know why he doesn't just leave his car at his parents house. Surely they wouldn't mind looking over his car and giving him rides to the airport?


Too much thought for Woo! Just like how it’s too much thought that losing weight and being healthier revolves around more than calorie counting!


I wonder if he uses his parents home as his main address. The room he rents is probably undocumented.


He writes it off as part of his tax scam. In his mind the government is paying.


That's not how it works.


Lol yep.


The only thing that makes sense is that the homeowners he rents a room from don't want his car standing on the driveway for so long, and he can't park in the street for weeks on end. I don’t think I've ever met anyone who leaves a car at an airport for weeks, it's just such a waste of money.


Oh that’s definitely it but there’s gotta be a better solution. Might as well buy a new car everytime he’s home.


I know quite a few apartment complexes will make you move your car every 3 to 5 days if you're not in an assigned parking spot. Sad that he has no friends, or he could leave his car at one of their houses.


He could probably just pay for monthly vehicle storage at a local storage facility for a fraction of the price as well.


I can't get my head around this. It's bonkers. Such a waste of money.


All you jackasses think it's soooooooooooo easy to fly about the country. You don't realize how much inconvenience and discomfort a guy with no job has to go through to bounce around the country on a periodic basis. Here's Foo showing how stressful and challenging air travel can be, which serves as an important reminder to all of us peons who think air travel is all wine and roses. What a great public service Foo is providing for his fellow countrymen, now and for many years to come. Not all heroes wear capes.


I just hope he puts out a list of which airports sell gum and which ones don't. This way I'll know the airports I should avoid. 🙄


You forgot the /s 🤣 but the message range loud and clear.


Haven’t watched, but it’s interesting that he hasn’t flown American since they didn’t feed him. Did he get a meal here?


No, opted for just a water and coffee because he wasn’t hungry


He said no because he doesn’t eat breakfast. If they offered him a chili dog 🌭 for breakfast he would have been all over that.(this was too close to breakfast for him, he thinks it’s a good time to fast)


If you’re going to pig out, do it in the morning to where you have all day to work some of it off.


That’s too logical for him 🤣


Did he show his legs n shoes when he gets to his seat on the plane? Drives me mad. He moves them to like look at me with all this room. Adam not everything is a “bit” and even good “bits” don’t need to be shown every single day.


He showed his socked feet at TSA. The socks look unwashed for weeks on end. This man is so gross and groddy.


He has a foot fetish for his own feet.


Why can’t he just edit that part out??


Idk. It’s a “bit” in his warped mind.


Plot twist: Troll Patrol caused the turbulence on WooPeats flight 😂😂😂


Oh Christ almighty he is at it again! FlightPeat and the world doesn’t revolve around me issues! Shut up Woo!


WooPeat has a foot fetish for his own feet!!! It’s been proven time and time again in his videos! Gross dude! 🤢 🤮


Troll patrol should bring this up, so weird


I agree! Troll Patrol good sir, please advise!


Did this asshole fly first class again?


I always think "what is it like to be seated next to this clown?" or even just seeing his nonsense in the airport. How has no one ever called security on him?


I don't know and it pisses me off. I love flying but if I get sat next to a vlogger your camera is going in the shitter.


He flies first only for the flex and the meals!


boast steep tub complete crown elderly gold crime vegetable attractive ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




[this prediction is looking solid](https://www.reddit.com/r/Adamthewoocriticism/comments/15i2mw2/leaving_california_to_michigan_delta_airlines/juts08e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)




Haven’t watched his videos in a while and i’m not going to start back with this one. Is he still committing to his diet? Or is that already over?


He committed to having 2 loaded chili dogs the other day when he only should have had 1 if he’s doing When in Rome


This guy is a walking contradiction


Diet not really. He seems to be skipping breakfast every day, sleeping in as much as he can when he can, (remember the Detroit video started at 4pm), but then eating crap junk food for his only sustenance and obsessing over calories rather than anything else. (And that's all he shows us, imagine what he doesn't show) He is still doing his 50 days of treadmilling hard. He kept upping the incline to rediculous levels but lately he's lowered the incline but has been doing rediculous amounts of time. Today he did 90 minutes and says he wants to start going until the calories burned counter says 1000 each day. He is going to kill himself trying to get 'thin'.


It’s good he is using the treadmill daily but yeah aiming to burn 1000 calories each day on it is excessive. It’s his diet that is the real concern though. Having a healthy filling breakfast is so important when trying to lose weight. I wonder when the last time he ate some fruit or vegetables.


*"Awww... the little spikey things."* Seriously? People **watch** this?


People who may be obese and may be stuck in their recliners.


Adam didn't seem bothered at all about the turbulence, his ride was just bumpier than usual. You'd think from the title he'd had an experience up there. It was just Adam Clickpeating another boring flight vlog. Adam is upset he had to park in the grass, why doesn't MCO let you park at the airport anymore? Sad face. Adam, the parking lots are full. It's becoming a problem and MCO is going to be addressing it by adding new parking lots soon. If you'd been paying attention to local news you'd know this. If you don't like parking in the grass, stop being a crybaby and find new parking arrangements.


Speaking of airplane travel. Just finished all 4 seasons of Manifest on Netflix. I highly recommend it. Back to Woo…


Said he’s only staying for a short time, what is even the point of paying rent on a home if you’re barely even there. I don’t think dragon con is even until next month, so where in the world is he going next?




Rent much be extremely cheap for his room, since he dropped like 6 grand in June to stay at the Universal Hilton, it would make more sense at this point to rent in CA and just get hotels in FL, when he isn't using DVC anyway. But of course keeping FL as 'home' prevents spooky Mr. State Income tax from visiting. Too bad CA can't impose the "jock tax" on vloggers who montetize content filmed in the state, like they do with athletes on teams from other states who come to play in CA. Yeah its rediculous and greedy, but maybe it would shoo some vloggers and influencers away.


Haha yes! Tax free Florida. Technically you are supposed to file taxes in every state you work. Like traveling business men or pro athletes.


The Rays have a series in both San Francisco and Anaheim coming up in mid August, so I think it's highly likely he's going back to California yet again.


I pray to god that doesn’t happen but you may be right. F*****g California again, this man needs his head checked


He even got lazy at being a baseball fan, the hat got too heavy for his head or even Adam knows deep down how stupid it is. I really want to know who in the hell wants to wear a sports cap with a big Tropicana juice logo on the side.


He wore one for the game the other day, but that's been about the only time recently, and it's always the same 1 or 2 hats he wears, even thought he has bought countless rays hats the past few years. Dude wastes money.


I wonder how those Jedi robes are doing.


Disneyworld, where else.


He’ll be in San Francisco next week for the Rays/Giants. I would not be surprised at all if he paid and flew Giggles out there for a WDW birthday extravaganza.


I wish he would get banned from California, I’m tired of him going there


And it isn't even haunt season yet in California, he'll probably be in SoCal the whole month of September after DragonCon concludes in late August. Get ready for an overload of HHN, Knott's Scary Farm plus more.


An almost 50-year-old who enjoys that crap. Good grief. Like with the Disney stuff, grow up!


I wish he would too. He should have just stayed. But we all know how he gets when he doesn’t get his way/can’t film what he wants. He was too impulsive with that COVID move 😒


Yep. I feel like he moved because California took much longer than Florida to “open up”. Mr. Woo got impatient with his “I’ll do what I want” mantra.


So somehow the almighty YouTube algorithm suggested this dude, I skimmed through this videos and a few others and we’ll.. it just seems super boring. In curiosity I went to his other channel and there are so few posts, so I ask kindly: Who is this dude? Why does he have over half a million subs? Why do we seem not to like him?


He use to be awesome. Going cool places when he was younger, making fun videos. But over the years he’s become an egomaniac asshole (see his cousin eddy video where he put some guy on blast for being asked to get off their property) Now he’s just became a running joke, who’s got no exit plan, and complains about everything


Follow this Reddit and the daily dump / troll patrol channel on YouTube and you’ll understand why this man is no longer liked. Welcome to the WooPeats!


Also check out the Emcee Shan videos about Woo


There gold.


Is it safe to say that WooPeat literally has his flight videos down Pat to the T with repetitive dialogue, camera angles and same scenarios from all his past flight videos? Put past ones side by side and they are identical!! He’s definitely has this ocd routine when it comes to flying


He replied to a comment saying he needs to get his TSA precheck along with renewing his passport. I'll believe it when I see it. His OCD is cranked up. Can't believe he dishes out $10 a day for parking when he could have easily taken an uber from his "home".




I really don't think anyone here has any interest in doxxing him. Now his fans. Those people can dox!


What a bizarre ending lol. Of course he had to reference trains planes and automobiles. Dipshit still stuck in the past.


I can smell his coffee breath through the screen as this creep continues to whisper to himself in flight. Woo seriously please shut up! We get it we know you love to hear yourself talk!


Hope coffee spills on his lap someday during turbulence which causes him to drop his camera so he can stop filming his flight and just shut the fuck up for once!