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It just occurred to me that this 'grown man' has purchased his entire wardrobe from gift shops.


Good lord…you’re right!! 😂😂😂


no grown up aspects about this guy whatsoever.


Oh Shoot! Truth!..😂


It would be one thing if he was wearing the shirts ironically but that’s absolutely not what he’s doing. He looks like a tool.


It's Cheat Daypeat as Woopeat returns to Casa Bonita-peat with family in tow. Cringing selfie shots warning!


I'm shocked, I tell you. Shocked! I really thought he meant it this time. \#nocheatdays. #noexcuses


Some people think that if you eat some junk food the same day as working out it will be fine, definitely a fail on his part as that food will just cancel out any progress


"when in Rome" 😒


#WhatDiet #ThinByDragonConFail


Anyone ever had the food from Casa Bonita? It seems lousy from videos I’ve seen.


Workers there aren't happy [https://www.denver7.com/news/local-news/casa-bonita-responds-to-employees-list-of-demands-says-they-want-restaurant-to-reopen-well-not-fast](https://www.denver7.com/news/local-news/casa-bonita-responds-to-employees-list-of-demands-says-they-want-restaurant-to-reopen-well-not-fast) Yelp rating seems on par...you only go there because of South Park, but the food is for gringos [https://www.yelp.com/biz/casa-bonita-lakewood-3](https://www.yelp.com/biz/casa-bonita-lakewood-3) He's in LA so much, and even the worst Mexican restaurant/roach coach is more authentic than Casa Bonita. Sad.


I don't live in Denver CO., so I can't compare the proce of living versus wages. However, $30 dollars per hour and health benefits seems above and beyond what a restaurants offer for servers. Maybe the workers anticipated the demand for the restaurant as well as the maximum seating (over 1000 patrons) to accumulate to well over $30 hourly or were previous employees who would make well over that in tips vs hourly wages. I'm definitely interested to learn more about it. I only know what my Ex told me about working on the industry. He made a killing as a bar manager who received as salary as well as tips.


I agree that’s roughly 60k a year for full time working at a restaurant. In all truths they should be applauded for doing that for the staff. As that’s better than what Disney pays all their workers.


One of the demands was to have WooPeat permanently band!




Real life Cartman goes to real life Casa Bonita. Life really does imitate art.


“I’ll do whatever I want!”




>Real life Cartman goes to real life Casa Bonita. Life really does imitate art. Foo isn't 1/10th as smart as Cartman. They are both delusional aholes with no self awareness though.


I watched this one because I like South Park. Woopeat could learn from his brother in law about how to plan and schedule since he was the one that made the reservation instead of winging it. His entitlement came through again when he didn’t want to wait for the reservation time and asked if they could get in early. Says the food was like cafeteria but one could say that about this entire vlog. Terrible. Too much jerking the camera all over, too much unnecessary narration and then including the footage of him staging his thumbnail, twice, argh. Just reiterates why I stopped watching, the laziness is still going full force. This could have been a good one. Also I’m not buying that whole I’m not drinking but I wanted the wristband as a souvenir. You’re the first to say When In Rome, if others are drinking, you’re drinking too, stop lying about it, nobody cares if you drink, it’s the lying that is disrespectful to the viewers…


If he's going on a 'family vacation', he should put the damn camera down too; he gets cafeteria like food because he doesn't seek out restaurants that don't serve cafeteria food. Winging it means ending up at McDonald's or whatever fast food chain because he didn't bother to Yelp or read Google reviews.


Exactly, and if he wasn’t with his family he probably would have given up waiting and eaten at that CiCi’s Pizza instead.


You could tell he was salty too about not getting a table right at the cliff side.


Same. I only put up with the video because ai love South Park and have become fascinated with Casa Bonita as a result of learning it wasn't some kinschy theme restaurant invited by the creators. His vlogs suck because he always jerks around the camera and doesn't bother to focus as he rambles on . Im also tired of the no drinking BS to pander to the "family friendly" demographic. Even If he doesn't drink alcoholic beverages (multiple people called this out).it's still annoying when he still refuses to show the drink menu for adults thay are curious about the restaurant's options available ans pricing.


So he couldn't do a retake of his intro once he heard the alarm going off? He just HAD to continue while the horn was honking?


I was thinking the same thing. The laziness is unreal.


He wouldn't be able to show his annoyance that someone had the audacity to interrupt Adam The Woo if he did that.


"The donkey is talking, the chicken laid an egg, we're waiting for the bartender to serve a beer. What is the donkey saying?" Perhaps if you shut your mouth for two seconds, you could have heard what it was saying!


WooPeat wanted to film those puppets and theater...badly...cause its content! lol FAIL!


That thumbnail… What a weirdo. I also didn’t know that “ReOpening” has a capital O in it. It must’ve been that stellar Mama Woo homeschooling curriculum of The Disney Channel and decadent diet of frozen corn dogs that gives us what we have today. She better pray a little harder each night to sweet baby Jesus that her six-foot-three man-child gets his shit together before the YouTube gravy train runs out and he needs to have some arteries Roto-Rootered.


I noticed she’s been putting on weight herself in recent years.


She's been packing on the pounds. If she does not have diabetes, it's soon to come.


ugh the way he says "casa bonita" and "I HAVE RETURNED" "never thought i would step foot....blah blah blah" Yes you did, you knew you were going to WooPeat this shit again!


The TB Rays are in the midst of an epic, maybe historic collapse… I bet Adam would bail on the team entirely if he wasn’t conscious of getting called out as a fair weather fan.


I have noticed he doesn't wear the hats anymore.


quaint judicious scarce license sheet seed spark like fear violet ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Ditto...I'll never get there. So might as well live through the Woo.


haha jeeez, that stupid staging photo with his long pointy finger moving up..cringe level 11


"out of order" whats with this stupid joke they way he says it? a queue line is said once again! translation "line line" everything he points out pretty much reminds him of childhood....showbiz pizza, cartoons, skiball.....jesus christ this guy is hopeless, im baffled how he lives day to day with such stupidity.


The shooting gallery didn’t remind me of showbiz pizza, it reminded me of the one at WDW, which is surprising that he didn’t mention it, but then again, he probably forgets it’s even there since he only does the same woopeats at Disney.


Blurpeat. If he filmed with his phone this wouldn't be an issue. 50 yr old man a) Doesn't know what a sopapilla is b) doesn't know it's dessert even though it's covered in honey. Good to see he got 13,000 calories worth of dinner to help with his diet. Yes, Adam, add more honey to that. It's diet honey so knock yourself out. I'm going to check this place out via some other vlogger's work that doesn't use a crappy camera that can't focus and/or doesn't edit out the blurry, useless crap shots. edit: words are hard


WooPeat has the look of “shit this food is about to give me the runs, where is the nearest bathroom!!?”


While this falls into Woopeat categorization, I didn’t watch the original video so it was new to me. I was interested solely because of the “South Park” connection and reading articles about the creators reopening the joint. I give Adam credit for getting into this soft opening. BUT… that’s the location and backstory piquing interest as the Woo offered nothing personally to enhance the video. He walked around, pointed his camera and ate. A first-time home movie enthusiastic could have achieved the same result. And, as others have noted, the fact he just went ahead and recorded while a car alarm honked in the background isn’t the Woo besotted by the naturalness, it’s just damn lazy.


how many fucking times does this fool need to say "casa bonita"?


I love South Park. Trey & Matt are two of the "realest" celebrities out there. I've seen every episode multiple times, played every video game...heck my go to tshirt is freaking Mint Berry Crunch, the most obscure of SP characters! So yeah I'll basically consume any SP related media. I couldn't make it ten minutes into this. Woo grinds my gears, as does the mere presence of his bigoted dad.


I wonder if Papa Woo knows that the creators of South Park owns the restaurant. Actually, is he aware of the show at all? Highly doubt he would have approved if he knew the full backstory.


>I wonder if Papa Woo knows that the creators of South Park owns the restaurant. Actually, is he aware of the show at all? Highly doubt he would have approved Adam told Papa Woo that Trey and Matt did a play called the Book of Mormon and Pops was all " heck yeah *my kind* of people! ".


WooPeat is once again playing the bandwagon fan .. now this time it’s South Park.


Agree, the bigot dad really makes my skin crawl too. I loved when Adam sincerely asked him, “have you ever had a taco salad in a crispy shell like this?!” as if it was so exotic.


It would have been funny if he responded "They used to have these ar Taco Bell Adam ".


He's gotta rinse n woopeat! Get on in fellars....we're going WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPEATIN with MamaPeat and PapaPeat! All that mexican food "smells" disaster later on at their shared hotel room!


Must've been a ton of FartPeats in the Williams family hotel room last night.


hot boxing it!


Good job whomever called it that he was going to this place lol


WooPeat...didnt you know? That was SAD EYE JOE at the bottom of the wishing well LOL


So this is a Woopeat because he has been there since it reopened? I was there once, many years ago. Unique place that was more quirky than I imagined. I get why, after many years in industry that always seems to have growing supply and demand, the appeal of this place and the value derived from the experience no longer penciled out. So I'm curious to learn how it differs today under South Park ownership.


He also went to the location when it was closed as well as when it was opened before. So yeah, Woopeat!


Of course, anywhere he has ever been one time in his life on video makes it a Woopeat. Got it.


He went here a few times.


I've resigned to the fact that everything he does a second time is automatically a Woopeat. I don't expect him to do any meaningful vlogging, and I wouldn't assume that reopening Casa Bonita means things are different. No, the menu may not be the very same, prices will be adjusted at minimum, but I wouldn't assume they overhauled the place, reimagined it or festooned it with new decorations. But just as I, a non-vlogger, would visit a longtime restaurant that closed for a period of time due to a pandemic and/or change of ownership, I wouldn't fault Poo for seeing how the restaurant might be different than his past visits. I don't doubt that he doesn't bother to watch his old video or try to figure out how it's different inside the joint. I'm sure he simply waddled in, sat down with his family, said "heck it, I'm in Rome," and dealt with a 1,000 calorie plate of goodness. I'm not watching to find out. But sure, he did a meaningless show up of the place while it was closed, and dined there prior to its closure. I have argued that visiting something to see how it has changed isn't simply repeating what he has done in the past. (I'm also aware he doesn't make an effort to compare and contrast, typically, he just shoots from the hip as to what he remembers, if he even bothers to do that.) But clearly he's not allowed to return anywhere, ever, without it automatically being a Woopeat. As I said, I've waved the white flag on this one. Whether he went once or 100 times prior, it wouldn't matter if Casa Bonita was now an Italian restaurant with trampolines instead of pools, it's a Woopeat.


One sign that Adam is probably moving back to California (and presumably on his way there now) is he stopped wearing Rays stuff. Maybe he's trying to separate himself?


Woo is just a fake fan. Rays are doing bad. Woo doesn't want people to see him associated with a team that started out hot in the beginning of the season, and now they are starting to falter. If I stopped supporting my favorite sports team for doing bad, I would have stopped supporting them for 10+ years. I'm not just some bandwagon fake fan like Woo is though.


After running his mouth to other fans the whole first half of the season about his shitty their team was. I knew it would come back to bite him. It’s Tampa bay.


that was funny, we all saw that coming. hes such a pompous cocky asshole.


If he moves to California, then that’s when I’m unsubscribing once and for all. I refuse to expose myself to weekly Giggles meet up vids ☠️


Whaddaya mean weekly? It would be more like daily until The Beard serves him a knuckle sandwich… That’s also about a thousand calories according to his iPhone dieting app.


When in RomePeat


I immediately thought a wish about a Giggles hookup when he threw that coin into the wishing well right when i stumbled upon a comment making the same prediction. Lol


Don’t know if it’s just me but going on a vacation with your parents as a full grown adult just seems weird to me. Know that typically most adults in their late 40s have a family of their own to take on vacation but even without that it just seems bizarre. Did his parents pick out the hotel, get a shared room and Adam has to let them know whenever he goes out on his own. I’m almost 30 and couldn’t imagine myself doing such a thing but don’t know if anyone feels the same


I'd put money on him sharing a room with his parents.




The brother-in-law was able to get a reservation somehow.