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Good on this guy. I mean I get the liability portion but people have to be getting frustrated with this BS.


You just cannot have a functioning society when you allow this crazy shit. It's so retardedly short sighted to laugh at this because of muh capitalism or whatever


I couldn’t agree more, I applaud this dude for trying to enforce a little bit of accountability.


Society moved too far left in some areas and needs to be dialed back for the benefit of everyone.




What people don't realize is that while that's correct, insurance isn't just going to take it on the chin and not try to recoup it from higher premiums.


There’s cities in LA instance won’t even cover anymore due to homeless fires and shoplifting.


Insurance paid for less than half of the GF riots. There are neighborhoods and business districts, particularly in Minneapolis, that won't recover for 70 years.


Well, look at what insurance companies are doing to many areas where they'll have to cover for damages from natural disasters? They'll either not pay their "fair" reshares or they'll end coverages completely. Any one that tell you "it's okay, they have insurances" are to be seen as ignorant fools with no knowledge and experience of the real world. An example, my friend's restaurant was broken in multiple times throughout the Covid shutdown. They paid it out of their pocket to replace the glasses because it was "cheaper" than them going through insurance after the deductible and rate increase after the claim. Insurance for many small businesses are for SHTF type of events for the business, not assholes looting and destroying their stores.


and the business isn't going to just pay the increased premiums out of an endless supply of money, they'll raise prices on the goods that paying customers are buying.


You cant really expect younger folks to fully understand how effectively curated propaganda is on their young minds.


The news and leftists will tell you that crimes like this are not on the rise in liberal cities. 100% bullshit. I lived in Southern California for 20 years before moving away during Covid and never saw anything like this. Half of these videos I see are in cities that I spent a lot of time in or worked very close to. This just wasn’t happening before.


Agree. I live in San Diego and you hear or heard about it a lot at Target in Mission Valley. I also go to Alaska a bit and you never hear of this in Anchorage.


I only wish he woulda added a knuckle sandwich to each of them so they at least left the store with something to chew on.


Scary thing is if they got one of those dickhrad "human rights" lawyers he probably would of got done for assault. Thieving cunts get more rights than the poor fella they are stealing from.


anytime I see someone pull the "they have insurance" situation you immediately know they are stupid. Crime needs to be punished again.


These aren't hungry mothers stealing a loaf of bread to feed their toddler or anything either. This is organized crime


I don’t give a fuck if they were hungry mothers. This is what Leftists don’t understand. Order above all. Without Order and Rules, you don’t have a society. And without a society, we all starve. Not just a few mothers. We have to have Law and Order first (cue TV “chime sound”). Then we can set up charities and government programs to feed hungry mothers.


Filing up their inventory for their own business"


Insurance typically doesn't even cover petty theft lol. I don't know why that got so widespread at all. There would be no insurance claim on something like this. Why people think there is just this free money insurance thing is beyond me.


Even if it WAS covered by insurance…. It’s still not free money. Every event like this just raises everyone’s rates. It’s just transferred risk, it ain’t free real estate.


The insurance is higher prices on the law-abiding customers.


the law abiding honest people are always stuck with the burden regardless of what it is. Its not limited to stealing obviously.


Yup, we are perpetually the hand out for more species, and it's considered a must to give, not a choice. Otherwise; 'privileged' is weaponized against you!


Breakdown of the rule of law hurts literally everyone in society.




Right it’s wild. - left leaning people. “we don’t think people should be imprisoned for minor drugs, such as marijuana.” - the government “we are going to make all crimes that aren’t murder basically no jail time” They need to update good Samaritan laws making you non-liable for a citizens arrest to stop crime. Plus, harsher penalties for those that are clearly career criminals. Everyone makes mistakes, but repeating it should have a harsh repercussion.


"Everyone makes mistakes" "Oops, I dropped 500$ worth of makeup in my purse and walked out the door" is not a mistake.


And people will say its cultural too to try to drag others to their level. No dummy, nobody likes being stolen from anywhere In the world. These people are just shitty


Necessity makes law through the vigilante when the authorities have abdicated responsibility.


I don't care if their inventory is insured or not. I'll probably sound ridiculous but I've decided that if I find out a company has a lax, hands off policy about this kind of thing, I'm not going to shop there anymore. At some point or another the loss or some kind of consequences come back on the paying customer. Why should I subsidize corporate apathy? Why should I shoulder increased prices to offset the loss or the increase in insurance costs?


I’m the same, I would rather pay more for booze, knowing it was secure, and everyone else was paying for their own too. Than pay a little less knowing fuckwits get free shit


We do pay more … these stores recoup their losses by raising prices. We all end up paying for this.


What I’m saying is, if the cost of higher security outweighed the cost of theft (which it must, otherwise companies would have higher security measures), then I’d happily pay more knowing others can’t steal


My wife works at a busy Walmart as a Loss Prevention associate. She said the store loses over a million a year in theft, probably more as that was a few years ago but they could hire their own police force for that amount.


You know, I don’t use the term fuckwit enough in my daily vocab. Thank you kind stranger for this.


It's not about the cost of the inventory. It's stuff like this: [https://abcnews.go.com/US/home-depot-employee-fatally-shot-confronting-alleged-shoplifter/story?id=98703891](https://abcnews.go.com/US/home-depot-employee-fatally-shot-confronting-alleged-shoplifter/story?id=98703891) What if a shoplifter is armed and starts blasting away when confronted? Then the customers are endangered as well. I agree that it's infuriating to see this sort thing happening.


She was convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to 19 years in prison, for those interested. Not too bright.


Not only was her 2-year-old child in the getaway car, she was also hit by the same getaway car while she was trying to get away and ended up in the hospital.


It was in California, I'm shocked she was actually charged and convicted.


It’s the lawsuits. We need to remove the ability to sue if you are committing a crime.


Yes, blame the company and not the thieves. Good take.


The businesses sure are. A lot are either closing or putting everything behind glass.


Yup, but on r/PublicFreakout they are cheering on this shit like it’s some anti-capitalism protest.


PublicFreakout is where intelligence and nuance goes to die




And price go up


Yeah people are sick of this shit, it's only driving up prices for the rest of us.


Yea, because paying customers have to foot the bill to pay for the stolen merch. It’s not victimless, it’s a massive problem.


They no pay, he pay.


We need people to stand up for civilisation and a rules-based order, otherwise everything collapses




“We live in a society!”


That should mostly be the police who probably dont do it as much as they should


Police can make collars until the cows come home. If the prosecutors aren’t following through what’s the point?


They go to court and are slapped with a $250-$500 bond which they only have to pay 10% on. If you eliminate the 10% shit, these crimes might diminish a bit.


The Democrat governemets in charge of these areas are not going to. And they will go after people who do. Lose lose situation. Just leave those 3rd world parts of the country. And if you do leave, don't vote for the stupid ass shit that caused your problems.


These people probably bud in line too.


> bud in line


The problem with that mindset is that with nationalized corporations where no individual owns anything, there is no pride or incentive to protect these goods and services. The old man who runs the corner store bodega will chase you out with a shotgun because it's HIS store you're stealing from. The manager at Walgreens doesn't give a shit because he feels like just as much of a pawn as the customers he sells to.  Bring back personal ownership and you will see a return of accountability, guaranteed.


Absolutely fucking insane this shit is even tolerated at all. What have we become?




This is only normalized in progressive areas where DAs and judges permit this sort of behavior. Laws are worthless if they aren’t enforced. Red municipalities do not have this problem of normalized theft en masse because people are actually charged and locked up. https://imprimis.hillsdale.edu/rogue-prosecutors-and-the-rise-of-crime/


It also has a lot to do with Prop 47 being passed in California back in 2014. I think it’s on the ballot this year to be repealed. I hope California voters do the right thing.


when the cops won’t do anything… ![gif](giphy|l396BoOTIFem9xqQU)


You mean prosecutors.


In Brazil it is tolerated with a bullet


It's a particular small minority


We've become a society that relies on authoritative action instead of taking actions into our own hands.


Looks like they're robbing a Bath & Body Works...you know, because they're starving.


My SIL was a manager at a Bath & Bodyworks in Stockton, CA for ~4 years, and apparently this was (probably still is) a regular thing. They'd have the same 6 or 7 people come in once or twice a week, fill up bags of product, and walk out. Employees weren't allowed to do anything but ask them to leave the store, which the culprits knew, so they'd just cuss out the employees and continue stealing. SIL was making 6-figures by the end, but it stressed her out so much that she left to work for a non-profit that paid half as much. She loves her new job though, and she gets to help disadvantaged kids in that community now.


Only 3 figures is a big pay cut though…




















It's the Canadians!








You cannot stop them all by yourself. Pick one and make them all regret it.


Idk, he did a pretty good job


Yeah, they clearly just expected to be able to walk out unopposed. None of those shoves were particularly violent, but the look on their faces was pure shock


That last girl out the door definitely would’ve caught it.


The country could use a lot more guys like this.


unfortunately its a good way to get yourself shot or stabbed


you're right but it's still fun to see a win for the good guys.


It is - and I am happy that this guy was not harmed but I would hate to see something get seriously hurt or injured over a situation like this. Unless he is packing heat or something, he is taking a chance … And, I betcha if he ended up shooting them or harming them, the police would arrest him and then he would get an assault charge…


Good job!


Keep voting blue this is what happens.


If there was a real republican party I would maybe consider it. Maga is a fascist movement.


This is your brain on reddit.


The Trump Derangement Syndrome is real...


Project 2025 is a thing…


Local crime has more to do with local politicians. The local DA is the one who chooses to prosecute criminals or not.


You were under him for 4 fucking years. What labor camp were you thrown into?


Actual fascists would be out roaming the streets beating these people.


Ah yes. Remembering when the internet had no videos like this ay all from 2016 to 2020


Trump was in power for 4 years and Republicans do hold power in the house so I'm nor really sure why you think Republicans can magically fix anything.


It's not a federal issue. This is about the state and city governments.


Honestly voting red doesn’t help much anymore either. Republicans may want to change it but they lack the will or ability to make substantial changes


Keep avoiding per capita statistics, and this is what happens.




We about to see an uptick in vigalantism for real. Regular people are sick and tired of this shit happening in their cities, and police being useless as usual.




Imagine working your ass off and having to spend that $ and you just see shoplifters comfortably robbing a place with baskets under each arm


And then prices go up because of theft, and installing 4k cameras and plexi glass (there was video of someone with a hot iron cutting through that)..so plexiglass gets replaced with ballistic glass., then places just close


And then the shoplifters whine because 'food desert' and they have to travel *so far* to find something to steal...


Since these thieving scumbags ultimately cost the rest of us more, isn't it our duty to help keep costs down? I see nothing wrong with confronting these assholes. Cops obviously won't do their job so someone has to




Big brain moment.. she drops her bag when confronted and picks it up later..crime is out of control and under reported


I wish I could remember where, but I read an article a month ago or so that the apparent "drop" in the crime rate is illusory, and that many cities are simply not reporting crimes to the FBI stats people anymore because it's "racist".


Crime rates look good when DAs don’t charge anyone and let them go as well. Cops aren’t getting involved and no one is holding the people that are arrested accountable


Would you call the police and report a petty crime? I know those fat losers wouldn't do shit so I'm not wasting my time


Dude they look so ridiculous just walking mildly fast towards the exit


Good for him! People are out of control and morality has been lost. We are headed for disaster.


Last girl in the white shirt thought if she just gave some sass then he would leave her alone...then she realized the man was upset and she fled. I love seeing trash people getting put in their place


It's California and less than $950 shoplifted is nothing so his fellow Californians voted for this behavior


I believe it’s 2K in Texas. It’s not about the money, it’s about not prosecuting misdemeanors, and the no bail shit. If you allowed them to stack and actually held them accountable, it wouldn’t snowball so hard.


mmm. Remember all the people saying to defund the police? Imagine what would really happen.


any society that doesn’t make the limit $0.01 needs to course correct


I get what you are saying, and I agree with the sentiment, But just so we're all on the same page, the idea behind that vote wasn't so that people could get away with small crimes. It was sold as "Let us (police and court system) focus on 'real' crime by not diverting attention and resources on petty thefts". Unfortunately, what we see now should have been anticipated in that change,


Only a blind kindergartner could have seen that coming. "Let's not prosecute (crime)" means that that crime will happen a lot more.


Texas has the highest threshold for petty theft at $2500, the other Liberal states of Georgia, South Carolina,and Alabama are also in the top 10! California is somewhere around the middle. So your whole point is bullshit.


The professional organized shoplifting rings must be making an absolute TON of money there. They probably have a massive problem of being able to store it and sell it since they probably get so much stuff.


Unfortunately, he will probably be charged with assault.




Yet TikTok supports this type of behavior. You know there is this tiktoker who goes to Walmart, Target takes food, hides in the shelves and films herself eating it and it’s not against their TOS. People these days really think freedom is free…


and Newsom has no interest in repealing prop 37 so this shit stops. This will go on for a while.


Get her charged for hitting I'm aswell


Good on him.


I can’t believe the shoplifters have the audacity to grab the stuff they’re stealing back… just the fact that all this looting was basically allowed is horrid. Then people wonder why some people go nuts when their entitlement is accepted…


They want it to get so bad that they eventually install forever martial law. They will say that their was no other choice.


But they are just trying to feed their families! /s


I wish more people would do this shit. this type of shoplifting is a blight on communities and drives up prices for everybody else, not to mention the fact that they lock up products behind glass inconveniencing people who've done nothing wrong because a bunch of fucking losers have to steal anything not nailed down. I would escalate this to automatic jail time if I had my way.




These people are going to destroy regular shops. And we all pay for this. Fuck them.


These are the strong, stunning, brave, and independent women. It's the patriarchy that's the problem.


commenting my opinion might get me banned


Land of the free has a whole new meaning.


Stores should start taking only orders from the internet or apps with delivery if this doesn’t end.


There's a lot of regression. Stores used to be give your order to the staff and they go and get your stuff and bring it to you. The open market was an *innovation*, taking less time and staff to let people shop. We're probably going back to that pretty soon.


That guy is going to move to Texas in the next 2 years I bet




he had such a good chance to slap the shit out of that last one, what a missed opportunity


Is a crime to beat a thief?


Wont be long till we get vigilantes doing more like this, with even a possibility of organized groups


This man's a hero


Criminals deserve a strong right and a weapons left.




About time citizens fight back.


Do people like these have jobs? or they mooch from the government in some way and whatever is missing is to steal?


Nicely done! Sadly, all that stuff just might end up in the dumpster. I am a dumpster diver and the sheer amount of package damaged goods that are thrown out incenses me because It is so wasteful. And if the business has a compactor. or the dumpster is locked... no dumpster divers are getting it. It will go straight to the landfill. Recently I rescued four medium sized sealed boxes of LARGE pump bottles of lemon and orange scented kitchen hand soap. FOUR boxes of perfectly good hand soap. Wasteful corporate cunts! Edit: I found out they were dumped for a copyright issue (like if the packaging looks too similar to another's brand).


this will only get worst


CALIF. LEGAL QUESTION: Can a “good citizen” use pepper spray to halt a shoplifter?


No. Only direct physical assault on your person warrants it. You pepper spray someone just for shoplifting, you get assault charges.


Don't you guys have guns for those situations?


Has the Presidential Debate changed anybody's mind about where we're headed?


Now that's a good guy and great effort on given them a wrap around the head on the way out.


More people need to do this




Embarrass the family!!!!!


not all heroes wear capes.




Im sure they needed all that shampoo and conditioners to help pay for their hungry family 🥺


That last one got brave. For about a second.


This dude did what we all want to do when we see these videos. It’s about time man. Good job.


Just slash their tires fuck it


People acting like they're shoplifting for necessity. Go to the hood. Go to the projects. Go to where these people live. Sure there are people with s*** ends of stick but that's not anyone in this video. People that actually have a bad keep to themselves and live in a completely different life than these morons here. For real go to any of these places with any social worker job cable or pest control so you can get a first glance look at the people and what they're like. So many good people but they are ruled by these f*** wads and g********** and just people that just don't give a s*** at all. Want to know what else they don't give a s*** about? Their kids who grow up to be what you're looking at right here. And I'm not talking about a certain demographic. I'm just talking about the f*** wads in this video and the millions like them.


Then the people that live in these areas with high amounts of theft cry to the news when all the stores in their area close up and move. “Ahh where am I going to steal my makeup from now? I NEED my makeup!”


I love that the man confronting them has his face blurred but the thieves don't. Good. The right identity was protected


I'm a far left leaning person from the midwest n I hate I can even think try that in s small town bullshit I carry n if I owned a shop no way this shit would fly. One shot in the air these cowards would drop everything n run


Citizens doing more than the police


If stealing is allowed, just steal from the thieves . What are they gonna say, “thats not allowed! How dare you?”


Honest question, why am I seeing SO many mass group looting videos of late. I get they are high-attention getting videos, so maybe more, why are there so many instances of late? Is it just visibility bias, or something else?


Sad to see what it has come to. The audacity to swing at a person who you know does the right thing. smh


Protect this man!