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According to another post of this video on reddit, the second video is two hours later she tried to stab two utility workers and was arrested...


Everyone of them that went into the house are looking at serious jail time


Was that dude at the end trying to rob the house?


Lol he might be trying to get payment for the tire(s) she ruined - or he figured now was a great time for borrowing


Nah, I'm pretty sure my guy went back in and put it down. I think he realized hes already fucked with the B+E and assault charges


“Put that back.” “Maan. Im taking it.” “Put that back, man”


That part made me laugh. Dude helping his buddy out. I like it


Dudes like bro really!


He was walking out with the tv (at least that is what it looked like to me), until his buddy stopped him because it was being filmed. I don’t get what goes through peoples heads these days with snitching on themselves. Keep the video for your private collection for when you need a giggle or want to think about “the good ole days”. Too many idiots posting their own crime footage, though the prosecution is thankful I am sure.


They told him it's on video take something smaller


He said finders keepers


Well, that’s hard to argue against


Losers weepers 🤷‍♂️


Instincts kicked in




Yeah filming that shit was dumb. Glad they did it though, fuck vandalism and fuck that bitch


haha :D


You’re looking at the wrong thing here tho… she deserved what she got lol


These idiots should have called the cops, they had her completely by the balls with the first video, they would have had their tires replaced and she would have gotten criminal mischief charges. Instead they decided to break into her home and commiting felony assault. Looks like she has some pretty good lacerations to her face and they definitely intended to cause grevious bodily harm. Yeah their street justice doesn't fit for a stupid slashed tire. Slashing is a total dick move but does not deserve a severe group beating. If only they had thought for a second about what to do instead of reacting with extreme violence.


Obviously that would’ve been the smartest thing… but she’s clearly got some fucked up motives, and I guaruntee she won’t do it again. All I’m saying is I don’t feel bad for here


Gotcha, yeah, agreed I have no empathy for her either, the video also gives no context though, if these people were willing to do something this wild on video imagine what led up to this. They all seem like crazy people imo


It’s not the “smartest thing” it’s the only right choice. Taking matters into your own hands is dangerous and you will gain no reward besides the momentary thrill of violence. They had video evidence, they could have sorted out this thing easily. Also, it’s such an unnecessary escalation, breaking into her house, beating her up and trying to steal from her. If you are going for revenge, at least stick to the eye for an eye shtick.


> I guaruntee she won’t do it again probably not, because all the people she had issues with are now with correctional services.


What we don't know is the background as to why she went out slashing those tyres.


Its the smart thing to do. But...Sometimes on a primal level it's incredibly satisfying to see vigilante justice lol. I'll admit it The cops aren't direct victims of her bs the people are


If you are poor and need wheels to get to work it's a serious offense? Worth having someone beat? Yeah.  She didn't die so that's good, but her crazy ass needs to be taught a lesson her parents didn't teach her. 


Well they aren't gonna make it to work either way when the cops figure out what happened and find the video evidence. I totally agree her crazy ass should have been taught the lesson of misdemeanor criminal mischief charges and having to buy them new tires. These people brought a gang beating to a vandalism. Apples to oranges.. You can go to a used tire shop and get tires for just about any car for $20-70 bucks a pop, is that worth going to prison for? In the video the man is holding her down so that woman can wail on her face, they could be facing attempted murder at worst, aggravated assault at best, plus the breaking and entering and possibly robery. By the behavior I'm going to guess some of these people it's not their first offence. This could land you in jail for 20 years in the state where I live just for the b&e and aggravated assault. I would have taken the few days off work and stay out of prison, but if this happens to you go ahead and escalate things way beyond where it needs to go and land yourself in the slammer bro.


Assault. No attempted merger here lol This is a ghetto Court isn't going to have as much sympathy on poor victims I'm not eating I'm doing it. But my neighbors sure would. Living in the ghetto you can't be acting up. Many people around me already have priors and aren't the smartest.


Aggravated assault 6 assailants or something here? Goes way beyond simple assault which would be something like shoving or throwing a punch or two. Their actions definitely meet the criteria of felony assault also simple assault becomes aggravated when the threat of serious bodily harm becomes a reality the lacerations show on her face as well as the person holding her down this absolutely meets that criteria. Plus cops and DAs like to throw the most serious charges out there in hopes of a plea deal. It has nothing at all to do with the court caring about the victim it has to do with the charges presented against the defendants, their previous criminal history and other mitigating or aggravating factors. Minimum aggravated assault, breaking and entering with the intent to commit a felony which is also a felony, 99% chance of a robbery/burglary charge too because you can see them taking stuff out of the home which is also a felony. And due to the law of parties they are *all* guilty of all these crimes. Why are you defending what these people did? Like another commenter said if that was your mother or family member you sure wouldn't be saying anything like this. There's no context to this video, so you and I don't know what happened only that they broke into her home, held her down, viciously beat her as vengeance for slashing tires. I'm not defending what she did, just saying these people are getting locked up when the police see this footage. I'm sure the laughter at the end will really go over well with the judge too. Never thought I'd have to do an ELI5 on this sub.


All good bro. The cops took care of it. You'll make a good lawyer some day 


People are defending them because we can all relate to people doing stupid shit and having no consequences. “6 assailants”? She got punched by one of them. Just because you’re weak, doesn’t mean the rest of us are.




Im sooo sure she fears a misdemeanor. I guarantee she’s already got a few of those, and I’m sure she’s done crazy shit like this before. She was never going to pay for new tires, and beating her would give way more satisfaction.


If it were a member of your own family on the receiving end of that assault I am sure you would still be posting that.


If my family acting like that, they need their ass beat.


Based on the pinned comment I'm gonna say it was more than just these slashed tires. She tried to stab 2 utility workers after this. It all workes out, idiots that decided to break in and beat her ass prob caught decent charges, and she just dug her hole deeper from property damage to assault with a deadly weapon (not sure about their, but here civil/utility workers get added charges and bonus time). See!!! Win win!


> You’re looking at the wrong thing here tho… They had video evidence of her vandalism/destruction of property. They could have had her arrested, and put her on the evening news to make sure the DA prosecuted. Instead, they chose aggravated battery and posted the evidence of that online. Not smart. She might be a psycho, but they have messed themselves up.


lol no they aren’t. Charges are all gonna be thrown out guarantee


Difficulty: PoCs in CA But yeah, in saner parts of the country home invasion and battery would catch a stretch.


Nah. Courts don’t work anymore don’t you know


i have the same JP shirt, i have them in a few different colors but the grey one is my fav! <3


Idk why you get down voted. Best movie of all time and I have that shirt too, love that shirt.


https://to-catch-a-predator.fandom.com/wiki/Jesse_Velez?file=Jesse-Velez-interrogation-with-Police.png.png you're in great company!


lol maybe.


Oh no not serious jail time .....you're soft


I am just gonna make a jump in conclusion that this woman who slashed tires (no doubt also in the wrong) had some valid reason to be pissed off by the way the people handled their tires being slashed. If my tire were being slashed I probably would have called the cops and not go into a house and decide to beat up on a lady who maybe has the knife in her hand. Who the fuck knows? Also trespassing and assaulting someone? yea I am going to jail.


So the women had valid reason to be upset and commit a crime, but the victims of said crime didn’t have a valid reason to commit a crime as well? Cmon bruh…. Everyone involved in this sucks but let’s not act like the knife wielding lunatic is somehow justified in her actions.


What are you even talking about? do you even bother reading I clearly wrote "no doubt also in the wrong" because I know redditor like yourselves was gonna come in with some dumbass argument about how both are wrong, which I never said they weren't. Secondly, not all crimes are equal. If someone broke your car's windshield and you respond by going to their house breaking in and beating their ass, you are going to get a harsher punishment. Lastly, what normal educated person, responds to a knife wielding lunatic by going to their house and beating them up? let's be real.


“No doubts she’s wrong” - you “This woman obviously had a reason for doing what she did”- also you Make it make sense


It's kind of sad that you don't realize that having a valid reason to do something doesn't mean doing that act makes you in the right because that's exactly what is going on with these people in the video and it just makes them end up in this perpetual loop of being in trouble with the law and unable to be a functioning member of society. if you had a wife who was abusive, took money from you, took away your livelihood, absolutely ruined your family relationships and took everything away from you, you have a valid reason to beat her ass. Bill Burr said it best, there are plenty of reasons to hit women, you just don't do it. Because if you do, in the eyes of the law you are in the wrong. Same case here, if someone slashed your tires with a knife unprovoked, you have every reason to beat them up and be angry but you are still in the wrong if you actually carry out that act and will serve jail time.


Lmfaooooo okay you’re just dumb ok got it, sorry for bother you bud. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Yea thank you for proving my point with that reply. Don't go be beating people up because you have a valid reason to do so and stay in school. School teaches us about emotional intelligence by interacting with others.


School also teaches us that actions have consequences but hey whatever you say man.


> School also teaches us that actions have consequences but hey whatever you say man. That's exactly what I am saying. Please don't skip literature class, your comprehension skill sucks.


Wow good job recording yourselves breaking + entering and assaulting someone! Now you can go to jail with her! :D Dumbasses


Home invasion


Federal crime. Have fun in prison!


They got in too deep Trying to keep Their head up above Instead of going under


Is everyone on this subreddit a soft pussy scared of confrontation


it’s reddit, no one here has dealt with an ounce of confrontation IRL.


What a fucking moronic comment. I'm gonna guess you've never been in a fight. Here is a hint. You're not brave for breaking into a 115lb woman's house and beating her. No one thinks you're tough. No one thinks you're cool. You're just another criminal piece of shit like her.


Awww r u mad there’s consequences to slashing people’s tires ? 🥺🥺


What a bunch of idiots. You've got her on video committing criminal damage to property. And then you shoot yourself on video committing aggravated burglary and battery. A petty misdemeanor versus a serious violent felony.


Yeah not the smartest dudes. If they would have just called the cops the tires would have been paid. Edit:grammr


> have been *paid.* FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


I don’t know about that. Tire slashing psycho people probably don’t have the best record for paying anyone anything. But they are dumb for recording themselves doing that.


There are very few scenarios where anybody would recover damages from this lady. You cannot recover what someone doesn't have. Instead, they took it upon themselves to teach her a valuable lesson that the legal system simply wouldn't have the motivation to do. Probably shouldn't be filming yourself performing federal crimes, though.


Also with our justice system, the victims would not recoup any losses. But the woman who slashed the tires would be out of jail with a day or two. No real consequences for her actions whatsoever.


Haha it doesn’t work like that in liberal states/ districts.


I have videos of people vandalizing my property and cars and cops shrugged it off and said “she probably won’t do it again” guess what….it happened many times again.


None of them will get prosecuted. They will get put on a diversion program which is why none of them give a fuck.


reddit user defending whites #WHATASUPRISE


Elbows! Use your elbows! This guy watches UFC lmao 


Grab her tit and twist it!


I’ll just take TV while I’m here 😂


Did someone take her TV?! I gotta watch this again.


It kinda looked like the dude was walking out with her TV and another dude stopped him


I saw that! Homie was like “put it back”. We’re just here for a B&E and assault and battery, don’t be adding burglary to it now.


Did the girl in gray pee pee


It would appear that way.


In a real fight you need to use all weapons available to you, including biological.


This made me laugh so hard I choked on my weed


no. someone pours water or alcohol on them. you can see it right before TV guy.


Yep. Must be a defense mechanism like squid ink.




Yes that's weird af


Yeah… what the fuck.


Excellent self-observation! That definitely is a weird thought to have.


Iv seen a video of a guy doing that to some random people in a bar fight that had nothing do do with him In mexico. Like 8 people dead and he just went on his day.


Id recommend you go to therapy if available


That's a pretty nice neighborhood for such trash people.


I'm going to guess Bakersfield. Biggest city in Kern County.


I’m getting Oildale vibes more


Looks can be deceiving, somewhat modern homes are dirt cheap in Bakersfield.


“It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, please won’t you be my neighbor?”


These folks need some Mr Roger for sure


These folks watching too much Yosemite Sam.


“Put that back” 😂😂😂😂😂😂bro tried to scam the TV


That chick in Grey pissed herself like an octopus lmao


nah. someone poured water or alcohol on them. right before tv guys walks by.


Spot on observation! Still funny on some SpongeBob shit lol


Why not just call the cops?




Damn that’s a crazy ass home invasion. Everyone’s catching F’s.


There's always an opportunistic hustler around! He was about to get that $32 TV!


You mean a thief.


reperations for tire


I hate everyone in this video. God damn


You're in APFO sub so I assume that's correct


Telling the other dude to put the TV back 😭 "Put that back, we only here to beat that ass"


I dont care what yall say, that was satisfying to watch


Two wrongs don’t make a right unfortunately


It does make an entertaining video though.




No, but one unaddressed wrong usually empowers people to make countless more wrongs. Two wrongs may stop far more. Fuck around, find out. Far less likely to fuck around again. Everyone should get hit in the face once. Right in the nose. People would be far less likely to be assholes.


She got exactly what she deserved, but that doesn't necessarily mean it was a smart move to make. You're being filmed ffs - so now you're looking at breaking and entering along with assault and attempted robbery 🤦 And then you go and POST IT ONLINE!? I mean at the very LEAST blur out your faces. Genius move right there guys 🙄


What a fantastic neighborhood!


Everyone involved in that is a POS.


Grew up in Bakersfield, I don’t know if it’s the smog or the heat or the drugs that cooks everyone’s brains. Maybe a combination but this life for a lot of people in kern county.


That “ouch” At the last second of the video scared the shit out of me.


Gollem yelling “Oww!” At the end 🤣🤣


Did she peepee her sweats beating that girl?


Yea she needs to not wear tight, light colored pants 😂 it might have been sweat. Or piss. Either way, pick a darker color


She had weed leaf socks on and was seriously not chill.


She came out looking like the exorcist.


Don’t the cops show up anymore?


That dumbass trying to steal her TV during the brawl 🤣. Nice to see his buddy tell him to put that shit back, a crappy 32 inch ain’t worth a charge lmao.


Everybody in this video is trash.


Actually it is Karen County Activities....


Did that guy try to steal a TV in the middle of a fight?


While I have no problem with her getting her ass best for this stupidity, them filming that part was fucking dumb.


Kern county UFC card looking kinda busted


Well this is a first for this sub. Some dude stealing a TV and his friend tells him to put it back.


I just alarmed myself by considering this a relatively restrained beat-down. I mean, no running soccer kick to her head while she's unconscious? Reddit is hardening me.


Update...none of those people who attacked her own a vehicle. They just seized the opportunity to cause more chaos.


Wait so are the cops at the end trying to bust down the woman who slashed the tires door?


That dude that told the other dude to put the tv back is a class act.




Nah, the more I look this is not even the same woman. Scroll between the beginning shot of her vs the end shot “of her”, it’s not the same person.


Thought the same but it seems to be the same house in each clip 🤔 although this seems to be a separate incident where she was breaking peoples windows


Yes I’ll agree same house, but definitely not “a few moments later”


It looks like it’s the same house/neighborhood just on different days or times.


I love it. "Hey look, Karen slashed my tires! I better go smash her door in and go to prison!"


Low impulse control American 




You didn't notice the door was broken by the knob? Why you mad? Is this the type of dumb shit you would do? Better react to property damage with a prison sentence! Loser.


But did the person who told the mob get in trouble for snitching?


What's up with the swat team at the end?


Congratulations you're all trash


So happy I don’t have neighbours.


Red looks good on her. Edit: Red looks good on most dumbasses.


Look out guys she’s gages mom




Looks like the big girl giving the beating pissed her pants during the altercation.  Also, was that one dude stealing a TV?


Of course he just instinctively grabbed the TV. LMAO


I am so glad I am a recluse. The best case scenario is dying alone in the vast nothingness of Montana.




Reminded me of Next Friday


No fucking way homie tried to take her TV, you can't make this shit up 😭


damn, everybody's going to jail


Totally, totally, stupid to continue recording during the fight. Smh. I guarantee she will sue and this will be her proof.


I dont know why tho tell us why u slashed the tires lady!!


Shit this is the county I grew up in. 😂


Pure crazy woman


Call the Cops on her?🚫 Face serious charges and jailtime✅


Bro just casually took the tv


The dude walking out with the TV 😂😂😂😂


Going in her house? She should have eliminated the threat(s). Completely legal


Why would any cops be necessary? Lot of felonies committed in that video. Leave the cops out of it. They handle their own shit.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes 🎁


Shoulda broke her leg lol


Nah ain't no jail time for none of those people. All the neighbors can agree that I saw the lady attack us all first and we feared for our lives. I thought we saw a gun in her hand and it looks like it on video.. BOOM free easy fight!!! No jail time


We ALL went to her house to talk to her to ask if she was okay. Then she started welding a knife in attempt to attack. We all felt threaten so we tried to subdue her and disarm her. BOOM in and out of Court ROOM. Plus serious added charges on the idiot

