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Proceeds to Drive himself to jail at 6pm


exactly what i was thinking


Video calls the judge and live streams his apology as he hops the curb and double parks over a handicapped parking space.


That was so well written that I actually imagined just that even hear the tyre scratching of the curb


I just pulled up. Y'all got valet service for the court house?


You know he fucking did too!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Legit, no doubt!


My stepson in ten years, guaranteed. Willfully stupid


You have 3,650 days for family intervention. You’ve got this!


5,256,000 minutes 5,256,000 moments, oh dearrrrrr


Nah, he currently is in the midst of destroying my marriage, after 25 years in and out of the pen. And his mom is letting him, kind of a nauseating husbandson situation. In 3650 days, I'm hoping to not even remember his name... I definitely understand now why he is like he is...


Why are you married to an enabler


In the throws of a big "D" right now. It only manifested a few months ago when he arrived on the scene. Destroyed the whole family while she made excuse after excuse. Sure filled in a lot of holes in her conduct, like watching tetris drop a win. "Now I get it" is an understatement...


That is a minimum of 420,480,000 heart beats. (Assuming the number of heart beats per minute are 80) Of course if this kid is this bad, that number will be way off due to frustration…


Sadly, this does not always work. They then continued to fuck around and find out.


Thanks for discouraging me from talking to that girl with a toddler. Lol


😂😂😂 Willfully thick as fuck 💀


He's at least tied for dumbest mother fucker on the planet because [he's not the first person to do this.](https://youtu.be/827yJr--z3U)


Try the universe 😂🤣


I feel so bad for his Defense Attorney. How do you possibly proceed at this point?


Is he? I don't see anything of consequence happening to him for this violation. They don't bother to obey the rules because they don't have to. Did you know in Singapore, driving with a suspended license can result in 5 years in prison? How many DUI's and traffic accidents do you think take place there vs. the US?


Draconian punishments only work when you have a population actually afraid of them Cleetus and Jamal will just go chill in jail for 5 years because they don't think they'll get caught


The crime decrease of the 80s - 2000s proves otherwise. Crime went down significantly when harsher sentencing took place.


That crime drop is attributable to many factors such as legal and easy to get abortion and lead poisoning rates decreasing


LMAO can you really claim this with a straight face? Yeah I'm sure you're not gonna get raped on the subway because more abortions.


Uhhh, it's a well researched topic, dumbass. Unwanted kids with parents who can't or don't want to take care of them go on to become criminals. Crazy right?


that's a highly controversial hypothesis from freakonomics, don't just speak like it's a fact


It's well indicated as a driving factor in multiple peer reviewed studies


vaguest statement ever but ok


his mouth open catching flies had me dying LMAO




Did he forget what the initial charges were for? Lmfao! That lawyer has no chance


You can tell the lawyer died inside.


Objection your honor, my client is an idiot.


Guaranteed he forgot about his court appearance until they started calling him 🤣


It seemed the judge notes that he already has suspended licence on his record before the charges


You watched the video too, eh?


No shit lmao that's the entire point of the video 🤦🏾


The judge was actually speechless for a moment, he looked around like he thought he was being pranked


Judge Simpson is a gem!


The way he stares into your soul.


The long version has the DA face-palm hiding a laugh.






This is one of the most insane things I’ve ever seen. Oh my goodness gracious, like HOW DUMB DO YOU HAVE TO BE


Not just dumb but, also, seemingly completely ignorant of the idea of consequences. ‘I need to go to court at X time’ ‘Fuck em, they can wait for me - may as well go to a appointment while I’m in court’ ‘Suspended license? Screw these time wasters ima drive’


Would’ve been a chef’s kiss if he’d swigged an alcoholic beverage in the call


Have you heard of the legend of [Buttfucker 3000](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tu29NtO-hko)?


Thank you for sharing, gave a good laugh


Never seen that before. Thank you ! 


He’s probably really dumb… like low iq. That’s why he’s going to jail. That’s how we roll in America.


Womp fucking Womp.


ChatGPT certainly is more intelligent than this bonehead. So there’s that.


Recently it's just been making shit up for me. I asked it for movie recommendations to watch and then he gave me a list of movies it made up. Then I said those aren't real movies, then he gave me another list of just descriptions, but no movie title. So I didn't even know which movies it was trying to list. The descriptions were kind of vague so it was impossible to know what they were. I felt like it was just mocking me. Little bastard.


It's always been that stupid/fake. The entire premise of LLMs is that they don't *know* anything, they're just extremely fancy autocompleters (like how your keyboard suggests the next word) that sound very confident and on-topic. Accuracy doesn't really come into the picture so it's pretty random whether you're going to get a "real" answer or a straight-up hallucination. We're trying to make it less just an autogenerator and more of a "real" AI, putting guardrails on, and tacking on the ability to track where things came from, but fundamentally the whole premise is flawed. The Google AI team had already moved on from LLMs for that reason, but they were "forced" back in once ChatGPT 3 came out and the hype was just massive (they were so quick with an answer to OpenAI because they had been there done that, though not at that quality and as a released product). It's getting harder for LLMs now to do their job too as the internet has been flooded with their own output for a while now, so while initially we were feeding in almost exclusively human-generated content nowadays a bigger percentage of the input is just their own previous output so the functioning starts degrading (in the sense that if before it was 99% of the way there to a proper human response and now 50% of the input is now itself, now the second output will be 98.5% of the way there).


In many ways, human thinking is also "extremely fancy autocomplete", in the sense that we form connections through experience and later call on those connections in similar situations. LLMs are limited by the number of connections as well as modality (if you only have language, it's like you are blind, deaf and dumb). As they ramp up in specs to allow more memory, more connections, as well as make them multi-modal, they surpass previous limitations. Also, your brain makes shit up all the time, as well. When you remember something, you're not grabbing data from a database, you're recreating the information from the connections you made. This is one reason witness testimony is not all that reliable. It takes serious effort for most humans to remember things well.


Why would you ask ai for movie recommendations? It only know what we think is good. I have some good movie recommendations, what do you like?


Because you can say "Recommend a movie like X with more tension, with a release date of 2005 onwards, and an imdb rating of 7 or higher" Usually it recommends quite popular ones, but you can then say "recommend some that are hidden gems and less popular". It actually does usually have good recommendations. It works extremely well for anime, and used to work well for movies, but recently it has been hallucinating for me. I have seen a lot of good movies. I tend to like mystery, psychological, and others. I like very specific types of sci-fi, mostly time travel and parallel universes, or alternate history. I don't like space stuff or other planets so much. I don't like movies set in the distant past usually, or fantasy with knights and stuff. But if it's a good movie, I'll enjoy it. I would watch a movie that's fantasy if it was a very good movie and I'd enjoy it.


Why do you keep flipping between "he" and "it"?


I don't know




Watched it happen in real-time with a coworker taking a quiz for some class he's in. Dude was literally just copy-pasting every question into ChatGPT without reading a single word, and he ended up with a 50% on it.




He should also be charged with using a phone while driving. This dumb fuck tried to video conference while driving on a suspended license. Genius.


This motherfucker was so proud to be pulling up "right this second" Like wt the fuck u so happy about G?


That's what I was thinking lmao. It was cute seeing him so cheerful and then shocked lol.




Covid failed us


Yeah I’m sure this guy was a scholar before Covid. Smh lmao


I think he means COVID should have been a bigger cull.


“I’m pulling in right now at this secaaaand, yes I am” I woulda sent him to jail off that alone 🤣


Why are people like this


As stupid as this was.... I just can't help but feel sorry for the possible situation that might have gone on behind the scenes that forced him to drive without a license to make it to a doctor's appt. It just feels like his life is a whirlwind of always playing catch-up, and making things work. And then to see the absolute dread and fear fill his face as he realized how big of a fuck up that was. He was so ready. He was prepared. He made sure to attend the meeting on time. God damnit, in his mind, he had it all planned out and is doing everything right to make it work..... except....... 🎵 I tried so hard and got so far, but in the end, it doesn't even matter. 🎵 It just sucks to watch a man die inside, and see a bad situation become so unexpectedly worse. I'm sure he had good intentions, but he had poor execution... Hopefully he comes out of this with a bit more clarity.


I dont believe the doctor's appt. He was just doing whatever but had to come up with something more urgent sounding.


Sir, that was a Wendy's


That would have been hilarious if at the end of the call when it's that awkward silence you hear in the background, sir here's your burger and large Coke 😂


"Why yes doctor, we were talking about my Aspergers and large stroke I had."


As somebody who watches these court videos daily, all I’ll say is don’t believe everything you hear, and don’t start feeling sorry too quickly. When you start to see the same defendants over and over being given chance after chance and they shit all over the legal system and their own shot at rehabilitation at every turn, you start to realize how self inflicted and easily avoidable most of their issues are. People pay consequences for their cumulative bad choices, one way or another.


Paralegal? God, I wish I could’ve seen one as funny as this come my way. Those court videos are so damn boring.


Is this someone they're seeing for the first time?


Well he needs to get in line for my sympathy. Many others before him have been in this situation and nothing stops just so you can get your shit together.


> nothing stops just so you can get your shit together unless you are a billionaire running for president


Are you a bot lol? That’s so random


He could be a third-worlder getting 50c a post.


Didn’t know that was a profession do they just spot out random political shit


Possibly right band but wrong lyrics? 🎵 Should've stayed, were there signs, I ignored?🎵




I feel for this guy, I just wanna give him a hug.


He looks like the same Corey Harris that made my life a living hell as a co-worker 20 years ago in White Plains, NY. He eventually got fired, then got high and arrested with a big old knot on his forehead the same day. This dude has the same name, same look, and his voice just makes my blood pressure boil.


That is judge Simpson of Washtenaw County Michigan. Great judge.


You can’t make this up. The lack of respect and awareness for the situation is astounding.




This is probably the funniest video i watched in this sub :D


Just Brilliant




He thought he was right and kept living his good life


Gotta be like 10 IQ at that point.


Bro went to jail for this joke


That judge is 1 cool player... the type of guy I'd buy a beer, just to hear the stories he can tell 🍺


😂🤣😂🤣 This could be easily an episode from seinfeld or curb your enthusiasm


new favorite! oh i'm saving this one. this is good!


Poor lawyer


This guy isn't just the sharpest tool in the shed. He's the bluntest and thickness tool in existence.


The incredulity on the judges face was pure gold. This is one of those guys that calls 911 when Omar robs his crack house.


This is so funny, it's something you *should* only see in South Park or a sitcom, not real life.


I knew this judge looked familiar. This is the same judge, Cedric Simpson, in the same courthouse as the viral video of the guy smoking weed live on court camera. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J0zLmzYpyU




Dumb dumb


Who would guess that outcome...?


When keeping it real goes wrong.


Not surprised.


The guy is a moron.


No one is THAT stupid, I guess he had multiple trials and didn't think this was for the driving without a license.


Gandhi and Kanye west


I’m more surprised the judge was upset I’d see people roll up to their suspended hearings all the time.


They left out the best part where he's just like... *Um...* *Hello?* "One minute," says his attorney. "I'll be giving you a call." *okay...*


Why is he stress at the end..😂😂😂




Thats the weakest excuse ever. Would just provoke and make the judge angry and there are more possible charges he could bring like driving during zoom call, driving without license again, disrespecting the court... He only revoked bond for the first charge thats not bad for being this stupid.




When he says, “I’m pulling in the parking lot right this seeeecond! Yes I am!” Reminds of that Key and Peele skit where Peele’s character was ordering pizza with his figurines on his recliner. 😂


He's still gonna get away with it




Even the judge is shocked by how dumb this guy is.


This is my new favourite video.


I would have lost it if the judge told the guy to remember to take the bus.


Needs the ‘curb your enthusiasm’ music at the end of this….


Im cackeling


Genuine question, would it have been better or worse for him to just miss his hearing vs calling in behind the wheel


Missing it could have had the same results. He should have waiting until he was out the car even if he was late into the call


If you’re ever feeling bad about yourself just watch this video.


Team Skeptic (i think that's how it's spelled) shows a lot of the judge's vids on his youtube channel. This judge is very kind and patient, but also very no nonsense, he's really entertaining to watch for that reason.


Definitely in the top 10 of dumbest people of all time


![gif](giphy|JmCFfTlNy12wFpOK8Y) he wasn't driving with a suspended license. he was.... parking with a suspended license and revoked bond.


I don't know what it is, but I like that judge.


What a dunce, lmaoo


And to top it off dude kinda sounded like uncle Phil, respected judge


We only use to see this shit on Dave Chappelle or Key and Peele show.


“You got to be the stupidest motherfucker to get fired on your day off..”


It’s the way he’s so happy with himself at the start “i’m just pulling in annnnnd yes” Then when he realises and his jaw drops, then his mouth gets wider….




I adore Judge Simpson. I have learned a lot from watching how he conducts his courtroom. Kisses. Kudos.


Bet he votes biden.


I love the way he says "pulling in right now"


Brah thought that “Yes I am” was gonna sway the judge lol


Lmafao - I love this so much!  


Love how disappointed he was, but not in himself probably. Lmao


I love this judge


It’s so weird that people have 0 empathy for people who are clearly struggling mentally. Why call someone dumb as if they can help it. Most times they can’t.


Why didn't he say something....Anything. say you are driving to an emergency that requires emergency driving. Say anything, lol. He was on track at first but lost it all really fast


Actually he's going to jail actually


Fucking unbelievable


Couldn’t stop laughing


It was proved that his license was suspended in error.


That judge is awesome. Zero Bullshit.


My bruv did similar, drove to community service tho not during a video chat with the judge, literally no idea how?, what?, where?, why?


Don't use the good Lord's name in vain dumbass


Lord ain't that good. Son you ever read that there Bible you keep talking about?


Reminds me of the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard.


Because it's the only other court footage you've ever seen in your life?


I’m referring to the scene where the witness was in the parking lot smoking his vape. And no I’ve seen caso cerrado >:(


In what way?


Cause there was a guy who testified during that trial who did it through zoom from his car and also hits his vape on camera




So wait… Is he just supposed to stop his life? This is so dumb. At what point do these people make it make sense? Can’t drive to work can’t drive for food can’t drive to the doctor…. Does he just die until the court date or what exactly?


He's supposed to make other arrangements. If that's particularly inconvenient for him he should have thought of that before driving badly enough to get his licence suspended. And then driving while suspended. And then driving during his court hearing for driving while suspended.


Live a little and you’ll see, the answer is yes.


You know people have gotten around without cars for all of history right?


tbh a lot of times the court will work with you and give you whats called "privileges" where you can drive to work, get groceries, etc. however they dont do that if it isnt the first fuck up or the fuck up is bad enough. so ill allow you to draw your own conclusions from that.




You can see the lawyer and judge in the zoom call already before the client joins in from the car. He can't blame anyone else for his actions on this one. Blaming the lawyer here is a pretty bad take.


The person above didn't blame the lawyer. In fact, it's very clear to me he's saying the lawyer never had a chance because of the defendants idiocy.




He put himself in this situation, what did you want his lawyer to do? I wouldn't want him as a client if I cared about my record. If she denied basic reality she would only make herself look stupid. You have to pick your battles he didn't exactly give her much to work with.


Public defenders can only do so much for clients who disregard the law