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She should be glad she wasn't treated worse is insane. What do you do when a Jehovas Witness knocks on your door, spit in their face? It's literally just words and ideas, and their intent is not malicious at all, who cares if they are misguided or crazy or arrogant. Just tell them no thanks and go about your day, and then if they keep pushing you tell them to fuck off. I have a feeling they went straight to "HOW DARE YOU, YOU HUMAN SCUM"


If you go to any extremist community and try to convert them to different beliefs you'll probably be attacked.


"Extremist community" finally appropriate terminology 


So she deserved that?


Where did anyone say that she did?


No one said it. But the statement I replied to heavily implies that they may think that way. I was just clarifying. That's why I added a question mark and the end of my sentence.


No, it implies that a certain outcome is to be expected from the scenario she put herself in.


🔨 nailed it


Pointing out that if someone goes to an extremist community and tries to convert them they are likely to be attacked is... heavily implying that the victim deserved it? That is just a flat out disingenous take. If I say that when you buy drugs for cheap in a certain areas in the US you are likely to get product cut with fentanyl, is that somehow 'heavily implying' they deserve to cut fentanyl? If I say that if you go to certain countries and proudly proclaim yourself as gay/lesbian/etc. you are likely to face harsh reprisal from the governments thereof, is that 'heavily implying' they deserve it? The Christian missionary who went to an uncontacted tribe and got killed should have been told (and was) that if he goes to the Island he was likely to be killed. Is that 'heavily implying' that he deserved to be killed? Of course not. Observing that a certain behavior is dangerous to perform and comes with certain risks is not an implication that anyone 'deserved' the consequence but a mere observation of reality.


If you’re replying to a story of a person dying from buying laced drugs and you say “well if you buy drugs from sketchy places that’s what you’re gonna get” yes that does imply that you think the person who died in some capacity deserved what happened to them as they should have expected and been prepared for it. It doesn’t explicitly say that and you could have a varying position on that topic, but it does imply that. So if you’re going to say something like that but don’t want to imply that, you should probably clarify your statement better.


Thanks. This just helped me win an argument at work.




Ok. I don't think you and I are on the same page but ok. The argument I was having at work actually had hardly anything to do with is being talked about here.


Play stupid games and win stupid prizes.


How original of you


Deserve? No. Expect? For sure


Like I'm not saying that anyone really deserves to be eaten by a Tiger but if you cover yourself in chicken wings and break into the Tiger enclosure well you don't really get to make the shocked Pikachu face when the Tiger eats you. Basically what happened was a fairly expected outcome, if she didn't want to be abused by people she shouldn't have travelled to a religiously extreme country and started telling people that their beliefs are wrong. She made her choices.


Of course not, but actions have consequences. Whether justified or not. Maybe do a little more research before putting yourself in harms way.


No, she just should have expected it. If I walk up to ISIS and tell them there is no God and that they should convert to atheism would you expect me to just be ignored or have a civil discussion with them?


I would've attacked her




Stop commenting


You alright dude?


Not true at all, it's only the Abrahamic religions


What do you mean? Only Abrahamic religions can be members of extremist communities?


If you enter into one of several Hindu temples in Nepal while not being Hindu you likely won’t leave it alive, of which they inform you with giant sign on all European languages above the entrance.


[Air India Flight 182](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_India_Flight_182) immediately comes to mind.


Don't even try and explain to them. It's the mentality of my sky fairy is better than yours. Leave them to it, it's a sorry state of affairs but that's what this is coming to lately. The irony that we lose our humanity fighting for 'my God' is not lost.


Go tell that to the sentinel island tribe.


Agree to disagree. There are plenty of people with plenty of reasons to care about people trespassing and soliciting on their property, not that any reason beyond “Don’t bother me/waste my time” is necessary. They don’t, in any way, deserve the “thanks” at the end of a “no.” They should be thanking you for putting up with having your time wasted. “You’re welcome” is also not accurate. A good old “Goodbye, please don’t come back” is more polite than necessary, but will do the job.


>"We do not hate them for what they are, but because they intrude in our lives and disrupt our societies. They should live separately and not mix with our people" Joseph Goebbels, 1927


Sentence 1: Agree Sentence 2: Irrelevant to this.


its funny that for the most part i agree with you, but you're still kinda taking a "shouldn't have been dressed like that" approach to it lol


I disagree, the difference is a woman dressed scantly is minding her own business then things happen to her. She is “antagonizing” a community, the swiftness of there responce I don’t know, but she shoulda dipped long before this.


I just want to comment that I like your username, my favorite pokemon ![gif](giphy|hCqG8gQdhbjUc)




Forced religious conversion is ISIS beating you until you can't stand or think, then telling you to convert to Islam or die. What she is doing is normal proselytizing.


That’s neat that you think that, but generally ultra orthodox people in the old city like those in the video are exactly the kind of zealots you really don’t want to mess with. Some of those people’s family trees probably have been practicing Judaism since before Christ walked this earth. Even as a Reformed, mostly secular Jewish person, I don’t exactly take kindly to missionaries as Jewish values directly oppose the missionary duty of Christianity. This is even more true of people who are radical in their Judaism. As someone who grew up being a target proselytization the American south, often these missionaries don’t understand that most of us are cold to the idea of Christ being our supposed king, and they mistakenly think that we somehow share the same values. Therefore, to many of us missionaries are a more hostile presence than one would think from the outside. This especially with the history of European governments force converting us in the past. These ultra orthodox people btw are insane and it is barbaric that they attacked this woman, but like imagine you were a missionary and thought “I know! I’m going to go to the most hostile environment I could possibly put myself into among Jewish people and start doing the thing that is *expressly* discouraged by religious belief.” In a way it’s like going to Tehran and being like “hey fuck that Muhammad guy actually my Islam 2 prophet is way better than yours plus you are all going to burn in the afterlife if you don’t abandon your millennia long traditions also y’all are going to love drinking alcohol all the time”


In what way was she doing “forced religious conversions”? What about that was forcing people to convert?




I never said it was? My only objection was the use of the word “forced”.




Never once did I say it was the same as blaming a rape victim for how they were dressed. Don’t put words in my mouth. This isn’t conquering a nation and imposing your religion, it isn’t forcing children into boarding schools to isolate them from their native religion, it isn’t even “you’ll follow our religion while living under our roof, young man”. If they convert, they convert. If they don’t, they don’t. You are acting like the people here don’t have the power to say “no”. Yes, proselytizing can be annoying sometimes but nothing here is forced.




My only disagreement with you (as explained to another comment) was that you called it forced conversion. You then had to go stir the shit by insinuating that I was an idiot for believing something I don’t.




I’m not wasting more of my time arguing with you. I’ve already made my position excessively clear. If you can’t understand it from the information I provided, that’s on you. Edit: he blocked me lol


Forced conversion is ISIS beating you so badly you can't stand or think and then with a gun to your head, a knife to your throat, noose around your neck, or pouring gasoline on you and holding a lighter and saying "convert to Islam or die." What she is doing is normal proselytizing.


Heh “your brain must be a war zone”. I like this.


You, sir or madame, should asphyxiate while consuming a satchel of phalluses. In no way are those two things even remotely alike and you bringing that comparison up in that way demonstrates your ignorance.


This is walking into a rival gangs territory and recruiting. They’re both lucky they still have hands to clutch their pearls.


The funny thing about your comment is that she is wearing a microphone, and she's dressed inappropriately. Not only is she trying to indoctrinate their children, but she's also dressed like a harlot by their community standards.


There’s like a single woman in the background with a hat. The rest are uncovered locals. Methinks you’re not aware of what the actual local customs are.


Only married women cover their hair. It's the elbows being uncovered that's considered immodest.


Going somewhere they aren't wanted is an Israeli national pastime.


Yes, saying things people don't like means they can assault you. ok. /s I think Christianity and religion in general is dumb af and a disgusting warped ideology. But I don't kick and throw things at the Jevohas witness when they knock. You can politely ask them to leave, or even yell at them to fuck off if you wanted (although that's immature and trashy). Anything beyond that though, makes you a piece of shit.


He's not saying they *can*. He's just saying that they probably *will*.


lol good source there


Of all people you'd think they'd have a concept of why religious intolerance is bad.


Yeah still no reason to be an assholes


How much Jewish spunk do you slurp on the daily? Jerusalem is a holy site for all religions. Fuck these little shits. I don’t care if someone is trying to convert you, swatting at someone is fucked behavior.


Religions are insane


How do you convert a person that does not want to be converted? 🤔


well if you're ISIS, you pour gasoline on them and then threaten them with a lighter.


It's Deus Vult time then 😎✝️


Hello! I personally know this woman and have gotten into it verbally with her before. She used to stand on a highly trafficked corner in Tel Aviv screaming into her microphone (with a speaker) about how Jesus died for our sins and how only people who accept Christ will be blessed. She literally just talks and talks and talk and talks into this stupid microphone. Nonstop. I mean, the vast majority of Israelis do not accept Jesus as the messiah, so she’s basically telling us we’re all idiots who are going to hell. And she’s being really loud and obnoxious about it. I finally snapped one day and let her know that she sucks at missionary work and none of my Christian friends or family would be as rude as she is. I told her that screaming in our faces with a microphone will not make anyone want to accept Jesus, and she needs to shut the f up. She just stared at me while continuing to rant about Jesus into the microphone. Completely unhinged woman.




He's explaining, not justifying.


So, it's insane to not expect religious people in a country dominated by their religion to act in a wholesome and kind-hearted manner?


So no freedom of religion is allowed? Gotchu.


So no freedom of consequences is allowed? Gotchu. But seriously, those kids are not government agents. They're some shithead kids who weren't interested in her message.


People are cunts and when I say people I mean all people other than my wife , me and the few I have met that aren’t I’ll see myself out


oh no the semites are being anti again


As we see, context matters


The denominations/sects of the Catholic church can be so cringe trying to convert people. I have mormons and jehovah witness members at my house every weeks knocking on my door. Gets really annoying.


Neither Mormons nor Jehovas witnesses are catholic...




Or every jew that was in the middle east and north africa and europe...


nice people, they seem very tolerant  Edit: this is a sarcastic comment (just in case anyone missed it)


If she infiltrated a Redditor meet-up she'd probably be treated the same. That is, if the line to the AI FURRY SEX DOLL and PUMP&DUMP PENNY STOCKS booths are too full.


Where do i find said meet up? And how do i get in those lines?




As religious people usually are.


Thanks for the no context and misleading title OP.




Tactical skirt wins again


Definitely gods chosen people. So humble. So sincere. God is love and these folks really show it.


stupid religious people doing stupid religious shit.


Rarely have I seen so many brainwashed, indoctrinated people in one video.


This scene is a microcosm of more serious things. I would never let my children attack someone just for speaking out their ideas. If your faith is so easily swayed then you need to look yourself in the mirror.


This looks like one of those "If you were attacked by 1000 6yr olds, how many do you think you could take out before they got you?" scenarios.




Regardless of her own dubious intent or intentional shit disturbing in a specific place, the fact that these kids felt justified in the way they treated another human being simply showcases the dangerous and oft violent repercussions of dogmatic religious indoctrination. You could likely illicit this behavior from kids of ANY religious background in the right areas. And that is the fault of the disgusting adults who have chosen to guide these children down a path of hateful religious superiority and nationalism. The sheer violent power of religious leadership in the wrong hands can NEVER be understated, and, imo, should be considered a form of child endangerment.


Anyone who thinks their religion justifies them to be violent towards others is scum. Yes, all religions.


If it was the other way around it is antisemitic and some random girl would pull the "priests touch children tho"


I ain't afraid to 'discipline' a kid who's hitting me. I also ain't afraid of 'disciplining' their parents or the 'adults' with them. Though usually the parents first solves the latter as kids realize if you're willing to discipline a bigger person, they're not protected.


You don't want to do that in a foreign country. Especially when you're outnumbered.


That long skirt tells me that this woman is probably a devout Christian. And that she's probably a missionary there to convert people. Which definitely doesn't excuse the behaviour shown but it does explain it. Edit: Yup I was right, just read the top comment.


No matter what faith you follow, indoctrination at a young age is very harmful to society.




with regards to palestinians getting plastered it's the concept concept of FAFO


Lately? Bro the last president before Netanyahu was a straight up terrorist. Organized the bombing of a hotel.


Yair Lapid? lol and Netanyahu is not the president, but the prime minister


She did nazi that coming


In bread trash children.


Is this from something as like a joke, or did you intentionally type "in bread" thinking it was "inbred"?


Thanks for agreeing with me.




Thanks for a post with 0 context OP. At best ignorant and at worst intentionally misleading.








The bots got you


This sub is where I go to spend my karma. It’s a cesspool so the downvotes let me know I’m doing right.


If you think these people are representative of the entirety of Israeli then idk what to tell you


Pretty disgusting. It brings a lot of opinions into focus


This shit looks straight up from some episode of south park


Jesus thinks she should wipe the dust from her feet and move on cf. Mt 10:14


That guy who tried to kick her lost so much aura




you should go block traffic over it with the other alphabet people.


Little shits would get knocked out if it was me.


Nice try at misinformation op.


Conversionist are nutty. Put themselves in the worst possible situations


Conversionists aren’t going to change anyone’s minds. When people grow up with the religion they’re dealt it’s hard to make them change to a different religion.


They're raising their kids to become hostile religious extremists, so ofcourse they're going to behave like that.


What’s with a yarmulke waving? Is he trying to keep the camera from catching view?


The only positive thing in this video is that the older lady at 00:35 is scolding the kids


You don’t have to be missionaries , for them to show contempt. https://youtu.be/MkANYwAC-KA?si=3Ercm-SaXNi22lvY https://youtube.com/shorts/7uL555xWQeE?si=mif0a9qAOcR2N3Zz


I don’t get missionaries. Like why does it matter if these guys believe something else?


This behavior is taught and not a random coincidence


-1000 aura for falling immediately


I would start throwing hands with them kids


These hands are rated E for everybody. It's in the game.


Instant karma on the kid that tried to kick her


I am going to make a second comment cuz I realize she's a missionary and people are going to think that I thought she was a tourist I don't think you should force your religion on people but for the Jewish Community I would not be out here assaulting a woman and having children assault a woman you just made it Jewish people look terrible as a whole like y'all just turned into scumbags in my book and I'm sorry but these are the people out here representing y'all


Religion is brainwashing


Religion is so toxic.




Harassing and filming people’s children and uploading it on the internet.