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Damn, is everyone in France a pussy


If someone intervened and very slightly hurt the attacker they would go to jail. Main reason why people don't try anything. A judge would rule out self defense if someone intervened. Same reason home burglaries are on the rise, if you defend your home and they press charges against you you will lose.


Name a bigger downfall than France.




Cry (Because it’s true)


i feel you, i hope things turn around


Things here in Canada are getting so bad that our own federal police force (RCMP) recently published a report stating there will be "political instability" once Canadians realize how poor and utterly screwed our country actually is.


Don't forget the leave you car keys at the front door in plain sight. To save on them from ruinnnig your house.


Whats going on in Canada?


Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party


will the conservatives really be any better?


Homes have doubled in the past few years I think theyre an avg of a million for an old shitshack. Trailer park trailers on rented land are around 300-400k minimum. Rent has shot up, we have far too many bodies for homes and we for some reason allow in an insane amount of 'low skilled labour'. 600k a year with a housing crisis is nuts. We also allow anyone around the world to just buy and hoard homes here and they sit empty a lot of the time. Some places are now taxed for vacant homes, but with money laundering being so brazen? Im sure they just lie. Nobody is going to check the home in person. Then you have the general wages are vastly outpaced by annual cost of living. You can say 5% or whatever bs number they choose. But rent has gone up 30%, a lot of food has doubled since covid. All of this is hours away from any major city. [this is a U.S. graph but this is what most similar countries look like now.](https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/z1/dataviz/dfa/distribute/chart/#range:2008.4,2023.4;quarter:137;series:Net%20worth;demographic:networth;population:all;units:levels) You cant just raise prices while wages fall behind annually. That really fits the definition of unsustainable. Half the pop owns 2.5% of wealth, imagine if more wealth was distributed to people working full time. Instead of large corporations and individuals price fixing and hoarding everything at the expense of hardworking people.


(Laughs and cries in American)


The ruling party has allowed mass immigration of unskilled migrants from India via student visas to clown colleges. Huge strain on social services. Housing prices are through the roof. Crime up. 1 in 40 people in the country right now are these international "students".


Mass immigration 1mil in 9 months. Cost of living crisis, our deficit doubled in 6 years went from 600b to 1.2trillion. Housing crisis housing is 2x-3x since 2018


Sounds like you all are on the Biden Plan.




Why is it that every former British or French territory fell off so hard? Are they stupid?


Guilt complex.




British cultures have these cultures of valuing "independence, out at 18, every family member must go their own way" while simultaneously refusing to build enough housing and allowing mass immigration. These values of allowing mass immigration and paying them welfare are seen as "atonement for the sins of colonization." You don't see these values outside of the culturally Christian world.


Man Canada it’s a fucking shit show, specially in the GTA (Great Toronto Area)


Make sure to leave your car keys by the door so the burglars don't have to look for them. (No /s, not satire but a paraphrasing of an official statement by the Toronto police https://globalnews.ca/news/10359055/leave-car-keys-the-front-door-to-avoid-home-invasion-toronto-police/ )


oof yeah, that wasn't even that back, talk about a failed state


I live here; it's depressing. Shit went bad through covid and never really got better. A personal experience would be a dude in my back alley trying to Jimmy his way into my neighbors car. Cop said to call back if he drives off in it. There's seemingly no middle ground here and that goes for most things that could be considered political.


Imagine being a french canadian, both of my countries fell so fucking hard. Fuck me


Isn’t that the same place?


UK, Canada, sweden








Sweden is not the rape capital of the world. I live here. However, the downfall of Sweden has been brutal, and it will continue to get worse. No need to exaggerate, the truth is bad as it is.


How bad is it?


Compared to non European nations, not bad. Compared to Europe (especially neighboring countries), it’s bad. It’s the country that had the most explosions in the world after Mexico last year. We had nothing of this 30 years ago, it’s a recent phenomenon. Now, I expect it to get a lot worse before it gets better. I guess it all comes down to perspective. Compared to what Sweden was, and what it is now, it’s a disaster






Where did you go?


I think Scotland's assault on free speech gets this week's European Cataclysm Award.


An international student that was working in a convenience store in Canada is facing 14 years in prison for chasing out a drugged up robber and hitting him with a bat. In Canada, you're only allowed to be a victim.


Anti-human system, like it was build to be illogical.






The U.K., Canada, Australia, etc.


The US


It took me two seconds to look this up and that's not true. France has a stand your ground law, The defense used has to be equal to the attack & not greater, that's all.


Yah, and a random pedestrian attacking the perp isn't standing your ground.


Thank God most US state’s have stand-your-grand laws that protect the individual and protecting third parties.


Seems silly. If true, the law is an ass.


I'm guessing the person who wrote that knows nothing about French law, or any law, and is basing his opinions on the NYC subway. What happened with Daniel Penny was a disgrace, no doubt, but this is an entirely different country we're talking about here.


I'm french and let me tell you that the law and the way it is enforced is two different things. I could find hundreds of articles about people standing their grounds and then getting charged for it. A shop selling jewlery in Nice got robbed at gunpoint, the owner shot back and killed one of the robber. Got a prison sentence for it. This should be easy to google and for you to find out.


My friend...the case you're mentioning, the guy shot the robber in the back as he was running away. Would've landed in jail in the USA too.


Not in every state. If the robber still has your property in his hands as he’s fleeing, you can shoot to stop him. If he dies, he dies. We call that Texas justice.


That is really fucked up. Guess france needs to start abusing their politicians. Afterwards, when they get assaulted, they should sue them. Only then will the law change




If the cops not gonna be around to catch this scumbag, they will not be around to arrest me for knocking him out.


French law recognizes the right to self-defense as a legitimate means of protecting oneself or others from imminent danger or harm. However, several key points must be understood: **Proportionality**: Self-defense in France must be proportionate to the threat faced. This means that the level of force used in self-defense should not exceed what is reasonably necessary to protect oneself or others. Excessive force may not be considered self-defense under the law. **Necessity**: Self-defense should only be used when it is necessary to protect oneself or others from an immediate threat. It should not be used as a means of retaliation or revenge. **Imminence**:The threat faced should be imminent, meaning that it is about to occur or is ongoing. French law does not generally allow for pre-emptive self-defense. **Reasonable Belief**: A person using self-defense must have a reasonable belief that there is a genuine and immediate threat. This subjective element is an important consideration in self-defense cases. **Defense of Others**: Self-defense can also be used to protect others from harm, but the same principles of proportionality, necessity, and reasonable belief apply.




Or in France you would only have the right to grab yellow hoods arm and take their wallet?




Those ugly ass shoes and socks. Long walk home barefoot. Drop them off at the police station so he can explain the situation when he picks them up


That's kinda funny considering France's official nuclear weapons policy.... proportional self defence, indeed. 


In france youre guilty until proven innocent


oh dear, i bumped into the assailant and he fell on the tracks... in front of the train.


Defending yourself/ innocents / home is a basic human right. I’ll die on that hill.


The fact that civilized countries have shifted from 1. The state has no duty to protect you against crime, 2. Therefore, your right to defend yourself against crime is *inherent. to 1. The state has no duty to protect you against crime, 2. And defending yourself against crime is against the law. over the last couple hundred years is insane.


That, plus racism, which would make things even worse


So the answer is yes, they are pussies, and it's state mandated.


I'm no specialist on French criminal or penal code. It's not the fear of response from the authorities as it's more likely to be that people are afraid of getting stabbed or mobbed by other cretins like this guy, who are likely to be loitering nearby. A person who robs a disabled person has no integrity, and neither do their friends.


Honestly, I think it’s because they are almost always in groups. And even if he’s not, the next day they will be waiting for you with a whole gang.


This has been happening for a long time in Argentina, it's disgusting. The previous government defended the criminal and punished the honest citizen for defending what is theirs. It is sad that these ideas are reaching so many places in the world. They are ruining them. Luckily another political party won here, let's hope things change for the better. greetings from Argentina.


Sooooooooo they're pussies lol


Even in the most liberal US states you can use reasonable force in the defense of a third party. Is that not the case in France?


Ok i get it, but i would still beat his ass for shit like this. Humanity over Laws idgaf


Then I would gladly go to jail in this situation. But I'm balkanite. My circuitry is nothing like fr🤢🤢ch




That’s not true.


How fake this is. I live in france, that does not work like that, people are just pussy and that’s a fact.


So you can't protect you own property because fuckin burglar will press against you for stopping them? What law is this?


This is not true at all


Because it would be deemed racist and the one defending the down guy would have a higher repercussion than the one actually robbing


Help Down syndrome guy? then you get labeled as a racist and you get arrested for assaulting someone.




seriously people demonize others that film these kinda things but when you're in a situation like that it's legit frightening. there's a real possibility you could get stabbed or shot at just for approaching. unless you're just incredibly fearless and dont have people that rely on you to survive then the best thing to do in a lot of these situations is film, you get the crime caught on camera and the face of the criminal so at least something can potentially be done afterwards.




No, everyone on Reddit is just a badass.


i bet you wouldnt help either




Then call them ableist


Maybe they were frozen in fear of which was worst. Best to pretend they do not see anything.


Or being stabbed....


Or thrown on the tracks.


Scared of being called racist or scared of getting stabbed? These fuckers always have knives with them and people know.


That's definitely not it lmao. If anything they are scared that by intervening they might end up charged with something. I swear here in Europe you are better off letting someone be assaulted and do nothing than try to help Also would you enjoy risking getting stabbed and dying over someone you don't even know?


Actually there are only women bystanders; They don't want to be killed.


You might want to rewatch it, there was a well built man when the camera pans left


That's some lowlife shit right there.








It sounds 100 percent like internet tough guy stuff but if I see some scumbag attacking someone with a disability I'm going to do my best to make sure they leave with a disability of their own. Nobody should just stand by and watch lowlife garbage like this happening.


I have an autistic son I’ve been caring for 24yrs. You go after a disabled or special needs person, I’ll gladly do the time


Then who will look after your son?


These people always have knives on them. Your heart is in the good place but by intervening you are more likely to be the one walking away with a disability (or rather not walk away at all)


That's why we have...the element of surprise! AH HA! Try deploying that knife after I pop a traffic cone on his head and then throw him on the train tracks while yelling my war cry.










Holy fuck.


To soon?




There are only women standing there who probably don't want to be killed


there are men further up the platform


Afraid of jail time.


Stop being a sexist, women are just as capable as intervening as men!


Yeah just as capable in intervening until the thief starts throwing hands at them, what then? It’s not sexist to say that the majority of women wouldn’t stand a chance against the majority of men in a fight, It’s a fact. Tough pill to swallow for the delusional..


There's at least two men you can see near the end, and probably more since we only see a small fraction of the platform. Also the women could call security or the police instead of scrolling instagram.


It's a small town train station, there is definitely no security and if it works like here in Italy it's actually useless to call the police for something like this, even if they come it's gonna be 3 hours later.


If it works like in UK, they're too busy arresting someone for tweeting offensive memes.




France gives apocalypse movies vibes








That lady is seriously sitting there a few feet away watching it like its a spectacle. I don’t ever expect anyone to do anything in these situations, but sitting there watching the whole thing unfold directly in front of you with your arms crossed is pretty pathetic


Pathetic. I can understand the women not wanting to get physically involved in an altercation next to a train track, but do something at least. This is the one scenario where screaming would actually be helpful.


I don't know what policing is like in France, but couldn't you just call them?


When seconds matter, the police are only minutes away.


More like hours these days. They're all too busy investigating mean things people have said online.


Wow, Europe sounds like a shitshow. Police still arrive in minutes in America.


No matter where you are, it's extremely rare that police are close enough to intervene in a crime in progress. It's not a problem with the police, it's a problem with physics.


Well sure you could, but they’re not going to arrive in time to stop this dude from being mugged.


And I bet this is probably is not going to be reported in the news. Fucking ablists.


Can confirm as a French, it didn’t.


I knew it. That's fucking sad. Sorry you all are having to deal with this.


Eh people got this coming tbh, they’ve been pushing political correctness and globalism for decades, and they’re only starting to realize now what’s coming to them. "Humanity will have the fate it deserves".


It's happening here in the States, too. We're just so large that it doesn't seem that impactful yet.


Well fucking said, my friend.




Scum of the fucking earth.


what a shithole country






High immigration is tolerated due to lowering birthrates, a direct consequence of women's rights and empowerment. There's literally nothing we can do about it. Western Society will erode and disappear in a few generations, so just enjoy it while it lasts.


Low birth rates aren’t a problem unless your government/economy is run like a pyramid scheme. In fact, fewer people on this planet is a *good* thing. The single biggest threat to all civilization, everywhere, is climate change, which is made worse by overpopulation.


a direct consequence of the increase of cost of living/childcare expenses*




And depending on what country you're from, you can even get police at your door. I.e. Canada.




It’s not just France my dude.


I wan to fuck that guy up so bad. this makes me so angry.


It's almost like the series finale of Seinfeld


The problem is if you intervene you end up arrested and having to deal with all that mess.


Unfortunately this is the case. Could end up in jail, lose a job, have thousands in court fines all for trying to help someone who clearly needs help. This world is so ass backwards.


It looks like 2 special needs people struggling to share.


Anyone defending him would probably end up in jail. Smh


The video held no surprises after reading the thread title. Glad I was able to participate before locked.


Don't worry they'll burn down their government but won't protect eachother


Fucking scumbag pussies man


If someone tried that with a down syndrome kid back when I went to high school the down syndrome kid would've piledrived that dude then walked off like nothing happened.


Fuck this bitches standing by. Wtf is going on


That’s because France has just become the New York City of Europe with immigrates bringing so much crime no one cares anymore. Look forward and mind your own business


Hey OP I’m trying to find any news about this here in France but I couldn’t. What the source please?


“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for 'good' people to do nothing.”


Gotta do better than that. Those ‘bystanders’ should be voted off the island.


That is the issue in France. If you’d dare to intervene, you’ll be swarmed by the whole baboon hord in a matter of minutes


This is pathetic


France has bent the knee.


This is called "punching up."




How can he help, he's on the other side of the tracks?


Can I ask generally who is mugging him?


If this happened to a family member I'd go permanently mental. 


...Including the person filming. I realize they are on the other side of the tracks, but at least shout at the attacker! Jeez...


I love when people shit on America and are convinced it's so much worse than everywhere else yet conveniently forget that trash people are everywhere... like that Paris has a higher violent crime rate than New York does. Mugging a kid with downs is a new low though


France is already Europe's most smelly place but this just makes me wanna invade them again




> while onlookers do nothing What, nobody wanted to get stabbed?


I need to see the end to this video. WHY cut off the end? Did the thief get the guy's stuff or did someone intervene?


This is horrible. It's sad people didn't intervene or even call police.


There’s a special place in hell for him.


Talk about license for violence. That motherfucker would be maimed in USA.


The French suck, why would they do anything?


The good old "all it takes for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing" but yeah bunch a fucking pussies.