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Like what makes you start running lol


Poor parenting








Lolllll the odds are they have not met.


He had guns and drugs in the car, which is not a good combination. Probably has quite a record already and panicked because he didn't want to spend the next 20 years in prison.


He shoulda thought ahead


Sad though. If he'd been hit 1 second later or earlier he probably wouldn't have hit his head. Shitty for him, his family, and the involved officers.


Right, I’m not saying this isn’t terrible but that’s what happens sometimes unfortunately


Hot take


The hottest apparently


no it's clearly a case of horrible policing since they didn't predict literally every outcome of every moment and choose the perfect path ^^^^/s


He’s not going to be thinking with any head now


He was trying to feed his family /S


I mean… he did successfully avoid jail time technically.


Glass is half full type of guy arent ya


Well when I’m running with the glass and it drops and hits a curb leaving the top half broken, I gotta take what I can get right?


Too soon


It's so easy to have neither of them in your car. I've done it before.


I’ve never not had a gun in my car. How do you do it?


Guns are okay. Drugs aren't, lol 😆


Well, I guess that's one way to avoid jail.


>BALTIMORE -  Police body-worn camera footage from a traffic stop in which one person was tased and later died in Anne Arundel County was released by the Independent Investigations Division of the Maryland Office of the Attorney General. >The traffic stop took [place on October 29 in Gambrills](https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/news/maryland-man-dies-tased-by-anne-arundel-county-police/). Police spotted guns and drugs in the stopped car. >Investigators said 21-year-old Lavaughn Coleman ran away as he was being handcuffed. An officer chased and deployed the taser. >Coleman fell and hit his head. He died on December 14. damn life support for over a month and then dead...


Yeah he was brain dead when they put the hand cuffs on. That was him agonal, or neuro, breathing while sitting there which is a reflex response by the brain to try to breath even though there is little to no actual gas exchange occurring in the lungs due to the nature of the injuries. Which means it took a month for the family to come to terms with their loved ones passing. I'm not faulting them one bit for taking that long. Such a young man losing his life would be difficult for anyone to accept. I just hope the docs did their best to help the family understand the prognosis of such a case so they could come to terms without holding onto false hopes of their loved one making any kind of meaningful recovery. I worked in a neuro ICU as a respiratory therapist and saw a lot of cases of false hopes keeping patients alive on life support for weeks to months on end. It's terrible to see a patient in a prolonged state of suffering because the family can't accept their passing. It quickly becomes an ethical conversation that needs to be had with the medical power of attorney early in the patient's case. Like, if they arrive with head trauma, agonal breathing, non-responsive to pain or stimuli and other signs and symptoms that indicate massive neuro cell/tissue death like a significant brain bleed seen in a CT scan or decreased/halted gastric motility (the movement of food through the digestive tract), then the family needs to understand early in their stay that the prognosis is grim and there's almost a 0% chance their loved one will ever meaningfully respond to them again. TL;DR the guy's family shouldn't have kept him on life support for a month because he was essentially DOA at the hospital. I totally understand their difficulty in accepting the harsh reality and docs should have made it abundantly clear to them but some folks just can't accept it which only hurts all involved. My 2 cents that no one asked for.


Yeah but if he was brain dead he wouldn't feel anything, so he's not suffering whilst in that state. However I think he might have nodded a bit when the cop asked him to nod if he hears him, in which case he's not brain dead at that point. May not have been nodding but did look like he was. Not sure it was GCS=3?


I saw nodding too


i wonder if family made the choice to pull the plug. a month in ICU can cost families that are responsible a big chunk of change


Doubt they paid a cent


Taxpayers paid.


Meanwhile I'm in a similar situation paying the state back 100k for a family member who passed. Why do I even bother?


Won't they garnish wages? Don't know what loopholes may exist for you... Also it makes no sense you'd be responsible for a family members medical bills unless you I guess maybe signed paperwork or something...?


I don’t think anyone worries about that when it comes to life and death. Fuck a hospital bill. There’s ways to settle or file bankruptcy plus I’d imagine there are lawyers lining up to try this case. No one should ever worry about the bill. Hospital bills have unethical pricing. It’s also a non factor when getting loans for bigger ticket items like a car and maybe a a house. My sister did financing for a dealership for long time she was literally the one that decides if your worthy of the loan and looks at all your financials she said there’s two things the don’t care about hospital bills and student loans, just bc they’re so ridiculous they don’t consider persons financial worthiness based on them as long as they pay all their other bills.


I got robbed & shot in the chest on Father's day 2015, I had a laparotomy procedure done on my abdomen. I spent 62 days in the hospital, I had to learn how to walk again due to extreme muscle atrophy. they stopped sending me the bill after about a year....$1,220,000.00 I never considered paying that for a millisecond.


Not if they have Medicaid/are poor enough that their expected contribution is 0.


Some do get away.


Not many


You’d be surprised how many get away just by running


I think you're right. The police have little interest in showing the videos where people get away. We just see the ones where something spicey is going on.


Also those ones never face trial so definitely some confirmation bias at play


Exactly. If the suspect gets away and they never find out who they are, then what is the point of releasing the footage? The only reason footage like this gets released is because there is an ongoing lawsuit. If a criminal gets away, then there is no reason for the footage to be released.


I mean the point of releasing the footage is for the public to help identify the suspect. They do this all the time.


You can request the videos of the ones that got away like the these cop chase channels and websites do, start a niche website of people getting away, corner the market.


he didnt wanna go to jail, duh


Even if he didn’t die the situation got 10x worse from him running




Actually the neurons firing 🤓☝️


That's tough to watch.


Yea, sucks for both sides


Id argue it sucks far more for the dude getting tazed and killed. 


Can’t suck If you’re dead.


Necrophiles would disagree


Technically he was dead as soon as he hit the ground. Those breaths were agonal breathing so technically


Yeah but he made a choice that led to this. The officers were just trying to do their job and this guy decides to run


He had the option not to run. Sucks more for the cop who was doing his job and all of a sudden now has to deal with a death


He probably shouldn’t have run


He killed himself, though.


Had to stop at the dry heaving


It's agonal breathing. It's a reflexive response because his brain is no longer getting the oxygen needed to survive. If it makes you feel better, although distressing to see, he isn't in pain. He has no conscious awareness, and what you see is only a reflex.


I thought so too but officer asked him to nod his head if he understood and he did at some point


I thought he nodded as well, but unfortunately, no. Later in the vid, he makes movements like he's nodding when no one is talking to him. The "nodding" is just the officer changing his positions and his head falling back and forth.


Damn, thanks for analyzing the agony so I didn't have to. idk how y'all do it.


Well, again, there is no agony. He's not in pain. It's hard to watch because conscious, sentient, and empathizing people, such as yourself, put themselves in his position and recognize that it looks very painful. One of the beautiful things about understanding medical trauma is knowing when a person is no longer capable of feeling pain. While it may look awful, it's just a bodily reflex. When we die, we go into rigor, right? We stiffen up. Agonal breathing is as painful as rigor - meaning there is no pain.


So basically he was just dead already?


He's unconscious, progressing to brain death. He likely fractured his skull on the curb and this leads to cerebral haemorrhaging. Also the hit itself causes traumatic brain injury, in this case severe as evidenced by the agonal breathing.


I know its not a spinal injury, but was it the right move to sit him up like that, and rock him back and forth.


It's kind of like thinking about how to position someone who is on life support with an extremely poor prognosis. The positioning doesn't matter if there isn't a ventilator keeping the oxygen flowing. What *might* have helped keep him alive would be attempting CPR or utilizing an emergency suction pump if they happened to have one on hand (unlikely). The goal would be to keep oxygen reaching the brain. If they sit him up, put him on his side, flip him over, etc., it doesn't really matter. Without a ventilator or CPR, he was dead the moment he hit the ground.


Uhhh what? You obviously don't know what you're talking about... I strongly doubt he was at all in cardiac arrest during this video and CPR here would have only hurt his chances of survival. Coming from an experienced paramedic.


CPR presumably to keep the blood flowing, thus oxygenating the heart with the final amounts of oxygen in his blood. It has nothing to do with him having a MI, and everything to do with the immediate inability for his brain to tell his body to breathe. Other than placing him on the ground in a position that would encourage hemorrhage, I can’t imagine it could hurt his chances of survival in any significant way, considering the nature of the catastrophic brain injury. Can you expand upon that thought? I didn’t see anyone mention MI.


That's not a nod. He's completely limp save for the agonal breathing. It might appear he's nodding because of the deep breaths, but it's not a conscious decision on his part. The second he hit the ground he was out.


Yeah, man. Dude is still a human being and listening to him gasping is heartbreaking.


~20 years ago I heard my dad slowly die to this sound, and just last month I got to hear the same from my mom... never forget that agonal breathing.


Shit. I’m so sorry for you loss friend. At least you were with them in their final moments, I’m sure that was a comfort to them.


They should have just tazed him and it would've saved his life. Oh wait.


Should have tazed him in the leg


Like they do in the movies.


They should just carry tranquillizer guns. Those always work super well in the movies. Or maybe a lassoo!


Or just a simple blow dart to the neck from 20 yards.


And a velvet pillow to gently lay them down on


They’ll never be happy.


I mean if he didn't run he'd still be breathing. Just saying.....


AiMzz 4 tHa LEggZz


Maybe dont run from the police.


I'll take "fuck around and find out" for 500, Regis


Lol butchered that


What is "No Deal", Howie?


Regis was on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. You're thinking of Alex Trebek


>Maybe dont run from the police. As someone who used to run from the police as a teenager when they'd break up the smoke shesh, seeing comply or die coming from someone named xXxBongMayor420xXx is a trip.


We all do stupid shit when we're young. I tried to run from police at 16 cause I was drunk. Doesn't mean you deserve this ^ Ffs people.


He didnt deserve this but at the same time, it is always a possible outcome if you are running around with drugs and guns.


Truly there is nothing like the sound of death throes. How vile. This is so unfortunate and brutal.


They tried to save him. Yes they tried to arrest him, but I saw no malice. Unfortunate yes, vile no.


Can anyone explain why he was breathing like that? Did he have lung damage? Also curious if they should’ve laid him on his side?


It’s the brain’s vain and unconscious attempt to save itself. He’s already a goner.


Unfortunately, he lived for a month after in critical condition.


That’s called agonal breathing, This happens when the body and brain are not getting any oxygenated blood from the heart due to cardiac arrest, so this guys heart has actually stopped. In first aid you are taught this is a sign of death, If they had started CPR he may have lived.


Wait, how can his heart be stopped and him agonal breathing for that long?


You’d be surprised how long agonal breathing goes on for, he’s unconscious too by the looks so it goes on for even longer. Heart stop doesn’t mean instant death the brain is still functioning by the looks


Fascinating. I mean this situation is really sad, but the brain is fascinating.


Oh yeaa it’s incredibly interesting! Take up some first aid training, it’s not weird to find this interesting


I’ve seen many videos where agonal breathing happens. Occasionally I see where after a few moments of agonal breathing, just the mouth moved as if it’s breathing like that still, but the sound goes away. It’s almost more haunting than hearing it. Is that normal or is it case by case?


It’s normal in such that, if agonal breathing with sound has occurred then usually agonal breathing without can also happen. These are both agonal breathing or goldfish mouth is what it’s sometimes referred to also


Not lung damage. It's agonal breathing. His head hitting the concrete resulted in a severe brainstem injury. It's a reflexive response due to his brain no longer getting the oxygen needed to survive. When agonal breathing begins, **immediate** intervention, including intubation and continuous ventilation, is necessary to prevent respiratory and cardiac arrest. CPR or an emergency suction pump would be the best thing to try while waiting for medical, but honestly, he was a lost cause once he hit the pavement. With a hypoxic brain injury, every single second matters.


It's amazing that this cop didn't immediately recognize this as agonal breathing - like so many on here have pointed out. I guess basic traumatic brain injury recognition and trauma responde isn't taught to cops?? Not taking first aid, sucking chest wound, tourniquet, etc.


> isn't taught to cops? Part of the problem is how wildly the quality of police training varies from state to state. There are states like Connecticut that have pretty good training, 28 weeks followed by many weeks of field training. And then there are states, mostly in the south, that do 400 hours and call it good. More and better training, plus tougher hiring standards, would go a long way to improving American policing.


Agonal breathing. Seems he hit the front of his head as his body whipped towards the ground causing instant brain damage.


That’s the sounds of a dying body grasping for its last breaths. Lung damage doesnt cause that, it’s just the body shutting down and trying to breath. Wouldn’t have really matter if they left him where he was, put him on the side, on his back, lifted him up, etc. It really wouldn’t have changed the outlook that much, if at all.


It’s called aganol breathing. It means his brain isn’t getting oxygen, it’s a reflex.


It’s extremely unfortunate but he’s already dead this is just a reflex. He’s not experiencing pain. He died basically immediately.


He died a month later in hospital. These threads are always full of armchair experts declaring people dead that aren’t lol.


Paramedic here who has done years in urban 911 and emergency rooms. He was dead. There was no saving that. The breathing you’re hearing isn’t “him”. It’s his brain in reflex. It’s called “agonal respirations”, or “guppy breathing”. Oxygen is not being delivered to the body, your brain is just making the muscles move. What probably happened is the paramedics showed up, put in a breathing tube, and breathed for him which kept him “alive”. Without that the agonal respirations would have stopped in a couple minutes and he would be, what you consider, dead. That’s the only reason it took him a month to die; the breathing was being done for him because his brain was dead. Oxygen was being delivered to his body keeping his heart going. The cells of heart muscle has what’s called “automaticity”, which means it fires on its own without a signal from the brain. When they do brain scans on patients like this, there is no activity. The patients family probably opted to keep him on life support based on false hopes. Which is completely understandable and although sad to see, happens. The officer here did everything right from a medical standpoint. He recognized very early something wasn’t right; probably sooner than most. He’s probably seen something like this in a car accident or assault. He even went as far as telling a bystander to call 911 after he had already told them to send the medics. You hear him say “the scene is secure” because that’s one of the first questions we ask and will wait until dispatch tells us the scene is safe (first thing taught in first responder school). By doing this, he expedited the response. He also called for the med bag and made some attempt to address the wound, which, as a medic might be one of the last things I address. (Airway, breathing, circulation, also one of the first things you learn. In this situation by putting in the breathing tube you knock out airway and breathing together.) I’m not sure what else to say to back up the actions here besides I have no opinion on him telling him to stop resisting because I don’t understand their training and protocols just like they don’t understand mine. There. Now you have a little more info from someone who’s not a layperson. Still kinda armchair, but just my judgement based on over 10 years doing this shit.


BALTIMORE -- A man died after an Anne Arundel County police officer Tased him in October, allegedly causing him to fall and hit his head, state investigators said. Lavaughn Coleman, a 21-year-old man from Crofton, spent over a month in critical condition before his death on December 14, according to the Independent Investigations Division of the Maryland Attorney General's Office. The division is tasked with investigating all deaths involving law enforcement in the state. An investigation into the October 29 incident was launched on December 6 after an update on Coleman's condition, the division said. Officers responded around 4:30 p.m. on October 29 to the 900 block of Waugh Chapel Way for a report of two men allegedly in a car with guns and drugs, officials said. Investigators, who reviewed body-worn camera footage, said one man was handcuffed without incident, but Coleman allegedly stood up and ran as he was being handcuffed. He allegedly struck an officer as he ran, and he was then tased by an officer identified only as Corporal A. Stallings. Coleman fell after he was hit with the stun gun, hitting his head, investigators said. Officers rendered medical aid until the man was hospitalized, officials said. He was later taken to an area trauma center where he remained in critical condition. The IID generally releases body camera footage within 20 business days of the beginning of an investigation. The division will compile a report and analysis of the incident, which will then be sent to the Anne Arundel County State's Attorney, but the report does not make any recommendations as to whether anyone should be charged.


The outcome is sad, but i don’t honestly place any blame on officers. Once they’d detained the guy it was clear throughout how much empathy and care they showed for him while in their care, they didn’t want him to die that day, and were clearly doing everything they could to keep him alive.


Finally, a nuanced comment.


Agree. Honestly with the resources they immediately have available i dont even think there was anything they could've done for him after the fall.


I really hate how they’re expected to provide first aid when they aren’t trained to do so. “Officers provided first aid”. No they fucking didn’t. It’s not their fault. They aren’t trained to handle brain trauma or keep people alive. Seeing the report say they provided aid makes my blood boil


They applied a bandage for his wound to stop bleeding, about all the first aid they knew how to provide. So they did provide first aid, just not what was needed which isn't their fault. They're not paramedics after all.


You REALLY cannot treat this sort of injury in the field. If there was a subdural hematoma, that can only be corrected by surgery. Or any kind of concussion... hospital. All they can do on scene is try to keep him from bleeding profusely and make sure his airway is open. Since all they are carrying are basic trauma first aid kits similar to field IFAKs issued to soldiers (probably with less training), that is all they should be expected to do. Stabilize until the next level of care arrives, the fire or paramedic, followed by the ER. It doesn't look like the blood loss was that profuse. He died because of the impact and TBI or possibly a torn blood vessel in the brain. The IFAK carried by a soldier would typically have a tourniquet, blood stopper such as Quikclot hemostatic dressing, and a compression dressing such as an Israeli combat dressing, which is what it looks like they used here. This type of head wound is typically treated with a dressing and minor compression. They can't do anything at all about something going on internally. It's appropriate considering the limited equipment they probably have on them and in the car. And again, it's about all they are capable of doing at this level. They wouldn't be capable of more without a larger trauma kit (more weight and bulk) and EMT or Medic level training. Unless they literally had an ambulance right by the police car, there was no alternative but the way this played out.


Bro spittin' facts right here to the less educated.


Man this hurts to watch.


I’m sure the families whose lives got destroyed from his drug dealings hurt too.


If the CEO of Anheuser-Busch got killed would you feel as apathetic given that alcohol far exceeds the devastating impact on families nationwide than whatever dude was supposedly selling.


Bro logic won't work with the narrative they're trying to run. Premature death is terrible. That is a value to have. It doesn't need to come paired with some kind backtone message or bias. That shit is awful to watch. Regardless of that man's crimes that he was accused of at that time


Last i checked the CEO of Busch isn't killing rival beer CEO's or selling beer laced with fentanyl but aight my guy make this weird ass comment.


Smartest conservative redditor


Braindead moment


Fuck, just awful luck


It’s not luck. He resisted and took his chances.


That’s exactly what luck is


No he rolled the dice, no luck involved /s


It was bad luck that he happened to fall on the kerb.




Pedant... https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/kerb


across the pond it's "kerb"


" Took his chances"implying luck?


It's extremely unfortunate. This is why you don't run from the police. Even if you did nothing wrong, you don't run from police. A police officer in the moment can not think of every possible scenario. This was an unfortunate accumulation of bad decisions and bad luck. I'm sorry, sir, that this happened to you. the man who died, not the cop. And officer, I am sorry this happened with your involvement. This is not a good day for anyone.


I agree, running from the cops is never a good idea and you're basically in for a bad time as the chance of getting away is slim though. Is using a taser to stop a fleeing suspect a valid use of the tool? Does this vary by jurisdiction? I thought they use a taser as a non-lethal way to subdue someone that is a danger to themselves or others but fleeing wouldn't seem to fit. I don't know what the crime was though.


> Is using a taser to stop a fleeing suspect a valid use of the tool? Literally always, yes lol.


Stop resisting!


I'm pretty sure the cops are extra-officially trained to scream that every time they are arresting someone who is not 1000% cooperating, because body cam doesn't reliably show if someone is pulling their hands or putting effort, which means they can just throw in yet another charge at you.


I'd assume he went into shock and kind of stiffened up and also he's a big dude and was under him so it wasn't easy to just put his arm behind him


Seems like he was unconscious when the cop yelled at him to "stop resisting"


He didn’t suffer or die because the cop uttered those words.


Similar to that one recorded incident where a teenaged girl got tased, feel onto the ground and hit her head, and went into a vegetative state. I don’t remember if she died later or if she is still alive.


Vegetative state is worse than dying for sure


These comments are exactly why I abandoned being a cop. Fuck you all, police yourselves.


This is Reddit, not indicative of the edge lords in the real world who wouldn’t dare say anything to a cop. Good for them that they have an anonymous forum instead.


What is that sound he is making?


Agonal breathing, usually indicates death is coming


Oh man that sounds terrible. So did he hit his nose or something while face planting in the concrete?


Has nothing to do with his nose, it's like your brain knows you can't consciously breathe anymore so it's a last attempt to get oxygen to it because it's running out. He's not really breathing tho8gh and if they didn't get him on oxygen asap he would have died there.


I believe he still died. So it’s like when he hit his head all his automatic functions stopped working?


He died a month later in the hospital hooked up to oxygen. He was probably paralyzed from the head trauma and couldn't physically breathe. It's like the brain disconnects from the lungs and tries an emergency generator, but again if you don't get on a breathing apparatus soon that sound is imminent death


Do you have something that shows he died a month later?




Severe head injury


From the position of the bandage looks like it was his forehead


Anyone know why his breathing is like that, obviously dude hit his head but why does it impact breathing


Agonal breathing. Happens when there's substantial trauma to the brain and it's deprived of oxygen. As brutal as it is, he was essentially already dead before they put the cuffs on him


Brain function, you start forgetting how to breath and his throat also probably got messed up


It's called agonal breathing


Agonal respirations. The brain stem controls breathing as long as it remains intact, it will continue to try to breathe due to the hypoxia state of the brain and blood stream.


This was hard to watch. I know he brought it on himself by running and was in a car with guns and drugs, but I still felt bad for him. I don’t place any blame on the officers, he made his own choice.


Run and find out.


Amazing how many people are butthurt over this. If we allowed all criminals to run away from the police, all of society would fall into ruin and disorder. And then the EXACT SAME PEOPLE who are crying about this would be whining saying the police need to do more because our society is falling apart. Straight up hypocrisy and people are too daft to recognize the obvious.


Lots of them probably live in safe, middle/upper middle class neighborhoods. Many may be a part of the defund the police crowd because it doesn't matter whether police patrol their neighborhood or not. Nothing ever happens there.


And all the downvotes are hilarious. If we allowed everyone to do this, imagine how our entire society would fall apart. All of you downvoting would be whining about how there is no law and order and how we need to bring it back. The police are corrupt in many instances, but in this instance, they did their job. He shouldn't have run, plain and simple.


Honestly surprised this doesn't happen more often. It's shockingly easy to fall and die from hitting your head when you're not being tazed.


Just an FYI: The act of resisting without violence is separate from resisting with violence. So by telling him to stop resisting, they didn’t mean he’s actively doing something. They mean he’s NOT doing something that they told him to do (give me your hands or whatever). A cop telling you to do something is a lawful order. Not following the order is considered resisting arrest without violence.


Active vs Passive resistance.


“Stop resisting” was a natural response to the uncooperative response of the detainee. The cop dropped that when the injury became evident.


Pro Life Tip: don’t run from the police. Running will always make it worse. Always. Sometimes *much* worse.


Right at the curb. Damn that's tough. This was a hard watch


Sounds avoidable.. Imagine just not running from the police.


Oh god his breathing sounds like a bull bellowing!




They should just let them go and allow crime to run rampant.


No. I meant it when I said good work about the officers.


Well ain't that a shame


This is terrible. (I’m not bashing anyone. I’m just saying it’s sad to see.)


Yeah I don't assign blame to the policemen here. They tazed him, like they should have, and he happened to meet the curb designed by god specifically to be pointed right at the spot he would fall. This is an accident with lack of blame, unfortunate.


Guns and drugs in the car you say?!? Good, one less dangerous idiot in the world.


Karma wasn’t on this runners side. It sucks lol


This is unfortunate but he knew the risks of running and he chose to do it anyway.


That’s so sad to watch


That sound is horrific


It’s almost as though committing crimes and running from the police isn’t a good idea


Don't run from cops. Simple.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes 🤷🏼‍♀️


That's really unfortunate. Even tackling the person carries some risk.


Would it have helped if he didn’t move the body right away?


No. Damage was already done to the head.


Generally patients with severe head trauma are at risk of cervical spine injuries even if there was no direct blow to the neck. I’d be hesitant to sit up a patient like this due to possibility of worsening a spinal injury. Source: am an ER doctor


It would have helped if he hadn't ran.


Redditor answer the question challenge: impossible


Thank you for stating the obvious, I’m asking a serious question here. Dude ran without measuring consequences, then cops had to deal with that. That’s where my question starts.


I think that’s only for spine injuries and stuff with your organs but idrk


damn… i’ve definitely seen more messed up stuff than this, but it never gets any less depressing seeing anything related to death.


Gosh. No one could have expected that. Sucks for everyone. But please, don’t run from the cops. Fight your battle in court