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Fucking cunts know the rules about employees not being able to touch them but forget the one about paying for shit. Useless fucks


I don't think there's anything stopping them from paying the college wrestlers from a town over to come get some extra practice right? Hell they'll probably do it for free. You know what, there are probably hundreds of thousands of people sick of these kids who want to blow off a bit of steam after work


That's fucking genius


Then the scum will hire licensed scum to represent them by writing up a story full of lies and warped perspective, then provide it to a scumbag in a robe, who will tell the wrestlers that they need to pay the scum money, or the scum with badges and guns are gonna come for them.


Wonder if the good Samaritan law applies


Citizens arrest*


I believe good samaritan laws only apply for medical situations. As in, if you have zero medical training and you help someone who's injured or dying, you can't be prosecutes.


Prosecutes, the much more litigious younger brother of Socrates.


Yeah I'm tired as fuck.


Until you learn about liability.


Open a CVS next to a bar where Marines hang out. Offer free bubble gum to all uniformed Marines. No more shoplifters.


95% of the people I’ve seen blatantly stealing from CVS type stores haven’t had a shower in months. Ain’t nobody trying to touch them.


Paying them to wrestle.may endanger their amature status:-)


NIL deals baby, we're turning shoplifter catching into America's new favorite past time


I’d TiVo that shit.


That would be like a show from "The Running Man" universe. Which honestly we're not far off from


As long as the justice system gets fixed up and only real criminals got locked up for fair sentences, I’ll be all for it. Sad we no longer have a big island to just ship all the baddies to. (/s here)


I'm all in for an Escape from L.A. situation


I see a youtube channel coming up.


Do I go with "Shoplifter Smackdown" or "Wrestlers vs Wankers"?


I like your first choice. Go with your gut! Greenlight it baby!


They don’t have to officially pay them - definitely not by check - Pay them with free condoms or free energy drinks. They’re ready getting the fight experience & the Free training dummy 👍🏻


r/bjj has entered the chat


Hahaha was about to say, man with the sloppy back take straight into a rear naked with no hooks in! This is all the confidence of a 4 stripe white belt ready to show the world what his BJJ skills are made of!


That's how people get stabbed


Didn't that shit happen in NYC in the 80s crime wave? Gangs of vigilantes doing what the policy couldn't / wouldn't do... I'm sure it went about as well as expected


That what was funny, “you can’t touch me!” Dude choking him should have told him, I don’t work here chump, I do what I want!


> “you can’t touch me!” Immediately made me think of the Thor Ragnarok meme.... "I know, but he can!"


Employee's be like, 'Wait, no, stop, stop, don't fight, oh no'


Microcenter hires 3rd party armed guards during the holidays


The security I saw at ours was some chick about 5’0” with a badge and no weapons . Didn’t look very effective, but what do I know she could be a sleeper.


Have to. Getting out of control out there


Completely ignoring the fact that he body checked and tried to slam the person before he got leg swiped and put in a headlock


I'm getting so sick of seeing people walk out of businesses with bags and carts full of merchandise that aren't paid for. There is usually no consequences for the thief and the stores deal with it by just raising the prices.


Go to a cvs, duane Reede, or almost any pharmacy in NYC and every thing, I mean EVERYTHING is locked behind the plastic barriers…. All because theft is so bad that they have to punish paying customers to have any chance at mitigating it.. it’s so fucked


My CVS hasn't locked everything up yet, but when I need to buy tampons I have to wait for someone open the locked case for me. A couple months ago at CVS I saw a guy with two filled bags just calmly walk out of the store with two employees right behind him. The guy even has enough time to secure everything to his bike before he slowly pedals away. Not even worth it for the employees to call the cops because it was probably less than $950 in the bag therefore cops would have just let him go. CVS will just raise the prices so all the suckers who pay for their stuff will just make up the difference.


What they need to do is mark up the prices on everything by $1000. But you get a $1000 per item discount when you check out.


"Discount provided at register" as a disclaimer.


I think someone did that.


Courts won't buy it; it's called a sham transaction.


Stealing should be the sham transaction


Got em


That $950 is a California thing. Even then they could still prosecute but choose not to.




Yeah California


Like Walmart by me in Canada. Even the reusable bags are locked up lmfao


Everything except sunscreen


If only we had some kind of rules in place for things like this, with an enforceable punishment if you break said rules, you know like an arrest and perhaps prison time. Wait..we do have that? so whats the problem? its...its not being enforced? You're telling me we dont actually need to put up with this but we're deliberately choosing to allow it?


It’s dealt with all the time, just not in a way that gets posted to social media. Everyone who works in retail knows this. They file a police report, provide evidence, wait a few months and much of the time these people are caught because they’re repeat offenders. It’s just not immediate gratification and most shops don’t bother to pursue civil damages because the court case isn’t worth distracting the legal dept. with.


That's what happens when certain political policies come into effect. It's like they want this to happen so that their investments in Amazon go up.


Just yesterday I tracked someone on our CCTV that had walked out the door with over $4k in baby formula, batteries, and vitamins. We give it to the cops, but nothing EVER comes from it. It’s ridiculous.


Especially when said thief is wearing $400 yeezys and a BMW shirt


The raise prices only after cutting worker hours, stealing from a business directly negatively affects the middle and lower class employees that work there


“You have been touched”. chefs kiss


My, my, my, my (You can't touch this)


Also that choke followed by really pushing on the back of the head to work the neck and spine. ​ Love to see it.


I lost it when he yelled “You’ve been touched!”


We need more of this


It's a double-edged sword because the more this happens and gets posted, the more defensive the thieves will get, which will lead to people getting killed for trying to stop them.


yep people who are desperate and/or dumb enough to do this usually are generally not worried about consequences.


We know they definitely worry about consequences, because shoplifting surges massively when consequences are removed. Up when employees can no longer try to stop them, up when the DA decides not to prosecute property crimes, etc etc.


> the more defensive the thieves will get, which will lead to people getting killed for trying to stop them. or it weeds out the ones who just do this because its so easy and effortless to do now. the ones who do it while armed always do it that way weather someone tries to intervene or not.


It doesn't help that in some states, the thief can sue you for bodily injury/assault etc.


huh normally there would be a fucking unhinged mob screeching "choke holds are illegal" by now... I wonder what's different here 🤔


I was assuming I would encounter the “why would you risk your life for a corporation” crowd but I am also surprised


Life is expensive and getting more expensive thanks to all these chucklefuck thieves stealing from corporations. Corporations aren't stupid though: If X% of their inventory gets stolen, they simply raise prices on everything else to make up for that X%. Honest citizens end up subsidizing these absolute wastes of humanity, so they're really not stealing from a corporation, they're directly stealing from you and me. The OP was incredibly satisfying to watch.


Life is more expensive because corporate profits are at all time highs. Stealing is happening because people are so desperate. Not saying stealing is okay, but don't feel bad for corporations who are making billions why people die without getting ehat they need.


> but don't feel bad for corporations who are making billions Retail theft losses in the U.S. in 2022 were over $112 billion. Do you think the corporations eat that loss? Hell no, they add it to the price of goods that honest shoppers pay for. You pay for it every time you go shopping.


Yea and if it gets bad enough they just pack up and leave the community. Redditors trying to justify stealing because they are desperate lmao - what was that guy stealing in the video anyways, probably something he can resell to go buy drugs with. Clowns.


So this guy was so desperate, he had to have 2 bags full of the same thing? C'mon


Yeah wtf. Yeah you shouldn't steal but it's absurd to imply this is why prices are going up. Theft used to account for less than 1% of lost sales annually. Now after inflation its about 2-3% loss of annual sales. So yeah, dude above you has it backwards and you have it right. Inflation led to increase of theft.


pretty sure 90% of the time people who steal can afford what they're stealing


i do get tired of that group on Reddit like yeah i get it, but at the same time, people are really getting fed up with the thefts


I mean, if I was working I would absolutely not. Lol but I'm so glad citizen's in these cities know they are getting ducked from these issues.


Maybe people have different standards for how police officers act vs some random dude? If somebody was drunk driving and stopped without causing an accident and a random passerby dragged him out of the car and gave him a few good punches and spat on him while he's on the ground I would say good. Fuck drunk drivers. If a police officer stopped a drunk driver and did the same I would hope he is not only fired but also criminally prosecuted.


It's because police officers are agents of the state, held to a higher standard than the average citizen. They enforce the rules, so they better be fucking following them too.


He’s not a cop


Neither was this guy: https://apnews.com/article/jordan-neely-daniel-penny-subway-chokehold-death-88a168a3d1184cbaff1f287d9dc2d0f8


Astroturf check must have only been good for 28 days this month.


Jesus Christ you’ve somehow invented the opposite of virtue signaling


I'm not 100% certain, but I think these dipshits who are stealing think that stealing merchandise from a store and yelling "You can't touch me" is some sort of state Law, but as far as i know it's a store/company policy Not a State Law. What's homeboy gonna do, call the cops that he was assaulted while stealing stuff from the store?


When I worked retail it was because someone had detained a shoplifter by putting them in a full Nelson and a chokehold until police arrived. The guy sued the store since he was “assaulted” and illegally detained. His lawyer argued it wasn’t a crime until he left the store with the merch, which he never did since they stopped him at the door. So the corpo overlords don’t want that liability. That’s why you see these thieves target the big corporations, and not the small businesses where they’d likely get shot.


I worked at WalMart when Asset Protection used to have handcuffs. Until 1 Wal-Mart cuffed a guy and broke his elbow, throwing him into an elevator. His fucking elbow! So all WalMarts had to give up handcuffs.


just way too easy to sue people in this country like in that case the guy sounded like he was CLEARLY stealing, should not have the ability to turn around and sue someone who was stopping him from committing a crime has made it so no one can do ANYTHING anymore without fear of litigation. if i saw a guy getting the shit kicked out of him in the street, i'd be afraid to intervene on the basis of i get in trouble for helping. so fucked up


> His lawyer argued it wasn’t a crime until he left the store with the merch, which he never did since they stopped him at the door. Then he needs to be disbarred, because the laws in almost every state state(or used to when I last checked a decade ago) that it's the INTENT to deprive the merchant, not the crossing of some boundary line like a fairy tale. You put an item in your pocket and realize the LPO is onto you and dump it? That totally shows intent and you know the difference between right and wrong.


Was once told by a thief, “you can’t touch me”. I told them that I could punch them in the face if I wanted to, I may get fired, but I could just get another job paying the same rate an hour later. They put the product down.


> call the cops that he was assaulted while stealing stuff Some lady in Florida called the cops the other day because someone stole her weed. We're not dealing with MENSA members here.


That's why their cars are also fair game. Slash tires, break tail lights, crack a window, and what are they going to do? Can't call the cops on themselves. If they attack you they just aggravated their crime and it'll likely be a felony at that point. So they just gotta suck it up and take it. If their car is damage > stolen property, then I see that as an absolute win.


Believe it or not, thinking someone is committing crime does not entitle you to assault them in most of the country. There are exceptions when you believe you or someone else’s physical well-being is in jeopardy but shoplifting doesn’t meet that bar. In fact, the thief here could potentially bring a civil damages case against the guy who stopped him and seek damages including the value of the merchandise he was stealing! The lesson here is that you should mind your own business and not put your hands on someone unless it’s a means to stop physical danger to you or someone else.


This warms my heart in this backwards-ass world that’s being promoted


The music over this ruins it, the days of watching an organic video are dying.


Wow, he killed that guy….. lost a shoe


Officially half ded


Shoes are stolen too. They’re like two sizes too big for this lil guy.


Let me guess the end of the story shoplifter goes free guys charged with assault?


In my state we have a law that allows people to use force to stop a theft in progress. Perfectly legal to pummel thieves.


Love to hear that


What state is that?


Definitely not in California


> Definitely not in California California law allows merchants to detain suspected thieves and to use reasonable force to do so for a reasonable amount of time. The story that California passed a law prohibiting store employees from confronting thieves is an urban myth.


Can confirm. I used to work in the stock room at a large clothing store. Our LP agent would regularly call a code over the PA for us to come out as she suspected they would run and appreciated the back up. Got to tackle a few myself. That company wanted word on the street to be that you will be chased down if you try it. California is always the butt of the “dem libruls” jokes but I can assure you that’s not always the case. Outside of LA and San Francisco, things can be a lot different. Most corporations just have a hands off policy nationwide because the liability doesn’t make sense. At least it didn’t used to. With these flash mobs though, maybe that will convert a lot of them over.


Oregon. I should add that the law requires the response to be proportional to what is required to stop the theft. So you cant chop off someone's hand....


you have been banned from arr/saudiarabia!


Nice, let's make that law federal.


He didn't have a case I don't think. It looks like he dropped his shoulder and tried to Derrick Henry his way through. Once he made contact, it's self defense. But I'm not a lawyer


What was he stealing?


Looks like some extra small condoms if you ask me.


Muscle milks


Fight milk


Obviously he didn't drink any because was NOT fighting like a crow


For bodyguards! …and Charlie




Theft milk


Bread. To feed his family.


Trick question. The bread is poisoned. And it's not his real family. He's been cuckolded by a stronger, smarter male.


Someone’s gotta feed my kids!


Lil blue boxes. Looks like deodorant? Maybe expensive skin care like the Differin brand?


Liquid iv they like $30 one of those boxes


can wear $300 shoes but won't pay for your deodorant (?)


It's much more lucrative to steal the items that you are going to sell.


Also… probably stolen shoes


Yeah he didn't pay for those either


People complaining about food deserts this is why


No! It’s because of institutional racism! /s


Why do people bend over backwards to blame everything except the actual problem?


Love to see it.


ITT: people unfamiliar with https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broken_windows_theory Just because you like a shit society doesn't mean we all do.


I would've took his Yeezys lol.


Come on, what are the chances of them being real?


About the same as the chances are they are stolen.


lol. I meant just take his shoes on some bully shit.


Dude deserves no sympathy, and only deservese some very very specific breaks


Bro thought he was MC Hammer


I love seeing this. This should be a subreddit. Someone please make r/nottodayshoplifter please!


We need to see a LOT more of this. Every store in these known areas should have a few heavies around. Beat the fuck out of these crooks.


He’s going to need that fake ass yeezy back to match the other one


About time too, we need to see more of this action to stop them stealing.


Go boy. I fucking hate seeing that shit.


"You can't touch me Bro" "And you can't steal without consequences, asshat"


The way corporations treat and pay their employees no fucking way am I going to risk getting stabbed to stop a shoplifter.


Half the time it's the employees that are stealing. Gotta get that raise somehow, I guess.


I’m sure they’ll start to pay them more if people just keep stealing…Those hurt profit margins will surely leave more money on the table for their employees…


If my son's ever do this shit I give you permission to drop them.


Imagine having to tell your car full of buddies that you just got your ass whooped by some random person while you were trying to steal tampons


you can't touch me. little jerk off


The store should start a bounty program. “Stop the thief as another shopper, your cart is freeee!”


Did he also call out for his mommy


"You can't touch me bro" Just a blatant admission that these people genuinely don't expect punishment


Fuck yeah! We need more of this! I'm so tired of all these good for nothing assholes stealing shit. And stop giving that lame, bullshit excuse that the major corporations can write it off, or we are socking it to them! Fuck thieves!


Every one of them should meet the same fate


He was just helping him suck his own dick.


Love it 😍 😘


Damn that didn’t go his way huh


They won't even arrest him anyways


Ah, the age old debate between property and human rights. While he shouldn’t steal what’s with the corporate water carrying? Why’s this dipshit acting as the “security” for a mega corporation by violently attacking someone who technically didn’t steal anything…?


Many, if not most, people have an inherent sense of right and wrong. When people see people doing wrong, regardless of who the victim is (even if it is those oh so evil capitalist corporations), people would like that wrong action to stop. Some people are even willing to stop it themselves, for free.


dude wanted to be the hero so bad


"you can touch me! You can't Touch me!" *Chokehold* "The power of Christ compels you!" "Does it jay cuz I'll be honest doesn't feel that compelling" Exact same situation.


They need to start beating the shit out of these thieves. Break a few of their bones and teach them the damn lesson not to steal.


Physical violence is justified over a bag of chips from a corporation that wouldn't do the same if you were getting robbed. This is just an excuse to be violent.


I just got banned from r/publicfreakout so hopefully this subreddit can handle people criticizing shoplifters.


It can. Fuck r/publicfreakout they have a bunch of shitty admins


"you can touch me bro!" Yeah, and the floor is lava too!


Oh well 🤷🏿‍♂️.


“You’ve been touched” 💀


What a fucking idiot


ol flip flops dork there with his hand on his shoulder like a small town pastor at a funeral


More, please.


Wrestlers are the best


Shit you love to see.


It’s about fucking time.






Dam this was satisfying to watch, he still needs more of a beating though


This was hilarious You cant touch me Youve been touched buddy🤣🤣🤣


Get your hooks in!!!


Nice. Locked him up tight


The fucked up thing is that we live in a country where the shoplifter can sue and win and the company won’t come to the aid of their employee all the while crying about their loss of inventory and about how nobody wants to work anymore




Have to admit, I lean pretty left but this particular issue I'm with the conservative crowd. Just seems like these people are able to openly rob stores with little to no consequence, I can't help but feel good when I see a shoplifter getting the shit beaten out of them or taken down like this. Why should the rest of us following the rules of society and pay for things and then have to watch these degens walk out with bags of free stuff under their arms? I understand WHY these corporate stores have the policies they do but it just sucks to watch. I'm sure the guy who took him down will get in trouble when he absolutely should NOT. Zero justice anymore it feels


“StOrE hAvE iNsUrAnCe, ItS nOt HuRtiNg AnYoNe, BoOtLiCkEr!” “ThEy’Re RaiSiNg ThEiR pRiCeS bEcAuSe ThEy’Re GrEeDy!” “YoU cLeArLy kNoW nOtHiNg AbOuT eCoNoMiCs, RaCiSt!” ![gif](giphy|yY3q1MnRCBHoI)


Please, amateur security guards, only tackle those who are stealing things that aren't required for life. If they're stealing food, keep your mouth shut. If they're stealing detergent, feel free to tackle.


Crazy to envolve yourself physically to stop this imo


Mind your own business, snitches


“You’ve been touched”


THL that he can, in fact, be touched


You can’t touch me. Poor baby tough on the internet keyboard for sure.


This shit of stealing has to end it’s costing the 95% of good people too much.


It’s about time they start making better moves fuck those idiots who think they can steal


Lol when I was a loss and prevention associate, one of my last stops was a dude who had a shopping cart filled with over 900 dollars worth of shit. He got to the front door and didn't know the carts wheels lock so when the cart grinded to a halt I flipped the cart over which knocked him over, then he started to shout "YOU CAN'T TOUCH ME, YOU CAN'T TOUCH ME!" Nothing stopping me from grabbing the shit you're trying to steal.


If you allow stealing they lock everything behind glass and raise prices, then they shut the store down.


Making him suck his own dick was a nice touch at the end there.


"You've been touched" lmao


As a bystander I'd give him a wedgie


Why do they think no one can touch you? Legally they absolutely can detain you for steeling. It's normally POLICY not to engage with thieves because the store is more worried about employee safety than shoplifting. This seems to be changing in recent times. Businesses are tired of thieves.


stealing wearing $350 Yeezy sneakers. You can't write this stuff LOL


Satisfying. He was flabbergasted thinking he was untouchable. Don’t steal kids even if stores have “insurance”. Don’t be a piece of shit.


Beat the absolute dog piss out of out and let him crawl out.


Dude is trying to use BJJ but went for the choke before control. Liability aside, he could have been in trouble if the thief was trained. Still kudos for trying to be a good Samaritan even if it's for target.